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The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education

Name : _________________ Total Marks :60
Class : 10th FLP Subject : chemistry
Q.1: Multiple choice questions. (12)
1. Substitution reaction is the characteristics of
a) alkanes (b) alkenes (c) alkynes (d) none
2. A reverse reaction is one which:
(a) proceed from left to right
(b) in which reactants reacts to produce products
(c) which slows down gradually
(d) which speeds up gradually
3. In product of Lewis acid base reaction, the bond between the adduct specie is
(a)ionic (b) covalent (c) metallic (d)coordinate covalent
4. If the value of pH is less than 7 it will be
(a) acid (b) base (c) alkali (d) neutral solution
5. If the pH of solution is less than seven it will be
(a) Base (b) acid (c) neutral (d) Alkali
6. All bases turn red litmus:
(a) Colorless (b) blue (c) pink (d) white
7. Formula of palmitic acid is
(a)C17H35COOH (b) C15H32COOH (c) C15H31COOH (d) C16H31COOH
8. Formula of urea is
9. Concentration is a

(a)mixing technique (b) Separation technique

(c) Boiling technique (d) cooling technique

10. Specific heat capacity of water is

(a)2.4 Jg-1K-1 (b)2.4 KJg-1K-1 (c) 4.2 Jg-1K-1 (d) 4.2 KJg-1K-1

11. Which one of the following ions does not cause hardness in water.
(a)Ca+2 (b)Mg+2 (c) SO4-2 (d) Na+

12. which one is also called olefins?

a) Alkane b) alkenes c) alkynes d) Alcohols
The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :60
Class : 10th FLP Subject : chemistry
2: Write short answers of any five questions (10)
1. Write the equilibrium constant expression for the following equation
CO+3H2 CH4 + H2O
2. How dynamic equilibrium is established?
3. What is catenation? Give an example.
4. Write two different radicals of butane.
5. Define functional group with an example.
6. Give any two general characteristics of organic compounds.
7. Why alkanes used as fuel?
8. Write the uses of chloroform and carbon tetrachloride.
9. 3: Write short answers of any five questions (10)
1. Find the pOH of 0.001M KOH.
2. Give the two uses of Calcium chloride.
3. What is the function of DNA?
4. How plants synthesized carbohydrates?
5. Give the balances chemical equation of Clark’s method?
6. What is acute cadmium poisoning?
7. Write a note on disease Typhoid?
8. Why is a salt neutral?
Q.4: Write short answers of any five questions (5x2=10)
1. Define ore?
2. Name the raw material used in Solvay’s process?
3. How carbonation of ammoniacal brine is carried out n Solvay’s process?
4. What is the difference between Slag and Matte?
5. Write down two sources of oxides of carbon?
6. Why CO2 is called a greenhouse gas?
7. Why catalytic converter be used in automobiles?
8. How Aluminum harm the fish?
Q3: Write answers of any two questions (9x2=18)
Q.5: (a) Explain equilibrium constant and one of its importance. (5)
b. Describe 5 chemical properties of acids (4)
Q:6 (a) Write four properties of monosaccharides (4)
b. How polarity of water plays its role to dissolve the substance(5)
Q:7 (a) Explain Agriculture effluents. (5)
b. What is the percentage of nitrogen in urea. Write down the importance of urea

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