COLUMN The Unsung Hero of The EVRAA Meet 2024

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The Coach: The Unsung Hero of the EVRAA Meet 2024

As the Eastern Visayas Athletic Association (EVRAA) Meet 2024 unfolds, the spotlight is on the
young athletes, their strength, their speed, and their spirit. But behind every high kick in
Taekwondo, there’s an unsung hero who deserves equal applause - the coach.
A coach is more than just a trainer. They are mentors who shape the character of their athletes.
They instill discipline, perseverance, and resilience - qualities that are as important in life as they
are in the dojang. The coach’s influence extends beyond the mat, helping to mold responsible and
determined individuals.
In the heat of the competition, a coach is the strategist, analyzing opponents, devising game
plans, and making crucial decisions. Their keen eye and tactical mind are often the difference
between victory and defeat. They teach their athletes to think, to adapt, and to overcome
challenges, not just in the sport but in life.
Perhaps the most important role of a coach is being a support system. They are there during the
grueling training sessions, providing encouragement when the going gets tough. They are there
during the nerve-wracking competitions, offering reassurance amidst the pressure. And they are
there in the aftermath of the games, whether in victory or defeat, providing guidance and
As we celebrate the achievements of our athletes in this year’s EVRAA Meet, let’s also pay
tribute to their coaches. They are the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes,
shaping not just athletes, but individuals who embody the true spirit of sportsmanship. To all the
coaches out there, we salute you.

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