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Name: Jeorgia P.

Batch and Section: 13-Minoans
Date Perform: February 21,2024

In the following exercise, you will observe water flows between 2 L/min (0.5 gal/min) and 9 L/min (2.25
gal/min). Use the properties of water at 20°C (68°F) given in the example of the discussion section of
Unit 3 for your calculations.

1.) What is the minimum flow required in the training system hoses to obtain a turbulent flow?
Assume that the inside diameter of the hoses is 1.27 cm (0.5 in).

2.) What is the minimum flow required in the paddle wheel sensor to obtain a turbulent flow?
Consider the inside diameter of the sensor to be 1.61 cm (0.63 in).
3.) What is the relationship between a pipe inside diameter and the Reynolds number? Where does
the flow become turbulent first when the training system is started: in the hoses or in the paddle
wheel sensor? Explain.
 A shift from laminar to turbulent flow is shown by an increase in the Reynolds number for
the same flow circumstances when the pipe's diameter decreases.
 Turbulence may start in the hoses of a training system with hoses and a paddle wheel sensor if
there are bends, constrictions, or rough surfaces that disturb the flow and intensify turbulence.
Turbulence may, however, appear there first if the paddle wheel sensor is especially sensitive to
flow disturbances or if there are obstacles nearby. In the end, it is dependent upon the
particular setup and circumstances of the system.

11.) Connect a multimeter to the F output on the paddle wheel flow transmitter. According to the
voltage generated at this output, what is the current flow rate? Explain.
 The current flow rate of the generated voltage is 7.8 mA. Usually, the paddle wheel
flow transmitter output voltage is proportional to the fluid flow rate that passes
through it.

14.) Measure the current now present at the 4-20 mA output of the paddle wheel flow transmitter. Is
this current still 20 mA? Explain
 Yes, the current of the paddle wheel transmitter still 20 mA.

16.) Adjust the pump speed until you read a flow rate of 2 L/min (0.5 gal/min) on the rotameter. In
Table 3-1, record the output generated at the 4-20 mA output of the paddle wheel flow transmitter.

Flow rate L/min (gal/min) Generated current (mA)
2(0.50) 8.3
3(0.75) 10.6
4(1.00) 12.7
5(1.25) 14.8
6(1.50) 16.7
7(1.75) 18.8
8(2.00) 20
Note: We don’t have generated current at the 9 (2.25) flow rate because the maximum frequency given on our pump is only at the 8 (2.00)
flow rate.
19.) Using Table 3-1, plot the current-versus-flow curve of the paddle wheel
flow Transmitter.

20.) From the curve you obtained, does the current generated by the paddle wheel flow
transmitter increase linearly as the flow rate is increased? Explain.
 Based on the given curved that we obtained on the table, it shows that the generated current
by the paddle wheel flow transmitter increases as the flow rate increases.

21.) Does the change in Reynolds number have a perceptible effect over the flow rate working
range? Explain.
 In particular, the flow regime and related flow properties can be significantly impacted by a
change in Reynolds number over the flow rate operating range.

1.) How does the rotameter of the training system operate?

The rotameter is a type of flow meter used to measure the flow rate of a fluid in a system. It
operates based on the principle of variable area flow measurement.

2.) Why does the pressure loss through the rotameter of the training system remain nearly
constant as the flow rate is increased.
Because the basic working concept of a rotameter is based on variable area flow measurement,
the pressure loss through the device stays almost constant as the flow rate increases.

3.) How does the paddle wheel flow transmitter of the training system operate?
For monitoring fluid flow rates in a variety of industrial and process control applications, the
paddle wheel flow transmitter offers an easy-to-use and trustworthy solution. It works by
converting the rotational motion caused by the fluid flow into an electrical signal that is
proportionate to the flow rate.

4.) What is the purpose of the SPAN adjustment knob on the paddle wheel flow transmitter?
The paddle wheel flow transmitter's SPAN adjustment knob is used to calibrate the output signal
of the transmitter over a predetermined range.

5.) What are the advantages and limitations of paddle wheel flowmeters?
In many applications, paddle wheel flowmeters are an affordable and adaptable alternative for
measuring flow; yet, they may have drawbacks in terms of accuracy, sensitivity to flow
conditions, and the possibility of obstruction or pressure drop. A number of variables, including
the particular application requirements, fluid properties, and operating conditions, must be
taken into consideration while selecting the right flowmeter.

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