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Aristotle: Texts and Commentaries to

17 in the University of Pennsylvania

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The University of Pennsylvania Faculty: A Study in

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Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania, 1890-1975
Lynne Allen Leopold

Aenesidemus of Cnossus Testimonia Cambridge Classical

Texts and Commentaries 52 1st Edition Roberto Polito

Frontiers for Social Work: A Colloquium on the Fiftieth

Anniversary of the School of Social Work of the
University of Pennsylvania W. Wallace Weaver (Editor)

The University of Pennsylvania Today: Its Buildings,

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The University Library in the United States: Its

Origins and Development Arthur Hamlin
T O 1700
in the University of Pennsylvania Library
A Catalogue

in the University of Pennsylvania Library

A Catalogue


University of Pennsylvania Press
© 1961 by the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania

Published in Great Britain, India, and Pakistan

by the Oxford University Press
London, Bombay, and Karachi

Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 60-9614

Printed in the United States of America


H E only comprehensive Aristotle bibliographies now avail-

able are Moïse Schwab's Bibliographie d'Aristote (Paris, 1896)
and the Aristotle section of S.F.G. Hoffmann's Lexicon Biblio-
graphicum (Leipzig, 1832-1836). These are valuable for their
relative completeness but the brevity of their descriptions, neces-
sary in view of their scope, limits their usefulness. The Aristotle
sections of the published catalogues of the British Museum and the
Bibliothèque Nationale, of the Deutscher Gesamtkatalog, and of the
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke are other important lists, as is also
t h e Catalogue of the Aristotelian and Philosophical Portions of the
Library of the late Henry William Chandler ( O x f o r d , 1891). I t is h o p e d
that the present catalogue will be a useful supplement to these
other lists.
We have followed the practice of the British Museum in group-
ing all books containing the texts of Aristotle's works under one
heading, whether accompanied by commentary or not. Only
books pertaining directly to the works of Aristotle have been
included, thus excluding a n u m b e r of others closely related to
Aristotle—for instance, the treatises on logic of William Ockham
and Petrus Hispanus. Editors and translators have been given
whenever possible, except for the Complete Works and Selected
Works. Unless otherwise stated the identification of a medieval
translator is that found in G. Lacombe, Aristoteles Latinus: Codices
(Rome and Cambridge, 1939-1955). T h e spurious and doubtful
works are listed alphabetically with the genuine. Cross-references
have been m a d e for several works issued together and listed under
the first, for titles contained in the Selected Works, and for commen-
taries published with texts.
This catalogue first appeared in five installments in the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania Library Chronicle, X X I I - X X I V (1956-1958).
For the present edition a n u m b e r of errors in the original catalogue
have been corrected, 82 new items added, and indexes revised.
This list thus represents our Aristotle holdings as ofJune, 1958; we
hope to publish periodic supplements in the Library Chronicle, for
this is an actively growing collection.
I wish to express my thanks to Norman P. Zacour, Associate
Professor of History and Custodian of Text Manuscripts at the
Library, who provided the descriptions of the manuscripts, and to
Rudolf Hirsch, Assistant Director of Libraries and Curator of
Rare Books, who has given me much helpful advice and criticism.
University of Pennsylvania Library











H E Aristotle Collection of the University of Pennsylvania Li-

T brary owes its existence to Dr. Charles W . Burr, professor in the
University's Medical School and generous donor to the Library. His
gifts of books over a long period of years included many valuable
Aristotle items and in 1932 he presented his own library to the Uni-
versity. Furthermore, a bequest at the time of his death in 1944 es-
tablished a fund which has at times permitted the addition of other
important books to this collection. T h e Library has felt a special
obligation to add to the collection in order to make it as representa-
tive and useful as possible.
These books and manuscripts are a rich source for those interested
in medieval and Renaissance scholarship. T h e very number of the
early printed editions in this catalogue—over five hundred—attests to
the importance that was attached to the study of Aristotle during the
fifteenth, sixteenth, and in some places, even the seventeenth cen-
turies. Medieval Latin translations of the texts of Aristotle continued
to appear during the Renaissance. T h e twelfth-century translations
of Guilelmus of Moerbeke can be noted in this catalogue as late as
1589; even when a contemporary translation was available and was
used, it was not uncommon for the earlier version to be printed with
it. Translations by Jacobus de Venetia and Boethius, also, continued
to be issued during the sixteenth century and are here represented
by editions as late as 1616. A number of seveñteenth-century theses
published at Jesuit schools—most of them at Dillingen—are included,
as are also several volumes of manuscript lecture notes taken at the
same schools. Among other Jesuit books are commentaries by Cardi-
nal Francisco Toledo and publications of the Collegium Conimbri-
cense under the editorship of Manuel de Góis.
Aristotelianism kept its important place in universities. T h e Uni-
versity of Cologne, for instance, was founded under Dominican
influence and long remained faithful to the tradition of Thomas
Aquinas. T h i s is demonstrated in this catalogue which contains
nineteen editions published at Cologne for the University from ca.
1470 to 1508.
O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , A r i s t o t e l i a n i s m was n o t s i m p l y a t r a d i t i o n
" l e f t o v e r " f r o m a n earlier t i m e . T h e lists of c o m m e n t a t o r s , trans-
lators, a n d e d i t o r s i n c l u d e n a m e s of m a n y w e l l - k n o w n h u m a n i s t s
f r o m all over E u r o p e . T h e s e m e n , p r o t a g o n i s t s of t h e n e w l e a r n i n g ,
n e v e r t h e l e s s c o n c e r n e d themselves w i t h t h a t s a m e p h i l o s o p h e r w h o
so d o m i n a t e d t h e t e a c h i n g of t h e m e d i e v a l scholastics. A m o n g t h e s e
n a m e s a r e Bessarion, E r m o l a o a n d D a n i e l l o B a r b a r o , D o n a t o Accia-
iuoli, J o a n n e s A r g y r o p o u l o s , L e o n a r d o B r u n i , M a r s i l i o F i c i n o ,
G u i l l a u m e B u d é , E r a s m u s , Josse C l i c h t o v e , F r a n c e s c o F i l e l f o , Ales-
sandro Piccolomini, Pietro Pompanazzi, J u a n Ginés de Sepulveda,
A d r i e n T u r n è b e , Sebastian Fox M o r c i l l o , a n d G i a c o m o Z a b a r e l l a .
T h e collection is especially s t r o n g in A r i s t o t e l i a n w o r k s by J a c q u e s
L e F è v r e d ' É t a p l e s , w i t h t h i r t e e n e d i t i o n s of his c o m m e n t a r i e s a n d
s u m m a r i e s , a n d f o u r o t h e r b o o k s e d i t e d by h i m . N o . 351 is a n edi-
t i o n n o t d e s c r i b e d elsewhere. 1
A n o t h e r i n d i c a t i o n of the i n f l u e n c e of A r i s t o t l e is t h e g r e a t n u m -
ber of t r a n s l a t i o n s of his works i n t o t h e v e r n a c u l a r . T h e G e r m a n ,
I t a l i a n , a n d F r e n c h versions in this c o l l e c t i o n b e a r witness to t h e
w i d e i n t e r e s t in his works t h r o u g h o u t E u r o p e .
S c h o o l b o o k e d i t i o n s are n o t e w o r t h y , also. Most of t h e m a r e sum-
m a r y c o m p i l a t i o n s f r o m Aristotle's scientific a n d logical works; s o m e
are a c c o m p a n i e d by selections f r o m o t h e r classical a u t h o r s . A m o n g
the s c h o o l b o o k s are t h r e e e d i t i o n s of t h e Parvulus Philosophiae
Naturalis, two of t h e m w i t h c o m m e n t a r i e s , t h e Auctoritates Aristo-
telis, B a r t h o l o m a e u s de U s i n g e n ' s Exercitiurn Phisicorum, t h e Da ta
Notabilia, a n d t h e Problemata Aristotelis.
F e w aspects of m e d i e v a l a n d R e n a i s s a n c e civilization were f r e e
f r o m t h e i n f l u e n c e of " T h e P h i l o s o p h e r . " W e believe, t h e n , t h a t
this collection, seemingly so strictly l i m i t e d to o n e g r e a t figure, will
p r o v e u s e f u l in a great variety of scholarly p u r s u i t s .

Note and List of References

ι For c o m m e n t s on Aristotelian l i t e r a t u r e of the Renaissance p e r i o d see; Paul

Oskar Kristeller, The Classics and Renaissance Thought, H a r v a r d L'niversilv
Press, 1955, c h a p t e r II; E. P. Goldschmidt, The First Cambridge Press in its
European Setting, Cambridge, 1955, pp. 22-24, 72; idem, Medieval Texts and
their First Appearance in Print, L o n d o n , 1943, p p . 18-23.

[ 10]
Catalogue of Books Printed in the XVth Century Now in the
British Museum, London, 1908-1949. 8 parts.
Cartier C A R T I E R , A L F R E D , Bibliographie des éditions des De Tournes,
imprimeurs lyonnais, Paris, 1937.
Census BIBLIOCRAPHICAL S O C I E T Y O P A M E R I C A , Census of Fif-
teenth Century Books Owned in America, New York, 1919.
Cop. C O P I N G E R , W. Α., Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bib-
liographicum, London, 1895-1902. 2 vols.
Copinger COPINGER, Η . B . , The Elsevier Press: a Handlist of the
Productions of the Elzevier Presses at Leyden, Amsterdam, the
Hague and Utrecht, London, 1927.
Gamba GAMBA, BARTOLOMMEO, Serie dei testi di lingua di altre opere
importanti nella Italiana letteratura, scritte dal secolo XIV al
XIX . . . Quarta edizione, Venice, 1839.
GW Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, Leipzig, 1925-1940. 8 vols.
H (or, Hain) HAIN, LUDWIG, Repertorium bibliographicum, Stuttgart,
1826-38. 2 vols.
H C (or, Hain-Copinger) as supplemented by W. A. Copinger,
Supplement to Hain's Repertorium bibliographicum, London,
1895-1902. 2 vols.
HCR as supplemented by D. Reichling, Ap-
pendices ad Haimi-Copingeri Repertorium bibliographicum,
Munich, 1905-1911. 7 vols.
Isaac PROCTOR, R. G . C. An Index to the Early Printed Books in
the British Museum: Part 2, Sections 2 & 3, by Francis S.
Isaac, London, 1898-1903; 1938.
Madan M A D A N , F A L C O N E R , The Early Oxford Press: A Bibliog-
raphy of Printing and Publishing at Oxford, Oxford, 1895.

Palau P A L A U Y D U L C E T , A N T O N I O , Manual del librero hispano-

americano; Inventario bibliografico de la producción científica y
literaria de España y de la América latina, Barcelona, 1923-
1927. 7 vols.
Panzer, Annales P A N Z E R , G E O R G , Annales typographici ab artis inventae
origine ad annum MD, Nuremberg, 1793-1797. 5 vols.,
and his Annales typographici ab anno M DI ad annum
MDXXXVI, Nuremberg, 1798-1803. 6 vols.
Polain P O L A I N , L O U I S , Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième
siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique, Brussells, 1932. 4 vols.
Proctor P R O C T O R , R O B E R T , An Index to the Early Printed Books in
the British Museum, London, 1898-1903; 1938. 6 vols.
Reichling R E I C H L I N G , D I E T R I C H , Appendices ad Hainii-Copingeri Reper-
torium bibliographicum, Munich, 1095-1911. 7 vols.
Renouard, Aldus RENOUARD, Α . Α . , Annales de l'imprimerie des Aide . . .
Troisième éd., Paris, 1834.
R e n o u a r d , Colines RENOUARD, PHILIPPE, Bibliographie des éditions de Simon de
Colines, 1520-1546, Paris, 1894.
[ H ]
T A I R E , Repertoire bibliographique des Livres imprimés en Alsace
au 76me siècle de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de
Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 1945-1950. 3 vols.

Ruelens R U E L E N S , C H A R L E S , Annales Plantinienrus depuis la fonda-

tion de Vimprimerie Plantiniennc à Anvers jusqu'à la mort de
Chr. Plantin (1555-1589), Paris, 1866.

Sander SANDER, M A X , Le lime à figures italien depuis 1467 jusqu'à

1530, Milan, 1942. 6 vols.

Schreiber S C H R E I B E R , W I L H E L M , Un catalogue des incunables à figures

imprimés en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Autriche-Hongrie et en
Scandinavie, Berlin, 1910-1911.

Schwab SCHWAB, MOÏSE, Bibliographie cTAristote, Paris, 1896.

Simon SIMON, A. L-, Bibliotheca Bacchica, vol. 2. Paris, 1932.

STC P O L L A R D , A . W . , A Short-Title Catalogue oj Books Printed

in England, Scotland, & Ireland, & oj English Books Printed
Abroad, 1475-1640, London, 1926.

Stillwell B I B L I O G R A P H I C A L S O C I E T Y OF A M E R I C A , Incunabula in
American Libraries; a second Census oj Fifteenth-Century Books
Owned in the United States, Mexico, and Canada, Edited by
Margaret Bingham Stillwell, New York, 1940.

Vanderhaeghen V A N D E R H A E C H E N , F E R D I N A N D , Bibliotheca erasmiana; Ré-

pertoire des oeuvres d'Erasme, Ghent, 1893.

Voulliéme (Κ) V O U L L I É M E , E R N S T , Der Buchdruck Kölns bis zum Ende des

jünjzehnten Jahrhunderts, Bonn, 1903.

Willems WILLEMS, A L P H O N S E , Les Elzevier; histoire et annales

typographiques, Brussells, 1880.

[ 12]
T O 1700
in the University of Pennsylvania Library
A Catalogue
Printed Books
1. Complete works; edited by Aldus Manutius and Alexander Bondinus.
Venice, Aldus Manutius, 1495-1498. 5v. in 6. Fol.
GW 2334; Stillwell A858; Rcnouard, Aldus, pp. 7 - 8 .

2. 'Αριστοτέλους άπαντα. Aristotelis . . . opera quaecunqfu«] impressa

hactenus extiterunt omnia . . . Edited by Destderius Erasmus and
Simon Grynaeus. Basel, J . Bebel & M . Isengrin, 1539. 2v. in 1. Fol.
Vanderhaegen, pt. 2, p. 10.

3. . Basel, J . Bebel & M . Isengrin, 1550. 2v. in 1. Fol.

This edition has notes and emendations by Justus Velsius, Matthias Flaciiu,
Konrad Geaner, and Pietro Vettori. Vanderhaegen, pt. 2, p. 10.

4. Complete works; edited by Giovanni Battista Camozzi, with prefaces by

Federico Torresani. Venice, " a p u d Aldi filios, expensis . . . Federici
de Turrisanis," 1551 (-1553). 5v. 8vo.
This edition has no general title page; each volume has a special title page with
contents in Greek and Latin. The sixth volume (dated 1552) containing works
by Theophrastus is not in the University's collection. Renouard, Aldus, p. 150.

5. 'Αριστοτέλους τά ίύρισκόμίνα. Aristotelis opera quae exstant. Addita

nonusq [uam] ob argumenti similitudinem q u a e d a m Theophrasti,
Alexandri, Cassii . . . Edited by Friedrich Sylburg. Frankfurt, " A p u d
Andreae Wecheli heredes, Claudium Marnium, & Ioannem
Aubrium," 1584-1587. 11 v. in 5. 8vo.
Preliminary matter (44 pp. including general title) is bound with vols. 1 and 2.
The volumes, each unnumbered and with special title, were also issued sepa-
rately. Vol. 8 is not in the original (1584) edition but in the 1596 reprint. A
variorum edition; contents arc listed in full in Deutscher Gesamtkatalog 6:5898.

b. Greek and Latin

6. 'Αριστοτέλους τον Σταγΐίριτον τά σωζόμενα. Operum Aristotelis Sta-
giritae Philosophorum omnium longe principis, noua editio . . .
ex bibliotheca Isaaci Casauboni . . . Lyons, J . Bubonius [accord-
ing to Baudrier, I, 239, this was printed in Geneva by G. Lae-
marius], 1590. 2v. in 1. Fol.
7. . Accesserunt huic editioni Kyriaci Strozae libri duo politi-
corum graecolatini, in quibus ea quae ab Aristotele in 8. libris
explicata non fuerunt, persequitur . . . Geneva, P. de la Roviere,
1605. 2v. Fol.
8. . Edited by Giulio Pace. Geneva, P. de la Rovière, 1607.
v. 1 (of 2). 8vo.
[ 15]
Vol. 2 (not in the University's collection) is dated 1606. This edition does not
contain the additions by Ciriaco Strozzi.

c. Latin
9. Aristotelis Stagiritae . . . O p e r a q u a e q u i d e m extant o m n i a ,
latinitate uel iam olim, uel n u n c recens à uiris doctissimis d o n a t a
. . . Item Io. Lodouici Viuis Valentini, d e libris Aristotelicis
censura . . . Ad haec de uita Aristotelis, d e q ; genere philosophiae,
ac scriptis eiusdem, c o m m e n t a t i o doctissima, per P h i l i p p u m
M e l a n c h t h o n e m . Basel, [J. Oporinus], 1538. 2v. in 1. Fol.
10. Aristotelis Stagiritae tripartitae philosophiae o p e r a o m n i a absolu-
tissima, ex optimis quibusque, m a x i m è nouis interpretibus collecta
. . . ac d e n i q u e in s u u m u e r u m & n a t u r a l e m o r d i n e m digesta . . .
Edited by Celio Secondo Curione. Basel, J . Hervagius, 1563. 12p.l.,
620 cols., 4 1., 516 cols., 5 1., 1248 cols., 4 1., 256 cols., 33 1. diagrs.

11. Aristotelis o m n i a q u a e extant O p e r a . Selectis translationibus,

collatisq; c u m graecis emendatissimis, ac vetustissimis exemplari-
bus, illustrata, pr[a]estantissimorum¿j; [ajetatis nostr[a]e Philoso-
p h o r u m industria diligentissime recognita . . . Includes commen-
taries by Averroes, Levi ben Gershon, Marco Antonio Rimara, Bernardino
Tomitano, and Michael Psellus. Venice, J u n t a (1573-) 1575. 11 v. in
14. 8vo.
T h e general title page is found in the index which is the whole of vol. 11 ; vols.
1 - 6 and 8 are dated 1574, vols. 7 and 9 are dated 1573. Complete contents are
listed in Deutscher Gesamtkatalog 6:5973.
12. Aristotelis O p e r a , q u a e extant omnia, breui paraphrasi, ac litterae
p e r p e t u ò inhaerente explanatione illustrata a P. Syluestro M a u r o
Societatis Iesu . . . R o m e , A. Bernabò, 1668. 6v. 8vo.
Backer-Sommervogel V, 767.


13. Aristotelis, et X e n o p h o n t i s Ethica, Politica, & O e c o n o m i c a . C u m
alijs aliquot ex Plutarcho, Proclo, & A l e x a n d r e Aphrodisiensi
Cömentationibus. Basel, J o h a n n W a l d e r , [ca. 1535]. 7p.l., 606p.
Contents. Aristotle: Ethica Nicomachea; Magna Moralia; Politica; Oecono-
mica.— Proclus Diadochus: In Platonis rem publicam commentarli (on Book
IV only). — Plutarch: Q u o m o d o quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus.—
Xenophon: De república Lacedaemoniorum; De república Atheniensìum ¡part
of Book I only, with other text added); Oeconomicus.—Alexander of Aphro-
disas: Quod virtus non sufficiat ad beatitudinem (part of his De Anima,
Book I I ; see Supplementum Aristotelicum, Berlin, 1887, II, pt. 1, pp. 159—1681.
14. Άριστοτΐλους Φισικήί άκροάσ£ω$, βιβλία Θ. Πίρί Ουρανού Δ . . . Aris-
totelis De Physica auscultatiöe, lib. 8. D e Coelo 4 . . . Ad exem-
[ 16]
plaris fidem, quod postremum Lutetiae excusum est, emendati.
Edited by Andreas Wichel. Frankfurt, Andreas Wechel, 1577. 180, 99,
52 ( i . e . ' 5 4 ) , [1], 115, 24, 69, 92p. 4to.
Contents: Physica; De Coelo; De Generatione et Corruptione; Meteorologica;
De Mundo; De Anima; Parva Naturalia.

Selected works, Frankfurt, 1585, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was

issued separately but is vol. 7 of no. 5 in the University's collection.
Selected works, Frankfurt, 1587, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was
issued separately but is vol. 10 of no. 5.
Selected works, Frankfurt, 1596, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was
issued separately but is vol. 8 of no. 5.

b. Latin
15. Expositiones textua/les dubio[rum] atq[ui] luculentissime expla-
natôes in libros de Celo [Í/] müdo. G e n e / r a t i o n e corruptôe.
Metherologo[rum]. ac Paruo[rum] naturalità Aristotelis. v a / r i j s ex
ingenijs. primü tñ [et] potissime ex p[ro]batissimis còmentarijs
angelici do/ctoris T h o m e Aq[u¡]natis [fom]pendiario sermone trans-
sumpte . . . Cologne, H. Quentell, [ca. 1500] lp.l., xlix, xxxv,
xlviij numb. 1., 1 1., xxxix (i.e. xlj), xxiiij, χ numb. 1., 7 1. diagrs.
Colophon: Expositio q[ua]tuor librofrum] Metherologo [ru/n] Aris./iuxta cöme-
tatöem doctoris sancti finit feliciter. E t / i n Officina Quentell Colonie nitidissime
Contents as in G W 2342. Not in G W , Hain, Copinger, Reichling, B M C ,
Voulliéme ( Κ ) , or Stillwell.

16. Q u a e in hoc uolumine continentur Vitae Aristotelis ex Plutarcho &

ex Diogene Laertio. Pracdicabilia prophyrii [iic], Praedicamenta
Aristotelis. Sex principia Giberti poretani interp[ri]te Hermolao
barbaro. Libri duo periherminias Arist. Liber priorum arist. Libri
duo posteriorum arist. Physicorum libri octo. Metaphisicae libri
duodeeim. De coelo & mundo libri tres. D e anima libri tres.
Aethicorü libri decern interprete Io. Argiropilo. Politicorum libri
octo. Economicorum liber unus. Libellus de moribus interprete
Leonardo aretino. M a g n o r u m moralium Georgio ualla interprete
. . . Venice, P. Pincius, 1505. [713]p. diagrs. Fol.
T h e " V i t a e Aristotelis" do not appear in this volume. T h e "Libellus de
moribus" is actually Leonardo Bruni Aretino's Isagogicon moralis disciplinae
(see F . Tocco in Archiv jür Geschichte der Philosophie, V I « 1 8 9 3 » , 158).
17. Habentur hoc uolumine haec Theodoro G a z a interprete. Aristotelis
de natura animalium. lib. ix. Eiusdem de partibus animalium. üb.
iiii. Eiusdem de generatione animalium. üb. v. Theophrasti de
histioria [iic] plantarum. üb. ix. Et decimi prineipium duntaxat.
Eiusdem de causis plantarum. lib. vi. Aristotelis problemata in

[ 17]
duas dequadraginta sectiones . . . Aiexâdri Aphrodisiensis p[ro]-
blemata duobus libris n ö u n q u ä ante îpressa eodê T h e o d o r a ïterpte
. . . Venice, Aldus a n d Asulanus, 1513. 12p.l., 273 n u m b . 1.,
17 1. Fol.
R e n o u a r d , Aldus, p. 65.
18. Ex Physiologia Aristotelis, libri duodetriginta. 1 De auscultatione
naturali octo, 2 De coelo q u a t u o r , 5 De anima tres, I o a n n e Argyro-
pylo interprete. 3 De generatione & corruptione duo, 4 Meteoro-
logicorum q u a t u o r , 6 De sensu & sensili vnus . . . Francisco
V a t a b l o interprete. Q u i b u s omnibus, antiqua tralatio trícenos
libros continës, ad G r a e c u m per eundem V a t a b l u m recognita:
columnatim respödet . . . Paris, H. Stephanus, 1518. 336 n u m b .
1., 1 1. diagrs. Fol.
Includes all parts of the P a r v a N a t u r a l i a . T h e " a n t i q u a t r a l a t i o " is chiefly the
work of Guilelmus of M o e r b e k e .

19. . . . S u m m a philosophie naturalis prestantissimi viri Magistri

Pauli Veneti . . . cum textu a Ioanne Argiropylo e greco in
latinum conuerso. Adiecta sunt etiam ex Columella capita aliquot
de M i n i m o ac M a x i m o naturali. Additas insuper figuras ceu (vt
dicunt) historias reperies . . . Naturalis Auscultationis Libri prin-
cipaliores electi ex Aristotele. De physico auditu octo. D e celo et
m u n d o quatuor. De generatione et c o j r u p t i o n e duo. Meteorologi-
c o r u m quatuor. De a n i m a tres. Lyons, S. Vincentius, 1525. 6p.l.,
clxxvj, lxxxiiij n u m b . 1. diagrs. 4to.
At h e a d of title: " P h y s i c a Pauli V e n e t i C u m textu Argiropyli." T h i s work w a j
published by Scotus in Venice in 1503 with P a u l u s d e G e n e s t a n o as editor; it
weis also published by Badius in Paris in 1521 with G e r a r d u s C o l u m e l l a as
editor. I n c l u d e d is a c o m m e n t a r y o n the M e t a p h y s i c a w i t h o u t t h e text.

20. O p e r u m Aristotelis tomus secundus Physiologiam eius t o t a m com-

plectens, vnà c u m argumentis in libros singulos . . . Item, Pro-
blematum sectiones triginta octo. Edited by Hieronymus Gemusaeus;
translations are by Joannes Argyropoulos, Petrus Alcyonius, and Theodorus
Gaza. Basel, J . Oporinus, 1548. vol. 2 (of 3). diagrs. Fol.
Vols. 1 a n d 3 a r e not in the University's collection. Contents: Physica; D e
Coelo; De G e n e r a t i o n e et C o r r u p t i o n e ; Meteorologica; D e A n i m a ; P a r v a
N a t u r a l i a ; Historia A n i m a l i u m ; D e P a r t i b u s A n i m a l i u m ; D e G e n e r a t i o n e
Animalium; Problemata.

21. . . . Aristotelis Stagiritae libri M o r a l e m totam Philosophiam com-

plectentes, cum Auerrois Cordubensis in Moralia Nicomachia
expositione, et in Platonis libros De República paraphrasi . . .
Edited by Joannes Baptista Bagolinus. Venice, J u n t a , 1550. lOp.l., 192
n u m b . 1. diagrs. Fol.
At h e a d of title: " T e r t i u m v o l u m e n . " T h i s is vol. 3 of the 11 volumes of t h e
c o m p l e t e works published at Venice, 1550-1552; the University's collection
contains only this volume, vol. 2 (no. 226), a n d vol. 4 (no. 174).
C o n t e n t s : Ethica N i c o m a c h e a ; M a g n a M o r a l i a ; D e M o r i b u s ad E u d e m u m ;

[ 18]
Politica; Oeconomica; De Virtutibus et Vitiis. Leonardo Bruni Aretino:
Isagogicon moralis disciplinae.
22. Aristotelis Stagiritae Philosophorum Principis Philosophiae N a t u -
ralis libri omnes, Ioanne Argyropylo Byzantio, et Francisco V a t a b l o
interpretibus . . . Adiecta sunt a r g u m e n t a c u m in singulos libros
ex praecipuis Graecorum commentarijs desumpta, tum etiam in
singula vniuscuiusq[u<r] libri capita. Cologne, heirs of Arnold Birck-
m a n n , 1580. 2v. in 1. 4to.
The "argumenta" are taken from Simplicius of Cilicia, Joannes Philoponus,
and Alexander of Aphrodisias. Contents: Vol. 1: Physica; De Coelo.—Vol. 2:
De Generatione et Corruptione; Meteorologica; De Anima; Parva Naturalia.

23. T h e s a u r i Aristotelis Stagiritae libri X I I I I . Commentariis illustrati.
In quibus cùm vniuersae philosophiae praeceptiones, t ù m r e r u m
v a r i a r u m Problemata, & historiae explicantur. Autore Petro Sainct-
fleur Monspeliensi . . . Paris, M a r t i n Le J e u n e , 1562. lóp.l., 463
n u m b . 1. 16mo.


a. Latin
24. Textus octo Phisicorü Aristotelis, necnö libro[ru/n] naturalium, cu
sex eiusdë Metaphisices, s[ecundii\m traditionê seu abbreuiationé.
M . T h o m e Bricot philosophi, ac Theologi p[ro]fundissimi. N u p [ f r ]
a b O r o n t i o Fine Delphinate vigilaci cura reuisus et emèdatus.
Marginarijsqfui] adnotamètis, ac figuris iuxta singulorum exigen-
tiam decoratus. Paris, Reginald Chaudiere, 1517. 172 1. diagrs.,
illus. 8vo.
Colophon: "Impressum fuit hoc Philosophicü opus Parisijs Apud Micliaclem
Lesclencher Typographum probatissimum. Sumptibus probi Bibliopole Regi-
naldi Chaudiere . . . " Contents: Physica; De Generatione et Corruptione.
Meteorologica; De Anima; Parva Naturalia; Metaphysica.

25. Totius naturalis philosophiae Aristotelis paraphrases per I a c o b u m

F a b r u m Stapulensem, recognitae iam, & a b infinitis, quibus
scatebant mendis, repurgatae: & scholijs doctissimi uiri Iudoci
Clichthouei illustratae: & hoc digestae ordine . . . Introductio
metaphysica. Dialogi q u a t u o r ad metaphysicorum intelligentiam
introductory. Freiburg, J o a n n e s Faber Emmeus, 1540. 6p.l.,
C C L X X I I n u m b . 1. Fol.
This work includes paraphrases of the Physica, Dc Generatione et Corruptione,
De Coelo, Meteorologica, De Anima, and Parva Naturalia, but not of the

26. Themistij Peripatetici lucidissimi Paraphrasis in Aristotelis Poste-

riora, & Physica. In libros item de Anima, M e m o r i a et Reminis-
centia, Somno et Vigilia, Insomnijs, & Diuinatione per S o m n u m .
H e r m o l a o Barbaro . . . Interprete . . . Addito^; Indice, necnon
[ 19]
c o n t r a d i c t i o n i b u s a c solutionibus M a r c i A n t o n i j Z i m a r r a e in dictis
e i u s d e m T h e m i s t i j , q u a e ola a studiosis d e s i d e r a b a n t u r . Venice, H .
Scotus, 1542. 8p.l., 363p. Fol.
27. E p i t o m e P h i l o s o p h i a e N a t u r a l i s , ex Aristotelis s u m m i Philosophi
libris ita e x c e r p t a , u t e o r u m c a p i t a b r e u i t e r & d i l u c i d é explicet . . .
per Georgium Lieblerum . . . Basel, J . O p o r i n u s , 1566. 12p.l.,
302, [24] p. diagrs. 8vo.
Contents: Physica; De Coelo; De Generatione et Corruptione; Meteorologica;
De Anima; Parva Naturalia.

b. Italian
28. S o m m a della Filosofia d'Aristotele, e p r i m a della D i a l e t t i c a . R a c -
colta d a M . L o d o u i c o D o l c e . . . V e n i c e , " a p p r e s s o Gio. Battista,
& M a r c h i ò Sessa, & f r a t e l l i , " [1565?]. 4p.l., 132, 104 n u m b . 1., 3 1.
diagrs. 8vo.
Each of the three parts has a special title page but only part 3 has separate
signatures and foliation.
Contents: Organon; Ethica Nicomachea; Politica; Oeconomica; Physica; De
Coelo; De Generatione et Corruptione; Meteorologica; De Anima.



ANALYTICA POSTERIORA (see alto ORGANON and nos. 16, 26, 37, 45,
48,83, 85,263)
a. Greek
29. 'Ιωάννου του Γραμματικού, tís τα ΰστίρα αναλυτικά 'Αριστοτέλους,
υπόμνημα . . . I o a n n i s G r a m m a t i c i in P o s t e r i o r a Resolutoria
Aristotelis, c o m m e n t a r i u m . I n c e r t i a u t h o r i s in e a d e m . Eustratii in
e a d e m . . . Edited by Aldus Manutius. V e n i c e , Heirs of A. M a n u t i u s
a n d A. Asulanus, 1534. 123 n u m b . 1., 1 1., 67 n u m b . 1., 1 1. diagrs.
Renouard, Aldus, p. 113.
b. Latin
30. Analytica Posteriora; translated by Jacobus de Venetia, with commentary by
Paulus Venetus. V e n i c e , G u i l e l m u s A n i m a M i a Tridinensis, 1486.
118 1. (2 b l a n k ) . Fol.
HCR 12512; BMC V, 410; Proctor 5108; Stillwell P185.
31. C o m m e n t a r l a R o b e r t i Linconiensis in libros p o s t e r i o r e m ] Aristo-
telis. C u m textu s e r i a t i m inserto. Scriptu[m] G u a l t e r i j Burlei super
eosdë libros P o s t e r i o r u m . Translated by Jacobus de Venetia. Venice,
Bonetus Locatellus for O c t a v i a n u s Scotus, 1494. 35 n u m b . 1. Fol.
H C 10105; BMC V, 444; Proctor 5057; Stillwell R198.
32. . Venice, Otinus de Luna, 1497. 38 1. Fol.
HC 10107; BMC V, 568; Proctor 5602; Stillwell R199.
33. Aristotelis Peripateticofrum] citra cötrouersiä prïcipis: Libri bonae
frugis refertissimi, quibus posteriorü resulotiuorü [¿je] inscriptio est
indita, ab Ioäne Argyropylo Byzantio n ò minori fidelitate q\uern]
elegantia Latio donati iuxtaq[u<] Auerrois distinctionè digesti.
Pr[a]emisso tralatoris epistolio, quo & institutum philosophi &
eminentia libroni posteriorum, ante oculos ponuntur. Leipzig,
Valentinus Schumann, 1519. 29 1. Fol.

34. A u g u s t i n u s Suessanus s u p e r Posteriora Aristotelis E u t y c h i A u g u s -

tini X i p h i medices Suessani philosophi nostro a e u o p e n e diuini in
libros Posteriorum Aristote. Commentarla . . . Translations by
Jacobus de Venetia and Joannes Argyropoulos. Venice, O . Scotus, 1544.
5p.l., 85 (i.e. 84) numb. 1. diagrs. Fol.
Analytica Posteriora, Paris, 1557. Issued with no. 149.
. Lyons, 1557. Issued with no. 150.
35. Expositio Ioannis Grammatici Alexandrini c o g n o m e n t o Philoponi,
in libros Analyticos Aristotelis Posteriores, nunc denique a M a r -
tiano R o t a post omnes aliorum editiones Graeco exemplari collata,
pristinae^ue integritati restituta. Translated by Jacobus de Venetia.
Venice, " E x Officina Valgrisiana," 1559. 118, [2]p. diagrs. Fol.

ANALYTICA PRIORA (tee alto ORGANON and no. 16)

a. Greek
36. Ιωάννου Γραμματικού του ΦιΚοτόνου fis τα Πρότίρα Αναλυτικά του
Άριστοτίλουί, υπόμνημα . . . l o a n . Gram. Philoponi Commentarla
in Priora Analytica Aristotelis. Magentini Comentaría in e a d e m
libellus D e Syllogismis . . . Edited by Vittore Trirwavelli. Venice,
Bartholomaeus Zanettus and Joannes Franciscus Trincavellus,
1536. C X I X , X X X X V n u m b . 1., 1 1. diagrs. Fol.
b. Latin
37. Interpretatio scholastica noue logice Aristotelis planissimis etsi
comentarijs. principijs tñ sancti et p[fr]clarissimi doctoris T h o m e
Aq[m']natis còformiter extat [.rie] cögesta. ac p[fr] freques [it] re-
petitü exercitiü magistro[rum] Agrippinêsis gymnasij. qd' Montis
aiüt . . . Translations by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia. Cologne,
Heirs of H. Quentell, 1505. lp.l., CCvij (i.e. CCviij) n u m b . 1., 1 1.
diagrs. Fol.
Includes also the Analytica Posteriora, Topica, and Sophistici Elenchi.
Analytica Priora, Lyons, 1557. Issued with no. 150.
Analytica Priora, Paris, 1558. Issued with no. 149.
[21 ]
38. Alexandri Aphrodisiensis super Priora resolutoria Aristotelis, sub-
tilissima explanado: a Ioanne Bernardo Feliciano in latinum con-
uersa . . . Venice, H . Scotus, 1560. lp.l., 440 (i.e. 384) cols., 1 1.
diagrs. Fol.
Only the first book of the Analytica Priora is included.
39. Ioannis Grammatici cognomento Philoponi in duos Priores Analy-
ticos Aristotelis libros commentarli n u n c d e m u m ab Alexandro
Iustiniano Chio Medico in linguam latinam accuratissime, a t q u e
fidelissime conuersi . . . Venice, " E x Officina Valgrisiana," 1560.
2p.l., 156p. diagrs. Fol.

40. Io. Francisci Buranae Veronensis Philosophi perspicacissimi super

libros Priorum resolutoriorum Arist. ex Graeco in L a t i n u m ser-
monem a se fìdeliss. conuersos praeclarissima Commentarla doc-
tissimorum virorum in eosdem sententijs quamplurimis referta.
Quibus Hieronymi Bagolini Veronensis in eosdem libros acces-
serunt perbreues Annotationes . . . Venice, H. Scotus, 1567.
4p.l., 271p. diagrs. Fol.
ARS L O G I C A see O R G A N O N .
ARS P O E T I C A see P O E T I C A .
ARS R H E T O R I C A see R H E T O R I C A .

CATEGORIAE (see also O R G A N O N and no. 281)

41. The Categoriae and De Interpretation, with the Isagoge of Porphyrins and
the Liber de Sex Principiis of Gilbert de la Porree, all with commentary by
Walter Burley. The translations of the Aristotle texts and of the Isagoge are
by Boethius. The work is edited by Matthaeus Campagna. Venice, Andreas
de Paltasichis, 1492/3. 92 1. (2 blank), diagrs. Fol.
Burley's work Quaestiones de Universalibus is included in his commentary on
Porphyrius. G W 5770; Stillwell B1159.
42. Pauli veneti vniuersalia predicamenta Sexq[u«] principia. Trans-
lated by Boethius. Venice, Bonetus Locatellus for Octavianus Scotus,
1494. 144 numb. 1., 4 1. Fol.
This edition includes the text of the Isagoge of Porphyrius in the translation by
Boethius, but it does not contain the text of Gilbert de la Porrée's Liber de Sex
Principiis. H C 12520; Stillwell PI89.
43. Commëtaria scd'm doctrinam magni Alberti in totam logica Aris-
totelis veterë et nouam processum gymnasij Coloniensis q d ' bursam
Laurentij vocant côtinentia. iam denuo reuisa [fi] ad limam vigili
studio castigata feliciter incipiunt. Translations are by Boethius, com-
mentaries by Gerardus de Harderwyck. Cologne, Heirs of H. Quentell,
1504. 124 1. Fol.
T h e work contains, besides the Categoriae, the Isagoge of Porphyrius, the
Liber de S e x Principiis of Gilbert de la Porrée, a n d the D e Interpretatione of
44. Textus Predicamëtorum Aristotelis. Translated by Boethius. Leipzig,
M a r t i n Landsberg, 1508. 18 1. Fol.
45. Reuerendi patris fratris T h o m e de Vio Caietani: artium [<?<] sacre
Theologie professons. Ordinis Predicatorum in R o m a n a curia
Procuratoris. in Predicabilia Porphyrij: [it] Aristotelis Predicamela:
ac Posteriorum analeticorum libros. Et super t r a c t a t u m de ente \et\
essentia Diui T h o m e Aquinatis Cômêtaria subtilissima. Et tractatus
eiusde[m] de Analogia castigatissima nouissime recognita cunc-
tisqfui] erroribus expurgata. Translations are by Boethius and Jacobus
de Venetia. Venice, L. A. Giunta, 1519. 154 n u m b . 1., 1 1. Fol.
T h e D e N o m i n u m Analogia is b y V i o . I n c l u d e d also are the text of the D e
Ente et Essentia, Vio's D e S u b i e c t o Naturalis Philosophiae, a n d his D e Cambiis.
T h e Isagoge of Porphyrius a n d the Categoriae are translated by Boethius, the
A n a l y t i c a Posteriora by J a c o b u s d e Venetia.

46. H a m m o n n i i H e r m e a e in Praedicamenta Aristotelis Commentarli,

per B a r t h o l o m a e u m Sylvanium Salonensem n u p e r latine conuersi
. . . Venice, H. Scotus, 1541. 117 (i.e. 119), [l]p. diagrs. Fol.
T h e text of the Categoriae is in the translation b y Boethius. T h e c o m m e n t a r y ,
formerly attributed to A m m o n i u s H e r m e i o u , is by J o a n n e s Philoponus (see
Commentario in Aristotelem Graeca, X I I I , pt. 1, Berlin, 1897).

47. A m m o n i i Hermei C o m m e n t a r l a in librum Porphyrii de q u i n q u é

uocibus, & in Aristotelis Praedicamenta, ac Perihermenias: c u m
indice, t a m rerum, q u a m u e r b o r u m locupletissimo. In his con-
ferendis c u m Graecis Exemplaribus, atque emendandis, q u a n t u m
studii Petrus Rosetinus medicus physicus adhibuerit, q u e haec
legerit, perfacile intelliget. Translations are by Boethius, Bartholomaeus
Sylvantus, and Giovanni Rosario. Venice, J . Gryphius, 1555. 4p.l., 13
(i.e. 16) n u m b . 1., 128 cols., 4 1., 154 cols., [l]p., 10 1. diagrs. Fol.
T h e Categoriae is translated b y Boethius; the D e Interpretatione, a n d the c o m -
mentaries o n it a n d the Categoriae, are translated b y Sylvanius, Porphyrius'
Isagoge a n d the c o m m e n t a r y on it by G i o v a n n i R a s a r i o . The c o m m e n t a r y
a t t r i b u t e d to A m m o n i u s is a c t u a l l y by J o a n n e s P h i l o p o n u s ι see no. 46, n o t e · .

Categoriae, Paris, 1556. Issued with no. 149.

48. T h o m a e de Vio Caietani Cardinalis tituli S. Sixti, In Praedicabilia
Porphyrij praedicamenta, & libros Posteriorum Analyticorum
Aristotelis castigatissima commentarla . . . Additis annotationi-
bus, & scholijs in margine positis . . . Translations are by Boethius
and Jacobus de Venetia. Venice, Heirs of H . Scotus, 1575. 2p.i., 212p.
diagrs. Fol.
T h e I s a g o g e of Porphyrius a n d the Categoriae are translated b y Boethius, the
A n a l y t i c a Posteriora by J a c o b u s d e Venetia.

D E A D O L E S C E N T E E T S E N E C T U T E (or D E J U V E N T U T E E T S E N E C -
T U T E ) see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .
D E A M I C I T I A su E T H I C A N I C O M A C H E A , Book V I I I .

DE ANIMA (tee alto nos. 14, 16, 18-20, 22, 24-28)

a. Greek
49. Σιμτλκίου υπομνήματα, fis τά y'βιβλία του 'Α,ριστοτίλοιπ rtpì ψυχη% . . .
Simplicii C o m m e n t a r l a in tres libros Aristotelis de a n i m a . Alexandri
Aphrodisiei cömentaria in librum de sensu, & sensibili. Michaelis
Ephesii annotationes in l i b r u m de memoria, & reminiscentia. D e
somno, & uigilia. De somniis. D e diuinatione per s o m n i u m . D e
m o t u animalium. De longitudine, & breuitate uitae. De iuuentute,
& senectute, & uita, ac morte. D e respiratione. De gressu a n i m a l i u m .
Edited by Francesco Torresani. Venice, Aldus a n d Asulanus, 1527.
4p.l., 187 n u m b . 1., 1 1. Fol.
Renouard, Aldus, p. 104.
50. 'Ιωάννου Γραμματικού του Φιλοιτόνου 'Υπόμνημα tis τά Πίρί Φυχης
βιβλία του 'Αριστοτέλους. Ioannis G r a m m a t i c i Philoponi C o m e n -
taría in libros D e Anima Aristotelis . . . Edited by Vittore Trin-
cavelli. Venice, Bartholomaeus Zanetti, 1535. 146 1. Fol.
b. Greek and Latín
51. C o m m e n t a r y Collegij Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu, in tres libros
D e Anima, Aristotelis Stagiritae, hac secunda editione, Graeci
contextus Latino è regione respondentis accessione auctiores, &
emendatiores, o b studiosorum philosophiae vsum, in G e r m a n i a
editi . . . Translated by Joannes Argyropoulos, edited by Cosme de
Magalhäes. Cologne, LazarusZetzner, [ca. 1600].4p.l.,619, [21]p.4to.
Includes also the De Anima Separata by Baltasar Alvares and the Tractatio
aliquot problematum ad quinqué sensus spectantium by Magalhäes. Unknown
to Backer-Sommervogel.
52. Άριστοτίλοικ Πίρί Ψυχί;* βιβλία τρία. Aristotelis D e A n i m a libri
tres, Graece et Latine, lui. Pacio à Beriga interprete. Accesserunt
eiusdem Pacii in eosdem libros commentarius analyticus, triplex
index . . . H a n a u , " T y p i s Wechelianis, impensis Claudii M a r n i i
h a e r e d u m , " 1611. 6, 441, [l]p. diagrs. 8vo.
Imperfect: pp. 137-144 (the first index) wanting.
c. Latin
53. Expositio saluberrima magistri Lamberti de Monte, circa tres
libros de Anima Arestotelis. q u a p[ra«]clarissimis cömentarijs diui
T h o m e Aquinatis . . . nedü côcordat . . . Translated by Jacobus
de Venetia. Cologne, H . Quentell, 1498. lp.l., lxxxj numb.l., 2 1. Fol.
Hain 11585; Voulliéme (Κ) 726; B M C I, 288; not in Stillwell.
54. Aristotelis tres de anima libri per J o a n n e m Argyropylum e greco in
latinum traduci i . . . Edited by Wolfgang Mosnauer. Venice, J a c o b u s
Pentius de Leucho, [1500?]. 34 1. 4to.
G W 2346; B M C V , 566; not in StilJwell (but in Census, 1919, p. 228).

55. Aristotelis Stagyritae Philosophi D e anima Libri I I I . Per A r g y -

ropilum. D e sensu & sensato . . . D e memoria & reminiscentia
. . . D e somno & vigilia . . . D e longitudine & breuitate vitae
. . . Ex antiqua traductione. Adiectis Eckij Commentarijs . . .
Augsburg, Grimm and YVirsung, 1520. L X X I X numb. 1., 1 1.
diagrs. Fol.
T h e De Anima is translated by Joannes Argyropoulos. T h e translations of the
De Sensu and the De Somno are anonymous, those of the De M e m o r i a and
D e Longitudine are by Jacobus de Venetia.

56. . . . Aristote. Stagyrite Libri tres de anima: cum singuloru[m]

epitomis hactenus nò ïpressis: Eiusdêqfui] Parua naturalia: cu[m]
Auer, cordubë. fidiss. interprete: ac apostillis. M . Anto. Z i m a r e
philosophi consummatiss. Q u e om[rz]ia sic expurgata [et] exculta
cöperies: vt quäq[u«] abesse labern contendas. Lyons, Scipionus
de Gabiano, 1530. clxvi numb. 1. diagrs. 8vo.
A t head of title: "Aristo. Libri de A n i m a . " — T h i s work contains two Latin
translations of the De Anima, one from the Greek by Jacobus de Venetia, the
other from the Arabic by Michael Scotus; Averroes' commentary on the D e
Anima (a "commentarius magnas") translated by Scotus; a Latin translation
of the Parva Naturalia, in part anonymous, in part by Jacobus de Venetia;
commentaries (or " c o m p e n d i a " ) by Averroës on the Parva Naturalia in a
translation generally ascribed to Scotus; and the spurious Physiognomonica of
Aristotle in the Greek-Latin translation by Bartholomaeus of Messina.
W i t h this are bound (as issued?) Aristotle's Meteorologica and Marco Antonio
Zimara's Quaestio de primo cognito. Baudrier V I I , 172-173.

57. Aristotelis stagiritae de anima libri tres, é Graeco, quàm proximè

fieri potuit, in linguam Latinam traducti, Gentiano Herueto Aurelio
interprete. Item, in eosdem libros, Ioannis Grammatici Philoponi
commentarius, ab eodem versus. Lyons, Aegidius and Jacobus
Huguetan, 1544. 110 1. Fol.
Baudrier X I , 327.
58. Aristotelis De Anima libri tres. Ioanne A r g y r o p y l o Byzantio inter-
prete. Lyons, Thibaud Payen, 1546. 93p. 8vo.
This work is bound (as issued?) with an edition of the Physica {see no. 173).
Baudrier I V , 235.
59. D . T h o m a e Aquinatis in tres libros D e Anima Aristotelis expositio.
Cum duplici textus translatione, antiqua scilicet & A r g y r o p y l i ,
nuper recognita . . . Accedunt ad haec acutissime quaestiones
Magistri Dominici de Flandria, a quamplurimis mendis recens
castigate ad textus & expositionis dilucidationem perutiles. A d -
duntur his, omnium in hoc opere contentorum, duo accuratissimi,
ac copiosissimi indices . . . Translations are by Joannes Argyropoulos
and Jacobus de Venetia. Venice, H . Scotus, 1550. 6p.l., 85 numb. 1.
diagrs. Fol.
60. Nicolai Tignosii Fulginatis in libros Aristotelis de Anima Com-
mentarli ad Laurentium M e d i c e m virum praeclarissimum. Trans-
lated by Joannes Argyropoulos. Florence, L a u r e n t i u s T o r r e n t i n u s ,
1551. 460p. diagr. Fol.
Engraved title page. Within a panel at the bottom of the title page is printed
Ex Bibliotheca Medicee. 1551.
61. Aristotelis d e A n i m o libri I I I . I o a c h i m o Perionio i n t e r p r e t e : p e r
N i c o l a u m G r o u c h i u m correcti & e m e n d a t i . Paris, G a b r i e l Buon,
1560. 48 n u m b . 1. 4to.
De Anima, Venice, 1574. Issued with no. 11, vol. 6, pt. 1.
62. S. T h o m a e A q u i n a t i s in tres libros Aristotelis D e A n i m a praeclaris-
sima expositio: C u m duplici textus translatione: a n t i q u a scilicet, &
n o u a Argyropyli: n u p e r recognita . . . C u i e t i a m s i n g u l a r u m
L e c t i o n u m s u m m a e m i r a b r e u i t a t e collect[a]e, a d s t u d i o s o r u m
c o m m o d u m addit[a]e sunt. A c c e d u n t ad h a e c acutissimae Q u a e s -
tiones M a g i s t r i Dominici d e F l a n d r i a , à q u a m p l u r i m i s m e n d i s
recens castigatae a d textus & expositionis d i l u c i d a t i o n e m perutiles.
A d d u n t u r his, o m n i u m in hoc opere c o n t e n t o r u m , tres accuratis-
simi, ac copiosissimi indices . . . Translations are by Joannes Argy-
ropoulos and Jacobus de Venetia. Venice, Heirs of H . Scotus, 1587.
6p.l., 183p. Fol.
The colophon is dated 1586. The third index covers only Books I and II.


63. P a r a p h r a s i sopra i tre libri dell' a n i m a d'Aristotile, del R . D .
Angelico Buonriccio C a n o n i c o regolare della c o n g r e g a t i o n del
S a l u a t o r e . . . Venice, A n d r e a A r r i v a b e n e , 1565. 6p.l., 163 (i.e.
162) n u m b . 1. 8vo.



DE COELO («ee alto nos. 14-16, 18-20, 22, 25, 27, 28)

a. Greek
64. Σιμτλικίου "Ττομνήματα. tis τέσσαρα βιβ\ία ΆpwroréXow Πίρί
Ουρανού, μ(τά το0 'Ύτοκπμίνου τον αύτοϋ. Simplicii C o m m e n t a r l i in
q u a t u o r Aristotelis libros De Coelo, cum textu eiusdem . . .
Venice, Aldus and Asulanus, 1526. 3p.1., 178 (i.e. 172) n u m b . 1. Fol.
Rcnouard, Aldus, p. 102.

b. Greek and Latin

65. C o m m e n t a r y Collegij Conimbricensis, Societatis Iesu, in q u a t u o r
libros D e Coelo, Meteorologicos & Parua Naturalia . . . H a c
quinta in Germania editione . . . Cologne, Lazarus Zetzner,
1603. Translated by Joannes Argyropoulos; edited by Manuel de Góis.
4p.l., 548 cols., [20]p., 2 1., 142 cols., [7]p., 1 I., 102 cols., [5]p. 4to.
The texts of the Meteorologica and Parva Naturalia are not included.

c. Latin
66. De Coelo; translated by Guilelmtts of Moerbeke with a commentary by
Gaetano Tiene. Venice, [Andreas Torresanus?], 1484.108 1. (1 blank)
H C R 15500; B M C V, 307; Proctor 5685; Stillwell G27.
67. Haec, uolumine hoc continetur Interpretamcta sanctissimi doc-
toris T h o m a e Aquinatis in libros de coelo [«/] müdo Aristotelis
añotationibus textuü [í/] cömetorü Auerroys . . . in marginibus
ornata ac cum additiöibus Petri aluerniatis . . . Textus Aristotel-
icus cu[m] duplici translative . . . Fratris Hieronymi Sauonarolae
Ferrariêsis tractatus: ï quo diuidütur oës scîae nup[er]rime in lucè
aedit[i/í] . . . Translations by Guilelmtts of Moerbeke and Joannes
Argyropoulos. Venice, Simon de Luere for Alexander Calcedonius,
1506. 6p.l., 95 numb. 1. diagrs. Fol.
The text of Averroes is not included.
68. Aristotelis Stagyritae libri De Coelo I U I Argiropilo interprete, De
Generatione II Nypho [interprete], Meteororum I I I Boetio [in-
terprete], adiectis Eckij commentarijs . . . Augsburg, G r i m m and
Wirsung, 1519. C X X V n u m b . 1., 1 1. diagrs. Fol.
T h e Meteorologica is actually translated by Guilelmus of Moerbeke.
69. Aristotelis . . . De Coelo libri I I I I , ex Graeco iuxta tralationem
veterem accuratissime recogniti . . . Translated by Guilelmus oj
Moerbeke, with a commentary by Thomas Aquinas and Petrus de Alvernia.
Venice, Hieronymus Scotus, 1545. 4p.l., 94 n u m b . 1. diagrs. Fol.
70. Aristotelis De Coelo libri quatuor, Ioanne Argyropilo Byzantio
interprete. Lyons, T h i b a u d Payen, 1546. 115p. 8vo.
This is bound (as issued?) with an edition of the Physica (see no. 173). Baudrier
IV, 234.
71. Aristotelis De Cáelo libri I I I I , Ioachimo Perionio interprete: per
Nicolaum Grouchium correcti & emendati. Paris, Gabriel Buon,
1560. 62 n u m b . 1. 4to.

Greek and Latin
72. D e Coloribus libellus, à Simone Portio Neapolitano latinitate
donatus, & commentarijs illustratus: v n à cum eiusdem praefatione,
q u a coloris naturarti declarat. Florence, Laurentius Torrentinus,
1548. 197, [2]p. 4to.
73 . . 197, [3]p. 4to. Another issue, with added errata note
p. [200]
DE GENERATIONE A N I M A L I U M see nos. 17, 20, 118.

D E GENERATIONE ET CORRUPTIONE (tee alto nos. 1 4 , 1 5 , 1 8 - 2 0 , 22,

24, 25, 27, 28, 68)
a. Greek
74. Ίωάννητ ò Γραμματικοί eis rò Ilepì Γίνίσεως, και Φθοράς. Άλίξανδρος
ò Άφροδ ισίίύΐ fis r à Μίτίωρολογικά. ò αυτό s Πίρί Mí£«i)s. Ioannes
G r a m m a t i c u s in libros De Generatione et Interitu. Alexander
Aphrodisiensis in Meteorologica. I d e m De Mixtione . . . Edited
by Francesco Torresani. Venice, Aldus and Asulanus, 1527. 2p.l., 147
n u m b . 1., 1 1. diagrs. Fol.
Includes the texts of the De Generatione et Corruptione and the Meteorologica.
Renouard, Aldus, p. 104, no. 7.
b. Greek and Latin
75. C o m m e n t a r y Collegij Conimbricensis Societatis Iesu, in libros De
Generatione et Corruptione . . . H a c secunda editione Graeci
contextus Latino è regione r e s p o n d e n t s accessione auctiores.
Translated by François Vatable; edited by Manuel de Góis. Mainz,
J o a n n e s Albinus, 1599. 8p.l., 524, [36]p. 4to.
Not in Backer-Sommervogel.
76 . . Third edition. Mainz, Joannes Albinus, 1615. 8p.l.,
510, [32]p. 4to.
Backer-Sommervogel II, 1276, no. 6.
c. Latin
77. Aristotelis d e generatione [íí] corruptione liber Augustino nipho
philosopho suessano interprete [et\ expositore . . . Venice, Heirs
of Octavianus Scotus, 1506. 74 n u m b . 1. diagrs. Fol.
Panzer, Annales, VIII, 379:337.
78. Ioannis G r a m m a t i c i Philoponi Alexandrei, Commentarla in libros
de generatione & corruptione Aristotelis: ex colloquile Ammonii
Hermeae, propriisque eius considerationibus congesta. Hieronymo
Bagolino Veronensi interprete . . . Venice, Hieronymus Scotus,
1540. 4p.l., 50 n u m b . 1. Fol.
[ 28]
79. A r i s t o t e l i De G e n e r a t i o n e et C o r r u p t i o n e libri duo, Francisco
V a t a b l o interprete. Lyons, T h i b a u d Payen, 1546. 67p. 8vo.
This is bound (as issued?) with an edition of the Physica (no. 173). Baudrier I V ,
80. Sancti T h o m a e Doctoris Angelici in libris d e generatione & cor-
ruptione Aristotelis clarissima expositio; n u p e r r i m e recognita; in-
numeris castigata erroribus, ac proprio uultui restituta. C u m d u -
plici t e x t u u m translatione, a n t i q u a scilicet & Petri Alcyonii ele-
gantissima n u p e r r i m e a d d i t a . . . Edited by Sisto de* Medici. Venice,
O c t a v i a n u s Scotus, 1549. 4p.l., 48 n u m b . 1. diagrs. Fol.
The "antiqua translatio" is a revised version of an anonymous medieval trans-
lation (see Aristoteles Latinus: Codices, I, 55; II, 784, 788, and Revue philosophique
de Louvain, X L V - 1 9 4 7 » , 206-235).

81. Aristotelis de ortu & interitu libri duo, I o a c h i m o Perionio inter-

prete: per Nicolaum G r o u c h i u m correct! & e m e n d a t i . Paris,
Gabriel Buon, 1560. 36 n u m b . 1. 4to.
82. Io. G r a m m a t i c i , c o g n o m e n t o Philoponi, in Aristotelis libros de
Generatione & C o r r u p t i o n e explicatio: A n d r e a Sylvio, Brugensi,
interprete . . . Venice, Vincentius Valgrisius, 1564. 2p.l., 90p.,
1 1. Fol.
D E G E N E R A T I O N E E T I N T E R I T U see D E G E N E R A T I O N E E T
D E G R E S S U A N I M A L I U M see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A.
DE I N N A T O S P I R I T L see no. 418.
D E I N C E S S U A N I M A L I U M see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .
D E I N S O M N I I S (or D E S O M N I I S ) see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .

DE I N T E R P R E T A T I O N E (see also O R G A N O N and nos. 16, 41, 43, 47, 281)

83. De Interpretatione translated by Boethius, and Analytica Posteriora trans-
lated by Jacobus de Venetia, both with commentaries by Thomas Aquinas
(that on Book II of De Inter pretatione completed by Gratia Dei Aesculanus).
Also the De Fallaciis of Thomas Aquinas. Venice, Guilelmus A n i m a
Mia, 1489. 98 1. (1 blank). Fol.
H R 1493a; Cop. 570; BMG V, 411 ; StillweU T229.
84. Luculentissimi Ioannis Arborei Laudunensis in l i b r u m vtpl ¿ρμηνύαs
Aristotelis cômentarij. Translated by Boethius. Paris, Simon Colines,
1535. 100 n u m b . 1. diagis. 8vo.
Renouard, Colines, pp. 432-433.
De Inter pretatione, Paris, 1556. Issued with no. 149.
De Interpretations, Lyons, 1557. Issued with no. 150.
85. H i e r o n y m i Balduini è M o n t e a r d u o . . . expositio in libellum
Porphyrii de quinqué uocibus . . . Eiusdem commentarla in
libros Aristoteli* de interpretatione absoluta . . . Expositio item
in p r i m u m posteriorum analyticorum Aristotelis, & m a g n a m in eo
Auerrois commentationem . . . Edited by Gometius Paganus and
Antonius Siculus. Venice, Joannes Gryphius, 1563. 6p.1., 250 n u m b . 1.
diagrs. Fol.
T h e Isagoge of Porphyrius and the De Interpretatione are translated by Boe-
thiiia, the Analytica Posteriora by Jacobus de Venetia.
D E J U V E N T U T E E T S E N E C T U T E see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .
D E L O N G I T U D I N E E T B R E V I T A T E V I T A E see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .
D E M E M O R I A (DE M E M O R I A E T R E M I N I S C E N T I A ) sa
D E M O R I B U S AD E U D E M U M see no. 21.
D E M O R T E E T V I T A see P A R V A N A T U R A L I A .
DE M O T U A N I M A L I U M see no. 354.

D E M U N D O ( t e e alto no. 14)

a. Greek and Latin

86. Aristoteles De M u n d o , Graece: cum duplici interpretatione Latina,
priore quidem L. Apulei; altera verò Guilielmi Budaei. C u m
scholiis & castigationibus Bonauenturae Vulcanii tam in Aristo-
telem, q u à m in vtrunque eius interpretem. Accessit seorsim Gre-
gorii Cyprii Encomium Maris Graecè, n u n q u a m antea excusum.
Et Pauli Silentiarii Iambica. Leyden, "ex officina Plantiniana,
a p u d Franciscum Raphelengium," 1591. 8p.l., 297,[7], 23p. 8vo.
Imperfect: the "Encomium Maris" (23p. at the end) is wanting.

b. Latin
87. Aristotelis liber de M u n d o , ad Alexandrum Macedoniae regem,
Gulielmo Budaeo interprete. Paris, Gabriel Buon, 1560. 16 numb.
1. 4to.

D E N A T U R A A N I M A L I U M see H I S T O R I A A N I M A L I U M .
D E O R T U E T I N T E R I T U see D E G E N E R A T I O N E E T C O R R U P T I O N E .
D E P A R T I B U S A N I M A L I U M see nos. 17, 20, 118.
D E P O E T I C A see P O E T I C A .
D E P R I M A P H I L O S O P H I A see M E T A P H Y S I C A .
D E R E G I M I N E R E G U M see S E C R E T A S E C R E T O R U M .
DE S O M N I I S (or DE I N S O M N I I S ) ste PARVA N A T U R A L I A .
DE S O P H I S T I C I S E L E N C H I S see S O P H I S T I C I E L E N C H I .
DE V I R T U T I B U S E T V I T U S see no. 21.
D I A L E C T I C A see O R G A N O N .
E C O N O M I C A see O E C O N O M I C A .
E L E N C H I see S O P H I S T I C I E L E N C H I .
E T H I C A E U D E M I A see DE M O R I B U S AD E U D E M U M .

ETHICA NICOMACHEA (see alto nos. 13, 16, 21, 28, 238)
a. Greek
88. Ευστρατίου καί άλλων τινών ίτισήμων υπομνήματα fis τ α δ(Κ α των
του Άριστοτίλου$ Ή0ικών Νικομαχίίων βιβ\ία μίτο. του υττοκίιμίνου. E u -
stratii et a l i o r u m i n s i g n i u m p e r i p a t e t i c o r u m c o m m e n t a r l a in libros
decern Aristotelis D e M o r i b u s a d N i c o m a c h u m , u n a c u m textu
suis in locis a d i e c t o . . . Edited by Paolo Manuzio. V e n i c e , heirs of
A l d u s M a n u t i u s a n d A n d r e a s Asulanus, 1536. 2p.l., 189 n u m b . 1.
The editor assigns the commentaries on books 1, 6, 9, and 10 of the Ethica to
Eustratius, 2, 4, 7, and 8 to Aspasius, 5 to Michael of Ephesus, and 3 to an
anonymous author. Actually those to 1 and 6 are by Eustratius, 2, 3, 4, and 7
are anonymous, 5, 9, and 10 are by Michael of Ephesus, and 8 is by Aspasius
(see Commentario in Aristotelem Graeca, X I X , X X , and X X I I , pt. 3). R.enouard,
Aldus, p. 116.
89. Άριστοτίλοικ Ηθικών Niκομαχίίων βιβλία δίκα. Aristotelis D e M o r i b .
a d N i c o m a c h u m filium libri decern. Edited by Pietro Vettori. Florence,
J u n t a , 1547. 68 (i.e. 69) n u m b . 1., 1 1. 4to.
90 . . Paris, G u i l l a u m e M o r e l , 1560. 6p.l., 2 0 4 (i.e.
2 0 0 ) p. 4to.
Ethica Nicomachea, Frankfurt, 1584, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was
issued separately but is vol. 3 of no. 5 in the University's collection.

b. Greek and Latin

91. ' Κριστοτίλου% ΊΙΘικών Niκομαχίίων βιβλία δίκα. Aristotelis D e M o r i -
b u s ad N i c o m a c h u m , lib. X . Ita Graecis interpretatione recenti
c u m Latinis coniunctis, vt f e r m é singula singulis r e s p o n d e a n t , in
e o r u m g r a t i a m qui G r a e c a c u m Latinis c o m p a r a r e v o l u n t . Trans-
lated and edited by Adrien Turnìbe. Paris, A d r i e n T u r n è b e a n d G u i l -
[31 ]
l a u m e Morel, 1555. 2p.l., 253, [ l ] p . Fol.
92 . — — . Basel, Paul Queck for J o h a n n O p o r i n , 1567. 3p.l.,
571, [l]p. 8vo.
93 . . Basel, " E x officina O p o r i n i a n a , " 1573. 3p.I., 571,
[ l ] p . 8vo.
94. Petri Victorij C o m m e n t a r y in χ libros Aristotelis D e Moribus ad
N i c o m a c h u m . . . Translated by Pietro Vettori. Florence, J u n t a ,
1584. 6p.l., 616, [42]p., 1 1. 1 Ulus. (port.) Fol.
95. Aristotelis Ethicorum, siue D e Moribus, a d N i c o m a c h u m libri
decern. Adiecta ad contextum G r a e c u m interpretatione Latina
Dionysii Lambini, sed interpolata innumeris in locis . . . Studio
& opera M a t t h i a e Bergli . . . Frankfurt, Heirs of Andreas Wechel,
etc., 1591. 502p. 8vo.
96. D n . Ioannis Magiri, philosophiae professoris in A c a d e m i a M a r -
purgensi . . . Corona v i r t u t u m moralium, vniuersam Aristotelis
s u m m i philosophi Ethicen, exacte enucleans . . . Translated by
Adrien Turnebe; edited by Zacharias Palthenius. F r a n k f u r t , " P r o p o n i t u r
in Collegio M u s a r u m Paltheniano," 1601. 4p.l., 1014p. 8vo.
97. Aristotelis Ethicorum, siue D e Moribus, ad N i c o m a c h u m libri
decern. Adiecta ad contextum G r a e c u m interpretatione Latina
Dionysii Lambini, sed interpolata innumeris in locis . . . Studio
& opera M a t t h i a e Bergli . . . editio altera . . . H a n a u , " Typis
Wechelianis, impensis h a e r e d u m Claudii M a r n i i , " 1611. 16p., 2 1.,
17-496p. 8vo.
This is actually the third edition; earlier editions appeared in Frankfurt in
1591 and 1596. The two inserted leaves contain a eulogy of Matthias Berg by
Konrad Ritterahausen, dated October, 1595.

c. Latin
98. Ethica Nicomachea, Politica, and Oeconomica, translated by Leonardo
Bruni Aretino. Strassburg, J o h a n n Mentelin, before 10 April, 1469.
198 1. Fol.
G W 2367; H 1762; Proctor 224; Stillwell A880; cf. BMG I, 53. This copy has
stubs between leaves [99] and [100] and between [106] and [107].
99. Questiones magistri Iohannis versoris super libros ethicorum Ares-
totelis et text[ux] eiusdem. c u m singular! diligentia correcte.
Translated by Robert Grosseteste. Cologne, Heinrich Quentell, 1491.
lp.l., Cxxii n u m b . 1., 2 1. Fol.
H 16053; Voulliéme (Κ) 1221; BMC I, 276; Proctor 1305; Stillwell V230.
100. Decern librorum M o r a l i u m Aristotelis, tres conuersiones: p r i m a
Argyropili Byzantij, secunda Leonardi Aretini, tertia vero a n t i q u a
[i.e. of Robert Grosseteste] . . . Edited by Jacques Le Fèvre d'Étaples.
Paris, J o h a n n H i g m a n a n d Wolfgang Hopyl, 1497. 210 1. Fol.
I n c l u d e s also a c o m m e n t a r ) by Le F è v r e d ' É t a p l e s w h i c h a c c o m p a n i c s the

[ 32]
v -"-t hïZfLm*· —I

Λ y f j U f i A*

c ^ ' C

"Kiftotriie ctbicoiA l i b » » l a o n o s
f a ocre nnper mlHati ηδ quia pzuie
t r a o u c s non eeir fjquia fie toucu
trie u t barbari m i gì 8 φ l a d dfcti
v i a e m í Conft.iceií iliius toucti,
onisauctoié qiucüq; t m o é i s Wit
qué tñ οι omis poicatrçt hatte m a :
nifeftú eft n e ) ; greets n e q j t i on ι '
If Λ β f a á s fáiiiATe-TU τ <fca m i n e
i l o a s mate a a x p i t τ U n n a fie p u :
milrtr f t t a x a reooit u t véhément piiamoû fit tarn fuptne
α-affeq; r u o i t a o s CXuinecut freqñtfr v e r t a ü que optima τ
4>baulTim.i Urinici s batet i g n a r a s i t q j m opulenaa n f a
menöicäs ai greco vfrbo Un,ni reoaere n t f a . i t qfi aefperans
et confili) i o p s i t a u t iacent greca otmittit f a f t m i g e u s
qutoé et f e m i U u n ' fit m iitq; orfiaés lingua i neutra iceger
<Xuia Dici » tranffbzmacóne o r ö n i s q nicbil eft t u r b a a u s
nicbil ¿eèrfius Λ * q u i ftuoíofu eloqñaefuifîe a n f t o t d é e t
oicenoi arte di fapia a i u n j i d e et Cycero ipfe m u l o s í loas
teftat τ libn a u s f u m o cú eloqñae ftuoio luculéeffime f i p t i
» d a r . i t I t a q ; fiquis ílü núc fenfuseft rerú i i f a j j i á poem
crecpioñ eft buie a b f u r o i t a u et m c ó a n i t i o tr.iouctónis in
fenfii et u n t i barbarie inoignatú l»s fuos Ubios et negare
ci talis ap° latios vioeri c u p U t qualé a p u o grecos fefe ipe
e.ïbibuit T\ec ilo miebi qmfq? obiecerit laene lingue íopiá
T U illa quioé b a b ú * locuplt* eft nec ao expmenoú qóui·
verú caí aoejeoinanoii f a o s mooo ipa f a a é "Jgnozanté d o
tfta aggreoi τ ν ί α ύ fuii lingue afferibere ftuluffimù fimul *
íoigniffimú eft V i o e m » p l a n t ú quioé et terenaft poetas co :
micce et oe lemffimis r e b u s tractantes m en an Οι i f a b u l a s

No. 98. Etìlica, Politica, and Oeconomica. First p r i n t e d e d i t i o n of Aris-

totle. Strassburg, ca. 1469.

[33 1
A r g y r o p o u l o s t r a n s l a t i o n ; t h e M a g n a M o r a l i a in ι be t r a n s l a t i o n by G i o r g i o
V a l l a , in a m o d i f i e d f o r m : L e o n a r d o B r u n i A r e t i n o ' s D i a l o g u s d e M o r i b u s
ad G a l e o t u m or I s a g o g i c o n m o r a l i s d i s c i p l i n a e : a n d Le F è v r e d ' É t a p l r s '
Artificialis i n t r o d u c i l o in d e c e r n libros m o r a l e s Aristoteli*. G W 2 3 5 9 : H C
1761; B M C V i l i , 138; Stillwell A 8 8 7 .

101. S. Tho. super Ethica. Sancti Doctoris Thome Aquinatis in decern

libros Ethicorum Aristotelis profundissima comentaría, cum triplici
textus träslatione antiqua [i.e. of Robert Grosseteste] v[idelicet]
Leonardi Aretini, neenon Ioänis Argyropili suis locis inserta . . .
Edited by Paulinus Turchius. Venice, Heirs of Octavianus Scotus,
1531. lp.l., 166 numb. 1. 1 Ulus. Fol.
102. Ethicorum Aristotelis . . . libri dece ad Nicomachü, ex traduc-
tione diligentissimi ac eruditissimi viri Ioannis Argyropili Byzätij:
familiariq[ui] necnö admodü copioso Iacobi Fabri Stapulësis
commëtario elucidati, & singulorum capitum argumentis praeno-
tati, ad notamêtis quoq[ue] marginalibus illustrati . . . Adiectus
est Leonardi Aretini de moribus dialogus ad Galeotü [or Isagogicon
moralis disciplinae], dialogo paruorü Moraliü Aristotelis ad Eu-
demiü ferè respôdens. Lyons, Benedictus Bonnyn for Jacobus
Giunta, 1535. 352 numb. 1. diagrs. 8vo.
Not in Baudrier.
103. Aristotelis Stagiritae . . . ethicorum ad Nicomachum libri de-
cern. Ioanne Argiropylo Byzantio interprete, nuper recogniti &
cum Donati Acciaioli . . . commentants castigai issi mis . . .
Edited by Antonio Francino. Venice, Lucas Antonius J u n t a , 1535.
6p.l., 205 numb. 1. diagrs. Fol.
The commentary by Acciaiuoli was first published separately at Florence in
1478 as Expositio Ethicorum Aristotelis.
104. Contenta decern librorû Moralium Aristotelis, tres conuersiones:
prima Argyropyli Byzantij, secüda Leonardi Aretini, tertia verb
antiqua, per capita & numéros conciliatae: communi, familiaríque
commentario ad Argyropylum adiecto . . . Paris, Simon Colines,
1542. 140, 83 numb. 1. diagrs. Fol.
Editor, translators, and contents as in no. 100. Cf. Renouard, Colines, p. 352.
105. Aristotelis Ethicorum, siue De Moribus ad Nicomachum filium
libri decern nuper quidem à Ioachimo Perionio Cormoeriaceno
latinitate donati, nunc verb denub ab eodem recogniti. His
adiecimus eorundem Aristotelis De Moribus librorum Epitomen,
Hermolao Barbaro . . . autore . . . Edited by Daniello Barbaro.
Lyons, Guillaume Roville, 1548. 7p.l., 299, [21]p. 8vo.
The Epitome, or Compendium Ethicorum librorum Aristotelis, covers Books
1-6 only; each book of the Compendium is accompanied by a letter to
Cardinal Pietro Foscari, dated 1474 or 1475. Baudrier I X , 141.
106. . Basel, J o h a n n Oporin, 1552. 8p.l., 319, [38]p. 8vo.
107. Aristotelis ad Nicomachum filium de Moribus, quae Ethica
nominantur, libri decern, Ioachimo Perionio interprete, per
[ 34]
Nicolaum G r u c h i u m correct! & emendati . . . Paris, Simon
Calvarinus, 1562. 8p.l., 134 n u m b . 1. 4to.
108. Ethicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae libri decern, ad Nicomachum
conscripti. I o a n n e Argyropylo Byzantio, & Dyonisio Lambino
interpretibus c u m Donati Acciaioli Fiorentini Philosophi summi
commentarijs, & R a p h a e l « Volateran. viri doctissimi in singulos
libros argumentis . . . Venice, J o a n n e s Antonius Bertanus, 1576.
20p.1., 203 (i.e. 209) n u m b . 1., 2 1. diagrs. Fol.
109. Aristotelis Stagiritae . . . Ethicorum ad Nicomachum libri
decern, I o a n n e Argyropylo Byzantio interprete, ad Graecum
exemplar diligentissimè recogniti, cum Donati Acciaioli Fioren-
tini viri doctissimi commentariis . . . Edited by Antonio Francino.
Geneva, J a c o b u s Stoer, 1588. 12p.1., 919p. diagrs. 8vo.
d. French
110. Les ethiques en francoys. Translated, and with a commentary, by
Nicolas Oresme. Paris, Antoine Vérard, 1488. 9p.l., ii-CC&xxxii,
xxix n u m b . 1., 1 1. (i.e. 248 1., including 2 blank). 1 illus. Fol.
This copy varies somewhat in collation from the GW description and in
foliation from the BMC description. An error in binding has put leaves o 1-3,
6-8 (second series) in place of leaves o 1-3, 6-8 (first series), which are there-
fore wanting. GW 2381; H CR 1759; BMC VIII, 74; J. Macfarlane, Antoine
Vérard, no. 8; not in Stillwell.

e. Italian
111. L'Ethica d'Aristotile tradotta in lingua vulgare Fiorentina et
comentata per Bernardo Segni. Florence, Lorenzo Torrentino,
1550. 547, [1 l]p. diagrs. 4to.
G a m b a 87.
112 . . Vcnicc, Bartholomeo detto l'Imperatore, 1551. 158
(i.e. 343) n u m b . 1., 5 1. diagrs. 8vo.
G a m b a 88.

f. Spanish
113. L a philosofia moral del Aristotel: es asaber Ethicas: Polithicas: y
Económicas: en R o m a n ç e . Translated by Carlos, prince oj Viana, from
the Latin of Leonardo Bruni Aretino. Zaragoza, Georg Coci, 1509.
150 1. Fol.
Palau 16676.
a. Latin
114. Epitome doctrinae moralis, ex decern libris Ethicorum Aristotelis
ad N i c o m a c h u m collecta, pro Academia Argentinensi, per
T h e o p h i l u m Golium, ethices ibidem professorem. Strassburg,
Josias Rihelius, [ca. 1615?] 8p.l., 377, [19]p. 8vo.
Z a pbííofofía mowltelSriftotd: eeafaber £tbt
m : ifcolitbicas : ρ £conomicaö £ n Iftomançe,

No. 113. Ethica, Politica, and Oeconomica. Spanish version. Zaragoza, 1509.
[ 36 1
b. Italian
115. L'Ethica d'Aristotile ridotta in compendio da Ser Brunetto Latini,
et altre traduttioni, & scritti di quei tempi . . . Lyons, J e a n de
Tournes, 156S. 3p.l., 185, [l]p. 4to.
Edited by Jacopo Corbinelli. The paraphrase of the Ethica is an extract from
Latini's Trésor in an Italian translation by Bono Giamboni. For the other
works contained in the volume see Gamba, pp. 27-28. Cartier 526; Gamba 89.
116. L'Ethica di Aristotile a Nicomacho, ridutta in modo di parafrasi
dal Reuerendo M . Antonio Scaino, con varie annotationi &
diuersi dubbi . . . Rome, Gioseppe de gli Angeli, 1574. 15p.l.,
218p., 8 1., 179, [l]p. 4to.

HISTORIA A M M A I . I U M (tee alto DOS. 17, 20)

a. Greek
Historia Animalium, Frankfurt, 1587, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This
was issued separately but is vol. 6 of no. 5 in the University's collection.
b. Greek and Latin
117. Άριστοτίλουτ Πίρί Ζώων Ιστορίας. Aristotelis Historia de Animalibus,
Iulio Caesare Scaligero interprete, cum eiusdem commentarijs
. . . Edited by Philippe Jacques de Maussac. Toulouse, Dominicus
and Petrus Bosc, 1619. 16p.l., 1248, [23]p. diagrs. Fol.

c. Latin
118. Aristotelis De natura animalium: libri nouem. De partibus ani-
malium: libri quatuor. De generatione animalium: libri quinq[ue].
Interprete Theodoro Gaza. Venice, Bartholomaeus de Zanis for
Octavianus Scotus, 1498. 6p.l., 89 numb. 1. Fol.
GW 2353; H C 1703; BMC V, 433; Proctor 5341; Stillwell A873.

MAGNA MORALIA (tee alto nos. 13, 16, 21, 100, 104)

Magna M or alia, Frankfurt, 1584, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was
issued separately but is vol. 4 of no. 5 in the University's collection.

MECHANICA (see also no. 354)

119. Aristotelis Medianica Graeca, emendata, Latina facta, & com-
mentariis illustrata, a b Henrico Monantholio medico, & math-
ematicarum artium professore regio . . . Paris, Jeremias Perier,
1599. 20p.l., 211, [l]p. diagrs. 4to.
M E T Α Ρ Η Y S I C A ( s e e alto DOS. 1 6 , 2 4 )

a. Greek
Metaphysica, Frankfurt, 1585, edited by Friedrich Sylburg. This was
issued separately but is vol. 9 of no. 5 in the University's collection.
b. Greek and Latin
120. Commentariorum P. Fonsecae . . . Societàtis Iesu, in libros
Metaphysicorum Aristotelis Stagiritae. Tomus primus. Continet
hie tomus quatuor primorum librorum explicationem. Lyons,
Sibille de la Porte, 1585. 12p.l., 724, [18]p. 8vo.
This volume was first published in R o m e in 1577; the second volume was not
ublished until 1589, in Rome. Backer-Sommervogel I I I , 839; cf. Baudrier
PII, 352-353.
c. Latin
121. Contenta. Continetur hic Aristotelis castigatissime recognitum
opus metaphysicû a clarissimo principe Bessarione Cardinale
Niceno latinitate foeliciter donatum, xiiij libris distinctum: cum
adiecto in xij primos libros Argyropyli Byzantij interpretamëto,
rarü proculdubio & hactenus desideratü opus . . . Theophrasti
metaphysicorum liber I. Item Metaphysica introductio: quatuor
dialogorum libris elucidata. Edited by Jacques Le Fèvre d'Étaples.
Paris, Henricus Stephanus, 1515. 160 numb.l. Fol.
The "introductio" and "dialogi" are by Le Fèvre d'Étaples.
122. Bessarionis Cardinalis Niceni, et Patriarchae Constantinopolitani
Metaphysicorum Aristotelis X I I I I librorum tralatio. Venice,
Aldus and Asulanus, 1516. 55(i.e. 53) numb.l. Fol.
Includes the Metaphysica of Theophrastus. This volume was issued as a part
of Bessarion's Adversus Calumniatorem Platonis, Venice, 1516; see Renouard,
Aldus, p. 77, no. 6.
123. . . . Aristote. Stagyrite lib. Metaphy. xij. cum singulorum
epitomatis . . . Auerroeq[uf] eius fideliss. interprete: ac. M. A. Z.
apostillis: necnon duobus alijs lib. quos Aristotele redolere docti
contëdunt . . . Translated by Guilelmus of Moerbeke; edited by M arco
Antonio Rimara. Lyons, Scipion de Gabiano, 1529. cclxxxiiij
numb.l. diagrs. 8vo.
At head of title: " M e t a p h y . Aristo, cum comme. Auer." T h e translation from
the Arabic of Averroës' "commentarius magnus" is by Michael Scotus.
Baudrier, V I I , 170-171.
124. Alexandri Aphrodisiei Commentarla in duodecim Aristotelis
libros de prima Philosophia, interprete I o l n e Genesio Sepulueda
Cordubensi . . . Paris, Simon de Colines, 1536. lOp.l., 402p.
diagrs. Fol.
T h e text of the Metaphysica is also translated by Sepúlveda. Renouard,
Colines, pp. 257-258.
125. . Venice, Hieronymus Scotus, 1544. 3p.l.. 193 numb.l.
diagrs. Fol.
126. Aristotelis S t a g i r i t a e M e t a p h y s i c o r u m libri X I I I I , c u m scholiis ac
u a r i e t a t i b u s l e c t i o n u m n u p e r additis. A u e r r o i s C o r d u b e n s i s
digressiones o m n e s in eosdem. Accesserunt c o n t r a d i c t i o n e s ac
solutiones in dictis Aristotelis, & Auerrois, a b s o l u t a e per solertissi-
m u m M a r c u m A n t o n i u m Z i m a r a m , q u a s n u p e r in l u c e m edidi-
mus. Translated by Bessarion. Lyons, T h i b a u d P a y e n , 1547. 400p.
Baudrier I V , 236.
127. A l e x a n d r i A p h r o d i s i e i C o m m e n t a r l a in d u o d e c i m Aristotelis
libros D e P r i m a Philosophia, i n t e r p r e t e I o a n n e Genesio S e p u l u e d a
C o r d u b e n s i . . . Venice, H i e r o n y m u s Scotus, 1551. 155 n u m b . l .
diagrs. Fol.
See nos. 124 and 125.
128. P a r a p h r a s i s in X I I I I Aristot. libros D e P r i m a Philosophia c u m
adnotatic nibus et q u a e s t i o n i b u s in loca o b s c u r i o r a A n t o n i o
S c a y n o oalodiensi . . . R o m e , B a r t h o l o m a e u s Grassius, 1587.
lOp.l., 582, [ l ] p . Fol.
Includes also the full text of the Metaphysica in the translation by Bessarion.

METEOROLOGICA (êee alto nos. 14,15,18-20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28,68,74)
a. Greek and Latin
129. Francisci V i c o m e r c a t i M e d i o l a n e n s i s in q u a t u o r libros Aristotelis
M e t e o r o l o g i c o r u m c o m m e n t a r l i , et e o r u n d e m l i b r o r u m e G r a e c o
in L a t i n u m per e u n d e m c o n u e r s i o . . . Paris, Vascosanus, 1556.
6p.l., 372, 130, [ l ] p . diagrs. Fol.
b. Latin
130. . . . Aristote. S t a g y r i t e M e t e o r o r u m libri q u a t u o r : c u m A u e r ,
c o r d u b e n s i s exactiss. c o m m e n t a r i j s d e n u o acutissime t r a d u c t i s
. . . Translated by Guilelmus of Moerbeke. Lyons, Scipion d e
G a b i a n o , 1530. lxxiij n u m b . l . diagrs. 8vo.
At head of title: "Libri Meteororum Aristo, cü com. Auer." T h e Averroean
commentary appearing with the first 3 books is a c o m p e n d i u m , or " S u m m a , "
perhaps combined with part of a "commentarium medium" (see M. Stein-
schneider, Die Hebraeischen Uebersetzungen des Mittelalters, p. 136n, and Η . Α.
Wolfson in Speculum, V I < 1 9 3 1 » · , 420). T h e Latin translation from the
Hebrew is by Elia del M e d i g o (Steinschneider p. 135 and G W 3108). T h e
fourth book appears with Averroës' "commentarium m e d i u m " translated
from the Arabic by Michael Scotus (Aristoteles Latinus: Codices, I, 106).
Baudrier V I I , 173. See also no. 56.

131. S. T h o . super m e t e o . H a b e s solertissime lector in h o c codice

Aristotelis stagirite libros M c t e o r o r u [ m ] c u m duplici i n t e r p r e t a -
tione a n t i q u a [i.e. of Guilelmus of Moerbeke] [et] Francisci v a t a b l i :
expositore d i u o T h o m a A q u i n a t e : cuius lucidissima c o m e n t a r í a :
n u n c p r i m ü in lucè e x e u n t . . . Venice, J u n t a , 1537. 12p.l., 69
n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
132. M e t e o r o l o g i c o r u m Aristotelis libri q u a t u o r . F r a n c i s c o Vatablo
interprete. Lyons, Thibaud Payen, 1546. 136p. diagrs. 8vo.
This is bound (as issued?) with an edition of the Physica (no. 173). Baudrier
I V , 235.

133. Aristotelis Meteorologicorum libri quatuor, Ioachimo Perionio

interprete: per Nicolaum Grouchium correct! & emendati. Paris,
Gabriel Buon, 1560. 70 numb.l. diagrs. 4to.
M Y S T I C A P H I L O S O P H I A see T H E O L O G I A .
N A T U R A L I S A U S C U L T A T I O see P H Y S I C A .

O E C O N O M I C A (see also nos. 13, 16, 21, 28, 98, 113, 196, 199, 367)

a. Greek and Latin

134. Aristotelis Stagiritae Oeconomicorum, seu de R e Familiari libri
duo. Bernardino Donato Veronensi interprete . . . Venice,
Hieronymus Scotus, 1540. 3p.l., 41 p., 26 numb.l., 2 1. (incl. 1
blank). 8vo.

b. Latin
135. Oeconomica, Books 7 and 2, translated and with a commentary by Leonardo
Bruni Aretino. Venice, Christopherus Valdarfer, [ca. 1470], 36 1.
G W 2435; H C R 1774; B M C V , 185; Proctor 4139; Stillwell A902.

136. Oeconomicorum Aristotelis libelli cum còmentariis Leonardi

Aretini. Translated by Aretino; edited by Bartholomaeus de Lombardia.
Siena, Simon Nardi, 1508. 24 1. 4to.
137. Thesaurus Oeconomiae, seu Commentarius in Oeconomica
Aristotelis; in quo verae diuitiae familiarum earumq[u«] leges,
partes, & officia describuntur: Johanne Caso authore . . . Trans-
lated by Leonardo Bruni Aretino. Oxford, Joseph Barnes, 1597. 6p.l.,
177, 180-277, [12]p. fold.table. 4to.
Madan I, 42; S T C 4765.

O R G A N O N (see alto no. 28. All editions include the Isagoge of Porphyrins)

a. Greek
138. Opyavov τοD Άριστοτίλουτ. En uobis iuuenes bonarum litterarum
philosophiaeq[u«] studiosi, Aristotelis Organum . . . Venice,
Bartholomaeus Zanettus, 1536. 282 1. diagr. 8vo.

139. ΆριστοTtXovs Opyavov. Aristotelis Organon: hoc est, libri ad

logicam disciplinam pertinentes . . . Edited by Friedrich Sylburg.
Frankfurt, Heirs of Andreas Wechel, 1585. 2p.l., 542p., 1 1. 4to.
T h e University's collection includes another copy of this book issued as vol. 1
of no. 5.
[ 40]
b. Greek and Latin
140. Άριστοτίλοι* "Opyavov. Aristotelis O r g a n u m G r a e c o l a t i n u m ,
nouissimè c o n u e r s u m & e m e n d a t u m . . . studio et o p e r a
I o h a n n i s S p o n d a n i . . . Translated by Boethius and Jacobus de
Venetia. Basel, O p o r i n u s , 1583. 8p.l., 1133(i.e. 1126), [16]p. 8vo.
141. . Aristotelis Stagiritae . . . O r g a n u m : H o c est, libri
o m n e s a d l o g i c a m p e r t i n e n t e s , G r a e c è & Latiné. lui. P a c i u s à B e r i g a
recensuit, a t q u e ex libris t u m m a n u scriptis, t u m editis e m e n d a u i t :
è G r a e c a in L a t i n a m l i n g u a m conuertit . . . H a n a u , " T y p i s
Wechelianis, a p u d C l a u d i u m M a r n i u m & heredes l o a n . A u b r i i , "
1606. 8p.l., 951p. diagrs. 8vo.
142. . H a n a u , C l e m e n t Schleich, 1617. 8p.l., 951p. diagrs. 8vo.
c. Latín
143. I n hoc c o r p o r e hec v o l u m i n a c o n t i n e n t u r in primis Porphirii
ysagoge c u m c o m m e n t a r i o Boecii, Aristotelis p r e d i c a m e n t a c u m
eiusdem Boecii cömentariis, Gilbert! p o r r e t a n i sex principia &
m a g n i Alberti c S m e n t ù . Aristoteles d e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n e , Posterior
editio d e analecticis Aristotelis & i n t e r p r e t a t i o Linconiensis . . .
Translated by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia. Naples, Sixtus Ries-
singer, [ca. 1473-1478], 224 1. (1 blank) Fol.
Includes excerpts from the V i t a Aristotelis of Diogenes Laertius made by
Leonardo Bruni Aretino and Giovanni Tortelli. G W 2390; H C 1663; Proctor
6679; Stillwell A905.

144. Organon, translated by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia, and including the
Liber de Sex Principiis oj Gilbert de la Porree. Venice, P h i l i p p u s d e
Petro, 1481. 180 1. (2 blank). Fol.
G W 2391; H a i n 1665; Proctor 4283; Stillwell A906.

145. Libri L o g i c o r u m in officina H e n r i c i .S. s e c u n d a recognitione a d

archetypos recogniti, cu nouis a d litterà còmètariis . . . Trans-
lated by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia; edited by Jacques Le Fiore
d'Étaples. Paris, H e n r i c u s S t e p h a n u s . 1510. 296 n u m h . l . diagrs.
146. Aristotelis Stragyrite [JIC] Dialéctica: cü quïq[u«] vocibus P o r p h y r i i
Phenicis: Argyropilo t r a d u c t o r e : a J o a n n e Eckio . . . facili ex-
p l a n a t i o n d e c l a r a t a . . . Translated by Boethius and Jacobus de
Venetia. A u g s b u r g , J o h a n n Miller, 1517. X C I I , C L X X X I X
n u m b . l . , 1 1. diagrs. Fol.
147. Logica Aristotelis ex tertia recognitione. L i b r i L o g i c o r u m a d
archetypos recogniti, c u m nouis a d l i t e r a m c o m m e n t a r i j s . . .
Translated by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia: edited by Jacques Le
Fèvre d'Étaples. Paris, S i m o n Colines, 1531. 271 n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
Renouard, Colines, pp. 171-172.
[ 41 ]
148. Aristotelis Stagiritae O r g a n u m , seu libri ad dialecticam attinentes,
ad optimorum exemplarium Graecorum fidem nuperrimè post
omnes alias editiones recogniti . . . Venice, J o a n n e s Gryphius,
1547. 114, 156 numb.l. diagrs. 8vo.
In two parts ; part 11 has a special title page. Part I consists of the T o p i c a and
Sophistici Elenchi translated by Joachim Périon. Part I I , edited by Angelo
Poliziano, contains Porphyrins' Isagoge; the Catcgoriae, translated bv
Boethius; Gilbert de la Porrée's Liber de Sex Principiis as revised by Ermolao
Barbaro; the De Interpretatione and Analytica Priora, translated by Boethius;
and the Analytica Posteriora, translated by J a c o b u s de Venetia.

149. Aristotelis Logica, a b eruditissimis hominibus conuersa. Porphyrij

Institutiones ad Chrysaorium. Aristotelis Categoriae, seu praedica-
menta. Πtpi έρμηνίας, id est, de interpretatione, Liber. Priorum
analyticorum, Libri I I . Posteriorum analyticorum, Libri I I .
Topicorum, Libri V i l i . De Reprehensionibus sophistarum, Liber.
Edited by Nicolas de Grouchy and Guillaume Guerente. Paris, Michael
Vascosanus, 1556. 16, 23, 16, 71 numb.l., 9 1., 62, 100, 42 numb.l.
Each part has a special title page, with dates varying from 1556 to 1558, and
separate signatures and foliation. T h e Isagoge of Porphyrius, the Categoriae,
De Interpretatione, and Topica are translated by J o a c h i m Périon; the Ana-
lytica Priora by Frémin Douri; and the Analytica Posteriora and Sophistici
Elenchi by Nicolas de Grouchy.

150. Aristotelis Stagiritae O r g a n u m , hoc est, libri ad logicam attinentes,

BoëthioSeuerino interprete, nuperexoptimis exemplaribusGraecis
recogniti . . . Translated by Boelhius and Jacobus de Venetia; edited by
Angelo Poliziano. Lyons, T h i b a u d Payen, 1557. 71, 31, 128, 88,
239p. 8vo.
Each part has a separate title page. Baudrier I V , 2 7 0 - 2 7 1 .

151. D . Francisci Toleti . . . Commentarla, vnà cum quaestionibus,

in Vniuersam Aristotelis Logicam . . . Translated by Boethius and
Jacobus de Venetia. Cologne, Heirs of Arnold Birckmann, 1575.
3p.l., 250 numb.l. 4to.
Includes the Liber de Sex Principiis of Gilbert de la Porrée. Backer-Sommer-
vogcl V I I I , 66.
152 . . Venice, Dominicus Farreus, 1584. 4p.l., 245
numb.l. diagrs. 4to.
Backer-Sommervogel V I I I , 66.
153. Porphyrii Phoenicis Isagoge id est, Introductio in Dialecticen.
Item Aristotelis Stagiritae principis philosophorum opera omnia,
quae pertinent ad inuentionem & iudicationcm Dialecticae . . .
Translated by Joannes Argyropoulos and Boethius. Cologne, Maternus
Cholinus, 1586. 495p. diagrs. 4to.
T h e Isagoge, Categoriae, De Interpretatione, and Analytica Posteriora are
translated by Argyropoulos, the Analytica Priora, Sophistici Elenchi, and
Topica by Boethius. Imperfect: pages 6 3 - 7 2 wanting.

154. Aristotelis Stagiritae . . . Organum nuper ex optimis exemplari-

bus, cùiTi Graecis, t ù m Latinis r e c o g n i t u m , ac scholijs, a n n o t a -
tionibus, v a r i e t a t i b u s q [ w ] l e c t i o n u m recèns i l l u s t r a t u m . Trans-
lated by Boethius and Jacobus de Venetia. V e n i c e , " a p u d M i n i m a m
S o c i e t a t e m , " 1594. 637p. 16mo.
Includes the Aristotelis Vita of Diogenes Laertius and the Liber de Sex
Principiò of Gilbert de la Porrée.

155. D. Francisci Toleti . . . C o m m e n t a r l a , v n à c u m q u a e s t i o n i b u s ,

in V n i u e r s a m Aristotelis L o g i c a m . . . Translated by Boethius and
Jacobus de Venetia. Cologne, " I n officina B i r c k m a n n i c a , s u m p t i b u s
A r n o l d i M y l i j , " 1596. 3p.l., 454 [9]p. diagrs. 4to.
See no. 151; Backer-Sommervogel V I I I , 66.
156 . . Cologne, " I n officina B i r c k m a n n i c a , sumptibus
H e r m a n n i M y l i j , " 1616. 3p.l., 454 [10]p. diagrs. 4to.
Not in Backer-Somraervogcl.


a. Greek
157. Γεωρη/ίου διακόνου ττροίτΐκδίκου και δικαιοφΰλακοί του ΥΙαχυμίρουί
Επιτομή T7JS Αριστοτέλους Αο·γικής. Paris, Vascosan, 1548.71 n u m b . l .
b. Latín
158. G e o r g i j P a c h y m e r i j in v n i u e r s a m Aristotelis disserendi a r t e m
e p i t o m e I o a n n e Baptista R a s a r i o i n t e r p r e t e . Venice, H i e r o n y m u s
Scotus, 1545. 61 n u m b . l . , 1 1. 8vo.
159. . Paris, V a s c o s a n , 1548. 80 n u m b . l . 8vo.

PARVA NATURALIA (see also nos. 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24-27, 49, 55, 56, 354)
160. Aristotelis libelli, q u i p a r u a n a t u r a l i a v u l g o a p p e l a n t u r . I o a c h i m o
Perionio i n t e r p r e t e : p e r N i c o l a u m G r o u c h i u m correcti & e m e n -
dati. Paris, G a b r i e l B u o n , 1560. 72 n u m b . l . diagr. 4to.

Greek and Latín
161. Aristotelis Stagirítae, Pepli f r a g m e n t u m , siue H e r o u m H o m e r i -
c o r u m e p i t a p h i a , fideliter a u c t o r i suo restituía, L a t i n é versa, &
a n n o t a t i o n i b u s illustrata per G u l i e l m u m C a n t e r u r n . . . E d i t i o
s e c u n d a . . . A n t w e r p , C h r i s t o p h e r P l a n t i n , 1571. 31 (i.e. 54)p.
Ruelens, p. 110, no. 13.
P E R I H E R M E N I A S see D E I N T E R P R E T A T I O N .
P H I L O S O P H I A M O R A L I S see E T H I C A N I C O M A C H E A .
P H I L O S O P H I A N A T U R A L I S see S E L E C T E D W O R K S .
PHYSICA (tee alto nos. 14, 16, 18-20, 22, 24-28)
a. Greek
162. Σιμπλικίου 'Υπομνήματα (is τα οκτώ Άριστοτίλοιπ Φυσική! άκροάσίωs
βιβλία μίτά του ΰποκαμίνου του Άριστοτίλους. Simplicii C o m m e n -
tarli in octo Aristotelis Physicae Auscultationis libros c u m ipso
Aristotelis textu . . . Edited by Francesco Torresani. Venice, Aldus
a n d Asulanus, 1526. 4p.l., 322 (i.e. 324) n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
Renouard, Aldus, p. 102.

163. ' λριστοτίλοικ φυσικήs άκροάσίωΐ βιβλία θ. Aristotelis N a t u r a l i s aus-

cultationis libri octo. Paris, C h r i s t i a n W e c h e l , 1532. 191, [ l ] p . 4to.
164. 'Ιωάννου Γραμματικού 'Υπόμνημα tís τα wtpí Φυσικής τίσσαρα πρώτα
βιβλία του Άριστοτίλουί. I o a n n i s G r a m m a t i c i in primos q u a t u o r
Aristotelis D e N a t u r a l i A u s c u l t a t i o n e libros C o m e n t a r í a . . .
Edited by Vittore Trincavelli. Venice, B a r t h o l o m a e u s Z a n e t t i , 1535.
160 1. Fol.
165. Άριστοτίλουί Φυσικής άκροάσίωί βιβλία οκτώ. Aristotelis N a t u r a l i s
auscultationis libri octo n o u a r e c o g n i t i o n e e m e n d a t i . Edited by
Melchiorre Sessa. Venice, M e l c h i o r r e Sessa, 1546. 123 n u m b . l . , 1 1.
b. Latin
166. Physica, with the " commenlarius magnus" of Averroes ; in two translations,
one from the Greek by Jacobus de Venetia, the other, and the commentary,
from the Arabic by Michael Scotus. P a d u a , L a u r e n t i u s Canozius,
[ca. 1474]. 238 1. Fol.
G W 2443; H C 1683; Stillwell A 9 1 3 .

167. E g i d i j R o m a n i in libros d e physico a u d i t u Aristotelis c o m e n t a r í a

a c c u r a t i s s i m e e m e n d a t a : [í/] in m a r g i n i b u s o r n a t a q u o t a t i o n i b u s
t e x t u u [el] [com] m e n t o [rum] ac alijs q[uam]plurimis annotatiöib[«i],
C u t a b u l a q u e s t i o n u in fine. Eiusde[m] questio de g r a d i b u s
f o r m a [rum] . . . In a translation revised by Guilelmus of Moerbeke;
edited by Augustinus de Fivizano. V e n i c e , H e i r s of O c t a v i a n u s Scotus,
1502. 214 n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
Includes verses by Egidio Canisio. T h e Quaestio de gradibus formarum is
Egidio Colonna's Contra gradus et pluralitates formarum.

168. G u a l t e r i Burlei in physicafm] Aristotelis expositio [et] questiones:

ac e t i a m questio d e p r i m o [«/] v l t i m o i s t a n t i d e n u o reuisa ac
m e n d i s p u r g a t a [e/] a c c u r a t i s s i m e q u ä t ü a r s perficere potest: i m -
pressa . . . In a translation revised by Guilelmus of Moerbeke; edited by
Matthaeus Siculus de Randatio. V e n i c e , H e i r s of O c t a v i a n u s Scotus,
1508. 2p.l., 239 n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
169. Accipe lector studiose Aristotele peripathetico[r«m] principe[m] : a c
eius fidelissimü î t e r p r e t ë Auerroe[m]: c a s t i g a t u m erroribusq[u«]
p u r g a t ù : n e c n ô m a r g i n e s optimis ä n o t a t i o n i b u s ac [con]cordätijs
o r n a t u [ m ] atqfué] fideli studio q u o a d fieri p o t u i t i m p r e s s u m . . .
In two translations, one from the Greek by Jacobus de Venetia, the other,
and the "commentarmi magnus" of Averroes, from the Arabic by Michael
Scotus; edited by Marco Antonio Rimara. Y e n i r e . Heirs of O c t a v i a n u s
Scotus, 1516. 186, 36 n u m b . l diagrs. Fol.
Includes (with special title and separate signatures and foliation) Zimara's
Quaestio de Primo Cognito and Solutiones Contradictionura in Dìctis
170. Aristotelis S t a g y r i t a e acroases Physicae libri. V i l i . loan.
A r g y r o p i l o i n t e r p r e t e , adiectis l o a n . Eckii a d n o t a t i o n i b u s &
c o m m e n t a r i j s . . . A u g s b u r g , G r i m m a n d W i r s u n g , 1518. l p . l . ,
C X I n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
171. Libri octo physico[rwn] Aristotilis per I o a n n e m A r g y r o p y l ù e
graeco in l a t i n ü t r a d u c t i . . . Edited by Wolfgang Mosnauer.
C r a c o w , J o h a n n H a l l e r , 1519. 121 1. d i a g r . 4to.
Includes a life of Aristotle by Joannes Camers.
172. Aristotelis S t a g i r i t a e d e Physico a u d i t u libri octo, ex o p t i m i s
e x e m p l a r i b u s Graecis i u x t a l i t e r a m & t r a l a t i o n e m v e t e r e m recog-
niti . . . Auerrois C o r d u b e n s i s Digressiones oês in e o s d e m .
Accesserunt c o n t r a d i c t i o n e s ac solutiones in dictis Aristotelis &
Auer, a b s o l u t e per solertissimum M a r c u m A n t o n i u m Z i m a r r a m
. . . In a translation revised by Guilelmus of Moerbeke; edited by
Ottaviano Scotto. Venice, H i e r o n y m u s Scotus, 1540. 468(i.e. 454)p.,
11. 8vo.
Includes the argument of each book by Raffaele Maffei of Volterra. The
"Digressiones" are excerpts from the "commentarius magnus" of Averroës.
173. P h y s i c o r u m Aristotelis, seu, D e N a t u r a l i a u s c u l t a t i o n e , libri octo.
I o a n n e A r g y r o p y l o B y z a n t i o i n t e r p r e t e . Lyons, T h i b a u d P a y e n ,
1546. 215p. 8vo.
With this are bound (as issued?) the De Coelo, De Generatione et Corrup-
tione, Meteorologica, and De Anima (see nos. 70, 79, 132, 58). Baudrier,
IV, 234.
174. . . . Aristotelis S t a g i r i t a e D e Physico A u d i t u libri octo, c u m
Auerrois C o r d u b e n s i s variis in eosdem c o m m e n t a r i i s . . . Venice,
J u n t a , 1550. 3p.l., 2 - 2 0 7 n u m b . l . diagrs. Fol.
At head of title: "Quartum volumen." This is vol. 4 of the 11 volumes of the
complete works published at Venice, 1550-1552; the University's collection
contains this volume and vols. 2 and 3 (nos. 21 and 22Ó). The Physica appears
in two translations, one from the Greek revised by Guilelmus of Moerbeke,
the other from the Arabic by Michael Scotus ; the commentaries of Averroës
are translated by Scotus and Jacobus Mantinus.

175. A u g u s t i n i N i p h i . . . expositio super o c t o Aristotelis S t a g i r i t a e

libros d e Physico A u d i t u : c u m duplici t e x t u s t r a l a t i o n e , a n t i q u a
[of Jacobus de Venetia] videlicet, & n o u a eius . . . A u e r r o i s e t i a m
. . . in e o s d e m libros P r o o e m i u m , ac C o m m e n t a r l a , c u m ipsius
Augustini . . . expositione, a n n o t a t i o n i b u s , ac postremis in o m n e s
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Title: American politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date

embodying a history of all the political parties, with their
views and records on all important questions. Great
speeches on all great issues, and tabulated history and
chronological events.

Author: Thomas V. Cooper

Hector T. Fenton

Release date: August 27, 2023 [eBook #71502]

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Member Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 1870–72. Senate, 1874–84.
Chairman Republican State Committee of Pennsylvania, 1881–82–83–84–85–

Of the Philadelphia Bar.


Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1892, by the
in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.



Respectfully Dedicated


The writer of this volume, in the pursuit of his profession as an

editor, and throughout an active political life, has always felt the
need of a volume from which any important fact, theory or record
could be found at a moment’s glance, and without a search of many
records. He has also remarked the singular fact that no history of the
political parties of the country, as they have faced each other on all
leading issues, has ever been published. These things prompted an
undertaking of the work on his own part, and it is herewith presented
in the hope that it will meet the wants not only of those connected
with politics, but of all who take an interest in public affairs. In this
work very material aid has been rendered by the gentleman whose
name is also associated with its publication, and by many political
friends, who have freely responded during the past year to the calls
made upon them for records, which have been liberally employed in
the writing and compilation of this work.

Colonial Parties—Whig and Tory 3
Particularists and Strong Government Whigs 5
Federals and Anti-Federals 6
Republicans and Federals 8
Downfall of the Federals 12
Democrats and Federals 17
Jefferson Democrats 19
Hartford Convention 20
Treaty of Ghent 20
Congressional Caucus 21
Protective Tariff 21
Monroe Doctrine 23
Missouri Compromise 24
Tariff—American System 25
Tenure of Office—Eligibility 27
Nullification—Democrats and Federals 29
United States Bank 31
Jackson’s Special Message on the United States Bank 33
Conception of Slavery Question 35
Democrats and Whigs 37
The Hour Rule 39
National Bank Bill—First 41
„ „ „ Second 43
Oregon Treaty of 1846 47
Treaty of Peace with Mexico 49
Clay’s Compromise Resolutions 51
Abolition Party—Rise and Progress of 53
Kansas-Nebraska Bill 55
Ritual of the American Party 57
Kansas Struggle 71
Lincoln and Douglas Debate 73
Charleston Convention—Democratic, 1860 81
Douglas Convention, 1860, Baltimore 86
Breckinridge Convention, 1860, Baltimore 86
Chicago Republican Convention, 1860 86
American Convention, 1860 87
Secession—Preparing for 87
Secession—Virginia Convention, 1861 91
„ Inter-State Commissioners 96
„ Southern Congress, Proceedings of 97
„ Confederate Constitution 97
„ Confederate States 98
Buchanan’s Views 99
Crittenden Compromise 104
Peace Convention 106
Actual Secession 109
„ „ Transferring Arms to the South 109
Fernando Wood’s Secession Message 112
Congress on the Eve of the Rebellion 113
Lincoln’s Views 115
Judge Black’s Views 115
Alexander H. Stephens’ Speech on Secession 116
Lincoln’s First Administration 120
Confederate Military Legislation 128
Guerrillas 129
Twenty-Negro Exemption Law 130
Douglas on the rebellion 130
Political Legislation Incident to the War 130
Thirty-Seventh Congress 131
Compensated Emancipation 135
Lincoln’s Appeal to the Border States 137
Reply of the Border States 138
Border State Slaves 139
Emancipation 141
„ Preliminary Proclamation of 141
„ Proclamation of 143
Loyal Governors, the Address of 144
Fugitive Slave Law, Repeal of 145
Financial Legislation 149
Seward as Secretary of State 149
Internal Taxes 151
Confederate Debt 152
Confederate Taxes 153
West Virginia—Admission of 158
Color in War Politics 159
Thirteenth Amendment—Passage of 167
Louisiana—Admission of Representatives 168
Reconstruction 169
Arkansas—Admission of 170
Reconstruction Measures—Text of 171
Fourteenth Amendment 174
McClellan’s Political Letters 175
Lincoln’s Second Administration 177
Andrew Johnson and his Policy 178
„ „ —Impeachment Trial 179
Grant 191
Enforcement Acts 193
Readmission of Rebellious States 193
Legal Tender Decision 194
Greenback Party 194
Prohibitory Party 196
San Domingo—Annexation of 196
Alabama Claims 197
Force Bill 197
Civil Service—Order of President Hayes 198
Amnesty 199
Liberal Republicans 199
Reform in the Civil Service 200
Credit Mobilier 200
Salary Grab 214
Returning Boards 217
Grangers 218
„ —Illinois Railroad Act of 1873 218
Civil Rights Bill—Supplementary 221
Morton Amendment 222
Whisky Ring 222
Belknap Impeached 223
White League 223
Wheeler Compromise—Text of 226
Election of Hayes and Wheeler 228
Electoral Count 229
Title of President Hayes 233
Cipher Despatches 234
The Hayes Administration 239
Negro Exodus 240
Campaign of 1880 242
Three Per Cent. Funding Bill 244
History of the National Loans 245
Garfield and Arthur—Inauguration of 253
Republican Factions 253
The Caucus 256
Assassination of Garfield 260
Arthur, President 261
Boss Rule 261
Readjusters 263
Mormonism—Suppression of 264
„ Text of the Bill 265
South American Question 269
Star Route Scandal 277
The Coming States 278
Chinese Question 281
„ „ —Speech of Senator Miller on 281
„ „ —Reply of Senator Hoar 285
Merchant Marine 296
Current Politics 298
Political Changes in 1882, 1883, 1884 304–
Cleveland’s Administration 321
Contests of 1885, 1886, 1887 321
The Campaigns of 1884, 1886, 1887, 1888 318–
The National Conventions of 1888 336
The Presidential Election of 1888 337
President Harrison’s Message on the Chilean Troubles 339
The National Conventions of 1892 347
Virginia Resolutions, 1798 2003
Virginia Resolutions, 1798—Answers of the State Legislatures 2006
Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 2010
Washington’s Farewell Address 2014
All National Platforms from 1800 to 1892 2021–
Comparison of Platform Planks on Great Questions 2079–


James Wilson’s Vindication of the Colonies 3003
Patrick Henry before Virginia Delegates 3007
John Adams on the Declaration 3008
Patrick Henry on the Federal Constitution 3010
John Randolph against Tariff 3013
Edward Everett on the Example of the Northern to the
Southern Republics of America 3018
Daniel Webster on the Greek Question 3019
John Randolph’s Reply to Webster 3020
Robert Y. Hayne against Tariff 3021
Henry Clay on his Land Bill 3023
John C. Calhoun’s Reply to Clay 3024
Robt. Y. Hayne on Sales of Public Land—the Foote Resolution 3025
Daniel Webster’s Great Reply to Hayne 3048
John C. Calhoun on the Rights of the States 3080
Henry Clay on the American Protective System 3086
James Buchanan on an Independent Treasury 3095
Lewis Cass on the Missouri Compromise 3096
Clement L. Vallandigham on Slavery 3097
Horace Greeley on Protection 3099
Henry A. Wise Against Know-Nothingism 3109
Kenneth Raynor on the Fusion of Fremont and Fillmore
Forces 3112
Religious Test—Debate on the Article in the Constitution in
Regard to it 3114
Henry Winter Davis on the American Party 3115
Joshua R. Giddings Against the Fugitive Slave Law 3116
Robert Toombs in Favor of Slavery 3117
Judah P. Benjamin on Slave Property 3119
William Lloyd Garrison on the Slavery Question 3120
Theodore Parker Against the Fugitive Slave Law and the
Return of Sims 3121
William H. Seward on the Higher Law 3122
Charles Sumner on the Fallibility of Judicial Tribunals 3123
Galusha A. Grow on his Homestead Bill 3123
Lincoln and Douglas Debate—
„ „ „ Douglas’s Speech 3126
„ „ „ Lincoln’s Reply 3133
„ „ „ Douglas’s Rejoinder 3143
Jefferson Davis on Retiring from the United States Senate 3147
Henry Wilson on the Greeley Canvass 3149
Oliver P. Morton on the National Idea 3151
J. Proctor Knott on “Duluth” 3154
Henry Carey on the Rates of Interest 3159
Simon Cameron on Internal Improvements 3163
John A. Logan on Self-Government 3165
James G. Blaine on the “False Issue” 3171
Roscoe Conkling on the Extra Session of 1879 3176
Lincoln’s Speech at Gettysburg 3186
John M. Broomall on Civil Rights 3186
Charles A. Eldridge against Civil Rights 3189
A. K. McClure on “What of the Republic?” 3191
Robt. G. Ingersoll Nominating Blaine 3201
Roscoe Conkling Nominating Grant 3202
James A. Garfield Nominating Sherman 3203
Daniel Dougherty Nominating Hancock 3205
George Gray Nominating Bayard 3205
William P. Frye Nominating Blaine (at Chicago) 3206
Senator Hill’s Denunciation of Mahone 3207
Senator Mahone’s Reply 3217
Justin S. Morrill on the Tariff Commission 3223
J. Don Cameron on Reduction of Revenue as Affecting the
Tariff 3233
Thomas H. Benton on the Election of Presidents 3237
James G. Blaine’s Eulogy on President Garfield 3240
G. H. Pendleton on Civil Service 3251
John J. Ingalls Against Civil Service 3262
Samuel J. Randall on the Tariff 3274
William McKinley, Jr., on the Tariff 3277
Chauncey M. Depew Nominating Harrison 3283
Leon Abbett Nominating Cleveland 3285


Declaration of Independence 4003
Articles of Confederation 4006
Jefferson’s Manual 4022


Statistics of General Information 5003–
Chronological Politics 5025

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