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Educational Materials and

Understanding Autism
1. Objectives

2. Introduction

3. What Can Be Done as Speech Therapists?

Professional as an Active Role in the Development and
Continuous Adaptation of Materials
4. List of Adapted Resources and Materials
What Should I Keep in Mind?
5. Methods
Theoretical Approach to the Most Commonly Used Methods
Functionality. Comparative Table with the Exposed Methods
6. TEACHH Program
Educational Principles Based on this Method
Characteristics of Autism as a Basis for Structured Teaching
7. INMER Program
Fundamental Bases of the Program. Main Function
Virtual Reality Immersion System for People with Autism
8. ICT-Mediated Learning
Software to Teach Emotions
Applications that Favor Language Development
9. Materials Development
Sources Used
Image Banks
Banks of Pictograms
Recommended Materials
10. Free Resources to Support Learning
List of Reinforcement Pages with Programs to Reinforce
11. PCS
Access to the Pictographic Communication System
Main Function
12. Implantation
Choosing the Right Program
List of Benefits and Disadvantages
13. Summary

14. Bibliography
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Objectives Similarly, it will be explained in a more concrete way,

what kind of methods or intervention models are more
• To learn about the work carried out by speech- recognized in the field of Speech Therapy, to intervene in
language pathologists when faced with a diagnosis cases of autism spectrum disorder, making a theoretical
of Autism Spectrum Disorder approach to different methods, explaining the
functionality of each one and preparing a comparative
• To analyze how resources and materials should be
table in which the specific details are analyzed.
chosen to intervene in ASD cases.
• To investigate in relation to the most used On the other hand, information related to a model
intervention methods in ASD, comparing their already discussed in the field of ASD, the TEACCH
content. model, will be analyzed, making known, in this case, what
• To establish the principles of action and are the educational principles that are based on this
characteristics in ASD, based on the TEACCH model of intervention, as well as what are some of the
model. characteristics of the group with ASD diagnosis, which
form the basis of structured teaching.
• To investigate the most relevant elements of the
INMER program, taking into account its function After this, a new intervention model will be discussed,
and its Virtual Reality system. in this case the INMER program. We will explain its
• To deepen in the learning of emotions and language implications in the Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as
from ICT’s, aimed at the ASD group. its applications, from what scope it is carried out, how it
• To understand what process can be followed when is structured, what its purpose is, etc.
developing materials for intervention with ASD.
In order to do so, among other elements, we will consider
• To know some of the free resources that can be which are its fundamental bases, focusing on the main
accessed for intervention in ASD. function for which it has been designed, in addition to
• To investigate the information related to the investigating a current intervention concept, the Virtual
elaboration and content of the Pictographic Reality Immersion System for people with ASD
Communication System.
On the other hand, we will resume the deepening of one
• To learn how the chosen intervention programs or
of the most effective types of intervention for ASD cases,
plans are implemented, according to their strengths
referring in this case to Information and Communication
and disadvantages.
Technologies. In order to continue detailing which are
other of the most relevant intervention tools for this
Introduction group, specific attention will be paid to software designed
to teach emotions, as well as to applications that favor
In this seventh topic, called “educational materials and language development.
resources”, we will continue to analyze the variety of
interventions that can be carried out in relation to the Next, it will be shown what steps should be taken when
diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, but in this case, elaborating the different materials and resources that
we will focus on the field of speech therapy, investigating will be useful to intervene in the improvement of skills
how these professionals act in the improvement of skills and abilities of the ASD group.
and developmental abilities of this group.
To this end, we will investigate the sources to which we
First of all, aspects related to the fundamental role that can turn to obtain information on which are the most
speech therapists will play in relation to the improvement optimal and beneficial resources, which image and
of communication and linguistic skills of children with pictogram banks are most useful for children’s learning,
ASD diagnosis will be discussed. as well as which materials are the most recommended
for carrying out different interventions.
To this end, we will consider what elements, instruments
and tools are taken into account when elaborating Another relevant section to be dealt with will refer
sessions, what interventions they consider most to the choice of support models, aimed at the
appropriate to carry out, as well as the variety of ASD group, which can be accessed free of charge.
interventions that can be carried out in this field. They will be shown in order to determine their
effectiveness and benefits in this group, as well as in their
Next, we will address the knowledge regarding which circle, and the way in which they can be easily accessible,
are some of the materials and resources, in a specific not only for professionals, but also for the families of
way, when intervening with the ASD group, as well as the these children, as well as for society as a whole.
way in which they are applied and in which situations it
is shown that it will be more necessary to carry them Once this section has been explained, we will continue
out in order to develop certain skills and areas of analyzing a new intervention tool based on visual
communication. elements for the group diagnosed with Autism Spectrum
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This tool is called pictographic system of communication In these cases, it is not a matter of changing the
and its elaboration and conformation, which are its most knowledge they may already have about speech and
relevant sections, which methodology it uses, as well as hearing, but rather we would work from the speech
its main function, among other aspects, will be explained. therapy materials so that, before they finish their training
in these areas, the children will have had the help from
Finally, we will deal with a section that will include the this field. This is determined with the purpose that, both
previous ones, determining how to choose the most in the infant and primary school years, as well as in the
appropriate intervention program, depending on the years to come, the speech therapy intervention does not
characteristics and sections that it presents, those constitute a problem for their evolution (depending on
that are specific to the diagnosis, and the individual each diagnosis), as long as it is done in a continuous way
characteristics of each child. In addition, this choice will from those early years.
be exposed taking into account which are the strong
points of the programs, and what disadvantages they On the other hand, it is important to emphasize how
may present. fundamental it is to determine a collaboration, also from
an early age, in relation to the family-school- speech
therapist agents, since these are the three pillars of
What Can Be Done as education that children with ASD diagnosis (among
Speech Therapists? others) count on, who can count on speech therapy

Professional as an active role in In order for the work carried out in this field to become
established in the child, so that it can really help him/
the development and continuous her and improve his/her skills, it must also be taken into
adaptation of materials. account and put into practice in the other areas of his/
The role played by Speech Therapy professionals is her life, that is, at home and at school, by the people
varied, since it is influenced by the case they are dealing who are in contact with him/her to a greater extent.
with and its characteristics, as well as the environment
from which they must intervene. Next, in relation to this last point, the idea of Moreno, Grande,
and Pérez (2014), who focused, in one of their research
Its functions begin with a prevention and diagnosis, articles, on the teacher/teacher-logopedist relationship, will
through which it can move on to practice. These steps be presented. They consider that such relationship “is an
are absolutely necessary, since not all centers, contexts indispensable condition for the success of the treatment of
and environments work in the same way or have the language disorders both in general education and in Special
same resources. Education”.

Based on this aspect, the speech therapists will begin In addition, as mentioned above, they claim that an
to develop the most specific methodology they can improper relationship between these professionals,
for the children who attend the intervention, as well as
adapt the resources and materials available to them as It can lead to serious damage
professionals, as well as those available to the families,
in order to ensure proper learning and development. to the learning process, limiting
the possibilities of prevention,
In the same way, as has been established so far, it is
also convenient that these professionals have certain correction or compensation of
materials, instruments and tools that lead them to language disorders” (Moreno,
identify children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well
as their communicative and linguistic alterations. Grande, & Pérez, 2014).
Early care and intervention is one of the fundamental In this aspect, it can be observed, once again, that
aspects of intervention, given that, by detecting teachers and speech therapists must go hand in hand in
diagnoses as early as possible, it will be possible to work the education of children, also collaborating in the most
and improve the evolution of the child’s development. appropriate use of resources and materials, adapted to
This means that, as it is well known, everything related each individual case of diagnosis.
to the development of the person is more noticeable and On the other hand, in relation to this collaboration, it is
decisive in the first years of life, so if we work with them, estimated that, from Speech Therapy, it is possible to
at the same time that they are developing cognitively, we
can include speech therapy learning, trying to make it
less confusing.
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It should provide the teacher with All of the above would deal with aspects related to the
functions that a speech therapist has both clinically and
the knowledge about the specialty at school, as well as the great relevance of the diagnosis
that he/she must possess to in ASD from early care, in the family and community
environments, which form a whole, a team that must
achieve the fulfillment of his/ collaborate in relation to the diagnosis, in order to carry
her mission and the systematic out all possible contributions for a correct evolution and
improvement of the same.
orientations about the procedures
and methods to be used with each
student” (Moreno, Grande, & Pérez,
List of Adapted
Resources and Materials
The aim is for these professionals to provide the What Should I Keep in Mind?
necessary guidelines that each teacher needs to When intervening in cases of autism spectrum disorder,
understand and work according to them. In addition, they a series of fundamental elements must be taken into
will show the different methods and materials that can account, which may determine the effectiveness of
be used depending on the case of ASD that each child the methods, materials and activities proposed for the
has. improvement of skills.
With this, it will not only be the teachers who will have to In these cases, the first main point to take into account
look for ways to adapt the methodology and materials will be to work from the individuality of each case, taking
to the learning of these children, but it will be a common into account the characteristics of the type and degree
work, together with the speech therapy professionals of Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as those that are
so that, in each class, those who need it, can have the characteristic of the personality and development of the
learning that is most beneficial to them, thus achieving person, according to the stage in which he/she finds
progress at the same level as their classmates. himself/herself.
From the work carried out by the speech therapists Starting from this point, the intervention and all that
working in schools, it has been determined that they play encompasses it, such as resources and materials,
a role of should be focused on a choice that is adapted to
these characteristics, as well as to the individual work
Prevention, diagnosis or evaluation, of each case, being much more beneficial in this way,
especially in the beginning, than working in small groups.
treatment, counseling, case follow- This is much more beneficial, especially at the beginning,
up, talks, as well as coordination than working in small groups.
with associations of mothers and Next, it will be necessary to consider that
fathers of students” (Lardín and the materials should also be adapted to the most
appropriate type of learning for the acquisition in each
Ramón, 2018). case. In general, in ASD, it will work better, in a continuous
and more advanced way, through technological,
With the guidance of the speech therapist, parents and manipulative, practical materials that attract the child’s
teachers will become part of this treatment, carrying attention.
out exercises or tasks, through specific materials, to be
performed both by children with ASD diagnosis, and with As an example, three ICT tools will be shown, through
the aim that the rest of the agents perform them for their which the materials are adapted for the ASD group,
benefit (i.e., putting into practice what they have learned transforming the resources into different types of visual
and techniques that are indicated to them, both at home pictograms, which will be of greater help for the child’s
and at school, beyond the sessions they have with the learning.
speech therapist).

Regarding the follow-up of cases, this will take place at

the same time as the treatment is given, with continuous
visits in which the speech therapist observes the
evolution that is taking place, or if on the contrary it is
not taking place, to change the techniques, the materials
or the methodology that is being used. Therefore, it is
essential the collaboration of school and family.
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• PICTAR While this work is being carried out, each idea presented
It aims to facilitate the work with pictograms in should be noted down. Once all the contributions have
the educational field, from tasks such as editing been received, they should be classified according to
of materials by teachers, as well as their use by whether they form part of the same field or area of work,
students in classroom activities when possible. prioritized according to the urgency of the intervention
and, based on each classified category, the specific
It has two clearly differentiated parts: the web page
sections of the intervention to be carried out should be
where the editing of the materials is done, and a
drawn up.
translation web service that, given a text, allows to
translate it into pictograms and use this translation In the case of autism spectrum disorder, brainstorming
as part of the material being worked with. should revolve around skills and abilities that require
• Web Page for Editing Materials intervention, in general, such as improvement and
The Editor is the main working area of the application. development in communication, social relationships,
A number of functions can be performed on the emotions or establishment of routines.
pictograms displayed in the editing area: associate
In relation to this and to the development of adapted
text to the pictograms. You can choose whether
materials, one of these categories will be related to the
this text will appear above or below the pictograms;
promotion of autonomy and problem solving, since,
change the color of the pictograms. Pictograms
from an early age, it will be appropriate to work on a
can be displayed in black and white instead of their
series of routines, including assistance in matters of
original color; erasing. Each pictogram has two
hygiene, clothing, food, knowledge of the environment,
small buttons to erase the pictogram in that hole,
interpersonal relationships, etc.
leaving it blank, and to erase the whole hole, moving
the rest of the pictograms to the left and up in the On the other hand, as a result of this, it will also be
whole grid. appropriate to work on problem solving on a larger
• Text-to-Picto Translation Service scale, not so much with external help that provides
The first step once the text is received is to solutions, but rather that they themselves begin to face,
perform a morphological analysis of the text to assume and manage new changes, which will always
obtain the grammatical categories and lemmas be present.
of the words. Once the analysis is done, its
Related to the above, the materials should also be adapted
lemma and grammatical category are stored for
and directed to the intervention focused on routines and
each word. Instead of performing a simple word-
daily planning, seeking a continuation of the work on
picto correspondence, an additional treatment of
routine issues, fundamental for their daily organization
possible n-grams (successions of n words whose
and, thus, generating a great support that helps, at the
union can have a joint meaning and be represented
same time, to control and manage emotions, possible
by one or more pictograms) is performed (Martín,
changes, the search for new resources and materials
Hervás, Méndez and Bautista, 2018. pp. 2 - 3).
that may facilitate such planning, etc.

Brainstorming Another fundamental area of development to be dealt

with in ASD cases will be emotions, by developing
In general, when developing projects or intervention
specific materials to help manage their control, how to
plans, each section usually requires a brainstorming
identify them in other people, how to create adequate
session proposed by the professionals involved. It
and personalized spaces in which they feel more
should be noted that this work is not merely technical,
comfortable and predisposed to work, how to deal with
but can also be carried out in the development of home
these emotions in different environments, etc.
life, adaptation of school classrooms, management of
associations, etc. One of the areas of development in which the greatest
intervention should be made in ASD cases will be related
Depending on each environment, brainstorming will be
to communication and language, through which new
carried out around more or less complex topics. The
skills for the different environments in which they will
characteristics they will have in common is that it is a
have to develop and that are part of everyday life, such as
work tool that must be carried out in a group, on a given
the home, school, parks, shopping centers, restaurants,
topic, from which each person exposes his or her point
supermarkets, etc., will be addressed.
of view and what contributions he or she considers most
relevant to intervene in relation to it. Another area that requires greater intervention in ASD
is social skills, which would be appropriate to work
on through intervention projects or at a personal level,
focusing on the development of certain communication
and emotional skills, providing tips for managing new
situations, as well as telling experiences or simulating
social environments through artificial scenarios, in order
to practice these skills.
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A final area of development that can be brainstormed • Interventions need to be tailored to the unique
when determining adapted intervention materials for ASD characteristics of the users.
is anticipation and management of day-to-day changes. • Research should include real-life outcomes such
as daily living and community skills, e.g., supported
This is directly related to the category of routines and
daily planning, but it will be necessary to work on it
from a more concrete and adapted point of view, setting • Truly effective treatments are those that are made
out in an exemplary way situations that can occur in a generalizable to complex living conditions and
single day, how many changes can occur (of scenarios, multiple contexts and cultures (Salvadó, Baduell,
actions, people, etc.), also working on improvisation, Torrentó, Camacho, & Latorre, 2012. p. 2).
preparing the group to manage these changes, etc.
Functionality. Comparative Table
with the Exposed Methods
Methods A comparative table (table 1) will be shown below, in which
some of the evidence-based methods of intervention in
autism spectrum disorder will be presented, presenting
Theoretical Approach to the Most new information on those already mentioned, as well as
Commonly Used Methods showing which other methods can be used.
The most recognized and used methods of intervention
for the improvement of developmental areas of the
different cases of Autism Spectrum Disorder are
TEACHH Program
centered on models and programs already explained,
such as Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), the TEACCH Educational Principles Based on
model, Denver or SCERTS. this Method
There are many others that are determined according to First of all, in order to understand how the intervention
the situation and the individual characteristics presented, is carried out from the TEACCH program, it must be
such as the skills to be reinforced or developed, as well established, as a first principle, the understanding of
as the environment and the best way of learning that will what is the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
benefit the child’s acquisition of knowledge.
In this sense, one of the most important aspects when
The global concept that encompasses the choosing the intervention through this model is the
aforementioned models, as well as others related to the evaluation, since it is necessary to know which skills are
same field of intervention, is that of “evidence-based”. really altered in each case of ASD, and not to assume, in a
This is defined as general way, that we should intervene in the improvement
of abilities that may be less developed.
The integration of the best and Therefore, in order to determine the skills in which it has
most current evidence in order to been proven that intervention is necessary, as well as to
carry out the process involved in applying the TEACCH
facilitate decisions for assessment program, it is necessary to specify the educational
and intervention that are principles through which the program works with each
considered effective and efficient
• The most important goal of TEACCH is to improve
for a particular individual” (Salvadó, each individual’s adaptation by: a) contributing to the
Baduell, Torrentó, Camacho, & improvement of his or her abilities and b) modifying
and structuring the environment to accommodate
Latorre, 2012). autistic deficits; in TEACCH terminology, this is
called “mutual accommodation”.
In this regard, it is worth mentioning the principles that
evidence-based intervention models and programs
should meet:

• Evidence-based practice should have a compelling

rationale for clinical strategies.
• The results should be supported by research on the
clinical practice and expertise of the professionals
who carry it out.
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Table 1.

Evidence-Based Intervention Methods for ASD.

Evidence-Based Intervention Methods

These are specific learning procedures or practices that professionals or family
members use to enhance the development and learning of specific behaviors or to
decrease specific problem behaviors in a relatively short time. Some examples are: set
of preventive behavioral strategies; set of behavioral intervention strategies; shaping;
joint attention intervention; strategies in the natural context; parent-implemented
interventions; peer learning strategies; strategies for autonomy; and strategies for the
development and learning of specific behaviors.
It is a global model that includes clinical services and training programs for professionals.
The characteristic of this model, which differentiates it from the others, is the emphasis
on structured learning, and consists of:
• Structuring the environment and activities so that they are understandable to people
about what they are supposed to do, how long it will take, or how many times they
TEACCH Model have to do it.
• Build on these people’s strengths, such as visual skills and interests in visual details
to compensate for significant difficulties in other skills.
• Motivate them and keep them engaged in learning using their own individual special
• Support the use of spontaneous and functional communication.
It is characterized as constructivist (children play an active role in the construction
of their own mental and social world through their affective, motor and sensory
experiences) and transactional (the child and the other people around them are affected
and influenced by each other’s development).
A preliminary assessment is carried out to set short-term objectives, organized in four
Denver Model
levels (from 12 to 48 months), according to the child’s development, taking into account
the developmental profile of children with ASD.
The program covers intervention in the areas of communication, socialization, imitation,
play, cognition, fine and gross motor skills, behavior and autonomy. Two to three
objectives are set for each area and are monitored every 12 weeks.
It is a global multidisciplinary model, whose priority is to enhance the development
of socioemotional and communicative skills of people with ASD and their families
through the application of transactional supports. The acronym SCERT refers to the
dimensions emphasized by this model: social communication, emotional regulation and
transactional support. It advocates the idea that the most significant learning during
childhood occurs in the social context of daily activities and experiences.
It is characterized by having developed an inclusive-educational program for typically
developing children along with their peers with ASD. In addition, it has an educational
program for parents to help them in real life at home and in other community settings.
The program is oriented to enhance cognitive-academic, adaptive and autonomy,
communicative, social-emotional and behavioral areas. Children with ASD are included
Modelo LEAP
in the regular classroom during all school hours, learning strategies are used in the
natural context along with learning strategies for teachers and peers.
Uses practices such as the behavioral analysis method, incidental learning, picture
exchange communication, peer-mediated instructions, parent-implemented
interventions in the natural context, and strategies for autonomy.

Note: this table shows information on different intervention methods aimed at the group with Autism Spectrum Disorder, classified as evidence-
based intervention. Taken from Salvadó, Baduell, Torrentó, Camacho and Latorre (2012). Continued on the next page.
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Table 1.

Evidence-Based Intervention Methods for ASD.

They use systematic (discrete trial training, incidental learning) and intensive (direct
intervention of 20 to 40 hours per week) behavioral learning methods to enhance skills
that are encompassed in a structured program that includes specific objectives in areas
UCLA Model
such as social, play, cognitive, language and autonomy. They are individualized or small
group interventions, depending on the level or progress of the child, and are applied in
different contexts such as home, school and community.
According to the authors, programs differ in: degree of prescription versus flexibility
of learning; adult versus child-centered procedures; emphasis on initiation versus
response; responsiveness to the child’s behavior; nature of the learning context;
Significant Differences importance of information about the child’s development; social context of the
between Methods intervention; generalization to other settings; intensity, duration, and frequency of direct
learning; utilization of the child’s strengths; types of reinforcement; addressing problem
behaviors; type and intensity of data collection; recognition and utilization of individual
differences in learning; role of peers.

Note: This table shows information on different intervention methods aimed at the group with Autism Spectrum Disorder, classified as evidence-
based intervention. Taken from Salvadó, Baduell, Torrentó, Camacho and Latorre (2012).

• Work from the strengths and interests of the student

so that learning is functional. INMER Program
• Prioritize careful and continuous assessment.
• Help students understand the meaning of the world Fundamental Bases of the
without assuming an automatic understanding. Program. Main Function
• Be empathetic. The INMER program has been developed since the
• Structure the environment. 2000s by the autism group and the ATYEC group of the
• View negative behavior as a lack of understanding robotics institute, with the aim of developing a tool based
or overwhelm by the environment rather than a lack on virtual reality, which could be used in intervention with
of compliance. (Rossi, 2007. p. 4). cases of autism spectrum disorder.

The main objective pursued with its implementation,

Characteristics of Autism as a through experimental studies, is to
Basis for Structured Teaching
To test whether virtual reality
Structured teaching is part of the TEACCH intervention
model, as it is one of the main elements to be taken could help people with ASD to
into account, also based on its basic principles, when develop their imagination. In this
determining how to carry out such intervention with
each individual case of ASD. way, a learning environment was
This type of teaching is based on the characteristics of developed in which the activity of
each case of ASD. The individual characteristics of each buying and selling in a supermarket
person must be analyzed and, as mentioned above, an
evaluation must be carried out to determine the skills and is recreated” (Gómez and García,
abilities that are most impaired, as well as the strengths 2012).
of the person.

Next, an explanatory table (table 2) will show which This is one of the most representative projects
are some of the characteristics that are part of this of the ICT area, that is, of a technological nature,
Structured Teaching, based on the characteristics of which is used for intervention in ASD cases through
each case in ASD. visual stimuli that focus on the improvement of
skills dedicated to aspects of autonomy, based
on communication, behavior, social relations, etc.
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Table 2.

Structured Teaching.

Characteristics of Structured Teaching in the TEACCH Model

• Increase and maximize independence and reduce the need for correction.
• Avoid behavioral problems.
Basic Objectives
• Teach skills to function in the world by building on the child’s strengths and through this
teaching make the environment more understandable.

• Differences in thinking and learning.

• Consider the difficulty a person with ASD has in understanding underlying meaning and
endowing specific meaning to experiences.
• Encourage skills for functional prioritization and evaluation of their environment.
• Take into account distractibility from both internal and external stimuli.
• Attend to concrete thinking, understood as difficulty with symbolic and abstract thinking,
and literal understanding of the environment, as well as generalization of experiences and
procedures in different domains.
• Address flexibility systematically by introducing changes in schedules, so that the student
can become accustomed to and expect changes to occur on that day.
• Addressing difficulty with multi-tasking, lack of analysis and synthesis skills, and difficulty
understanding relationships between steps impact how a person with ASD organizes and
combines ideas and steps.
• Seek increased time for processing and the tendency for visual dependency.

Understanding (through research):

Philosophy • Detailed description of the characteristics of autism as a way to identify with clients and
respond to their needs.
Two basic structures (in addition to anatomical and physiological structures):
Structured • First: have well-functioning basic psychological processes, including attention and memory
Teaching for for pragmatic and communicative competence and gestural perception and expression for
Communication paralinguistic competence.
• Second: correct language structure and form.

By adapting the environment to reduce distracting factors, providing visual cues and reminders
that, among other functions, solve memory problems.

Note: This table shows some of the most relevant characteristics of Structured Teaching, in terms of its relationship with the TEACCH model and the
diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Taken from Rossi (2007).

Among its main objectives and functions, the following Virtual Reality Immersion System
can be identified:
for People with Autism
• Improve the knowledge and autonomous handling The INMER program was developed with the aim of
of objects in the real environment equivalent to incorporating elements of Virtual Reality, related to ICT’s,
those worked on in the virtual environment. which would bring benefits in the improvement and
• Enhance general fictional play skills. development of different skills of the group with autism
• Promote the understanding of imagination (Gómez spectrum disorder. Among its most relevant sections, it
and García, 2012. p. 9). has been determined that the evaluation carried out in
the program has three specific characteristics:

• Assess the effectiveness of using virtual reality as

a tool to make explicit the fiction of substitutions.
For example, pretending that a loaf of bread is a
flute. With virtual reality it is possible to make and
Educational Materials and Resources | 12

show these substitutions explicitly: following the The descriptions provided for each of them are shown
example above, it is possible to show a loaf of bread below (table 4, 5 y 6).
transforming into a flute. This can facilitate the
understanding of the substitutions by the person
with autism. Applications that Favor Language
• To assess the effectiveness of the use of virtual
reality within an intervention strategy for teaching As in the case of emotions, in relation to the intervention
and promoting fictional games. This strategy will in Autism Spectrum Disorder, a variety of applications
involve a step-by-step teaching with the help of and technological tools have been developed, which
virtual reality. pursue the objectives of improving and strengthening
• To evaluate comparatively the effectiveness of the different skills and abilities of this group.
developed tool with an equivalent version of the
Among others, approaches also focus on bringing
same tool based on conventional materials such as
benefits to the area of language and communication,
thumbnails and photographs (Orts, 2004. p. 4).
since these are, in general, the areas of development that
usually present greater alterations in ASD.
It is mainly carried out through two fundamental sections,
called “I’m going to pretend” and “virtual supermarket”, In relation to this, the implications of the use of ICT as
the latter being established as a result of the other (table an educational resource will be presented, as well as the
3). influence it has had on the teaching-learning process of
the group with ASD, among which is the one aimed at the

ICT-Mediated Learning development of language and communication.

• ICT Applications
Software to Teach Emotions The use of ICTs implies the creation of a quality
education that should be understood as both a
It is not new that the use of Information and duty and a right for all. In their article, Gómez and
Communication Technologies brings great benefits to Macedo (2010) ask the question: why should ICTs
the development and learning of the ASD group, given be integrated into education? They answer this
its visual and manipulative nature, which can also be question with a summary of three main reasons
used individually, without excessive noise and without why ICTs should be used:
requiring a group of people in the same space.
- Reason: digital literacy of students. All students
Given this improvement in the learning of the group, with should develop basic ICT skills.
time and the advance of technology, more and more - Reason: productivity. When carrying out activities,
applications and software have been developed, from searching for information, communicating, doing
which different types of education have been provided for exercises, etc., the advantages of ICT must be
each area of development in Autism Spectrum Disorder. taken advantage of.
- Reason: innovate in teaching practices. In order
One of the areas in need of intervention is the recognition
to achieve better student learning, the didactic
of emotions, both in the child himself or herself, as
possibilities offered by ICT should be used, thus
well as in other people’s emotions when interacting.
reducing school failure (Gómez, & Macedo, 2010,
Therefore, several applications have been designed to
p. 215).
help children from an early age, in order to develop this
area of development and, thus, from childhood begin to Thus, it is evident that attention to diversity is one of
understand and recognize emotions, starting with the the areas in which ICT can play a fundamental role
basic ones. (Prendes et al., 2014).
• Influencia de las TIC en el aprendizaje y desarrollo
Among these is a neuropsychological intervention de áreas lingüísticas en TEA.
software, called “Play with PIBO”, which has three
Through educational research, the benefits of
ICTs for the teaching-learning process of students
with ASD are becoming more evident. ICTs are
Emotional recognition, emotional characterized by their versatility, flexibility and
understanding and belief adaptability. They adapt to the characteristics
of students with ASD, favoring different learning
understanding. Each has three rhythms and a more individualized learning.
levels of complexity: low, medium
and high.” (Pico, Cuellar y Utria,
Educational Materials and Resources | 13

Table 3.

Virtual Reality Immersion System for ASD.

INMER Program
It aims to help people with ASD to overcome the difficulties they have in relation to the
understanding of imagination and symbolic representations, within a familiar environment
and through play.
Computers are a major source of motivation for many people with autism, perhaps
because of their predictability and the visual format in which information is presented.
They offer structure, opportunities for repetition, affective involvement and, additionally,
control of the learning environment.
“I’m going to pretend...”
Virtual Reality (VR) has been claimed to provide a particularly facilitating environment for
people with ASD.
It shares the advantages of computer-based learning, and has the additional advantage
that the results can be expected to generalize to the real world, as it is a simulation of the
real world.
The virtual environment chosen is the Supermarket, as it is familiar to many of the
individuals with ASD.

The environment are concrete places where the person lives, works, learns, socializes
and interacts. Natural environments are fundamental elements for people with serious
problems in the management of complex mental representations.
The Supermarket is one more environment in which people with disabilities develop their
daily lives, or at least that is how it is understood that it could be.
The advantages of the Supermarket are that it is an environment rich in social, familiar
and very useful (functional) content.
“Virtual supermarket” The Virtual Supermarket has a high symbolic value, and this is because the natural
environment -here virtual- has clear signals that enable anticipation.
Anticipation enables active and meaningful (relevant and satisfying) experiences. As a
teaching tool it can be:
• Explicit: use consists in the development of pre-programmed and well-controlled
sessions involving teacher and user.
• Implicit: facilitates the generalization or transfer of what has been learned in the V.S.
to the R.S. and other real environments

Note: The table shows information on each of the two types of intervention developed by the INMER program and aimed at the ASD group. Taken
from Orts (2004).

Table 4.

Play with PIBO: Emotion recognition.

Dimension Level of Complexity Name of the Activity Description of the Activity

Emotions are presented through
photographs and the child must
Guessing emotions
click on the face that corresponds
to the requested emotion.
The emotions are presented
Emotional through illustrations and the
Low level
Recognition Faces child must click on the face that
corresponds to the requested
The two sides (illustrations) that
Equal Faces 1 correspond to the same emotion
must be joined in the center box.
Note: The figure shows which activities are carried out, according to the level, in relation to the area of emotion recognition, in the software “Play with
PIBO”, aimed at the ASD group. Taken from Pico, Cuellar and Utria (2019). Continued on the next page.
Educational Materials and Resources | 14

Table 4.

Play with PIBO: Emotion recognition.

The emotions are presented through

illustrations and photomicrographs. The
Low level Equal faces 2 two faces that correspond to the same
emotion are asked to be joined in the
center box.
The activity consists of assembling
the face of a boy or a girl expressing
each of the emotions from
fragments of the face.
In this activity it is required to
assemble the face of the character
Discover the eyes by choosing the eyes that are
Medium level
missing according to the emotion
Emotional expressed.
In this exercise you must complete
the face of the character by
Discover the mouths choosing the mouth that is missing
according to the emotion it
The activity consists in making the
face of a child, choosing the mouth
Caras incompletas
and eyes that correspond to the
emotions of fear and disgust.
High level
The device’s camera is activated
and the child is asked to take
a picture expressing his/her

Note: The figure shows which activities are carried out, according to the level, in relation to the area of emotion recognition, in the software “Play with
PIBO”, aimed at the ASD group. Taken from Pico, Cuellar and Utria (2019).

Table 5.

Play with PIBO: Understanding emotions.

Dimension Level of Complexity Name of the Activity Description of the Activity

The child must choose the emotion
Low level Discover the emotion
that corresponds to each situation.
The child must choose the situation
Let’s guess situations
that could lead to a given emotion.
Medium level From a story the child must identify
understanding Stories 1 the emotion experienced by the two
In this activity, the character’s desire
must be identified, as well as the
High level Desires
emotion that triggers the fulfillment
or non-fulfillment of the desire.

Note: The figure shows which activities are carried out, according to the level, in relation to the area of understanding emotions, in the software “Play
with PIBO”, aimed at the ASD group. Taken from Pico, Cuellar and Utria (2019).
Educational Materials and Resources | 15

Table 6.

Play with PIBO: Understanding beliefs.

Dimension Level of Complexity Name of the Activity Description of the Activity

A story is presented and the child
Low level Stories 2 must answer questions related to
the story.
The child must choose the option
Understanding Medium level Guessing thoughts that corresponds to the thought of
beliefs one of the characters in a story.
The child must choose the
appropriate response in a story
High level Stories 3
involving perspective-taking and
false belief.
Note: The figure shows which activities are carried out, according to the level, in relation to the area of comprehension of beliefs, in the software “Play
with PIBO”, aimed at the ASD group. Taken from Pico, Cuellar and Utria (2019).

Authors such as Sanromà et al. (2017) state that • Check the presentation of evidence or annexed
ICTs have become very useful support tools and documents provided, determine whether the
a powerful resource for people with specific dissemination is made through official channels and
educational needs in several areas: education, not through intermediary persons or organizations,
communication, leisure and free time, assessment assess the clarity of the information and the use of
and diagnosis, etc. More specifically, in the field an aseptic and precise linguistic style.
of education and communication, these become • The verification of sources, turns out to be a
essential especially for people with ASD (Cuartero, complex and time-consuming task, as it requires
2021. pp. 4 - 5). references, on which to establish a comparison
(Ochando, 2018. P. 7).
Materials Development
Image Banks
Sources Used Generally speaking, image banks refer to the different
digital sites that can be accessed in order to search,
The sources of information that are used to obtain specific analyze and extract certain visual elements necessary
data on the details of certain topics are resources that for the elaboration of certain materials, whether
have the purpose of searching, identifying and locating professional, personal or educational (among others).
such information, so that it is truthful, reliable and of In relation to the creation of these banks, the following
high quality. Therefore, both for the writing of articles, characteristics are determined:
research, studies, etc., and above all, for the development
of programs and projects that will influence the lives of • In the English-speaking world, the image and video
different people, all the information on the topics that banking sector is known as stock photography.
occupy each design should be obtained from recognized • The reason is that photography is used instead
sources, whether they are scientific, educational, of specifically commissioning a photographer or
psychological, etc.Some of the characteristics that filmmaker to take the images.
should be taken into account when determining the
• For example, if a Spanish print publication, such
sources to be used to obtain reliable information are:
as a weekly travel magazine, needs to illustrate a
• The source of information should always be written report on an African country, it has at least
observed, its origin, reputation, publication history two options: to send one of its photographers or to
should be checked, its information should be acquire the images directly from a bank.
contrasted with other reliable sources, considered • Therefore, this sector of the search is possible
as a reference, and the degree of reliability should because image banks oriented to a professional
be studied based on its citation by specialists, audience provide access to huge collections of
professionals and researchers. photographs and illustrations (Codina, 2018. p. 81).
Educational Materials and Resources | 16

Banks of Pictograms Recommended Materials

In Autism Spectrum Disorder, the image banks used When recommending materials for intervention in
for intervention are usually related to pictograms, ASD, related to image banks or pictograms, a series of
showing different learning actions, aimed at the different fundamental elements should be taken into account,
developmental areas of each case. which should be available on the websites, applications
or digital elements that have developed them, such as
One of the most recognized banks in this regard in Spain those presented in the following explanatory table (table
is SCALA, 7).

A free-to-use platform on
the Internet that uses the Free Resources to Support
pictogram bank of the Aragonese Learning
Augmentative and Alternative
List of Reinforcement Pages with
Communication Portal Programs to Reinforce Learning
(ARASAAC) for the construction of As mentioned in previous topics, when intervening in
communication boards or stories” ASD cases, the personal characteristics of the child
must be taken into account, as well as those of his or her
(Passerino and Bonotto, 2018). family, including the resources and materials available to
them both for the intervention and for their own training
This pictogram bank can be used in two languages other in relation to the diagnosis.
than Spanish, namely English and Portuguese. The great
importance of this bank lies not only in the great use that Therefore, it is worth highlighting some of the free
can be made of the variety of pictograms available, but digital resources that families can access from different
also in the manipulation and editing options that allow devices, in order to have more information and learning
customizing them as necessary to intervene with each in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder, and what
case. advice or guidelines can be followed to carry out the
intervention from home, in addition to those indicated by
The work it carries out with the collective with Autism professionals. Some of these resources are:
Spectrum Disorder, it does so from four modules:
“communication board module”, “visual narratives”, •
“literacy” and “mathematics” (Passerino and Bonotto, • h t t p s : // w w w. b r i n c a r. o r g . a r / w p - c o n t e n t /
2018). uploads/2020/03/Recursos-gratuitos.pdf
In relation to the pictograms bank focused on the visual
narratives module, this is used to create books through •
ICT, which can be accessed digitally, and which have •
different narratives. These can be found as an image. • (Arnedo, 2020. pp. 14 – 15)

In PDF and JPG format. In addition The pages mentioned are mostly related to information
and theoretical aspects of the diagnosis, as well as
to the available categories of strategies or data that can be of great relevance and help
pictograms (people objects, nature, for families, especially at the beginning of the intervention
with their son or daughter with ASD, managing the
action, food, feelings and my situation in the most appropriate way possible for the
images) there is another category welfare of all.
(dialogues) that allows the insertion However, other types of free resources, in relation to
of small dialogues” (Passerino and intervention programs with the diagnosis of ASD, may be
focused on reinforcing learning from ICT, such as:
Bonotto, 2018).
• e-Mintza
It is a free communication program based on
pictograms and associated sounds. The board can
be customized to adjust the language, texts, images,
videos or sounds and can be used on touch screens
or through the mouse. The program also includes
the possibility of including photographs or personal
Educational Materials and Resources | 17

Table 7.

Materials for the elaboration of visual banks for ASD.

Recommendations for the Development of Visual Materials

Readability It is related to the readability of the texts in the different screens of the application.
The clarity of the screen is essential for proper display of the content. The background and
lettering should contain colors that facilitate reading.
Colors should be in harmony with the platform, with uniform tones that attract the attention of
Use of color
the user subject, but without distracting from the task.
Applications can have the option to change their appearance and adapt them to the user’s
Note: The table shows, in an explanatory way, the most relevant recommendations when elaborating and developing visual elements systems,
among which are image and pictogram banks, aimed at the ASD group. Taken from Montes, Cara and Fuentes (2021).

videos instead of pictograms or letters, as well as

an agenda tool. Dedicated to special education. SPC
• Doctor Tea
It is a web application that presents a virtual tour that Access to the Pictographic
shows through vignettes, videos and animations, System of Communication
the user can go through the different areas of
the hospital, as well as know the professionals Pictographic Communication Systems refer to the
who will attend them, the medical procedures “representation of language through drawings, pictures
and the instruments most commonly used in the or images.” (Abadín, Santos and Cerrato, 2012). This
consultations. The website also has a section type of learning can be aimed at different groups,
of games based mainly on images: sequences, depending on the style that is most beneficial for
puzzles, memories, among others, which makes their development, ranging from people with specific
this approach more enjoyable and fun. Dedicated to diagnoses to people with typical development who
primary education. acquire knowledge better through visual learning.
• Soyvisual Therefore, its access is not unique and exclusive, in fact,
It is an app with practical exercises of different
levels, which presents a system of augmentative If you look around, you find
communication that has a large bank of
photographs, plates and various graphic materials. numerous types of them that help
It is aimed at people with communication and you find places, organize circulation,
language difficulties. It has a photo bank for those
who still do not understand pictograms well or who etc” (Abadín, Santos and Cerrato,
need to make the transition to recognize concepts. 2012).
Dedicated to special education.
• iSecuencias This can be the case both for signs at street level, both
It is a learning app for children based on 100 for vehicles and pedestrians, as well as pictograms
sequences represented by six characters that work that indicate where specific places are located, or what
on four general areas: autonomy habits, such as actions are prohibited in certain spaces.
washing hands and teeth, getting dressed or going
to bed. Playful events or activities such as going to In relation to the cases of Autism
the beach, going to the movies or playing sports.
Everyday situations such as falling, getting on the Spectrum Disorder, access to these
bus, going to the doctor, buying bread or getting systems is carried out, since It
wet in the rain. Emotions such as joy, sadness,
surprise or fear that appear as a consequence of encourages infants to have fluency
what happened. Dedicated to special education in speech, knowing that their
(Delgado, 2019. pp. 24 - 25).
dialogue, characteristic of autism
Educational Materials and Resources | 18

becomes confusing, they do not • Pictographic readings help reading comprehension,

initiate the construction of concepts, improve
pronounce words well, at the time attention and motivation of young future readers.
of emitting a sound it is possible • The adult reads the text and, upon encountering a
symbol, passes the turn to the child. In this way,
that they are not understood”.
the infants will learn with fun, since the use of
(Montalván and Toscano, 2014). pictograms is a pedagogical method that helps
the infant to be indirectly introduced in the field of
Another fundamental characteristic that makes access reading and writing (Montalván and Toscano, 2014.
to pictographic systems useful for intervention in ASD is pp. 40 - 42).
that, from an early age, these are
Main Function
A strategy that benefits the The Pictographic Communication Systems are one of
progress of teaching-learning in the most chosen intervention tools among professionals,
for the teaching-learning process of children, as well as
the case of autistic children, since young people and adults who need it.
they have difficulty in the process Emphasizes that
of learning to read, write and even
speak” (Montalván and Toscano, It was developed so that its
2014). illustrations could be clearly
differentiated from each other
Methodology and could be easily understood
Pictographic Communication Systems, whether for when interpreted by someone”
Autism Spectrum Disorder or for use in other types of (Montalván and Toscano, 2014).
visual learning, have a series of elements that must be
taken into account when carrying out the methodology In other words, its implementation was designed to
designed for them correctly. accompany the learning process, so that there would be
• His method is intended for people with a simple more than one way of acquiring knowledge, since not all
expressive language level, limited vocabulary people learn through the same established methods.
and who can produce sentences with a simple
structure. The pictographic signs are organized
into six different categories based on the function
of the symbol, following a key, i.e. each of them
has a different color or tone, which facilitates the Choosing the Right Program
understanding of the syntactic structure.
Throughout the agenda, different data and information
• It is based on the drawing of shapes, beings or have been provided on how to choose the intervention
objects that explain, relate or describe a story, a programs aimed at the group diagnosed with Autism
fact or an agreement. This form of communication Spectrum Disorder, as well as the work carried out
is very successful for those infants who have through a variety of these programs, focused mainly on
language difficulties, even more so for autistic new technologies.
children, since they can express what they want
through charts with graphics. Specifically, determining which program will be most
• Manifestation of graphic expression characterized appropriate to use will always depend, first of all, on
by the fact that each sign of the graphic code is the the type of ASD diagnosis in question, as well as on the
translation of a complete sentence or statement. individuality of the child and his or her characteristics
This type of writing is used to develop the critical in terms of skills or abilities in different areas of
thinking and reasoning of students, through development.
simplified drawings of objects that are being
Following the development of several research studies,
the choice of intervention programs should be carried out
• Pictograms represent a didactic resource for the taking into account a series of fundamental principles,
teaching-learning process, providing benefits to which are as follows:
children and adults who lack the ability to write
or who have difficulties in expressing themselves
orally in order to overcome difficulties.
Educational Materials and Resources | 19

• Any intervention program must be individualized. • Often children have developmental delays that
Each person has different support needs, are not known to be compensated for over time,
motivations, interests and difficulties and, therefore, so temporary or provisional diagnoses are used
requires an intervention program tailored to his or or waiting is required to verify or give a definitive
her specific profile of deficits and strengths. diagnosis. If it carries over to language, social or
• The design of intervention objectives and strategies affective behavior, etc., it can be really difficult to
should be based on a previous and exhaustive know exactly what may be going on.
evaluation of the specific skills and difficulties of • Many of the pervasive developmental disorders have
each individual. particularities in the early stages of development
• The intervention program must ensure the that make it complex to speak of homogeneous
generalization of learning through the design of groups. For this reason, the individuality of the
activities in natural environments. Action should be patient makes it difficult to study them in intergroup
taken in all social environments where the person research designs.
with ASD develops. • Rare syndromes and diseases that often go
• The family has to be considered as an active agent unnoticed by clinicians and relatives and/or for
in the teaching process. The participation of parents which there are no treatments are still being
is fundamental both in the design and planning catalogued.
of therapeutic objectives and in the application of • It is difficult to convince parents that their child is
specific strategies in natural environments that going to be “randomized” into a group, which may
facilitate the generalization of acquired learning. be experimental or placebo and which may deprive
• The intervention model must respect the need for them of conventional treatment for a period of time
order, structure, anticipation and predictability that that is vital at this age.
people with ASD show. • Difficulties in discerning whether the treatment
• Based on the strengths of people with ASD and also outcome is really due to the treatment itself or to
knowing their weakest points, the structuring of the effects of the passage of age and their own
the environment and activities using visual aids is rate of evolutionary development or the influence
ensured. of other significant environmental variables such as
family or school environment.
• The program should promote the acquisition of
functional learning. The usefulness of what is • Normally in this setting almost all children
taught should be sought and activities should be receive comprehensive interventions (aimed at
designed to allow the acquisition of higher levels of multiple objectives) from various professionals
autonomy and control over the environment. (psychologists, speech therapists, pediatricians,
educators, etc.). All this makes it difficult to collect
• The interests of the person with ASD should be
measures of variables or significant behaviors of
used in the design of tasks and activities. Through
change and to determine to what type of treatment
personal interests, the motivation and involvement
children have been sensitive and to what extent
of the person in the learning process can be
(Raya, Gual, Elvira, Salas, & Cívico, 2015. p. 1).
• The intervention program must include specific However, the processes of intervention in Autism
objectives that are easily measurable and Spectrum Disorder, thanks to the research and case
susceptible to assessment. In other words, it must studies that have been carried out over time, have a
be possible to objectively and continuously measure number of benefits when determining which methods
the effectiveness and results of the program (Pérez or programs are most appropriate to use, depending on
and Comí, 2013. pp. 3 - 4). the individual cases of ASD. However, as in the case of
its origin, there are no cases in which the intervention
List of Benefits and Disadvantages is completely effective, so they also have some
Starting with the disadvantages for intervention in ASD, disadvantages. The intervention programs with the most
these are varied, since it is mainly a diagnosis for which recognized benefits are:
it has not yet been possible to determine, specifically, the In the field of psychological and educational
causes or factors of origin. Other disadvantages include interventions, on many occasions it can be observed
the following: how certain lists of effective psychological
treatments point to the ABA system as the only
effective treatment for autism.
Obviously the ABA system (and its principles) have
provided important advances in the field. Many
people will observe a benefit and progress in the
child and many others will observe the effect of a
methodology focused on increasing behaviors.
Educational Materials and Resources | 20

Applied behavior analysis remains one of the most In addition, it was explained what brainstorming
valuable options for working with many behaviors implies in any program or intervention plan, regardless
targeted for intervention in autism, but it is still far of the environment in which it will be carried out. The
from being a holistic intervention alternative that importance of forming groups, focusing on a specific
covers all needs and areas of work. topic and the work to be done once the main ideas have
• Other classic behavioral programs such as Early been formulated was shown.
and Intensive Behavioral Intervention; Discrete Trial
After this, a section was established to show which
Training; the Princeton Child Development Program;
are some of the most recognized methods, which are
the Global Behavioral Analysis Applied to Schooling
usually chosen to ensure the reliability and effectiveness
Program, etc., are all behavioral programs that
of benefits and improvements in each case, aimed at
although they report good results have limitations
the ASD group. First of all, a theoretical approach was
in that they do not have at least two independent
established in relation to the block to which they belong,
studies that meet sufficient criteria to be considered
dealing with evidence-based intervention, to then give
randomized clinical trials.
way to the development of a comparative table, in which
• Other treatments such as TEACCH, Denver, intensive these methods were shown in more detail, and what are
communication training, cognitive-behavioral some of the differences that can be seen between them.
therapy, parent training and coaching, and others, are
current and represent other attempts to systematize Next, an intervention model shown in the previous
global interventions in autism. Although promising, section, as well as in other relevant topics in relation
they have not yet been able to publish large clinical to ASD diagnosis, was discussed. This is the TEACCH
trials that corroborate their efficacy with evidence- intervention program, of which some of the educational
based criteria. principles based on this method were presented, as
• The greenspan model or ground play therapy or well as the main characteristics of ASD in relation to
developmental intervention based on relationships structured teaching and what it implies.
and individual differences does present a
Once these concepts had been specified, a new
randomized study supporting its efficacy (Raya,
intervention program for Autism Spectrum Disorder, the
Gual, Elvira, Salas, & Civico, 2015. p. 1).
INMER model, was explored. Its technological nature, its
bases and main functions, as well as the implications
Summary and applications of the virtual reality immersion system,
aimed at people with ASD diagnosis, were explained.
The exposed and treated sections are part of the seventh
topic in relation to the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum After this, a type of intervention that can encompass the
Disorder, called “educational materials and resources”. previous ones was discussed, as well as being one of the
In this case, this title is related to certain elements most used when determining the choice of professionals:
that make up the elaboration, planning, adaptation and intervention through information and communication
implementation of materials aimed at the ASD group, technologies.
taking into account the variety of models from which this
work can be carried out. In this case, also aimed at the group with Autism
Spectrum Disorder, it was investigated what types of
We began by analyzing the work carried out by software can be designed to carry out the intervention,
professionals in the field of speech therapy in the showing an example of a type that deals with the
intervention, focused on the improvement and improvement of recognition and understanding of
reinforcement of communication and language skills, emotions. In addition, some applications were presented,
showing what their main role is and how they perform the also elaborated from ICT’s, which were designed with the
development and adaptation of materials from different purpose of intervening in the development of language
environments. and communication in ASD.

On the other hand, it was then explained which are some Also with great relevance, several elements that are
of the resources that should be taken into account when part of the development of materials and resources
choosing or developing the materials to be used in the for intervention with the ASD group were specified.
intervention in ASD. Given the general characteristics of
this group, the importance of designing materials that Firstly, the importance of using reliable and truthful
can be used individually, adapted to each case and, as sources to acquire the necessary information and data
far as possible, of a visual and/or technological nature to elaborate the intervention process was shown. Next,
was shown, showing three examples that can be used in the meaning attributed to image banks and pictogram
Educational Materials and Resources | 21

banks was presented, focusing on ASD cases. Finally, ámbito de los trastornos del espectro del autismo.
certain recommendations were determined that should Siglo Cero: Revista Española sobre Discapacidad
be taken into account when elaborating material aimed Intelectual, 43(242), 6-25.
at intervention with this group. Lardín, M. S. C., & Ramón, J. P. M. (2018). Diseño de un
instrumento para el análisis de las competencias
In addition, a series of web pages and digital resources
del logopeda escolar y del maestro de Audición y
were specified, which can be accessed free of charge
Lenguaje. European Journal of Child Development,
and which are related to information on Autism Spectrum
Education and Psychopathology, 6(1), 47-56.
Disorder, diagnoses, ways of intervention, ways of
learning, family training, tips and strategies to work from Martín, A., Hervás, R., Méndez, G., & Bautista, S. (2018).
home and promote the welfare of everyone, etc. PICTAR: Una herramienta de elaboración de
contenido para personas con TEA basada en la
Another relevant section was related to the determination traducción de texto a pictogramas. XIX Interacción.
of specifics related to pictographic communication Montalván, O. M., & Toscano, E. P. (2014). Sistema
systems. It was established what their implementation pictográfico de comunicación en niños autistas de 5
implies, what resources are used, their specifications in a 6 años de edad (Bachelor’s tesis). Universidad de
TEA and, concretely, what are the methods and strategies Guayaquil.
used, which make up the methodology, and what is the
Montes, C. D. P. G., Cara, M. J. C., & Fuentes, A. R.
main function for which it is used.
(2021). Diseño de un sistema de indicadores para
Finally, elements related to how intervention programs la evaluación y selección de aplicaciones para
should be implemented in ASD cases were addressed, personas con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Revista
taking into account the variety of previous sections, for Electrónica Educare, 25(3), 315-338.
which the process to be followed to choose the most Moreno, M. D. R. L., Grande, S. L., & Pérez, A. C. C. (2014).
appropriate program was determined, as well as a list Apuntes para la competencia comunicativa del
of benefits and disadvantages that can facilitate this maestro logopeda. Exigencias como comunicador
process. en la prevención y seguimiento al escolar tartamudo.
Razón y Palabra, 18(87).

Bibliography Ochando, M. B. (2018). El problema de las noticias falsas:

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