Social Penetration Theory

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Social penetration theory

The purpose of this paper is to tackle the social penetration theory as

well as how that theory is reflected in an interpersonal communication
situation I have experienced.

First, I will give a definition of social penetration theory to describe

what it is about as well as the different stages of the theory. Second I
will show how this theory is reflected in my personal life in real
personal situations.

According to wikipedia ‘’The theory was formulated by psychologists

Irwin Altman of the University of Utah and Dalmas Taylor of the
University of Delaware in 1973 to understand relationship
development between individuals’’ . The theory deals with the different
ways in which relationships develop between individuals and how they
may. Social penetration describes the process of bonding that moves
a relationship from superficial to more intimate (Altman & Taylor,
1973). The theory proposes that relationships get more intimate over
time when people disclose more information about themselves. The
onion analogy is used to better explain and help understand this. It
refers to personality as a multilayered onion . a person’s personality is
like an onion , through interpersonal communication, one can dive
deeper and deeper into people’s true self.
Social penetration goes through four different stages over time :
Orientation Stage, Exploratory Affective Stage, Affective Stage and
Stable Stage.
Orientation stage is when people share only superficial information,
like hobbies, likes and dislikes. In this stage people do not give away
too much information about themselves.
Exploratory Affective Stage is when individuals are less conscious or
cautious about the information they give about themselves, they can
give a bit more than necessary, it surpasses the shallow phase which
was at the beginning.
Affective Stage is when more and more of the real personality starts
to show until there is almost no more mystery surrounding the person.
Stable Stage is when all layers have been peeled away, exposing the
core of the individual's personality.

This theory is seen in our life. I remember moving to America and how
it was hard at first to make friends, or connect with people. I met this
one friend, we did get along right away, but the first time we met , not
much was exchanged. We were both very careful of what we would
say and how much we could give away.I tend to study the person I am
with first , then decide if I can share my innermost self with them. So
this friend of mine had a way with people, she was very sociable , and
everyday would ask me new things or joke with me. It did make me
feel more at ease with her. Everyday I felt like I wanted to share more
of myself with her. Wwe had many things in common, we both were
very cheerful and energetic. And so I found that each day we were
both sharing more and more until there was nothing hidden. We
remain friends until today, 6 years of friendship.

The purpose of this paper was to tackle the social penetration theory
as well as how that theory is reflected in an interpersonal
communication situation I have experienced. First I gave a definition of
social penetration theory to describe what it was about as well as the
different stages of the theory. Second I talked about how this theory
was reflected in my personal life and in a real personal situation.

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