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Question Nunbes Scheme Marks Ila uy =b—3a BI 1, =b—alb—3a)_ (= b—ab+3a°) BI 2 b 34b—3a+b—alb—3a)=153 08 MI 34(a+9)—3a4 (a+9)—a((a+9)~3a) = 183 2a* — 104132 =0 . 50-5620 * aMIAL o € BI MIAL ~2a=9-2x-—6=21 o (8 marks) 7. A geometric sequence has first term a and common ratio r, where r > 0 Given that + the 3rd term is 20 + the Sth term is 12.8 (a) show that r= 0.8 a (b) Hence find the value of a. Q) Given that the sum of the first 2 terms of this sequence is greater than 156 (c) find the smallest possible value of n. (Solutions based entirely on graphical or numerical methods are not acceptable.) (a) Number Marks ay ose oreg Bit 20x08x0.8=128 sor= 08" ) o a= 2020.8 ML 125 Al @ © 3125(1-08" 3125(1-08') 56 MI 1-08 Eg 10.8" >0.9984 08" <0.0016 Ml os <00016=> 28000018) ees) ML 0.8" <0.0016= n> log, 0.0016 nad 3. Asequence a), dy, dy... is defined by Find the exact values of @0 a (i) a, (i a, GB) (b) Hence find the exact value of You must make your method clear. «@) Question Number Marks Numb and 7 (ii) BI a=! BI ® Dir+49] (1275) 0€ MIAI &o(az dor ( 2) Mi Al ® (Tmarks) 8. A geometric sequence has first term a and common ratio r Given that S,=3a 2 show that r= = (2) show that r= 5 @) Given also that t— u.= 16 where 1, is the A" term of this sequence, (b) find the value of S,, giving your answer to one decimal place. 6) Question scheme unter Scheme Marks a) 8a) MI Alt @ 6) ) BI MI Al «MIA 5) (marks) 6 Ina geometric sequence u,, uj, . « + the common ratio is 7 (a) Show that r satisfies 3r°—4r-4=0 8 Given that the geometric sequence has a sum to infinity, (b) find uw, 8) ©) find @ Question Scheme Marks (ay u,=ar"'arsar*=6 and ar =8 MI = MI 237 -4r—4=0" Ar ® MI Allft ® ro) MI AL @ (8 marks) “, 1. Adina is saving money to buy a new computer. She saves £5 in week 1, £5.25 in week 2,% £5.50 in week 3 and so on until she has enough money, in total, 10 buy the computer. She decides to model her savings using either an arithmetic series or a geometric series, Using the information given, (a) G)_ state with a reason whether an arithmetic series or « geometric series should be used, i) write down an expression, in terms of 2, for the amount, in pounds (£), saved in week n. @) Given that the computer Adina wants to buy costs £350 (b) find the number of weeks it will take for Adina to save enough money to buy the computer. a Question Scheme Mey Marks 1 (i) There is a common difference (no common ratio) and so an arithmet | series sould be used, BI Gi) )=54(a=D"a" oF (u)=Sen"d™ vs (u,)=54+0.25(n=1) oe al @B) 0) | Need 5, =2 245+ (n-1)2028) 2580 MAI 0.25n? +9.75n >700= (n +195) =19.5" > 2800 n = MI $0 37 weeks. AL (4) (7 marks) A sequence a,,a,, 4, ... is defined by where p is a constant. (@) Find an expression for a, in terms of p, giving your answer in simplest form, Given that ra, =p +15 (®) find the possible values of a, Q) © Question Number Macks me) BI a © 37 MI pas apl TH! Jap 425= pals ™ =8p'-30p'=0 Al cnvanot Oat tay teimpedty poo sf) | a ‘Uses ther values of to find using a coret method aM Possible values for @, are —7 and + AL 2 @ AI e) $15 p-3+a; +2(a,43)'-7= p45 Mt ay +2(a,43) 25-0 MAL 2a} +a, Al SRa- at Na0sa= ai Possible values for a, are ~7 and Al 2 @ (marks) 1. A sequence a,, a,, 4. Find the value of (a) (i) a, Gi) a, @) 20 ©) X24,-)) . ) usten setae ne ta) | a,=1 7 Gia, an Q) | Dea, -=setsse1+....s+1=100%(541) Mi ‘ = 600 AL @) (4 marks) 4, A sequence of numbers th, ty ty. where kis u, constant, Given that u, =u, (a) find the value of k satisfies kn-3" @) (b) evaluate > " 6) oa a Stem Nat Mae 10) ico ges al ce on caey [ewan ittwectencem [xn Soeg. u,=4k-3 is MO yoswsoI Dus irae Rar an STO ok 9- tht tasters wi 36 oe xi 3) w TTS TAT aS OTE » [imeEaucausnator sleet | 1 | lo Sip the mt ¥ Aisi int cm iow el K-34 2k-¥ + 3k- 3 4 4k MI G2+~e1 +6) (1020) [> |os0 on au 3) Total 6 7. A sequence is defined by Find the values of ty wand 1, @ (B) 146 ® © yy a ® Question Question Scheme Macks 1 oh and n= nal @ 2, uy =7 and u, =-12 py (b) d =—Sand arithmetic BI Uses a+ (n—1 )d with a=3 and = 100, 0 give 492 MEAL © * a 8in=2Qa stand) or Haed MI Sn =12%(6299%-5) or 0 3+-492) ae _-24450 Al bi Tnarks 3. The second and fifth terms of a geometric series are 750 and -6 respectively. Find (a) the common ratio of the series, ® (b) the first term of the series, @ (c) the sum to infinity of the series. @ © (could be implied from later working in either (a) or (b)). | BI MI Correct answer from no working, except for special ease below gains all three | A1 marks oo o Mt Alf © © MI Al Q) 7 6. The second and third terms of a geometric series are 192 and 144 respectively. For this series, find (a) the common ratio, @Q (b) the first term, Q) (0) the sum to infinity, Q (@) the smallest value of » for which the sum of the fir 1000. tm terms of the series exceeds @ @ Attempt to climinate a. (Sce nots) | MI 301075 | at Ll o MI 256 | AL fa ‘Applies “2 correctly using both their @ and the Mt 1028 | at cao 2 @ Pasar “Anolis S, with thera and and “uses” 1000 BO” 5 1000 atany pont in their working. (Allow with = or < | M1 ~ )- corsy <1 1025. [6 Artempe to isolate =(r)' ftom S, fom. | 26 |" 356 (Allow with =or> iog(07) « tog & Uses th power aw of logarithms corel e075 < I) i eee, | a > toa ( Hs 13.0471042.. > a =14 See notes and n=14 | Al eso ing(075) i 10 A geometric series has first term a =360 and common ratio r= Giving your answers to 3 significant figures where appropriate, find (a) the 20th term of the series, @ (b) the sum of the first 20 terms of the series, 2 (©) the sum to infinity of the series. 2 T@) @) () Uses 360%(2), to obtain 28.5 3600") 0 Uses 5 = 2600") gy 5 360" =) tw obtain 2680 Uses S= 360, to obtain 2880 A geometric series is a+ ar-+ar? + (a) Prove that the sum of the first 1 terms of this series is given by a(l—r") I-r MI,AL @) MIAI @ MI, Aleao @ 6 @ The third and fifth terms of a geometric series are 5.4 and 1.944 respectively and all the terms in the series are positive. For this series find, (b) the common ratio, (©) the first term, (@) the sum to infinity. @) @) GB) 90) | (5,5) atart(ar')+.. tar" and 15, =artar*+(ar"),. tar 5,-15, dM Al Divides one term by other (either way) 10 + (Method 2) Finds geometric mean (b) ‘iver? then square roots to give i.e 3.24 and divides one term by 3.24 or | MI S sw e 3.24 by one term - AL Spe 7706 Gsnore-05) | ,=0.6 Ggnore—0.6) © Uses 5.44r* or 1.94441, togive a= ML, a=15 * Alft @) ts ; «@ Uses S= TTT Eto obtain375 MIAl,Al @ Timarks 5. The first three terms of a geometric series are 4p, (3p + 15) and (5p + 20) respectively, where p is a positive constant. (a) Show that I1p?— 10p — 225 ~ 0 @ (b) Hence show that p= 5 @) (c) Find the common ratio of this series. @) (@) Find the sum of the first ten terms of the series, giving your answer to the nearest integer. 6) 54a) @) © @ a= 4p, ar=(3p+15) and ar? =5p+20 Sp+20_3p+i5 4 or 4p(5p+20)=(3p+15)° or equivalent 3p=l 1p(Sp+20)=(3p+15) or ea (Se See (3p +15) =9p? +90p+225 2p? +80p = 9p" +90p +225 > I1p*-10p-225=0 * (p-5)(Ip +45) sop= 3xS5415 Sx5+20 or 4x5 3x5 415 BI MI MI Alt a) MI Al Q) MI Al Q) MAIR AL 4. The first term of a geometric series is 5 and the common ratio is 1.2 For this series find, to 1 decimal place, (a) the 20 term, Gi) the sum of the first 20 terms. (ii) Given that YF = 16, find the value of the constant a. @) The sum of the first # terms of the series is greater than 3000 (b) Calculate the smallest possible value of n @ Tow 1.221507 Mi: Use off MIAI AL: Coo ‘MIL Use ofa const sum formula with co) sf1-12") ne Born 20 12 )_ NB ifn = 19s wed and no formulais | MIAL Seog 4 quoted, seore MO AL: Ca0 wo © | s(-12") Correct statement (allow ‘a? and/or ‘r Tora 2r=)3000 instead of Sand 1.2) s La 121 12" or log 21 or n> log, 121 Takes logs correctly MI Togi2t n> W82L ie n=27 e20 * Tog? “ | Tghore symbols e.g "=" throughout with no errors geting n= 27 scores ful marks 20 9. (i) Find the value of Yor 5r) = ® ro) wi) wi, 2(204(n—Nd) or Use of 5, = F(2a-4(n—Dd)orS, 20 DSHS) BABE A n (a-+)with a~3or 8, n=19 oF 20, 2 d=Sand =103 2Qis+1o03)=1110 MI MI Al GB) BL MI aM Al @ (7 marks)

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