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Identifying Job Leads

Through are three successful ways of identifying job leads. The first is through a:
 Visible market – Newspaper, Employment services, Online job search.
 Hidden job market
Direct contact with employers, telephone contact, research and screen organizations to match
your skills to the needs of the company, identify hiring official in the organization, develop a well-
planned presentation to use when calling the hiring official.
 Networking
The process of systemically meeting and talking with people who may be able to provide you
with information that may to lead to a job
A network is made up of people you know: Family, Friends, School

What is Cover Letter

A cover letter is a document sent with resume to provide additional information on your skills
and experience. Is the document that accompanies your CV when you are applying for job
Lay out
 Your address and contact details come under your name, in the upper right corner of the page.

 Underneath, aligned left, the name, function, organization and address of the person you are
writing to. (it’s a lot better to know the name of the person who is going to read your letter. You
should address the letter directly to him/her.
 Under receiver’s address, but aligned right write the date of the when you are writing the letter.
(You should spell the name of the month and use 4 digits for the year). October 14, 2023
 If you know the name of the addressee, start with Dear Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., without full stop that
you might expect to follow the abbreviation, and the surname of the addressee, followed by
comma (Dear Dr. Smith,). In this case you should end the letter with the salutation “Yours
 If you do not know the name of the addressee, start with Dear Sirs, or Dear Sir or Madam and
close with “Yours Faithfully”. Do not start the body of the mail with a capital letter, since it
follows a Comma

The goal at the first paragraph is to specify what you are applying for and how did you find out
about the opportunity. The second paragraph should list your skills and qualification that make you the
right person for the position you are applying for. You should start from your experience and show that
how you have developed those qualifications by doing what you have been doing/learning. The second
paragraph should show why you are good for the job.
The third paragraph should point out why you want it. You should outline your interest for the
skills you are going to learn if you get the job. The impressions left should be that you could make a
genuine contribution to company’s operations, while simultaneously deriving satisfaction from your
The last paragraph outlines your availability for an interview, suggesting in this way a concrete
follow-up for your application.
Example: May arrange an interview to further discuss my qualifications? I am available for an
interview at a mutually convenient time. Thank you for your time and consideration.
After the fourth (last) paragraph leave a blank space, same as you should do in the beginning,
after the salutation (Dear.). Write the proper closing (Yours….) and your name. Leave a blank space
between the closing and your name and to sign the letter in that space.

A resume, is a concise document typically not longer than one pages as the intended the reader
will not dwell on your document for very long. The goal of resume is to make an individual stand out
from the competition, the job seeker should adapt the resume to very position they apply for, a resume
doesn’t’ have to be ordered chronologically, doesn’t’ have to cover your whole career and is a highly
customizable document.

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
A CV is an in-depth document that can be laid out over two or more pages. It contains a high of
detail about your achievements, a great deal more than just a career biography. The CV covers your
education as well as any other accomplishments like publications, awards, honors etc.

The Keys to Successful Interview
 Convey a positive attitude  Be prepared
 Beware of non-verbal communication  Remain calm when faced with periods
 Be knowledgeable of the company of silence
 Don’t talk yourself out of job  Know your Resume
 Don’t keep the interviewer waiting

Know Yourself
Be able to articulate YOUR
 Skills-  Abilities
 Values-  Long term plans
 Interest -
Types of Interviews
 Screening interviews  Panel interviews
 Second round interviews  Group interviews
 One on one

Prepared for questions about resume
Familiar with contents
Answer questions pertaining to resume
typically asked questions - “Why should we hire you?”- “Tell me about one of your weakness.”
Practice - Mirror- Video camera- Friends, family No memorized answers - Just concepts and key
“buzz words”
Day of the Interview
 Fresh shower, well-groomed,
 Leave plenty of time for mishaps
 Eat prior to the interview
 Arrive early
The interview process
Closing the interview
 Employer initiates
 Let employer know you are interested


Job Search PowerPoint | PPT ( letter ppt. | PPT ( to write a cover
letter | PPT( and CV (Presentation) | PPT ( Preparation |

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