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Introduction 3 Weapons & Armor 25

Character Creation 4 Vehicles & Mods 26
Background 5 Gear Summary 28
Race 5 Gear Packs 32
Shadowy Past 7 Street Grimoire 33
New Hindrances & Edges 7 Arcane Background (Magician) 33
Hindrance & Edge Summary 10 Arcane Background (Adept) 33
Setting Rules 11 Gamemaster Section 35
Astral Space 11 Magicyberpunk Themes 35
Contacts 11 Recommended Reading 37
Downtime 12 Shadowrun Eras 37
Fake SINs 13 Setting Rules 38
Lifestyles 13 Shadowrun Setting Advice 39
Rigging 15 Author Notes 40
Run Rewards 16 Critters & Threats 41
Matrix 17 Adding Monstrous Abilities & New Abilities 41
Wireless Matrix 19 Basic Oppo 42
Equipment 20 Runners 43
Cyberware 20 Threats 44
Cyberdecks 22 Contacts 46
Drones 23 First Runs 51
Running Gear 24 Character Sheet 54
Medical Gear 25

Shadowrun is the near-future dystopian nightmare
prophesied by science fiction, with one small change
that ultimately changed nothing.

The klept stare down from their megacorp towers at a

world they have remade into a hellish game, dueling
other klept over who has the most money, the most
market share, the most toys. Those towers cast deep
shadows, shadows that hide the misery they create from
their eyes… but not from yours, because they are your

You are a shadowrunner, someone that breaks the law -

their law - for hire. Maybe you do it for the money,
maybe for the rep, maybe to make a difference, or
maybe because you don’t see any other way to be.
Whatever the reason, you’ll probably die young, but
every second survived is one more screamed refusal to

Oh, that small change? Magic came back to the world a

couple of decades ago, jizzing a whole load of once-
fantasy races into the world, along with all the
supernatural drek you’d expect.

Fat difference it made. Wizards casting spells? Dragons

flying overhead? Some humans evolving into orks and
trolls, or giving birth to elven and dwarven children? All
that happened is they were absorbed into the system,
and in many ways magic’s return cemented the klept’s
grip even more firmly - especially since so many klept
now have wings and breath fire, though not all. Not. All.

As you navigate the shadows, remember these ancient,

but still applicable, words of wisdom:

“Watch your own back,

conserve ammo,
and never deal with a dragon.”

Shadowrunners are more than just a set of numbers, but Rockers, Reporters, and Investigators aren’t distinct
you gotta know what your runner can do, as well as runner types on their own, but rather fall into one of the
who they are, before you can play them. previous specialties while pursuing an interest that may
not fall into a standard runner’s life – one that doesn’t
SPECIALTIES pay well unless you sell out.
There ain't any strict classes in Shadowrun, but Johnsons
look for runner teams that are well-rounded and can TRENCHCOAT vs MOHAWK
handle whatever they might be paying for. Fixers will Trenchcoat & Mohawk are the two extremes of running,
match solo runners with each other to form ad-hoc and most runners are close to one or the other, though
teams, but permanent teams formed by friends, allies, or they do shift between them as they age. IF they age.
lovers are common.
Mohawk could be summed up,
Muscle are, just as the name implies, there to hurt “Style matters more than
people. Every runner needs to know how to inflict anything. Never forget the klept
violence on others, but muscle are the ones who know are the enemy, even if you need
how to do it with both finesse and brutality. Fists, their money. Live fast and die
machine guns, pistols, baseball bats with barbed wire... pretty – or at least loud.”

Faces are the runners who can talk their way past the
security guard at the gate, charm the secretary at the
desk, convince the scientist to hand over the datacard Trenchcoat could be summed up,
containing their life's work, and then bargain with Mr. “Maniacs have emotion. Pros have
Johnson to pay 50% more as a danger bonus. standards. Be polite. Be efficient.
Have a plan to kill everyone you
Cats are the techno equivalent of faces; specializing in meet. How’s your 401(k)?”
breaking into the most advanced security systems in the
world and taking what they need or want from inside – The two do not like each other. Mohawks despise
or just the warehouse down the street for food. ‘Trenchies’ as sellouts, poseurs one step away from
punching a clock at a megacorp’s headquarters.
Spellworms are a variable lot. While they can be any of Trenchcoats view Mohawks with disdain, believing they
the above categories, most runner spellworms try to give real runners a bad rep - the true currency of the
leverage their magic into feats that can't be done with a shadows.
bullet or a lockpick: levitation, illusions, mind reading.
Others bend their powers inward to mimic – or even With that said, it rarely results in worse than insults.
exceed – what implanted cyberware can achieve. Many Trenchcoats moonlight as Mr. Johnsons, subcon-
tracting Mohawks for runs where their attitude is an
Deckers use the Matrix as their playground, connecting advantage. Mohawks also serve as a training ground for
their brain directly to the virtual computer world and future Trenchcoats, with (some) who survive their first
making it theirs. This has its own unique dangers as well years seeing how much more money you can get from a
as rewards. Johnson when you DON’T pick’n’flick boogers at them.

Riggers take advantage of brain interface technology to STREET NAME

control vehicles directly – whether it be something as A runner’s handle is a mix of advert and rep; no one
large as a tank or chopper, or small as a pack of drones expects someone named Hatchetman to be a decker, or
being commanded all at once, or even as enormous as Fastjack to be a shaman. Picked carefully, it can make or
an entire building’s security system. break a running career, but best not to agonize; any
name used well will get a good rep.

Shadowrunners don't just spring whole from the fungus Humans are the most common race in the Sixth World,
under Mr. Johnson's fridge (no matter how much he'd but over the last forty years some were born as dwarves
like to think so). They all come from somewhere, and and elves, while others went through a violent
that somewhere can give an edge. If a runner already expression of dormant genes called Goblinization that
has any levels in a Skill, from Core Skills or Ancestries, evolved them into orks and trolls. Other versions of
the Background raises it one level. these new races (such as dryads, fomori, oni, or
gnomes) exist, but are limited to small areas. Racism still
Corporates were raised as shaikujin - loyal to their exists, but rarely has anything to do with skin or origin.
company first, even if they weren't Japanese. If you have Who cares if that guy's skin is ebony (lovely color,
a corp background, what event led you to the shadows? really), when that thing has hands the size of your head?
Do you want back into that welcoming, suffocating
embrace, or is that your worst nightmare? Human (Homo sapiens sapiens)
Bonus: Persuasion d4. In all but a few select new nations with highly specific
immigration policies, humans make up at minimum 80%
Nationals were born as part of a nation (the UCAS, of the population. This gives them the unspoken
NAN, Quebec, or other) and cared at least a little about advantage of simply being in the majority, but they also
how their nation prospered. Are you committing crimes receive the free Edge (SWADE p.16).
against your nation now? Or did you leave your country
and are living somewhere else? Elf (Homo sapiens nobilis)
Bonus: Driving d4. Elves are tall, thin, beautiful, and have pointed ears –
just like the classic Tolkienesque elves. Some revel in
Streeters have belonged to the underworld from the their resemblance to the fey creatures, and they are one
beginning - either as an urchin living on the fringes or as of two races to have their own 'language', Sperethiel.
a kid born into an organized crime family. Do you still Others despise the prejudiced, flighty stereotypes and
retain those ties to the beginnings, or have you cut do their best to fit in and be 'normal' – whatever that is.
them off entirely? Do you run for fun, or just to get out? BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE: Elves may reroll one failed
Bonus: Streetwise d4. Persuasion roll per Scene.
GRACEFUL: They start with d6 Agility.
Tribals aren't necessarily from the Native American THIN: Elves begin play with -1 Toughness.
Nations – what they are is people raised in a spiritual
tradition almost archaic in a world made of ferrocrete Dwarf (Homo sapiens pumilionis)
and chrome. With magic and spirits being real, now, it Dwarves are shorter than normal humans, broader, and
brings a whole new level of involvement. Do you still generally tougher than other races. They're also strong-
have those beliefs, or are they shattered? Is what you do willed; once they set their mind to doing something, it
now part of it? gets done. However, because of their size and build,
Bonus: Notice d4. they find it hard to use human-sized gear.
TOUGH BUGGERS: Dwarves start with d6 Vigor.
STRONG-WILLED: They begin play with the Elan Edge.
STUNTY: Dwarves start with Pace 5 and with 20% less
money (4,000¥) to represent the increased cost of
buying or converting gear to their size.

Ork (Homo sapiens robustus)

Orks are larger, stronger, and uglier than most humans.
However, this stereotype also leads to society as a
whole rejecting them; some respond by trying to be
'good orks', others with anger and violence, and others
by withdrawing into orkish neighborhoods.
ORK SMASH: Orks start with d6 Strength.
BURLY GUYS: Add +1 Toughness.
OSTRACIZED: Orks have the Outsider (Minor) or Human
Poser Hindrance.

Troll (Homo sapiens ingentis)
Trolls average nearly three meters tall, are close to two
meters wide, and have horns and bumpy plates under
their skin. They are also badly regarded by society as a
whole, but their size and appearance tends to dissuade
all but the most... dedicated... racists.
TROLL SMASH BETTER: Trolls start with d8 Strength,
and have Size+1 and Reach+1.
SUBDERMAL PLATING: Trolls begin play with Armor +2
representing their subdermal bone plates.
UGLY AND SCARY: Trolls have a -2 Persuasion Penalty,
but a +1 Intimidation bonus.
NOT BRIGHT: Smarts costs double to raise during
character creation and with Advances or cyberware.
NOT IN YOUR SIZE: Trolls start with 20% less money
(4,000¥) to represent the increased cost of buying or
converting gear to their size.

Traits are handled as per SW. Common Knowledge is
called Streetwise; Networking rolls can be handled by it
in addition to Persuasion and Intimidation.


Shadowrun characters start at Seasoned by default; any
Edges that are Background canNOT be purchased with
advancements. This also means all runners draw from a
deck and consult the Shadowy Past Table (p.7).

The GM may decide this is a Street Scum game (where

your runners are young punks just getting started) in
which case you start at Novice as normal, or a High
Roller game (where they’re well established and
probably travel internationally) in which case you start at
Veteran but pull 3 cards for Shadowy Past.

Purchasing Hindrances works as normal, but use the

following list for what the points add.
For two points:
Raise an Attribute 1 die type
Choose 1 Edge
For one point:
Gain 1 Skill point
Gain 2 Contact points
Add 1,000¥ to your starting cash.


All runners start with 5,000¥, modified as usual by
Poverty or Rich – though those Edges and Hindrances
have no effect beyond modifying starting money. Gear
Packs exist to make this easier (p.32). Some Edges have
additional monetary requirements, and all runners are
required to purchase a Lifestyle – if they don’t, they

2: Busted! Start with the SIN (Criminal) Hindrance. Your runner has an actual System Identification Number,
3-4: Injured! Add 1 Strain to your runner for , rather than just a fake one – a SINner, as the slang goes.
the cyberware that kept you alive. As a Minor Hindrance, you're in the system as a regular
5-6: Hunted! You crossed someone in your citizen; as a Major, your SIN has a criminal flag, either as
past that wants to destroy you. Add Enemy an add-on to your old SIN or a fresh SIN given to you as
(Major) Hindrance. a free gift upon arrest.
7: Bad Rep! Deservedly or no, the shadows
don't like you. Start with Bad Reputation.
8: Nothing! You're clean, chummer. BACKGROUND EDGES
9: Buddy! Add 1 point to your Contact starting Arcane Background (Magician)
value. Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6
10-J: Big Score! Add 1d6x500¥ to your starting You can cast spells by following a Way of Magic, whe-
cash. ther it be shamanism, wizardry, or more esoteric Way.
Q-K: Good Rep! Start the Streetwise Edge. Consult the Street Grimoire (p.30) for more information.
A: Great Gear! Start with Trademark Weapon or
Power Focus Edge. Arcane Background (Physical Adept)
Joker: Never deal with a Dragon. Like it or not, Requirements: Novice, Martial Artist
the eye of a mighty Dragon is on you, and it may Rather than channeling your magical talent outward to
interfere with your life at the worst moments - or fling fireballs and mind probes, you channel it internally,
just when you need it. to increase your own natural ability to fight. Consult the
Street Grimoire (p31) for more information.
start among the Unhoused.
Runners start with 5 Contact points that can be used as Requirements: Novice
detailed in the Setting Rules. The “nobles” of Shadowrun are those in service to the
klept who own the system, or those who by luck and
After character creation is done, any leftover money is skill have carved a niche for themselves. If you need
divided by 10, and add 1d4*100¥ to that total as your more examples, look under Lifestyle (as detailed in the
starting cash. Runners are lean and hungry.

Bad Reputation (Minor)
A runner with a bad rep is disliked in the shadows,
whether justly or unjustly. Take a -1 penalty to all
Networking rolls (SWADE p.133).

Dependent (Major)
You have family - adopted or otherwise - who would
not be alive without your income. A grandparent, a
spouse, a child... Each month, they cost you 1d6*50¥ in
addition to any other Lifestyle costs and other
challenges (“Mommy, why are you bleeding?”) By
definition these are not Contacts and may have no useful
skills to aid a runner.

Poser (Minor)
You want to be another race – either ork, human, or elf
– and have had basic cosmetic surgery so that you can
pass for one. However, you are NOT, and if you're ever
exposed when dealing with an NPC you have to roll on
the Reaction Table with 3d6, removing the highest, to
see what their new attitude towards you is.

Setting Rules). For the purposes of street-level
Shadowrun, buying this edge puts you into the bougy
Lifestyle, with all the privilege – and pain – that implies.

Bougy runners do not have to pay the monthly Lifestyle

fee, get a monthly income of 1d6*100¥ above this, and
may call upon (some) resources or minions of their
organization, but cannot take Day Jobs (as detailed in
the Setting Rules) and must spend a week every
Downtime cycle working as a bougy.

Chromed Up
Requirements: Novice
You were cybered heavily in your past, and not on your
dime; choose up to 6 Strain in Cyberware from the
Equipment chapter and a Major Hindrance.

Cyber Tolerant
Requirements: Novice
For whatever reason, you can tolerate much more
cyberware than the normal metahuman. Maximum
Strain is increased by +4.

Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Spirit d6, Hacking Focus (Power)
d8, no Arcane Background Requirements: AB(Magician), Seasoned, Sorcery d8,
A Child of the Matrix needs no deck; treat your own 2,000¥
brain as an Alpha Cyberdeck with a rating equal to your You have purchased or created a power focus that helps
Spirit die, and your Hacking isn’t limited by the “deck’s” amplify your magical abilities. It takes the form of an
Rating. You also get to call your SK’s sprites instead; external item (traditionally it's wands, shamanic masks,
isn’t that awesome? Which one you are called depends rings, or an athame dagger, but more modern-minded
on whether it’s Matrix 1.0 or 2.x. mages have made commlinks and guns into power foci)
that you channel power through. This Edge gives a +1
Sweet Ride to all rolls involving Sorcery as long as you possess the
Requirements: Novice, Repair d6+ item. If you lose it, you must spend one week of
All riggers drive cars. You, though, you've got a ride Downtime looking for/crafting a replacement.
that is the envy of them all. Improved Focus (Power)
Requirements: AB, Veteran, Sorcery d10,
You have 5,000¥ to build vehicles (this includes any 6,000¥[Y]
accessories). If you have the Rich or Filthy Rich Edge you As above, but gives a +2 on all Sorcery rolls.
apply the multiplier to this money as well, though short
of wanting an LAV or copter it isn’t necessary. Focus (Sustaining)
Requirements: AB, Sorcery d6, 1,000¥
Also called spell locks, these focus energy into
POWER EDGES sustaining spells for a caster. This Edge allows you to
Alchemy ignore a -1 penalty for maintaining a Power. Can be
Requirements: AB(Magician), Veteran, Sorcery d8 taken once per Rank.
You’ve learned how to capture one-off and temporary
spells in an object anyone can use. To create one, first Focus (Weapon)
spend a Reagent, then make a Sorcery roll to cast the Requirements: AB, Fighting d8, 6,000¥
Power. If it succeeds, you now have a Power that will You have made or purchased a magical weapon –
take effect when broken as though you had cast it with a melee only, no guns. When using the weapon, add +2
Success. You may have up to half your Spirit die in to hit and damage, it has +2 AP, and ignores
readied Powers. Invulnerability.

Mentor Spirit you ever run out of tokens during a Hacking attempt,
Requirements: AB(Magician), Spirit d8 roll your Spirit. On a success, gain a number of tokens
Each tradition has ideals, gods, equal to half your Spirit die.
saints, or totems that it
venerates, and one of them has Rocker
reached down to touch your Requirements: Wild Card,
runner personally. While it's Performance d6
unknown if these spirits truly Rockers express themselves
ARE gods (or just creations of through whatever art flows from
your imagination) they still give their fingers – and taking this
power. edge means you’re getting a
name for your art, be it graffiti,
When this Edge is acquired, music, fashion, or something
choose one Skill and one Power else. Because the only way to
that epitomize the Mentor get rich at rocking is to whore
Spirit. The runner gets a reroll yourself and sell out, not doing
with that skill; when using the so is an act of pure rebellion.
Power, any Success counts as a Once per scene you may reroll a
Raise. Also, you can go into failed Performance or Persuasion
Astral space and try to find the roll, and when doing a Day Job
Mentor Spirit to ask it questions during Downtime you roll two
(treat as Divination). dice instead of one.

However, interacting with the Mentor brings you closer SOCIAL EDGES
to them. Add one of the following Major Hindrances Friend of a Friend
that also emblemize the Mentor: Arrogant, Bloodthirsty, Requirements: Seasoned
Curious, Greedy, Heroic, Pacifist, Vengeful. You know someone, who knows someone, who knows
someone. Once per adventure, you can create an 'on
Way of the Burnout the fly' contact who will help you for that run only. Roll
Requirements: AB, Strain 3+, Veteran your Streetwise, modified by Reputation. Success
Some spellworms get chromed despite the drag it generates a Contact with Trait d8, Loyalty d4; each Raise
inflicts on their spellcasting. A fraction of those have adds one die type to either Trait or Loyalty.
learned how to overcome the drag, at least somewhat,
and walk the Burnout Way. Halve all penalties due to
A random mutation has changed you into a form very
PROFESSIONAL EDGES different from what is seen as human, even these days.
Drone Captain Haley’s Comet passing close to Earth in 2061 is what
Requirements: Wild Card, Vehicle Control Rig caused most SURGE cases, but sufficiently powerful
Whatever it is that makes you a Wild Card is extended magic (or other factors) can do the same. Pick a Minor
to your drones. You may spend Bennies on their rolls, Hindrance and a +1 Ancestral Ability from the Making
even when in Captain’s Chair mode. Ancestries section (SWADE p.18), or a +2 and a -2 to
represent a larger mutation.
Drone General
Requirements: Wild Card, Vehicle Control Rig, Veteran LEGENDARY EDGES
You may have up to your Spirit in drones during Never Fade Away
Captain’s Chair mode. Requirements: Legendary, Spirit d8
If you fail a roll, you may spend a Benny to succeed with
Novahot Decker a Raise, or only succeed on an unskilled check. Usable
Requirements: Wild Card, Seasoned, Hacking d8 once per session.
When some get dumped, you're just getting going. If

Bad Reputation Minor -1 to Networking
Dependent Major 1d6*50¥ a month to care for, other problems.
Poser Minor Your
SINner Minor/Major You have a System Identification Number
AB (Magician) N, Spirit d6 Cast spells as a Shadowrun mage
AB (Adept) N Augment body using magic
Bougy N Start career as a bougy
Chromed Up N 6 Strain of cyberware and a Major Hindrance
Cyber Tolerant N +4 Strain limit
Otaku/Technomancer WC, N, Spirit d6, Hacking d8, Hack the Matrix without a deck, just your brain
no AB
Sweet Ride N, Repair d6 Start with 5k¥ to build a vehicle
Alchemy AB(Magician), V, Sorcery d6 Prepare up to 50% Spirit in prepackaged Powers
Focus (Power) AB(Magician), S, Sorcery d8, +1 to all Sorcery rolls as long as you hold enchanted
2k¥ object
Improved Focus (Power) AB(Magician), V, Sorcery d10, +2 to all Sorcery rolls as long as you hold enchanted
6k¥ object
Focus (Sustaining) AB(Magician), Sorcery d6, 1k¥ Maintains a spell without -1 penalty
Focus (Weapon) AB, Fighting d8, 6k¥ Magic weapon with d8+2 damage, +2 to hit, AP2
Mentor Spirit AB(Magician), Spirit d8 1 skill gets a reroll, 1 Power counts Success as Raise, gain
one Major Hindrance
Way of the Burnout AB, Strain 3+, V Halves all Strain penalties
Drone Captain WC, VCR Drones can use Bennies in Captain Chair Mode
Drone General WC, VCR, Veteran Up to Spirit in Drones can be run in Captain Chair Mode
Friend of a Friend S Make a contact for the duration of one run
Novahot Decker WC, S, Hacking d8 If you get dumped, regen 50% of tokens after Spirit roll
Rocker WC, Performance d6 Reroll Persuasion and earn more money from Day Job
SURGE Pick Ancestral Powers and a Minor Hindrance from a
magical mutation
Never Fade Away WC, L, Spirit d8 If you fail a roll, spend a Benny to succeed with a Raise

Shadowrun uses the Gritty Damage, Languages, and No When Projecting, you are nothing BUT your mind; your
Power Points, from SWADE. It also uses the following meat body is Incapacitated. Replace Vigor and Strength
setting rules, adapted from several sources (and my with your Spirit die, Agility with Smarts, and Fighting
own): Astral Space, Contacts, Downtime, Fake SINs, with Knowledge (Occult). The only objects that stay with
Lifestyles, Rigging, Run Rewards, and The Matrix you are any Focus Edges you have purchased. You can
travel freely through any nonliving object, though you
ASTRAL SPACE cannot affect them, and any writing in the physical
Astral Space is a plane parallel to the physical that world is gibberish. Only dual-natured beings, spirits,
characters with the Arcane Background (Magician) can characters astrally Percepting or Projecting, barriers
access in one of two ways: Perception (opening one's created by reagents, or Powers currently being
meat presence to the astral plane), and Projection maintained can be attacked in Astral Space - for the last
(removing one's spirit from the body and moving freely two, treat the caster's Sorcery die as Toughness; a
through it). On the astral plane, living creatures possess Shaken result dispels the it but alerts the caster.
an aura, which can be read to assess the being's physical
and mental health, amount of cyberware, if a Power is BACKGROUND COUNT
currently acting upon the being, or whether or not the Strong emotions leave a residue on Astral Space, called
being possesses an Arcane Background. the Background Count. These can be temporary in
nature, such as those left by a violent murder or a
When Percepting, a magician discards any Initiative card novahot rock concert, or more permanent, such as those
higher than 9 (except Jokers), and all social interactions left by worshipers in the Notre Dame cathedral or
suffer a -2 penalty. This is because the input from both victims of Nazi death camps. Areas where nature or the
astral and physical can be confusing in combat human spirit has been completely destroyed also have
situations, and because Percepting makes one act oddly. background counts; toxic dump sites and cubicle farms
But you suffer no darkness penalties, as the glow of where individuality is stamped out are examples of this.
auras around you light up the night. When Percepting,
add +2 to Healing and Notice rolls to represent your When casting powers in an area with a Background
ability to view the unseen undercurrents of an area. Count, modify Sorcery rolls negatively by the
Moving into and out of astral perception is an Action. Background Count rating with one exception if: the
Some beings are Dual Natured, discussed later. caster is aligned to the Background Count. Examples
would be a preacher in a church or a toxic shaman in a
dump. In this case, the aligned caster ADDS the
Background Count to all his Sorcery rolls - yep, a toxic
shaman is mighty dangerous on his home turf.

Background Counts are rated from 0-3, but only the very
most horrible (or wondrous) places go above 2, with 1
being the most common.

In the shadows, “You are who you know” is not pithy
advice, but a fact of life. Chummers to vouch for his
skills and send jobs his way are the difference between
Joe Shadowrunner eating at the Space Needle or floating
in the bay with all his usable organs harvested.

All runners start with 5 Contact Points at generation,

which can be spent to purchase contacts and upgrade For each week of downtime, a runner may do one of the
their Trait and Loyalty. following activities. Note that the runner has to be
uninjured to engage in any of these; even having a
A contact's Trait is not only how skilled they are in their good time is hard to do when every movement tugs at
bailiwick, but how much power and influence they have two-hundred and thirty-seven stitches!
in their respective sphere. All contacts start with a d8 in
a relevant (helpful to the PC) skill, chosen by the player. AUGMENTATION: A runner can spend a week getting
Each point spent raises that one die type, until it reaches cyber-ware implanted and recovering from the surgery.
d12; at that point, they have branched out and gain, in Note that especially rare items may require the
this order: Friend of a Friend, Connections, Bougy. They Shopping & Fencing activity to find.
have other skills as determined by the GM.
BEING A BUDDY: A contact is more than just a random
A contact's Loyalty is how well they think of your runner assortment of numbers that you call when something
personally. Its die type is what's rolled when you ask for goes wrong and you need help; each is a person with
a favor beyond Simple Information, which is modified by their own lives, and if you don't spend time with them
Reputation and Charisma, as well as other factors. It to keep that friendship (or business relationship) intact,
starts at a d6 and each point raises it a die type. Failure they might forget. Failing to do this at least once in a
means they blow you off, and a roll of 1 reduces the game month means that each of a runner's Contacts rolls
Loyalty by one die type. their Loyalty; on a failure, the Loyalty drops one die, and
if a d4 drops than so does the contact. Sayonara,
As an alternative to this system, the GM may have chummer.
premade contacts at a given price, but the default allows
players to make their own. DAY JOB: This doesn't represent a 9-5, wageslave
existence (most runners would cut their throats before
Nobody does anything for free, however; consult the doing that!), but instead means the runner has decided
Contact Favor Table to get an idea of how much certain to do some jobs for extra cash. Could be something
favors will cost; whether it be buying lunch while you innocuous like unloading ships at the dock or more
schmooze or a straight cred transfer is based on your sinister like helping Adopted break legs on welshers. For
relationship. declaring this activity, the runner adds 50¥*d6 to their
stash for the week's work.
Simple info (anyone might know) 5¥ TIME: Everyone has
Specialized info (he might know) 10¥ things to do which
Sensitive info (might cause trouble) 50¥ make them feel great
Legal activity 50¥/day – even people who
Illegal, Untraceable Activity 100¥ kill in cold blood.
Illegal, Traceable Activity 500¥ When declaring this
Will Get Him Arrested For Sure 1000¥ activity, describe what
your runner is doing
DOWNTIME and subtract 50¥*d6
Runners don't spend their entire lives running; they have from the runner's
friends, sometimes family, want to enjoy their lives, stash. For doing this,
expand their abilities, and feel more like real people. you start the next
Everyone needs breaks, for healing if nothing else, and adventure with one
these rules are to represent that. additional Benny.
Each runner may only
Whenever a run ends, the GM either decides on a have one extra Benny
specific number or rolls 1d6 and divides the result by 2 saved up.
in secret; that's the number of weeks in game between
this run and the next. If the group's players agree, they SELF-IMPROVEMENT:
may spend more time than this in downtime, but no Getting better at what
more than two weeks. you do keeps you
alive. Using an

Advance requires one week of practice. The GM may Around 9% of the population have no permanent
rule that you require a teacher in order to learn the skill, residence and no steady income at all. They live in their
which may need roleplaying or incur fees to your vehicles, squats, tent cities, or just migrate around the
teacher (as decided by your GM). sprawl trying to find whatever corner they can to shelter
from the rain. They are mostly SINless, as the threadbare
SHOPPING & FENCING: While normal items can be welfare programs for SINners are still usually enough to
obtained via a simple Streetwise roll, gear of Rare or stop them from falling this far. Generally, the unhoused
Yeah Right rarity often require more legwork – and don't stay in this state long; either they climb back
selling expensive (illegal) found items often require as upwards into the precariat or die from exposure,
much work. You may spend a week of downtime to overdose, and simple murder. The authorities don't see
make a Streetwise roll to either find a seller of what you much of a difference in cause of death, and bundle the
want, or a buyer. Note that a roll of 1 on either die unhoused deceased into crematoria kept working day
means that the authorities have caught wind and results and night.
in an encounter as they attempt to arrest you.
Each week you must make a Streetwise roll or suffer one
FAKE SINS Hazard chosen by the GM, and you have a -2 penalty to
The official Sixth World standard is that every person is Natural Recovery rolls.
born a SINner and has a System Identification Number. Cost: Life ain't all bad; it's free.
In practice, most shadow-runners are born outside the
system, or leave the system for personal reasons... but The Precariat:
that doesn't mean the system has left them. "The precariat is the first class in history to be losing
acquired rights - cultural, civil, social, economic, and
Fortunately, Fake SINs are accessible to those with the political."
cash. It can be assumed, for game simplicity’s sake, that - Guy Standing
your average runner has a SIN or two on call as needed. The precariat make up about 30% of the population and
If you would prefer more in-depth rules, here: are split between the SINless futilely striving and those
with a national SIN who at least have THAT. Their
Buying a Fake SIN is simple: it's 250¥ for each die step. defining characteristic is under-employment and
A SIN d4 is 250¥, a SIN d8 is 750¥, and so on. economic precarity, juggling multiple menial jobs and
fighting to get enough shifts to make rent. Most of their
SIN Checkers start at d6 for street level and go up from work comes from gig economy apps on their comms
there depending on the security. If the Fake SIN rating and word-of-mouth casual work. Even those without
equals or exceeds the SIN Checker, then it passes. If it is SINs have managed to purchase (or rent) a fake SIN that
below that, make an opposed die roll between the fake will stand up to most scrutiny – all the better for the
and the Checker; if the checker succeeds the ID is bougies to exploit them.
You have a -1 penalty for Natural Recovery rolls, but can
often find ways to blend in almost anywhere, as the
LIFESTYLES precariat are invisible yet vital to the upper castes.
There are five Lifestyles that require a monthly payment Cost: 200¥/Month
(or not, in one case). Each is loosely defined by the caste
system which has sprung up in the dystopia that is The Wageslave:
Shadowrun. If you can no longer afford one Lifestyle, "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to
you are demoted to the next lowest one, as there is wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but
always room at the bottom. does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law
binds but does not protect."
The Unhoused: - Frank Wilhoit
"For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was The bulk of the population, 60% or so, are the
thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I needed wageslaves: ordinary working stiffs. In a former time, we
clothes and you did not clothe me. Truly I tell you, would have called these “middle class”, and their
whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, existence would be characterized as both safe and
you did not do for me." comfortable from the outside. Inside? A constant threat
- Matthew 25:42-45 of statelessness if they defy their indentured servitude

underlies a wageslave's every second. The common
working pattern is “996” - 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week.
Many of them get by only by abusing advanced
stimulants and, for those lucky to afford it, sleep
regulator cyberware. Outside of work, they mostly self-
medicate with consumerism - sports, social media,
gaming, porn, shopping - to keep themselves anaes-
thetised and unable to threaten those above them.

But at least you have a nice, secure place to stay, a

place to park any vehicle you own without fear of it
disappearing within minutes, and the guarantee that the
police will show up quickly without a bribe.
Cost: 400¥/Month

The Bougy:
"The bourgeoisie compels all others, on pain of
extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode; it forces them
to become bourgeois themselves. In one word, it
creates a world after its own image."
-Karl Marx
Bougies make up that famous 1%: corpo middle
management, organized crime made men, flunky
politicians, and others whose basic attitude is "I got
mine, now frag off." The difference between a wageslave
and a bougy-in-the-making is ambition: would-be
bougies will mouth loyalty to a klept's mission
statement, mercenary knights willing to do anything to
climb upward. Promotion's price is total moral compro-
mise, willingly flensing their humanity away on the
razor-sharp ladder out of the wageslave caste. In return,
they get a life of genuine comfort, an escape from 996,
and sometimes a taste of luxuries reserved for the klept.
But bougies have no stability either; they must tapdance
on the toes of would-bes trying to topple them while
aspiring to remove their higher-ranked bougies and
perhaps – perhaps! - replace one of the klept.

Gives +1 to Natural Recovery rolls, one extra Benny at

the start of a session, and often includes other benefits
such as temporary bodyguards or access to klept parties.
Cost: 1,000¥/Month

The Klept:
"And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft
blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian
certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even
remotely human."
- William Gibson, Count Zero
The klept are the one percent of the one percent, the
apex predators of capitalism. They are the CEOs,
kingmakers, dragons, oyabuns, stars, pakhans, socialites,
dons. Their wealth and power insulates them from the
law, and a line between legal and illegal behaviour does

not exist for the klept - unless one klept is using the law rigger go into Passive mode if entering this mode.
against another as a weapon. Some are world-famous
and instantly recognizable, but many more are utterly CAPTAIN’S CHAIR MODE
anonymous. You could pass one of them on the street A rigger using Captain’s Chair Mode receives input from
and never know, unless you noted their discreet and multiple drones at once – up to half the rigger’s Spirit
lethal personal security squad. That brief shared reality - Die. He may give separate orders to each drone he’s
the pavement under your feet, the sky over your head - linked to as a single Action, but they use their listed
is the only connection between you and them. They skills rather than the rigger’s.
have as much in common with you as you do with a
During combat a drone may become Shaken – its
Gives +2 to Natural Recovery rolls as well as other simple AI has become unstable and is treated as per
benefits that you will never know for sure, for outsiders normal rules. When a drone takes a Wound, it becomes
only briefly taste the joys of klept status. inoperable (if a rigger is in ‘Active’ or ‘Captain Chair’
Cost: 5,000¥/Month and (usually) more. mode, he may spend Bennies to attempt a Soak roll).

RIGGING After the fight the rigger makes a Vigor roll for each of
Characters that interface directly with vehicles are known their inoperable drones. With a success the drone is
as riggers. They implant Vehicle Control Rigs (VCRs) so damaged and can be repaired given a suitable workshop
they can feel as though the vehicle IS their body or to and a successful Repair roll. With a raise the damage to
control multiple drones at once. the drone was superficial and can be fixed “in the field”
with a successful Repair roll. If the Vigor roll fails, the
DRONES drone is scrap.
Drones are small (1 to 3 feet long) remote-controlled
vehicles with a limited AI capable of making decisions
on its own, a fuel and ammunition supply capable of
keeping them active for the duration of a scene, and are
best thought of as Extras under the control of a player.
While anyone can control a single drone in Passive
Mode with a commlink, a rigger with a VCR may
become Incapacitated to run drones in Active and
Command Chair Modes, and may freely switch between
the two at the start of their turn.

Drones may be given simple (10 words or less) orders
to follow – “Shoot anyone that comes through the
door,” “Follow me,” “Fire at anyone shooting in your
direction.” It cannot handle complex orders such as “Fire
at the second red-haired person to enter the corridor.”
Giving an order is an Action.

The drone is left with only its software to determine
what to do; it will only communicate if an order is
activated or its fuel runs low and it returns to its base.
Drones in this mode use their listed skills.

The rigger controls a single drone or vehicle, replacing
her sensory inputs with its. This allows the rigger to use
their skills in place of the drone’s, as well as using their
Wild Die on all tests. Any other drones linked to the

RUN REWARDS double Advance or Conviction token if they’ve done
When Mr. Johnson sits down at the table, it’s well- something TRULY noble.
known that he wants to pay as little as possible to the
scroffy runners on the other side of it. However, there A contested Persuasion roll can be made by a runner;
are well known standards for how much a run should each success and raise adds 1 to the first stage
cost, and multipliers.

The base payment of a run is 250¥ per runner, but this is Example: Mr Johnson hires the runners to infiltrate a top-
only for the very simplest of milk runs. That number is secret Aztechnology laboratory by moving through an
modified in two stages: abandoned area of the Tacoma sewers to retrieve data
on a bioengineering project. It’s a run (*1), it requires
1) By the opposition expected. Harder opposition beyond normal stealth (*2), it’s a dangerous area in the
means more money. Do note that this is only sewers (*3), and the target is Aztechnology so there is
what the Johnson EXPECTS to be there… or tells bound to be powerful opposition (*4), the runners are
the runners that there will be. Seasoned (*5), so 250¥*5=1250¥. The face makes a
Persuasion roll and succeeds, for a total of 1500¥ each.
2) By the karmic modifier. If it is a truly nasty piece of The various… unexpected obstacles… are not included
work, such as murdering a little old lady activist in that price. (Incidentally, that’s Shadowrun adventure
and spreading her pieces across the neighbor- 7301 DNA/DOA.)
hood, that naturally costs more. If it’s helping the
little old lady shut down corp polluters, she can’t
pay as much… but you’ll feel good about it! CASH REWARDS
Feel free to lowball the price and make it up with XP 1 Just a standard run.
instead or to have other rewards the players can pick up +1-4 For the highest Rank a runner has past
on the way. This is an adaptation of the Cash Rewards Novice.
table from SR5, p. 372. +1 One or more Wildcards in the opposition
+1 Runners outnumbered at least 5 to 1 in a
If the run is kind, other rewards are encouraged – an planned encounter
additional Contact or free piece of Gear, an extra Benny +1 Runners risk public exposure or any kind
to the entire group for the next session, possibly a of raised profile
+1 Run requires extraordinary speed or
beyond normal stealth
+1 Run brings runners into contact with a
known dangerous area of the setting
(Bug City, a corp zero zone)
+1 Average opposition Skill is d10 or higher
+1 Run has heavy supernatural involvement
(multiple spirits, a corp mage)
+1 for each week or fraction thereof involved
in longer runs
*1 Run is neither vicious or helpful
*1.5 Run is extraordinarily cruel (human
trafficking, drug running, wetwork)
*0.5 Run is extraordinarily kind (hooding,
taking some 'dys' out of 'dystopia'

The computer network in Shadowrun is known as the Matrix: a
vast virtual reality sea that can be dived into to find… well.. any-
thing. Going ‘turtle’ (keyboard and mouse) is not common; for
anyone interested datajacks allow people to experience it as
though it were reality. If for medical or other reasons augmen-
tation isn’t an option, one can also use external connections, but
it’s slower and the fidelity is lower – so not used as much.
However, when jacked in a person is helpless as all their senses
are overridden, so they count as Incapacitated.

At its basic level, the Matrix is an information outlet, allowing

anyone with access a Common Knowledge skill of d8. The GM
rolls this die in secret, however, and a failure results in misinfor-
mation – so easy to find online.

The Matrix divides into three eras: 1.0, 2.0, and 2.1. In 1.0, the
megacorps keep tight control over the Matrix by limiting every-
thing to physical connections, only allowing limited bandwidth
over wireless connections – barely enough to run a commlink.

In 2.0, after the second Crash, wireless networking was allowed

to flourish, and parts of the Matrix were allowed to trip into
reality via Augmented Reality (AR). Almost everything, from
razors to handguns, were made wireless in this era, and deckers
were as gods. But nothing is totally easy, and 2.1 has developed
defenses against the easy intrusions.

The Matrix is not a perfect virtual reality; the processing required
even in the future makes that impossible. Instead, it looks like a
video game, with higher power systems having higher polygon
counts. Low power systems will have a couple hundred making
up an icon (PS1), average will have a few thousand (PS2), with
high-powered systems having tens of thousands (PS3). The more
real it looks, the more dangerous it is. A decker’s icon is backed
up by a high-powered system, but can be sculpted in any form
the decker desires, from a glass samurai to a Volkswagen Beetle.

Decking is illegally accessing computer systems through the
Matrix to manipulate them for the decker's purposes – there are
many legal uses for the Matrix. She could be looking to gather
information on a corporation or individual, attempting to deact-
ivate the alarms or cameras in a building, or trying to steal pay-
data for their bills. The decker links his brain directly to his
deck (a modified computer) via a datajack.

Despite the Matrix moving at the speed of thought, for Wild Dice. For each success and raise, they remove one
the purposes of gameplay each action a decker takes is chip from their opponent’s pile – the system succeeds
a standard round, drawing Initiative if in combat. by corrupting or expending the decker’s soft-ware, the
decker by destroying the ICE and taking control of
There are two possible systems outlined here: Simple outlying system nodes.
and Complex. Simple’s advantage is that it’s fast,
Complex’s advantage is that once the decker has won If either participant rolls a 1 on either die, their
(beating the system), no more rolls are required and the opponent gains a +2 bonus to all further rolls for this
system is theirs. Both have uses, and a GM could switch engagement. The decker triggers a full security alert, or
between them as needed, using Simple for trivial the system exposes a hidden backdoor or flaw in its
systems, Complex for the moments where maximum defenses. Other non-system processes may also occur –
tension is needed for the story. for example the security guards at a site may be
doubled if the decker rolls a 1, or their location may be
COMPUTER SYSTEM RATINGS found with a team dispatched to capture them, or the
Computer systems are rated by their Intrusion system may randomly expose valuable paydata.
Countermeasure Electronic (ICE) skill which ranges from
d4 to d12. Additionally systems are either Red or Green If the system runs out of tokens, the decker has taken
– Red systems get a Wild Die. As an example, the control of it. He can manipulate it as desired, with each
computer system controlling a vending machine would task requiring a simple success on a Hacking roll and
have a rating of Green d4; it rolls a d4 to oppose taking one round. Examples of what the decker may do
Hacking attempts. include disabling alarms, turning off a camera or
discovering where a sought-after employee is housed.
Whenever the decker attempts to make a system do If the decker runs out of tokens, the system’s ICE has
something illegally, make an opposed roll between the crashed his deck. The decker is immediately dumped
decker’s Hacking skill and the system ICE skill. If the out of the system and suffers damage (see below).
decker succeeds, the effect
they want takes place, and SECKERS & KNOWBOTS &
each Raise allows them one SPRITES, OH MY
more possible effect. If the Aid can be obtained in this battle
system succeeds with a Raise, – from security deckers (seckers)
it dumps the decker from its on the system’s side fighting the
system. If either side rolls a 1 intrusion, or if the decker activates
on either die, the opposition a semi-autonomous knowbot (SK)
gets one free success or raise. that can also do other processes.
This is treated as a normal
COMPLEX HACKING Cooperative Trait roll; seckers
Rather than use complicated have a skill equal to the system’s,
diagrams to represent a and the SK rating is equal to the
computer network, which a deck’s.
single decker has to negotiate
while his companions just DAMAGE FROM A COMPUTER
watch, Savagerun rules use a SYSTEM
system based upon Mass When a decker is defeated he is
Battles rules from SWD. forcibly dumped from the system
with potentially lethal feedback.
Give the system a number of This feedback causes damage
tokens equal to its ICE skill. equal to a roll of the system’s ICE
Give the decker a number of skill plus the number of tokens
tokens equal to his deck’s the system has remaining.
rating (see Equipment).
The damage is applied as per the
Each round, the participants Savage Worlds rules, except the
roll their relevant Skill and decker’s Spirit is used instead of

Toughness (for example, a d10 Spirit is treated as a WIRELESS MATRIX
“Toughness” of 7). The decker may spend a benny to try A wireless Matrix drastically increases the scope of a
and Soak this damage using his Vigor die. If the decker decker’s abilities; no longer restricted to the computers
was attempting to hack a Red system, then the resulting and its fiberoptics but able to influence the real world.
damage is applied as Wounds; if it was a Green system,
the damage is applied as Fatigue. Wounds caused by In game terms, this allows a decker to use their Hacking
decking never result in a roll on the Injury Table but can skill to use Breaking Things (SWADE p.98), Disarm
cause a character’s death! Fatigue gained in this way is (p.100), Support (p.106), or Test (p.108) against any
recovered at the rate of one point per hour of rest. target nearby that is connected wirelessly to the Matrix.
This is resisted by the target’s Hacking. Breaking Things
WITHDRAWING FROM A COMPUTER SYSTEM deals damage to the decker’s Hacking+Smarts. The
The decker may withdraw from the system at any time decker may protect characters equal to her deck’s die
(before or after he gains control) as an action requiring type from these negative activities if they are within 10
no skill roll. However, if the decker later wants to meters of her.
manipulate the system again, he must repeat the
hacking procedure given above – the damage is flagged SIGNAL STRENGTH
and repaired very quickly in real time without the decker If a decker tries to use the Matrix wirelessly, they suffer
actively present. a penalty similar to the Background Count rules for
Astral Space. Signal Strength varies from 1-3, and even
DECKER VERSUS DECKER in the areas of greatest clarity is never less than 1.
If two deckers fight in the Matrix, they are actually
attempting to hack each other as though they were Movement also causes problems as the decker moves
systems, with all the rules as outlined above. between signals; if the decker is traveling (such as being
driven around the city in an attempt to keep them safe),
it increases the Signal Strength penalty by 2.

All items in the game have one of five rarities, CYBERWARE
determining how common they are on the street. Not Advanced medical science can supplant tissue with
coincidentally, each of those gives a modifier to a metal, biological, and electronic enhancements
Streetwise roll when trying to purchase the item. They collectively known as cyberware. In the setting there are
are Ranked from Trivial (no roll needed), Common (0), three ways to enhance a body non-magically – cyber-
Uncommon (-2), Rare (-4), and Yeah, Right (-6). Simply ware, bioware, and even nanomachines in later eras –
put, it's marked by TCUR or Y in [brackets] after the cost. but all of them use the same system outlined here.
Cooperative rolls can be made.
Many of the enhancement items that Shadowrun players
The Nuyen has been devalued from its Shadowrun are familiar with – Smartlinks, Bone Lacing, Muscle
equivalent, losing a zero (0) off most prices. Some items Replacements, Enhanced articulation, and so on) are
(guns) which are more expensive are to account for the instead referred to by the generic terms native to
legality of possession, forged permits, and so on - Savage Worlds. For example, a Smartlink would be
though to be frank, this is to keep item prices in line Cyber(Shooting).
with core Savage Worlds items. If a Shadowrun specific
item is needed, simply knock off a zero to find the price. STRAIN
Cyberware is invasive. It necessarily replaces bone and
At the end of this section are several Gear Packs listed tissue, damages the connection between spirit and
for players less interested in minutae shopping and body, and the (meta)human body has an upper limit.
wanting to get straight into the action.
Every piece of cyberware has a Strain rating. The
Maximum Strain of cyberware a character can place in
their body equals the average of their Spirit and Vigor
die type. If additional Strain is incurred, the user suffers a
level of constant Fatigue equal to that amount. No one
can exceed their Max Strain by more than two points
without dying... of course, there are rumors of so-called
'cyberzombies' but that can't be real, right?

A simple datajack is unremarkable in the 2050s or later;
it connects the brain to the computer directly. It allows a
person to browse the Matrix, experience simsense
chips, connect to one’s vehicle to drive hands-free, and
more. It costs NO Strain or nuyen to have a datajack.

Repairing Injuries & Cyberlimbs

Fixing permanent injuries with cyberware (or chopping
off perfectly good limbs for fun and profit) is possible.
Repairing an Injury costs 500¥ per Injury repaired.
Cybernetic limbs with no special functions are 1k¥ and
use 1 Strain, but give Armor +1 and 1 ‘free’ Strain. Vat-
grown “cloned” replacements for limbs are 1k¥ but
inflict no Strain. However Hindrances cannot be
removed through normal cyberware; it assumed that the
body rejects repair in some way if it is a Hindrance.

Adrenal Surge: The adrenal glands has been surgically Leg Enhancement: The character gains +2 Pace, halves
augmented. He receives +2 to recover from being Falling damage, and increases his running die one step.
Shaken. This stacks with the Combat Reflexes Edge. He also increases his jumping distances by 1”. Each time
STRAIN: 2 COST: 2K¥ [R] this is taken after the first increases Pace by +2.
Armor: Subdermal plates have been placed beneath the
skin, granting +2 Armor. This stacks with normal Armor, Lifestyle: This is a catch-all for anything that is cool (and
but not Heavy Armor (use the higher value). sometimes essential) to have. Lifestyle ‘ware can NEVER
STRAIN: 1 COST 2K¥ [U] give any in-game bonus to rolls; that’s covered by
Cyber[Trait] or Transhuman.
Cyber[Edge]: Take a Combat Edge or Leadership Edge, Examples: Body Resculpting (plastic surgery is simple,
ignoring all requirements except the requirement of gender changes are easy), Bomb (detonates on specific
other Edges. This does NOT stack if the character already condition), Commlink, Compartment (holds tiny object
has the Edge or gains it through Advances. like chip or monowhip), Datafilter (prevents short-term
STRAIN: 2 COST: 2K¥ [U] memories going long-term), Recorder (can be video or
simsense), Skin Displays (moving tattoos), Your Idea
Cyber[Trait]: This represents a host of various devices STRAIN: 0 COST: 500¥ [C]
that enhance a Skill or Attribute, such as muscles for
Strength or a smartlink for Shooting. This can be Skillwires: Add or increase a skill a die type, but no
purchased up to 3 times for a single Trait, each time more than +4 steps in any one skill. Skill chips may be
costing NO extra Strain. The enhancement levels are: swapped freely with no surgery. This is a free action, but
1) +1 to all Trait rolls takes an entire round before the new skill is active. Extra
2) 1 free Benny to be used with the Trait specifically skill ships are tiny and weigh nothing.
3) +2 to all Trait rolls. STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥*Skill Bonus [U]

Transhuman: These modifications are like Lifestyle CYBERDECK
'ware, but allow the user to ignore normal limitations of Cyberdecks are practi-
humanity, for example by adding gills. In game, each cally necessary for
purchase allows a character to pick an Ancestral Ability decking – while it can
(SWADE p.18). Some require a recharge period of 1 day be done without one,
or a 100¥ refill. Available choices are: it's more dangerous,
Aquatic, Doesn't Breathe (recharge), Environmental and advanced (Alpha)
Resistance, Immune to Poisons or Disease, Infravision, versions are strong
Leaper, Low-Light Vision, Poisonous Touch (recharge), enough to run an SK to
Regeneration (Value 2 only, recharge), Sleep Reduction, help the runner.
Wall Walker
STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥*Value [U] Decks are rated Alpha
or Beta and have types
Vision Enhancement: Cybernetic eyes grant 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12. The
magnification (50×), thermal, and low-light vision. This type is how many
adds +1 to appropriate sight-based Notice rolls and chips a decker starts
eliminates illumination penalties if in the appropriate with on hacking
mode. Changing modes is a free action. attempts. Also, a
STRAIN: 1 COST: 2K¥ [U] decker’s Hacking skill is
limited to a maximum
Vehicle Control Rig: This allows a rigger to control a of to their deck’s
vehicle as though it was an extension of their body, at rating. If a deck is d6
the risk of suffering lethal damage. Riggers can choose and Hacking is d8, the
between 'cold' and 'hot'. Cold works as normal SWD; character rolls a d6.
using hot gives a rigger +2 on performing Maneuvers,
but any time the vehicle suffers a Wound the rigger A deck may be
must make a Vigor roll or suffer a Wound. This allows specially hardened by
the rigger to use the Drone rules (p. 17). the installation of
STRAIN: 2 COST: 3K¥ [U] additional firewall type
programs to prevent
Weapon, Melee: The character has retractable claws or hostile systems
blades attached directly to the bones in one forearm. interfacing with them;
The blades may be extended as a free and instant action, but the downside is
and cause Str+d6 damage. that it slows down ALL
STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥ [U] processes, not just hostile ones. Such programs act as
Armor against damage, and gives a -1 penalty to both
Weapon, Ranged: A concealed gun has been installed Hacking AND a system’s ICE roll for each point of
in the character’s forearm. Reloading is achieved by Hardening. Hardening can be turned off or on with an
removing a flap of fake skin and manually inserting Action. Every point of Hardening costs 10% of the
individual rounds. deck’s price.
STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥+cost of weapon [R]
A cyberdeck may be installed cranially for 200% of listed
Wired Reflexes: The character has enhanced their reflex price and 2 Strain; a decker may choose which they are
time to superhuman levels, allowing them to move using when they plug into the Matrix. Cannot be
faster than the eye follows. This can be purchased up to detected visually.
three times, which DOES cost the listed Strain each
time. The enhancement levels are: CYBERDECK TABLE
1) Discard all cards below 5 (does not stack with Quick) 4 6 8 10 12
2) Discard all cards below 8 Alpha 500¥[U] 1K¥[U] 2K¥[R] 4K¥[R] 8K¥[Y]
3) Draw an additional card that is not discarded, the Beta 100¥[C] 200¥]U] 400¥[U] 800¥[R] 1.6K¥[R]
character may act on that turn as well.

DRONES * Construct: Drones
Drones come in three main categories - car, helicopter add +2 to recover
and boat - with four configurations in each - general from Shaken, take no
purpose, lightweight surveillance, armored attack, and additional damage
stealth micro. Each variant is identical to the general from called shots, do
purpose except where noted. There exist fixed-wing not suffer wound
aircraft drones, but their purposes are strictly military modifiers and are
and thus are not as useful to the typical runner. immune to disease
and poison.
One mount point is required for an SMG or smaller * Fearless: Drones
weapon; two are required for anything larger. never suffer fear
DRONE CAR UTILITY * Flight: Helicopter
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength drones have a Flying
d6, Vigor d10 Pace of 12”, with a Climb of 2”.
Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6 * Hardy: A second Shaken result does
Pace:8; Parry:5; Toughness:7 not cause a wound.
Special Abilities: Gear: 1 mount point for a weapon.
* Construct: Drones add +2 to recover from Shaken, Cost: 300¥ [U]
take no additional damage from called shots, do not DRONE COPTER SURVEILLANCE
suffer wound modifiers and are immune to disease and * Flight 18”, Climb 3”
poison. * Notice d8
* Fearless: Drones never suffer fear effects. * No mount point
* Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a * Cost: 600¥ [U]
Gear: 1 mount point for a weapon. * Flight 10”, Climb 2”
Cost: 200¥ [C] * Shooting d8
* Pace 12” * 2 mount points
* Notice d8 * Cost: 1,200¥ [R]
* No mount point DRONE COPTER MICRO
* Cost: 400¥ [U] * Small
DRONE CAR ATTACK * Flight 8”, Climb 1”
* Pace 4” * Stealth d10
* Shooting d8 * Destroyed on a Shaken result
* Armor +2 * No Mount Points
* 2 mount points * Cost: 1,200¥ [R]
* Cost: 800¥ [R]
DRONE CAR MICRO Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength
* Small d6, Vigor d8
* Pace 4” Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6
* Stealth D10 Pace:10; Parry:5; Toughness:6
* No Mount Point Special Abilities:
* Destroyed on a Shaken result * Construct: Drones add +2 to recover from Shaken,
* Cost: 800¥ [R] take no additional damage from called shots, do not
suffer wound modifiers and are immune to disease and
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d6, Strength * Fearless: Drones never suffer fear effects.
d6, Vigor d6 * Hardy: A second Shaken result does not cause a
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d6 wound.
Pace:-; Parry:5; Toughness:5 Gear: 1 mount point for a weapon.
Special Abilities: Cost: 100¥ [C]

DRONE BOAT SURVEILLANCE 100”. Comes in normal and stealth varieties that can
* Pace 14” dissolve the rope after use, as well as with all the kit
* Notice d8 needed to safely ascend and descend.
* No mount point Cost: 200¥ [U]
* Cost: 200¥ [U]
DRONE BOAT ATTACK Jammerscanner: Never let it be said a megacorp won’t
* Pace 6” sell the problem and the solution – often on shelves
* Shooting d8 next to each other. Roll a d6 upon using this; on a
* Armor +2 success, within 6” it can either detect any kind of
* 2 mount points surveillance being used or disrupt the surveillance and
* Cost: 400¥ [R] destroy any bugs. However, constant use also disrupts
DRONE BOAT MICRO common electronics – such as cells – making them
* Small inconvenient for daily life. Cost: 300¥ [C]
* Pace 4”
* Stealth D10 Lockpicks: A runner who tries to pick a lock without
* No Mount Point these tools suffers a -2 penalty to his Lockpicking rolls. It
* Destroyed on a Shaken result comes in two varieties; physical picks cost 50¥ [R],
* Cost: 400¥ [R] electronic picks cost 500¥ [R].

RUNNING GEAR Outdoor Survival Kit: While extended camping isn’t a

Common gear that most runners may want to have in regular part of a runner’s life, it’s good to be prepared.
their home or car; things like food and clothes they can Having this allows a runner to be relatively comfortable
assume to have an ample supply of relevant to their in normal outdoor conditions (even a Barrens gutter),
lifestyle. and can be expended to ignore one level of Fatigue
from Hazards outdoors. It may be purchased multiple
Commlink: A voice-activated communications device times, though there may be carry limits as determined
that can be worn on the wrist or held in the hand, by the GM.
though wireless headsets mean you don't even have to Cost: 150¥ [C]
hold it to use it. It has a range of one mile on its own, or
can tap into broadcast channels such as cellular, satellite, Personal Vision Enhancer: Takes the form of goggles,
or internet services for near-infinite range. These days, sunglasses (many a runner wears their sunglasses at
they also double as minicomputers, cameras, and almost night because they're really night-vision), or even
everything you could want. The ones runners use are contact lenses in more advanced decades. These have
spoofed to prevent tracking and often discarded on a low-light amplification, limited magnification, and even
regular basis. an image display when connected to a commlink or
Cost: 0¥ [T] internal memory.
Cost: 500¥ [C]
Grapple Kit: A grappling hook launcher which, after a
successful Shooting roll, attaches to a target within Reagents: Expendable enchanted items, the exact form
of which varies from caster to caster. Can be
used one of two ways by itself: to create a
barrier in the Astral Plane that lasts until dawn,
or to give +1 bonus if used before a Sorcery
test. A character’s Sorcery skill is the limit of
how many can be owned at any one time.
Cost: 50¥ [U]

Surveillance Kit: Comes with everything

needed to directly spy on someone, either up
close or from a mile away. Binoculars and
contact lenses with camera function! Shotgun
microphones! Creepy breathing not included.
Cost: 300¥ [U]

Surveillance Bugs: Bugs let runners monitor other weapons; with megacorp competition being what it is,
people, and come in audiovidual, Matrix, and tracking Renraku may produce a Browning Max-Power
varieties (determined when used). Each only holds 24 equivalent called the Renraku Defender or Steyr (a fully
hours worth of recording, and is destroyed after they owned subsidary of Saeder-Krupp) may produce a rifle
finish transmitting or are retrieved and scanned. that Ares might CALL a knockoff of their successful Ares
Cost: 10¥ [C] Alpha... but has been recognized in the EU to be legally
Tres Chic Clothing: Clothes outside a runner’s lifestyle
may be purchased; this allows the runner to (visually) Fitted Body Armor: For the VIP who needs low key
blend in with a given social strata but skill rolls may be protection, (or the runner who needs to look like he isn't
required to blend in socially. This may be added to one) this armor is like thin thermal underwear, and can
Armor Clothing at no cost. be worn under street clothing with no one the wiser!
Cost: 10% of Lifestyle [C] Gives Armor +1, and only works for the purchaser. Cost:
500¥ [R]
Docwagon Contract: A contract-holder is entitled to Long Coat: This armor allows the concealment of
emergency medical service provided by an armed objects under its folds (usually weapons), and looks
trauma response team in 10 minutes or less – or your snazzy too. Pistol-size and smaller weapons hidden
service is free! Do note that extended hospital stays or underneath it get a -1 Notice penalty.
reconstructive cyberware are not covered by your
Cost: 500¥/year [T]

Hazmat Suit: An impermeable coverall designed to

keep the user safe from NBC (nuclear, biological,
chemical) attacks, with a 4 hour internal air tank. Any
attack that hits will destroy the suit, exposing the user
to danger.
Cost: 300¥ [R]

Medkit: This is a field medical kit marketed to mercs

and shadowrunners the world over for quick healing.
Healers with this item ignore the -2 penalty for not
having basic supplies, and it also comes with an AI with Hidden Holster: This is fitted to a wearer and allows
Healing d6 to advise ignorant users. them to carry pistol and knife-sized weapons with a -2
Cost: 100¥ [U] Notice penalty to observers. Cost: 100¥ [U]

Slap Patch: Containing a dose of a useful (or awful) Gyro-Mount: A harness that counterbalances and
drug, these run in several distinct types. However, only reduces recoil from heavy weapons. It reduces the
one can be applied within a Scene, and they are Strength requirement to use a weapon by one die type,
expended on use. Anti allows a second Vigor roll to and the autofire penalty is reduced to -1. Cost: 500¥ [R]
ignore a Poison or Disease. Stim allows the user to
recover from being Shaken and ignore Sleep penalties. Ammo types: A gun can use more than just good
Tranq contains Knockout Poison. Trauma allows a ol'fashioned lead bullets, and some are more useful to
second Vigor roll if Incapacitated. runners than that. The cost listed after each type is the
Cost: 50¥ [C-U] percent of the price for a single clip's worth of ammo.
Standard: High-velocity lead. Cost: 5% [T]
WEAPONS & ARMOR Solid: Shotguns can use solid rounds, which removes
This is an expanded explanation of several items that the range penalty to damage. Cost: 10% [C]
have abilities which do not fit into the Notes section, as Explosive: Detonates on impact, causing +2 Damage.
well as add-ons available. Cost: 10% [U]

Generic names rather than specific ones are given for

damage in a Medium Burst Template. [R]
Anti-Armor: These grenades are ‘sticky’ when
triggered, clinging to a target after a successful Throw.
They do not have a Burst template, but are Heavy
Weapons with an AP of 4 and deal 4d6 damage. [Y]
Flashbang: These grenades flash with brilliant light and
stun with concussion. Characters within a Large Burst
Template must make a Vigor roll at -4 or be Shaken. [U]
Smoke: Smoke grenades are primarily used to provide
cover for advancing troops, or to blind a fixed position.
The Medium Burst Template remains in play for 2d4
rounds (4d4 in an enclosed area). All attacks through the
cloud suffer a -2 vision penalty. [U]

Gel: Also called 'stun', these deal nonlethal damage. Minigun: A minigun that has seen a lot of action in
extras Incapacitated by it never check for death, and merc units and on the streets. It can be fired at half its
Wild Cards never check for Injury. Cost: 5% [C] normal RoF when handheld and moving.
APDS: Armor piercing rounds are the last resort of a
runner, considering the price, but sometimes you've got Monofilament Whip: This highly dangerous weapon is
to put something down. Gives AP+2 to the weapon. favored by people who like flash and substance. It's a
Cost: 20% [R] single-molecule thick strand with a handle at one and a
counterweight at the other. When swung, a roll of 1 hits
Laser Sight: Laser sights may be attached to any ballistic
the wielder.
weapon. The user gains a +1 bonus to Shooting rolls
against targets in Short Range unless using the
Automatic Fire Maneuver. If using a scope in Revolver: Old-fashioned weapon with a fringe benefit: If
conjunction with the laser sight, the bonus is good for all it is used by someone with Cyber[Shooting] cyberware,
Ranges. Cost: 150¥ [U] the user can load different ammo types in each chamber
and choose which ones to use on each shot for free,
Scope: Scopes may only be mounted on rifles. When a rotating the cylinder via the link. Grenade Launchers
shooter uses a scope, she gains +2 bonus to Shooting also can use this feature.
rolls against targets at Medium or Long Range.
Cost: 200¥ [U]

Suppressor: Suppressors impose a -1 penalty to

Shooting rolls while using the suppressed weapon. On
the plus side, characters within 5” of the fired weapon
(and not in line of sight) must make a Notice roll to
realize a weapon’s been fired. Those beyond 5” suffer a -
2 to this roll, beyond 10”, a -4. Beyond 20”, no roll is
possible unless the character is looking at the user. In all VEHICLES & MODIFICATIONS
cases, if someone is observing the shooter, the shooter Many vehicles use the abilities listed in SWADE p.82.
may make a Stealth roll (opposed by Notice) to hide the
use of the weapon, which incurs the usual multi-action Fuel is not a concern in Shadowrun, to simplify
penalty. bookkeeping. Most vehicles are hybrid or electric,
Cost: 150¥ [R] though straight gasoline and diesel engines still exist as
megacorps would NEVER let a profit line die. However,
Flechette Pistol: This gun uses a solid plastic block as for purposes of the game, a vehicle will never run out of
ammunition, shredding it and propelling the shreds as fuel except in extreme circumstances.
high-velocity rounds. All Armor is treated as +2 against
shots fired from it. Water versions of listed vehicles (Jetski instead of a
motorcycle, speedboat instead of a sports car) are
Grenade: Grenades come in standard, anti-armor, available at half the listed price; this is because in-game
flashbang, and smoke forms. Standard grenades do 3d6 they are less commonly used than land vehicles and

thus should ‘cost less’ from a game balance standpoint. Driving, Notice, Piloting, Shooting, Stealth. This allows it
Acceleration and Top Speed are halved for water to use the Skill if being treated as a Drone via a Remote
vehicles, however. Control, or make a Cooperative Roll as per SWD if the
rigger is directly controlling it. The Rarity increases, with
Each modification lists a Cost and a Strain. Much like a new roll required for each upgrade (d4 is U, d6-d8 is
cyberware and characters, a vehicle can only accept so R, d10-d12 is Y), though the Strain does not change.
much modification; the maximum value is its
unmodified Toughness. To make this easier, extra Control Enhancement
Armor is NOT included in a vehicle’s Toughness Cost: 500¥/point [U]
value (as is standard in SW). If necessary, extra Strain: 1/point, max 3
Passenger capacity (the +x after the notation) can be This includes any number of modifications to increase
sacrificed to count as additional Strain. the ability to control a vehicle at high speeds, such as
spoilers, air dams, or AI assistance. Each point adds +1
This list isn’t comprehensive; the use of imagination is to the vehicle’s Handling.
encouraged in creating new options, though exotic
ideas are not guaranteed to be easy. Extra Armor
Cost: 100¥/point (Obvious) [U]
Anti-theft Device or 500¥/point (Hidden) [R]
Cost: Variable Strain: 0 (Obvious), 1/point (Hidden)
Strain: 0 The availability varies depending on whether the armor
Anti-theft devices run the gamut from simple systems has to be hidden or can be obvious. Obvious armor can
that call the corpcops when messed with (200¥ U), cause role-playing difficulties, as per the GM’s
lethally electrocute potential thieves (500¥ R), or judgement.
explode in a Large Blast Template when meddled with
(500¥ R). A vehicle can only add as many points of extra Armor as
its starting Armor value. The vehicle’s handling suffers
Auto(skill) under all that extra weight. Driving rolls are reduced by
Cost: 200¥/point [U-Y] half the armor added (round up).
Strain: 1 per Skill
This gives the vehicle one Skill from the following list: Fighting Position

Cost: 100¥/person [U] Turbocharging
Strain: 3 Cost: 500¥/point [U]
This accessory is basically a bunker on the vehicle, Strain: 1/point
meant to protect people shooting out – on the roof This tunes the engine of the vehicle, raising its Top
from sandbags, out of the sides through gun ports, or Speed. Each point increases the top speed by 15 kph.
anything else that might make sense. A single fighting This cannot take a vehicle twice over its base Top
position can hold up to three people, or two people if Speed.
the position includes a Weapon Mount.

Fighting Positions give those inside Medium Cover, and

also grant a +2 bonus to any rolls made to retain footing
atop a moving vehicle.

Heavy Duty Shocks

Cost: 100¥/wheel [C] Weapon Mount
Strain: 1 for every 2 wheels Cost: Fixed: 250¥ + weapon [R]; Swivel: 750¥
Heavy duty shocks decrease the risk of damage while + weapon[R], Hidden: +250¥; Pistol-size 50%
driving off-road and stabilize the vehicle for shooting Strain: 1 (Fixed), 2 (Swivel), +1 (Hidden), -1 (Pistol-size)
purposes. This modification gives a vehicle These accessories come in two varieties: Fixed mounts
1) The Four Wheel Drive (4WD) ability and Swivel mounts. A Fixed mount, as the name
2) Shooting from a vehicle thus equipped does implies, is in a fixed position relative to the vehicle.
not incur the Unstable Platform penalty. Usually this is forward, but stuffing a SAW in the trunk
can be a fine friend in a chase. This weapon can only
Nitrous Oxide fire in the direction it is mounted, but since the fire
Cost: 600¥ [U] controls are usually wired to the driver’s steering wheel,
Strain: 2 he can fire it once each round without incurring a multi-
This system injects highly flammable gas from canisters action penalty. To make an attack, the driver rolls the
right into a wheeled vehicle’s engine. A driver may lower of his Driving or Shooting skills.
activate it at the beginning of an action for free,
doubling his vehicle’s Top Speed, or to reroll the Test for Swivel mounts can be as crude as a machine gun bolted
one Complication during a Chase. A canister contains to a roll bar or as sophisticated as a motorized turret, but
enough nitrous for six rounds, and refills go for 200¥. usually require a passenger to serve as gunner. This style
of mount allows a weapon to be fired in any direction,
Remote Control but still incurs the Unstable Platform penalty. If the driver
Cost: 200¥ [U] is rigging the vehicle use the Fixed mount rules allowing
Strain: 1 them to fire the weapon without a gunner.
This allows a rigger to directly control the vehicle as
though it were a drone, though he cannot give it orders Hidden mounts are, as the name states, weapon mounts
unless it has Autopilot, and it cannot fire weapons that cannot be seen until deployed. This may be a fixed
without Autogunner. mount hidden behind a van door, a remote control pop-
up turret, or anything else the imagination suggests.
Sidecar These, as might be guessed, are highly valued by the
Cost: 500¥ [C] stealthy rigger.
Strain: 2
A sidecar increases a motorcycle’s passenger rating by 1 Pistol-sized mounts are smaller, but can only take
but inflicts a –1 penalty to Driving rolls. For extra weapons of SMG or smaller, just like drones.
mayhem, sidecars can also carry one additional Weapon
Mount at no penalty. Sidecars can only be mounted on Vehicles can only carry as many weapon mounts as their
motorcycles. Toughness divided by 4, rounded down.

Utility 200¥ [C] Commlink 0¥ [T] Fitted Body Armor 500¥ [R]
Surveillance 400¥ [U] Grapple Kit 200¥ [U] Hidden Holster 100¥ [U]
Armored Attack 800¥ [R] Jammerscanner 300¥ [C] Gyro-Mount 500¥ [R]
Stealth Micro 800¥ [R] Lockpicks, physical 50¥ [R] Laser Sight 150¥ [U]
DRONE, COPTER Lockpicks, electronic 500¥ [R] Scope 200¥ [U]
Utility 300¥ [U] Outdoor Survival Kit 150¥ [C] Suppressor 150¥ [R]
Surveillance 600¥ [U] Personal Vision Enhancer 500¥ [C] AMMO
Armored Attack 1,200¥ [R] Regeants/Fetishes 50¥ [U] Standard 5% [T]
Stealth Micro 1,200¥ [R] Restraints 50¥ [C] Solid 10% [C]
DRONE, BOAT Surveillance Kit 300¥ [U] Explosive 10% [U]
Utility 100¥ [C] Surveillance Bugs 10¥ [C] Gel 5% [C]
Surveillance 200¥ [U] Tres Chic Clothing 10% [C] APDS 20% [R]
Stealth Micro 400¥ [R] Docwagon Contract 500¥/y [T] Unhoused Nothin'
Hazmat Suit 300¥ [R] Precariat 200¥/Month
Medkit 100¥ [U] Wageslave 400¥/Month
Slap Patch 50¥ [C-U] Bougy 1,000¥/Month
Klept 5,000¥/Month
Adrenal Surge [Once] Cyberlimb Vehicle Control Rig
+2 to recover from Shaken +1 Armor and 1 'free' Strain Enhances control of a vehicle and
gives access to Drone rules.
Armor Leg Enhancement
STRAIN: 1 COST 2K¥ [U] STRAIN: 1 COST: 2K¥ [U] Weapon, Melee
+2 Armor +2 Pace, +1 Running Die STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥ [U]
Str+d6 retractable implanted
Cranial Cyberdeck Lifestyle weapon.
STRAIN: 2 COST: 200% STRAIN: 0 COST: 500¥ [C]
Implanted version of stock Anything that gives no benefit to Weapon, Ranged
cyberdeck (p. 20) rolls STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥+gun[R]
Gun implanted in the forearm.
Cyber[Edge] Skill Chip
STRAIN: 2 COST: 2K¥ [U] STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥*Skill Bonus [U] Wired Reflexes
Gain 1 Combat or Leadership Edge +1 Die to existing skill or new skill STRAIN: 2 COST: 2K¥ [R]
1) Discard all cards below 5 (does
Cyber[Trait] Transhuman not stack with Quick)
STRAIN: 2 COST: 1K¥ [U] STRAIN: 1 COST: 1K¥*Cost[U] 2) Discard all cards below 8
Additional levels to the same Trait Purchase an Ancestral Ability, within 3) Draw an additional card that is
do not incur Strain. limits. not discarded, the character may
1) +1 to all Trait rolls act on that turn as well.
2) 1 free Benny for Trait Vision Enhancement [Once]
3) +2 to all Trait rolls STRAIN: 1 COST: 2K¥ [U]
+1 to Notice rolls, no illumination
penalty, counts as Scope.
4 6 8 10 12
Alpha 500¥[U] 1K¥[U] 2K¥[R] 4K¥[R] 8K¥[Y]
Beta 100¥[C] 200¥]U] 400¥[U] 800¥[R] 1.6K¥[R]

MELEE WEAPONS Damage Cost Notes
Knife Str+d4 25¥ [T]
Great Sword Str+d10 400¥ [U] Parry –1, 2 hands
Sword Str+d6 100¥ [C]
Billy Club/Baton Str+d4 10¥ [C]Carried by most law-enforcement officials
Brass Knuckles Str+d4 20¥ [C]Brass knuckle users are considered to
be an Unarmed Attacker
Switchblade Str+d4 100¥ [C] -2 to be Noticed if hidden
Survival knife Str+d4 50¥ [C] Contains supplies that add +1 to 1 Survival roll
Monfilament Knife Str+d4+2 250¥ [R] AP2, Cannot be thrown
Monofilament Sword Str+d8+2 500¥ [R] AP4, also covers katanas
Monofilament Whip 3d6 500¥ [Y] AP4, Reach 1, 1 strikes wielder
Armor Clothing +1 150¥ [T] Unremarkable on the streets
Armor Jacket +3 400¥ [U]
Armor Vest +2 200¥ [C]
Long Coat +2 300¥ [C] Conceals small weapons
SWAT Armor +6 3k¥ [R] +2 against NBC attacks
Milspec Armor +8 10k¥ [Y] +2 against NBC attacks.
PISTOLS Range Damage RoF Cost Shots MinStr Notes
Holdout 5/10/20 2d6 1 50¥ [U] 5 — -2 Notice
Light Pistol 12/24/48 2d6+1 1 200¥ [T] 10 — AP1, Semi-Auto
Revolver 12/24/48 2d8+1 1 200¥ [C] 6 d6 Revolver, AP1
Heavy Pistol 12/24/48 2d8 1 300¥ [C] 15 d6 AP1, Semi-Auto
Machine Pistol 12/24/48 2d6 2 200¥ [U] 20 — Auto
Flechette Pistol 12/24/48 3d6 2 400¥ [U] 30 — Auto, see text
Basic SMG 12/24/48 2d6 3 300¥ [U] 30 — AP1, Auto
Milspec SMG 12/24/48 2d6+1 3 350¥ [U] 32 — AP1, Auto

SHOTGUNS Range Damage RoF Cost Shots MinStr Notes

Double-Barrel 12/24/48 1-3d6 1-2 150¥ [C] 2 d6 See SW
Pump Action 12/24/48 1-3d6 1 250¥ [U] 5 d6 See SW
Automatic 12/24/48 1-3d6 2 500¥ [R] 10 d6 See SW
RIFLES Range Damage RoF Cost Shots MinStr Notes
Hunting Rifle 24/48/96 2d8 1 300¥ [U] 10 d6 AP2, Semi-Auto
Assault Rifle 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 450¥ [U] 30 d6 AP2, Auto
Milspec AR 24/48/96 2d8+1 3 1.5k¥ [R] 40 d6 AP2, Auto,
Grenade Launcher
Sniper Rifle 50/100/200 AP4, Snapfire, HW,
2d10 1 1k¥ [Y] 14 d8 Scope
BIG GUNS Range Damage RoF Cost Shots MinStr Notes
Grenade 5/10/20 See text 1 50¥ [R] See text
Machine Gun 30/60/120 2d8 4 750 ¥ [R] 50 d8 AP2, Snapfire
Minigun 30/60/120 2d8 6 2k¥ [Y] 100 d10 AP2, Auto, See text
Disposable LAW 24/48/96 4d8 1 500 ¥ [R] 1 d6 AP4, HW, Snapfire
Missile Launcher 24/48/96 4d8 1 3k ¥ [Y] 2 d6 AP9, HW, Snapfire
Grenade Launcher 24/48/96 grenade 1 1k¥ [R] 4 d6 As Grenade

Vehicle Size Handling Top Speed Toughness Crew Cost
Scooter -1 0 60 kph 5 (2) 1 500¥ [U]
Dirt Bike 0 +1 120 kph 6 (2) 1 1k¥ [U]
Notes: +4 Toughness vs jumps; 4WD
Racing Bike 1 +1 180 kph 6 (2) 1+1 2k¥ [U]
Combat Bike 2 0 150 kph 7 (3) 1+1 2k¥ [R]
Notes: Fixed Weapon Mount (Front), weapon not included.
Sub-Compact Car 3 -1 60 kph 6 (2) 1+1 500¥ [C]
Compact Car 4 +1 150 kph 7 (3) 1+3 3k¥ [U]
Mid-Sized Car 4 0 150 kph 8 (3) 1+4 4k¥ [U]
Notes: Air bags; Anti-Theft (Calls Police), Luxury Features
Van, Passenger 5 -1 90 kph 12 (3) 1+10 4k¥ [U]
Jeep 4 0 90 kph 9 (2) 1+3 4k¥ [R]
Notes: 4WD
Pickup; Small 4 0 90 kph 10 (1) 1+2 3k¥ [U]
Notes: Cargo capacity is the equivalent of +4 Toughness
SUV/Limousine 5 -1 90 kph 12 (3) 1+7 5k¥ [R]
Notes: Luxury features; 4WD
Sports Car 4 +2 240 kph 7 (3) 1+3 6k¥ [R]
Notes: Air Bags, Anti-Theft (Calls Police), Control Enhancement (2), Luxury Features
Passenger Copter 7 0 210 kph 10 (2) 1+5 10k¥ [R]
Notes: Aircraft, VTOL, Climb –1, Amphibious +1k ¥
Small Jet 7 +1 540 kph 10 (2) 2+8 15k¥ [R]
Notes: Aircraft, Climb 1, VSTOL +2k¥, Amphibious +1k¥
Military Autogyro 2 0 90 kph 7 (3) 1 5k¥ [Y]
Notes: Aircraft, VTOL, Climb +3, Fixed Weapon Mount (Front)
Light IFV/APC 7 -1 60 kph 15 (5) 2+8 10k¥ [Y]
Notes: Amphibious, 4WD, Swivel Weapon Mount (turret), Heavy Armor +5k ¥, Hover +10k¥
Water Vehicle Fighting Position Turbocharging
Cost: 50% of list price Cost: 100¥/person [U] Cost: 500¥/point [U]
Strain: 3 Strain: 1/point
Anti-theft Device
Cost: Variable Strain: 0 Heavy Duty Shocks Weapon Mount
Cost: 100¥/wheel [C] Cost: Fixed 250¥ + weapon [R]
Auto(skill) Strain: 1 for every 2 wheels Swivel 750¥ + weapon[R]
Cost: 200¥/point [U-Y] Hidden +250¥
Strain: 1 per Skill Nitrous Oxide Pistol-size 50%
Cost: 600¥ [U] Strain: 1 (Fixed), 2 (Swivel), +1
Control Enhancement Strain: 2 (Hidden), -1 (Pistol-size)
Cost: 500¥/point [U]
Strain: 1/point, max 3 Remote Control Your Crazy Idea
Cost: 200¥ [U] Cost: ????
Extra Armor Strain: 1 Strain: ????
Cost: 100¥/point (Obvious) [U]
or 500¥/point (Hidden) [R] Sidecar
Strain: 0 (Obvious), 1/point (Hidden) Cost: 500¥ [C]
Strain: 2

Machinegunner: Machine Gun (Gyro-Mount, Clips: 2
Standard, 2 Explosive), Grenades (2 Standard, 2 Smoke)
Grenadier: Grenade Launcher (13 Standard, 4 Smoke, 4
Sniper: Sniper Rifle (Suppressor, Clips: 3 Standard, 2
APDS), Lockpicks (Physical)

STREET MAGE (Poverty Hindrance)

Requirements: Arcane Background, Focus (Sustaining)
Pump-Action Shotgun (Clips: 2 Standard), Lifestyle
(Precariat), Holdout Pistol (Clips: 2 Regular), Knife, Long
Coat, Commlink, Outdoor Survival Kit, 2 Reagents

Cyberdeck Alpha d8, Cyberdeck Headware Beta d6,
Datajack, Dirt Bike, Long Coat, Machine Pistol (Laser
GEAR PACKS Sight, Hidden Holster, Clips: 2 Regular, 2 APDS),
None of these are set in stone; items can be dropped Lockpicks (Electronic & Physical), Lifestyle (Precariat)
and an equivalent amount of nuyen may be spent. For
example, a Pink Mohawk could drop the Racing Bike for
a Trait Bonus cyberware. Many of them also include
Requirements: Chromed Up, Strain Maximum 6
variants; the gear listed in those is added to the base kit.
Cyberware (Strain 6): Cyber[Level-Headed], Cyber[Rock
and Roll], Vision Enhancement, Cyberlimb
Dwarf and Troll characters will have to modify these
packages as well; either by spending points on extra
Racing Bike, Armor Jacket, Assault Rifle (Laser Sight,
cash or by removing items.
Clips: 2 Regular, 2 Explosive), Grenade (Smoke), Comm-
link, Slap Patches (Stim, Trauma), Lifestyle (Precariat)
Razor: Cyberweapon Melee, Machine Pistol (Laser Sight,
Sub-Compact Car, Milspec SMG (Suppressor, Laser
Hidden Holster, Clips: 2 Regular, 2 Explosive)
Sight, Clips: 4 Standard, 1 APDS), Light Pistol (Hidden
Gunsel: Cyberweapon Machine Pistol (Clips: 2 Regular,
Holster, Clips: 2 standard, 2 Gel), Grenade (Smoke),
2 Explosive), Monofilament Sword
Long Coat, Switchblade, Drone (Car Micro), Commlink,
NOTE: Cyberweapons are hidden in the Cyberlimb.
Grapple Kit, Jammerscanner, Personal Vision Enhancer,
Surveillance Kit, 2 Bugs, Medkit, Slap Patch (Trauma),
Restraints, Fitted Body Armor, Lifestyle (Wageslave)
Requirements: Rich
Vehicle Control Rig, Datajack, Drone Car Utility (SMG, 2
Clips Regular), Drone Coptor Surveillance, Sub-Compact
Racing Bike, Armor Jacket, Commlink, Lockpicks
Boat, Armor Vest, Machine Pistol (Clips: 2 Regular 1
(Physical), Personal Vision Enhancer, Lifestyle (Precariat),
APDS), Commlink, Lifestyle (Wageslave)
Lifestyle Cyberware
Sneaky Tank: Passenger Van (Hidden Swivel Weapon
Strength d6+: Assault Rifle (Laser Sight, Clips: 2
Mount+Machine Gun Clips: 4 Regular, Turbocharging
Standard, 1 Explosive), Heavy Pistol (Hidden Holster,
(2), Nitrous Oxide, Heavy Duty Shocks, Extra Armor
Clips: 2 Standard, 1 Explosive), Grenades (3 Standard, 2
(Hidden) (3), Control Enhancement (1)) +10 Passenger
Smoke, 1 Anti-Armor), Survival Knife
Strength d4: Milspec SMG (Laser Sight, Clips: 2
Racer Hex: Sports Car (Hidden Swivel Pistol
Standard, 2 Explosive), Light Pistol (Laser Sight, Hidden
Mount+Milspec SMG Clips: 2 APDS, Heavy Duty
Holster, Clips: 2 Standard, 2 Explosive), Grenade
Shocks, Extra Armor (Hidden) (3), Anti-Theft
(Smoke) Survival Knife, Lockpicks (Electronic)
(Electrocution)), Medkit
Swarm Queen: Compact Car, 2 Drone Car Attack
(Milspec SMG, 2 Clips Regular), Drone Copter Attack
Cyber[Shooting] 1, Revolver (Clips: 2 Standard, 2 Gel, 2
(Milspec SMG, 2 Clips Regular), Drone Boat Attack
APDS), Armor Jacket, Survival Knife, Commlink, Outdoor
(Milspec SMG, 2 Clips Regular), Drone Copter Micro,
Survival Kit, Medkit, Slap Patches (Trauma, Stim),
Drone Car Surveillance, Drone Copter Surveillance
Lifestyle (Precariat)

Some shadowrunners cut with may trade Conjuration for another
blades. Others cut with decks or Power, but cannot learn it with
drones or wits. It's a rare fraction of Advances.
humanity that can cut with magic.
If you ask ten different mages how Rank: Novice
they do magic, you'll get eleven Power Points: 1-7
different answers. But they all Range: Smarts
adhere to broad rules, even if each Duration: Until sunrise/sunset or
type of magician (hermetic, all services used
shamanic, psionic, wiccan, hougan, Conjuration allows the character
wuxing, or any of the other to create (or temporarily enslave,
hundred or so known traditions) or befriend) a spirit from the
has quirks. Astral or beyond it.

By far the most common are Each Success and Raise allows the
hermetic (who view magic as a magician to command one
science that can be studied, service from the spirit; a single
documented, and replicated by Reagent (p.22) may be expended
those with the gift), and shaman to gain one additional service. All
(who view magic as one more part services expire at dawn, though a
of life, in which everything is Reagent may be expended to
connected). extend this one further day.

Here are their rules. A character may only spend PP on this equal to 2 +
Rank. At 1 PP, a spirit with d4 in all Traits and 2 Skills
Arcane Background (Magician) may be created that deals Str+d4 Damage, which has
Requirements: Wild Card, Novice, Spirit d6 the Spirit Ability (Critters & Threats, p.40). For each
Arcane Skill: Sorcery (Spirit) additional PP spent Traits, Skills, and Damage go up one
Power Points: 10 die type, and another Skill can be added.
Starting Powers: 3 + Conjuration
Backlash: Any time a Magician rolls a 1, he gains a MODIFIERS
levels of Fatigue. Powers - For 1 PP a Power or Ability may be added to
Available Powers: Barrier, Blast, Blind, Bolt, Boost the Spirit’s statline, which can be chosen regardless of
/Lower Trait, Burst, Confusion, Disguise, Dispel, Rank. It gains Sorcery equal to its other Skills.
Empathy, Fear, Healing, Illusion, Invisibility, Mind
Reading, Protection, Puppet, Slumber, Sound/Silence, Arcane Background (Adept)
Stun, Telekinesis Requirements: Wild Card
Special Rules: Starting Power Points: 5
Astrally Active: Magicians can Astrally Percept and Starting Powers: As purchased (see text)
Project, as per page 11. Some magicians focus their powers outward. Others
Essence: Cyberware reduces a magician's ability to cast focus it inward, to become the modern versions of
spells. Every 2 Strain (round up) gives a -1 penalty on all ancient martial artists and heroes of yore.
Sorcery tests.
An adept spends his Power Points to buy abilities from
There are no restrictions on Trappings. The magician the following list of Adept Arts. Whenever an adept

buys the Power Points Edge, the PP can be used to MISSILE MASTERY
upgrade existing powers or buy new ones. The Adept Power Point Cost: 3
can have unspent PP, saved up for a new Power at a In the hands of this Adept, pens, bottlecaps, and
later Rank. anything becomes a lethal projectile, dealing Str+d4 and
having a Range of 3/6/12. Other missiles deal +2
For every point of Strain an Adept has, they lose one PP. Damage.
Wires and wizardry don’t mix.
ADEPTAL EDGE Power Point Cost: 3
Power Point Cost: 3 This allows the Adept to choose one Power from this
The Adept can choose one of these he does not have: list, with normal Rank restrictions: Bolt, Deflection,
any Combat Edge, Ambidextrous, Berserk, Brave, Disguise, Fear, Healing, Invisibility. For the first purchase
Charismatic, Chi, Danger Sense, Elan, Luck. He must of this ability add Sorcery d4 and 3 Power Points for use
have the required Rank and Edges, but is otherwise casting this Power (if in a setting with Power Points), and
unrestricted. each new purchase adds +3 Power Points.


Power Point Cost: 1/Rank Power Point Cost: 2/Rank
This Adept requires no wires to perform wire-fu. She For each level of this, the Adept gains 1 point of Armor,
adds 2” to her vertical jump for each rank, 4” to her cumulative with any other Armor the Adept is wearing.
horizontal, and can move up a wall at her Pace. She also The Adept may buy this once per Rank.
ignores Falling for up to her vertical jump distance.
Power Point Cost: 1 This power gives the Quick Edge (SWADE p.40). At
One of the Adept's senses are super-sharp, or they gain Veteran, this Power may be purchased again, and the
a new sense. Add +2 to Notice rolls using a heightened Adept discards all cards lower than 8.
sense, and possibly other Skills (such as touch enhancing
Thievery). Some possibilities to gain might be Astral SUPERHUMAN ATTRIBUTE
Perception, Low-Light vision, or blindsense within 3”. Power Point Cost: 3/Rank
The Adept has increased an Attribute with their magical
KILLING HANDS ability. Add one die type to a chosen Attribute. Can only
Requirement: Martial Arts be taken once per Rank.
Power Point Cost: 2/Rank
For each Rank of this power, the Adept's Martial Artist SUPREMELY SKILLED
damage die goes up type in damage; also, they count Power Point Cost: 1/Rank
as magical weapons for ignoring Immunity. The Adept The Adept has increased one of his Skills though
may buy this once per Rank. mystical means. Add one die type to an existing Skill;
this can increase a Skill beyond the linked Attribute.

This includes some of my thoughts on Shadowrun as MAGICYBERPUNK THEMES
how it’s evolved over the... decades. I first picked up a Shadowrun is unique for combining three distinct
book in 1991 and never stopped loving this setting. I themes into one: Magic, Cyber, and Punk. Keeping them
wrote a section on Trenchcoat vs Mohawk; Magicyber- balanced is key to running a great Shadowrun game.
punk’s themes; Shadowrun’s eras; some recommended There is a distinction between the ‘scifi-heist’ theme that
official sourcebooks to read and use; running the Setting Shadowrun became and the ‘magicyberpunk’ it began
Rules; thoughts on some setting aspects; then finally as - much to its and our loss - and I hope this gives you
some design notes. Sorry if any of this sounds conde- some food for thought.
scending, but I’m trying to write as though you may not
know the setting. CYBER
The key theme of a cyber setting is “Technology is a
NONE of these are strict rules. Your table is your own malign force that demands sacrifice, yet takes more than
business; I long ago turned in my FASA cop badge and it gives.” Most scifi views technology at worst neutrally
anyway they were more worried about busting people and often with a positive bent. Cyber views it suspici-
who used Battletech’s floating TAC rule. ously at best and usually with a paranoid terror: as a
dark force that must be given what is precious for power
BLACK TRENCHCOAT VS PINK MOHAWK you don’t notice is consuming you. (Please like and
These words are immediately familiar to any player as subscribe!) What do you feed it for success or stability...
defining the meta style of a Shadowrun campaign: is it your body? Your family? Your planet? You can walk a
loud and flashy with lots of big booms and players get line between using it and being used by it, but will you
away with stupid things, or is success defined by your notice when you cross that line? No if, when.
target never finding out you were there?
Magic itself can another malign force taking more than it
And consciously introducing them into the setting as gives, as the blood mages of Atzlan, bug shamans, and
terms rubs some folks wrong. It may rub YOU wrong. toxic shamans prove. If the Earthdawn connection had
Feel free to discard the idea as you like and pretend continued, then Life Magic (willing sacrifice) would have
those five paragraphs don’t exist. But IMHO it has tied into this theme as well; some goals ARE worth the
world-building potential to explains why runners exist, sacrifice. But more on magic later.
as well as give Shadowrun a ‘generic’ arc similar to
D&D’s "Explore dungeons for treasure and magic items Choice is the key word here: in a good cyber story, they
to get stronger and slay dragons and save the world." should make choices on what they sacrifice to for
success and what they don’t. Let adventures explore the
Saying with intention, “Shadowrun is about cyberpunks difference between those who would sacrifice
rebelling against the klept by breaking the law for everything for tech versus those who think there are
money, only to find they're just another pawn and being more important goals. Remind them technology isn’t
forced to choose - sell out or rebel harder!" is more their friend - it’s a dangerous servant and cruel master.
compelling than scifi-heist’s, "Use gadgets to break the And hit them with the sheer monstrosity of those who
law and hurt rich men at the behest of other rich men." have sold themselves to its power.

And I’m absolutely sure that this theme has no PUNK

relevance in today’s society at all. The central theme of a punk setting is "The Man owns
everything, and your choices are lick his boot or bite his
I prefer a game that openly discusses any metagame in ankle." Opposing the dystopia is futile; it will lead to
its setting or rules; it clarifies the choice in playstyle, failure or surrender. The house always wins. But you do
makes it intentional rather than accidental, and allows it anyway, because the alternative is worse than death:
for playstyles to shift as the campaign does. it’s conformity.

Punk is more than clothes or music: it’s a withdrawal Ragnarok, adding ‘magic’ to cyberpunk’ shows saying
from society’s norms, but not a passive one. You have “Anything is better than this” is foolish. They have no
to SHOW the normies how they could live if they had idea how deep the abyss under them is. It can always
the balls to say “Fuck the system!” In real life, this often get worse.
ends tragically (the Ghost Ship fire comes to mind),
because punk is alluring but at its heart stupid. And the players have the tools to fight those threats,
because as bad as the status quo is,
In Shadowrun? Punk makes sense. it beats the alternative.
The system only works for the
klept. There is boiling hatred from Then, there are the dragons. Added
the precariat and the unhoused, to cyberpunk, actual dragons make
along with wage-slaves who may such a strong metaphor for the klept
bury their loathing with self- that I think Shadowrun is the best
medication but cannot remove it. cyberpunk setting. Also, FASA
Even the bougy despise the klept created a wonderful portrayal of
they serve for taunting them with how an intelligent predator race
the existence of actual freedom whose only real threat are each
while enslaving them just like other would form a society. I
everyone else. The food you eat, heartily recommend looking up the
the nonconformist shirts you wear, Earthdawn Dragons sourcebook to
the guns you fire - all of it funds the understand them better, which was
klept as they burn the world for released online.
their game.
This theme also, thank the Maker,
And above all else, the klept made diverts typical real-world racism
the runners. Farmed them like a (which can be triggering) into
sim game resource. Left certain something that is more comfortable
areas to rot and decay. Under- but still allegorical by using ‘fantasy’
funded the police. Funneled guns races. It’s perfectly OK to not use
and cheap cyber into the area, but this in your game, but it’s useful...
not directly; through gangs that have been allowed to especially in games with actual racists to hopefully show
become deniable distributors. Placed targets - but not them how mistaken they are.
valuable ones! - nearby to serve as training grounds.
Assigned media teams to produce anticorp memes for In every scene there should be something that could not
consumption by locals. exist in a purely technological society, which might be
as mild as a sasquatch who can impersonate an entire
And watched as beginners literally killed themselves band by himself or hellhounds breathing fire as they
trying to fight "the Man." Maybe out of every ten punk charge. Adding magic also lends well to potential
Mohawk runners, the klept get one real Trenchcoat to horror; the bodysnatcher insect spirits or the toxic
graduate from the farm team into the big leagues. But shamans are serious threats unique to Shadowrun.
that’s the price of biz, and runners are too useful to NOT
have around. ENJOYMENT
So Magicyberpunk is “Sacrifice yourself to technology in
Part of the story should be realizing that.
a futile rebellion against the Man because the right
person can change the world – but it’s probably not
you,” huh? With all that misanthropy, how could one
Magic is the discordant note. The key theme of a magic
enjoy this versus a good ol’ game of D&D?
setting is “Supernatural powers used by the right person
can change the world”, which may seem counter to the
My advice is to go 70% punk, with 20% magic. Let your
other themes but remember: anyone can use it. Anyone.
players blow up stuff. Kill corpcops and wage-mages.
Steal paydata and double-cross the Johnson by selling it
In a world with bug spirits playing bodysnatcher, blood
on the open market. Eat candy bars in front of a poor
mages using human sacrifices to gain power, and
store clerk, then drop the wrappers as they exit.
terrorists enchanting nuclear weapons to bring about

Then hit them with the dystopian 10%: A run that makes to shift from one to another during play.
them see all along they’ve been tools of the klept. That
the klept made them. And shooting a dozen klept CLASSIC SHADOWRUN 2050-2052
wouldn’t make a difference; the machine might hiccup As the blurb on my 1e book says, "The world is ruled by
but it’d keep spinning on. megacorporations, and you live in their shadows." The
Johnson hires you, you do the job, and you get double-
But you let them make small differences. Important ones crossed at some point. The main themes are dystopia
that they choose. Maybe they go Trenchcoat and sell caused by the klept’s constant shadow game, the incon-
out. Maybe they fight some terrorists, magical or gruity of magic existing alongside machine, and that no
otherwise. Maybe they start hooding, trying to make at matter how hard you struggle the klept always win.
least their local slice of hell more livable. After all, it’s
magicyberpunk. They aren’t entirely powerless. INSECTS AMONG US 2052-2058
Insect spirits are infiltrating our species and could be
TTRPGs are unique in that they let you explore the anyone, using the cover of the Universal Brotherhood
themes as though doing it yourself. Books and movies and anything else they can think of. The Johnson, the
are fairly passive experiences, and even the best RPG target, or an unknown third party could be monsters
video games are decision-tree formats where doing with inhuman agendas and powers. This era's most
things the programmers don't intend will often crash or dramatic moment is the siege of Chicago, but has many
glitch the game. horrifying possibilities before then as shadowrunners are
one of the few groups 'in the know' on insects. The two
RECOMMENDED READING main themes are wildly different: Creeping horror at the
While I love all the Shadowrun books, one thing to keep idea of infiltration by alien beings, and blood-and-guts
in mind is that transition from cyberpunk to scifi-heist action as you blaze away at bugs.
during SR 2e and 3e. Fields of Fire (7114) exemplifies
this best IMHO for its constant talk about being DUNKELZAHN’S WILL 2057-2059
‘professional’. They’re all worth reading, but I’d From the moment he announced his candidacy to when
recommend at least some of the following books to get Lofwyr won the right to be the dragon's Loremaster, this
the setting’s feel: Sprawl Sites (7101) for random is an era defined by Big D’s will (in more ways than
encounters and street scum, Paranormal Animals of one), and deserves to be an era in its own right. Doing
North America (7105) for supernatural animals, political runs during the election, doing runs for the
ShadowBeat (7109) for future pop culture, Cybertech- will's items, or getting involved in the great dragon's
nology (7119) for talk about cyberware, Threats (7121) contest, it's all from and because of Dunkelzahn. This
for a variety of possible foes, Portfolio of a Dragon setting's main theme is actual hope for the future and
(7122) because it has so many plot hooks, New Seattle the world's institutions trying to crush that hope -
(7126 or 10657) as an overview of the setting’s politics, hooding for a klept who cared.
Magic in the Shadows (7907) for its broad overview of
how magic works from the mage’s point of view. For YEAR OF THE COMET 2061
the metaplot that ‘ended’ the first eras Renraku As Haley’s Comet swings into perigee, it unleashes a
Shutdown (7328), Year of the Comet (10650), and whole host of strange effects, amplifying mana. SURGE
System Failure (25014). I’m not as familiar with later causes unpredictable mutations; deposits of orichalcum
eras, but I do like the ideas outlined in Emergence (normally only available via alchemy) spring up across
(26301), War! (26206), Jet Set (26452), Storm Front the globe; doomsday cults appear from nowhere;
(27000), Stolen Souls (27200), and Lockdown (27300). volcanoes in the Pacific erupt; and Dunkelzahn’s brother
comes back from the deep Astral to claim Denver as his
SHADOWRUN’S ERAS own. The central theme of this era is the chaos caused
Fairly unique to Shadowrun is that it has an ever- by extreme levels of magic, which (of course) gives
advancing in-game storyline AND that many of the past opportunity for runners to do some wild stuff.
metaplots have rich ideas to offer. Most RPGs which are
not static tend to jump the shark at some point or THE AI WAR 2059-2064
another. One could easily grow bored of the themes in From when Deus took over the Arcology to perform his
one era and revitalize a group by exploring the ideas of experiments to when he tried to recompile himself, he
another. Many of them overlap each other in years, but was THE defining item of this era. So many things
in themes they are distinct; this could allow a campaign circled around him and the things he represented that
calling this era the AI War seems right - the otaku are

important but not the center, and Winternight was SETTING RULES
called in mostly because it's the polar opposite of Deus. ASTRAL SPACE
The central theme of this era is technology ruling Astral Space’s practical use for players is as recon; a
humans instead of being a tool, and the people who runner will Project to scout an area before breaking in.
oppose that so radically they're willing to destroy the How to handle that?
Most targets ALSO know that Projecting is an option,
POST CRASH 2065-2069 and will defend themselves if they can afford it. Astral
Wireless becomes widespread and common, and if forms cannot pass through living things, so ivy growths
shadowrunners were ran in this era it'd be like Classic, are used to protect vital buildings. They may also
but with Wireless rules. It seems as though an uneasy employ mages of their own, who use Summon Ally to
klept truce extended through these years, with no create spirits, or have paranormal critters (such as
world-shattering events lest the careful reconstruction of hellhounds and barghests) that are Dual Natured as
the world be interrupted. guard dogs. Lastly, on the Astral everything is about the
sense of it, and nothing is legible. A runner might look
CRASH AFTERSHOCKS 2069-2072 at a door sign and pick up the idea it’s “Important”, but
The things created by the Crash, technomancers and without being able to read wouldn’t know why it’s
new AIs, are outed as existing - and that the megacorps important til they pass through and find a toilet.
were hiding and brutally experimenting on these beings.
Themes for this would be the sudden terror of mob rule, BOUGY EDGE
and that megacorps consider themselves truly above the Allowing players access to the bougy lifestyle might
law - because they actually ARE. Still, who else ya gonna seem to run counter to several Shadowrun themes, but
work for? it is a goldmine of role-playing opportunities. First, if
they can make enough money to live comfortably, why
THE DRAGON WAR 2072-2074 are they still running? For fun, or to get even more
This era is defined by dragons not only reasserting what money? It also means they may have a boss they have
they consider to be their 'rightful' place on top of the to answer to, turf they have to defend, underlings they
food chain, but by their efforts against each other AND have to watch out for… much grist for a GM’s wheels.
humanity's denial that they are superior. The overriding
theme for this era is that conflicts which have simmered CONTACTS
for years in the shadows spilling into the light - whether Shadowrun games are enhanced with an active crew of
it be the extreme gang and drug warfare of tempo, the NPCs that the players can reach out to, which grow and
Amazonia conflict, the dragon/anti-dragon warfare. The shrink depending on player actions. The games feel
placid truth of 'klepts rule the world and it sucks for most alive. While I have provided mechanics for
everyone else' is disrupted as the klept vie openly, and Contacts to be nothing more than a resource, I
runs usually involve destruction over discretion. encourage you to do more with them than that.


AIs stealing someone’s body, erasing their personality If you want to model the negative impact of cyberware,
and rewriting it with their own – a shockingly use a lesser version of how Strain impacts magic: Every
compelling idea. The overriding theme for this is 4 Strain (or fraction thereof) gives a -1 penalty. This
technology punishing mankind for its hubris; the AIs are could be used for a social penalty (people react badly to
usually fleeing their comfortable Matrix home from cybered monsters!) and/or a penalty on friendly magic
megacorps trying to dissect them, and the only ones (though unfriendly magic suffers no problems). You may
they can overwrite are those who have left themselves also have a result on the Injury table be to cyberware
vulnerable with too much implanted technology. It rather than flesh, disabling it until repaired, though this
reaches into space as well, with the Monads fleeing to requires your judgment.
Mars and establishing a colony there, and has an
excellent deviation from standard Shadowrun fare and DEPENDENT
into zombie apocalypse with the Lockdown campaign, One of the darker possibilities. The basic idea is that the
putting a unique Shadowrun technological twist on dependent is mostly helpless, a child or elder. Don’t let
something that your players might THINK they know, the dependent be threatened too often because that will
and do NOT. just tempt the player to let them be killed. If the

dependent IS killed, feel free to slap them with a Major imagination. If they’re not sure, suggest things like, oh,
Hindrance like Bad Luck. Have them be a minor cars and their tire pressure systems, or guns and their
annoyance, and occasionally give touching moments or owner verification software.
be actually helpful. “I made you dinner, Dad...”
And remember that opposition deckers can protect their
DOWNTIME comrades too.
Also key to making a game feel alive is to give your PCs
time to run around and go crazy between adventures. CRIME & COPS IN DYSTOPIA
The problem is that some go TOO crazy, and others who One of the first
are quieter get neglected. questions that most
thinking GMs ask is,
My advice on handling this is simple: Have timed turns. “How can cops
Give each player 5 minutes or so to describe what actually work in the
they’re doing during a week of downtime and to world of Shadowrun
roleplay with them a bit, and then move on to the next. if runners are going
It’s OK to be loose with this if the table is enjoying the around blowing stuff
interaction, but try to keep it moving. up?” and nudge
players into more
You can also put pressure by having the amount of time Trenchcoat style ad-
between jobs lengthen as work dries up; but that’s a ventures out of
campaign choice and shouldn’t be common. ‘realism’.
LIFESTYLE The fundamental dis-
While the Lifestyles all provide bonuses, they aren’t connect is that we
important mechanically – most groups are probably don’t live in a
going to have access to a caster with Heal and a Street dystopia and don’t
Doc to take care of damage, and the other benefits are understand it. Most
left vague to allow the GM latitude. reading this could, if
someone broke into their house, call the police and be
However, they are important to the themes of Shadow- relatively sure that an officer would be there within 15-
run discussed earlier. There exists a divide between the 20 minutes at most.
lowly precariat scum doing dangerous work for the
bougy and klept classes, and it should be at least In Shadowrun, cops exist in service not to the people,
mentioned every so often. but to the klept’s corrupt system. This has two
implications: they don’t work one bit harder than they
Having a lower Lifestyle is less safe than the others, and have to, but they will chase if paid enough.
should be emphasized in the kind of encounters they
have. The ancient SR1e Sprawl Sites book has a long list For the first… a cop will arrest a perp if they catch them
of random encounters, some of which are now in a crime (and aren’t offered a bribe big enough to
apocryphal but others are still well-suited for use. ignore it), or more likely shoot if the paperwork isn’t too
much trouble. But chase perps? Actively add DNA to a
If you want rules, during a Legwork or Downtime phase database and try to collate a crime profile along with a
pull a card from a deck. If it’s a face card, they have a description so that when they finally catch someone
random encounter based on the area their contact is in. they can charge them with everything instead of just
If they’re in a really bad area, pull two cards. "Carry Without a Permit"?
WIRELESS MATRIX "Waste of time," the bosses say. "Get your arrest count
This is a VERY difficult thing to arbitrate – what would up with quick easy busts, like stop-and-searching orks
‘realistically’ be connected to the Matrix, especially in a for BLTs," the bosses order. And the cop obeys, and grits
future that darkly mirrors our own where we connect her teeth in rage, but as the system grinds him down he
fridges and baby monitors to the internet? gives up. The next time someone breaks the law, she’s
got her gun in one hand and the other out in a “Hand
It could be ANYTHING. If you’re using these rules, I me a credstick to forget this” pose. Combined with
would advise encouraging your decker to use their

megacorp extraterritoriality making it hard to prosecute DEVELOPER NOTES
for crimes done in their property, as well as the klept’s Here are some notes on my adaptation - the reasons I
burning need for shadowrunners to play their game, made some mechanical decisions - as well as credits.
runners can get away with a lot that simply seems
outrageous to our modern sensibilities. 1) I have attempted to bring this in line with Savage
Worlds Adventure Edition, but I freely admit that I may
And that makes the moment the cops are actually have missed much. However, Streetwise being a Skill
CHASING PCs a unique and terrible one. It means a rather than an Edge is intentional. It’s integrated heavily
klept hates them enough to put money into the into the setting of Shadowrun as a whole, and into the
Policeman’s Ball fund with a description and a burning system as a result of wanting to stay true to that setting.
desire to see them in jail or “shot resisting arrest.” This
won’t last forever, just until the klept’s money or 2) Shadowrun GMs will note the nuyen has been
attention runs out, but while it’s going on… devalued, losing a zero off (most) prices. This was done
for two reasons: To bring prices more in line with items
Feel free to run your own cops more strictly, and from the various SW rulebooks (allowing one to easily
certainly in high security zones cops are probably not reach into published material for new items), and to
bribable and WILL arrest and chase perps, at least til simplify bookkeeping. Guns are still expensive as it
they leave the area of higher security! In these cases presumes the purchase of fake licenses that can pass
they’re already being paid by the klept. casual inspection, or removing identifying marks.

SHADOW COMMUNITY SIZE 3) Generic cyberware rules have been taken almost
This is just my opinion, but a shadow community is entirely from SW: Science Fiction, rather than adapted
probably village sized with maybe 100-200 people, of from Shadowrun. I did this because I’m more comfor-
which maybe a quarter (25-50 are runners. The rest are table working with a system designed by the game
fixers, gear merchants, thugs suitable for muscle, info developers where I can. That’s also why the Adept rules
brokers, fences, and hangers-on. That’s the size that are taken from SW: Superpowers (with a proscribed list),
science has shown is most suitable for humans to keep and there is no distinction between Mage and Shaman
track of as personal, and the shadows are all about as even IN Shadowrun the only difference is in how
personal. they’re played. However, because I actually want people
to buy the cyberware, I lowered the price from the
A large city with lots of shadows may have several of generic book to one more affordable.
these shadow villages, but they’d only be loosely
connected with each other. The transitory nature of 4) Credit where it’s due: Daring Tales of the Sprawl by
shadow life means that its membership would be Kevin Anderson is where I stole the idea of using the
shifting constantly, particularly runners. Runners have a Mass Battle system for decking, as well as the Drones.
short average career lifespan, and new runners are u/penllawen on reddit is the genius who wrote the
inducted on a regular basis. This has interesting roleplay Lifestyle versions listed here; they were too good NOT
possibilities, as the more permanent members of the to use. Everything else is either my work or taken
shadows may actually look down a bit on runners as directly from the following SW Books: Fantasy
disposable, or have longstanding feuds with each other Companion, Superpowers Companion, Science Fiction
that runners might get dragged into innocently. Companion, or Deadlands Hell on Earth Reloaded (for
the vehicles). Sorry Sprawlrunners author Manuel
Migrating between shadow communities, such as from “ManuFS” Sambs; I paid for your book and disagreed
one that is primarily Mohawk to one that’s almost with almost every design choice you made.
entirely Trenchcoat, adds more chances to roleplay.
Being accused of selling out for taking a job with a fixer 5) Shadowrun belongs to Catalyst Games Lab. All of the
well known for working with top end-corpies, or art comes from FASA Shadowrun books and belongs to
Trenchies slumming it in a Mohawk community to find its original artist or CGL; I would gladly attribute it if half
up and comers to hire for a diversionary run… weren’t unsigned. If I had any delusion of selling this I
would immediately try to track down and lease as much
of it as I could, or beg permission – or delete it. I just
wanted the art which evoked the Shadowrun I
remembered – crunchy black and white and ziptone.

The shadows are dangerous, and not just because a Insect spirits have two different versions (Fleshform,
runner might trip on a rock and fall over – or a Trueform) that divide into three castes (Worker, Soldier,
landmine. This is divided into two sections: Monstrous Queen).
Abilities and adding them to existing templates, and the
statlines of common enemies.


Most Shadowrun paranormal critters are just that:
paranormal. Already existing creatures that have magical
abilities. A Barghest is the Dire Wolf template with the
Fear Power, Dual Natured, and Sorcery d6, for example.
So I won’t detail all of them; simply reading one of the
Paranormal Animal entries should let you convert one.

But there do exist unique Abilities to the setting, which

can be also added to existing templates.

DUAL NATURED A Fleshform has spent days merging with a meta-

This ability allows a creature to see into the Astral and human, sometimes so perfectly there is no outward sign
the normal world at the same time, and affect both sides but more often acquiring insectoid traits such as faceted
as though it were present. A Dual Natured critter is eyes or mandibles or chitinous hide. It can be any
treated as if always Percepting (p.14), with no penalties. normal metahuman from this chapter, but add one step
to all Attributes and may have other abilities, depending
HMHVV on their insectoid traits if any.
Human-MetaHuman Vampiric Virus is an excuse to
recycle fantasy monster statblocks that are close to A Trueform has no body, look like large versions of their
humanoid. An HMHVV victim has two traits: insect type, are summoned using the Conjuring Power
(with minimum d8 Traits) and the Abilities:
• They resemble mythical monsters such as vampires • Fear. Human sized bugs are terrifying.
• They must feast on metahumanity in some way, • Spirit.
though can go for a week without if needed. • Weakness (Insecticide). Weapons coated in it do
normal damage, and just spraying it is 2d6 damage.
After that, they are highly variable, as there are multiple
strains; one strain causes straight vampirism in humans, Workers are not fighters, Soldiers are (increase all
another causes humans to turn into feral zombie-like combat Skills by one die, with Frenzy and Block), and a
ghouls. It is possible for intelligent HMHVV victims to Hive will usually have one Queen (p.45).
NOT kill their prey, but it is difficult and many no longer
see the point. It’s not like they’re human any more. SHAPESHIFTER
In Shadowrun, shapeshifters such as classic werewolves
HMHVV has a low transmission rate, low enough that or weretigers are different in one way:
PCs should never be infected.
They’re animals that can change into human, not the
INSECT other way around. While they are as intelligent as any
Insect spirits are literal bodysnatchers, called from some metahuman, they are not human, and their motivations
far plane beyond the Astral by foolish, power-hungry may be alien. Though some are drawn to the human
shamans or a Queen the shaman summons (who then world, others prefer to stay in the wilderness and work
usually eats the shaman). to protect it with cunning granted by both forms.

They add one step to all Attribute dice in both human These are non-Wildcards that are generally chumps, but
and animal form, many are Wildcards, and have the some are stronger chumps than others – there’s no
following Abilities: difference between a ganger and a high-level mafiosi
• Dual Natured. Their auras always show their animal torpedo but for who’s backing them and what kind of
form, unless they are magicians. gear they’d be given.
• Regeneration, Fast.
• Resilient or Very Resilient. Enhance higher threat Basic Oppo, such as leaders, by
• Transformation. They can spend an action to adding Resilient or relevant Edges, increasing skill dice,
transform between their two forms. This doesn’t or upgrading their armor and weapons.
transform any gear carried.
• Weakness, Silver. This prevents their regeneration. BODYGUARD
Their job is to take the bullet, knife, claw, or whatever
SPIRIT else that’s aimed at their paying customers – usually a
A spirit is a being that exists primarily on the Astral or borgy or klept slumming.
further reaches, but can manifest itself on the physical Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d8,
plane if it chooses or is commanded. A spirit has the Vigor d10
following abilities: Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice
• Dual-Natured. d6, Shooting d8
• Ethereal. They may not be seen unless someone can Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7 (12)
see on the Astral. Edges: Martial Artist
• Invulnerability. It is immune to all non-magical Special Abilities
attacks. • Interpose. If an attack is aimed at a friendly target
• Manifestation. It must create a body to appear on the within 1, the bodyguard may take the hit instead.
physical plane as an Action. Gear. A heavy pistol and an armored jacket, as well as
• Travel. While on the Astral, it can travel near instantly. cybernetic armor – they’re not suicidal.
• Weakness. As a spirit, it’s weak to Spirit – an attacker
can use their Spirit die in place of any Damage roll, and CIVVY
if using a melee weapon can spend a Benny to add that Just an ordinary civilian in the world of Shadowrun. So
to the Damage roll. always armed, paranoid, and ready to dive for cover.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d4,
TOXIC Vigor d6
Hideously dangerous perversions of nature and magic, a Skills: Driving d6, Fighting d4, Notice d4, Persuasion
toxic being is so warped by the Background Count of a d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6
domain that it gains a twisted strength. But toxic power Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 (6)
is dangerous, and not to be trusted or used save by Gear: A holdout pistol, switchblade, armored clothing.
madmen. Blood magic (metahuman sacrifice) also falls
under this category. COPS, STREET OR CORP
Law Enforcement working for a corp – whether it’s corp
Toxic casters fall into two categories: Avengers (who try law or national law they’re enforcing, they will pursue
use the power to strike against those who made the you for as long as it isn’t too inconveniencing or take
toxic domain), and Poisoners (who revel in it and bribes to look the other way. Unless someone higher up
spread the poison further). They typically conjure Spirits has given orders to the contrary.
to fight for them, but sometimes warp critters – or Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6,
befriend those already warped by the toxic domain. Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation
Toxics gain the following equal to the Background Count d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Streetwise d6
of their domain, whether or not they are in the domain: Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (9)
• Armor Edges: Double Tap
• A bonus to Fighting rolls Gear: Heavy Pistol, Baton, Armored Jacket, Restraints,
Mid-sized Car (Armor +3, Turbocharging +2, Control
And: +1). Patrol car has a Shotgun (Pump Action) and 6 Flash
• Very Resilient Grenades.

COPS, SWAT services take place either remotely or through
The heavy hitters of the enforcement world, called in as drones/vehicles. Assume they have a d8 in their
full 10-man squads in APCs or helicopters when things relevant Traits minimum, and the stats of a Civvy
go wrong for the cops – or right for shadowrunners. otherwise.
They don’t appear instantly; reaction times may be as
short as a minute to half an hour, depending on the If you want to make a runner a specific race, just add the
location they’re being called to. relevant stat modifiers – and these are not set in stone,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, as no two runners are the same. Many also have gear
Vigor d8 not listed; this is simply combat-relevant items.
Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation
d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Streetwise d4 GUNSEL
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6 (12) The heavy weapons guy of a team, who kills with guns.
Edges: Combat Reflexes, Rock and Roll, at least one with Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Command Vigor d6
Gear: Milspec Assault Rifle, Baton, SWAT Armor, 3 Flash Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation
Grenades. One has a Sniper Rifle (and is in a good d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8+1, Stealth d6, Streetwise d4
position). Further backup in the form of a Spirit Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (9)
summoned by a cop mage, or even a mage astrally Edges: Combat Reflexes, Cyber[Level-Headed], Dodge,
projecting, may be added. Marksman or Rock’n’Roll
Gear: A Machine Gun or Sniper Rifle, 6 Grenades,
GANGER (KOBUN, TORPEDOS) Survival Knife, Armor Jacket with Body Armor, several
Gangers are the thugs either working in small-time thrill pieces of cyberware (accounted for in statline)
or go-gangs, or at a higher level for more organized
crime like the Yakuza or Mafia. Some may shift skills RAZOR
around – a go-ganger may have Athletics d4 but A razor kills things close and personal, but doesn’t
Driving d6 for example. ignore guns just because they’re less fun.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8 Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d4, Fighting d6, Intimidation Skills: Athletics d6, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation
d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Streetwise d8 d6, Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Streetwise d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6 (8) Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 5 (9)
Gear: Machine Pistol, Knife, Armor Vest. Edges: Block, Level-Headed, Dodge, Sweep or Frenzy
Martial Artist Special Abilities
Strength d8, Athletics d8, Fighting d8, Frenzy, • Wired Reflexes (2) Discard all cards below 8.
Monofilament Sword, Resilient Gear:, Monofilament Sword, Heavy Pistol, Armor Jacket
Enforcer with Body Armor, 2 Grenades (Standard), 2 Grenades
Agility d8, Shooting d8, Rock and Roll, Basic SMG (Smoke)

Runners are almost always Wild Cards, even the Two sides of the same coin; they represent the
ones who’ve gone beyond Black Trenchcoat into full nonviolent side of the shadows, but are also capable of
Black Hat. Perhaps being a Wild Card makes you violence.
inclined to shadowrun, perhaps it’s the karma of Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4,
becoming a runner. Feel free to use some of these Vigor d6
without the Wild Card ability, but with Resilient, for Skills: Athletics d4, Driving d6, Fighting d4, Notice d6,
tougher opposition that doesn’t get Bennies. Shooting d6, Streetwise d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5 (7)
Corps use them sparingly, and only to solve serious Face: Spirit d8, Gambling d4, Persuasion d8, Stealth d4,
problems – which sometimes may be the player Taunt d6, Charismatic,
characters. However, the players may also hire them. If Cat: Agility d8, Athletics d8, Electronics d6, Stealth d8,
the team hires NPC runners, they do NOT come with Thievery d6. Thief
any Bennies, but retain their Wild Die. Gear: Light Pistol, Milspec SMG, Long Coat, Grenade
Deckers and Riggers are not described, as most of their (Smoke), Medkit

SPELLWORM spinal cord. Even if they did, the monster created would
Magicians are deadly in different ways, often using their die before too long as its soul disassociated from its faux
spells to bypass obstacles rather than just kill – that’s body. But… the whispers never stop...
what the SMG familiar is for. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d4, d10, Vigor d10
Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10,
Skills: Athletics d4, Notice d6, Occult d8, Persuasion Shooting d10+1
d6, Sorcery d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Streetwise d4 Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 7 (20)
Pace: 6; Parry: 3; Toughness: 5 (7) Edges: Improved Arcane Resistance, Level-Headed,
Edges: Sustaining Focus Nerves of Steel, Improved Rapid Fire, Rock and Roll
Special Abilities Special Abilities
• Powers: Bolt, Conjuration, Disguise, Healing, Mind • Construct. Add +2 to recover from being Shaken,
Reading, Telekenesis ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don’t breathe, and
Gear: SMG, Long Coat, 3 Reagents are immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be
Wage Mage mended via the Repair skill.
These spellworms prefer regular paychecks and real food • Very Resilient.
to reheated Nutrisoy and soykaf. Replace Disguise and • Wired Reflexes 3. Discard any card below 8, and draw
Telekinesis with Dispel and Barrier, and their corp bosses an additional Card to act on that turn.
will usually give them the hardest Armor they can wear. Gear: Minigun, Grenade Launcher, Milspec Armor, and
Street Shaman more metal than a Detroit classic car.
These spellworms prefer helping people to killing them,
existing in tune with the streets. Replace Bolt and
Telekinesis with Boost/Lower Trait and Slumber.

While there are many adepts who use their powers for
things like sports, shadowrunner adepts tend towards
the ninja or kung fu master realms – and can kill you
quick four different ways.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d8,
Vigor d8
Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d6,
Notice d6, Stealth d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 8; Toughness: 6 (9)
Edges: Block, Brawler, Martial Artist, Quick, Danger
Special Abilities Dragons in Shadowrun are ancient beings that have
• Killing Hands 2 – d8+d10 magical damage formed a society around one principle: They are apex
• Missile Mastery predators that only need fear each other, yet have to
• Cloud Walker 2 work together sometimes to fulfill their duty. An
Gear: Armored coat, 8 Knives, 3 Grenades. individual Dragon will claim a domain – terrain, a
megacorp, something similar – and have created
THREATS elaborate rules to avoid directly fighting each other
Threats exist on a level above; lethal forces that can kill despite how much they want to.
even normal runners easily. Some entries in this list have
no stats, describing some of the ‘big bads’ of As for how they feel about metahumans…
How would you feel if mice suddenly started
CYBERZOMBIE demanding your cheese and attacking you in the middle
Cyberzombies do not exist. Even the deepest shadows of the night? You might kill them, or you might teach
only whisper of their existence, and most disbelieve it. them tricks and share some fragments, but they could
No one could ever replace the flesh with metal so never be your equals. You live so much longer than
thoroughly that little is left but a brain and maybe a they, and see the world in a way they never could.

There are three broad varieties of dragon known: tough opponent if necessary.
Western (the European winged scaly type known and
beloved), Eastern (the sinuous, wingless type known in
Asiatic quarters), and Feathered (coatl type from Central SPIRIT, INSECT QUEEN
and South America). Each are as strong as each other, Once, these were human. Now,
however, with only minor differences. they are no longer so, and birth
an endless stream of insect
Use the stat block from SWADE, but many Dragons are spirits to snatch the bodies of
also powerful spellcasters. humans for their mysterious
DRAGON, GREAT Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts
Great Dragons do not get declared Great by others – d8, Spirit d10, Strength d12,
they declare themselves Great, and dare the other Vigor d12
Dragons to question their judgment. So they have to be Skills: Battle d8, Fighting d6,
an order of magnitude stronger than ordinary Dragons, Intimidation d8, Notice d6,
or else be attacked just for the outrageous declaration. Occult d8, Sorcery d8+3
Pace: 2; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8
Use your imagination for the statline, but at minimum (10)
they should have Sorcery d12 and know all spells, with Edges: Block, Command,
many minions who can fight with them. Greats are Fervor, Improved Nerves of
forces of nature that can outfight modern armies. Steel, Level-Headed, Lucky,
Hold the Line, Tactician
KLEPT Special Abilities
The klept use the Civvy stat block, unless one has made • Armor +2. Thick, blubbery flesh protects the Queen.
a hobby of combat in which case they are much better • Fear (-2). Horrifying Cronenbergian monstrosity.
geared than any shadowrunner. • Invulnerability. Immune to non-magical attacks.
• Powers. Barrier, Blast, Conjuration, Deflection, Dispel,
However, they have money. Infinite money. In a world Mind Reading, Telekinesis
where that can rent you a dozen assassins, buy off an • Size 2 (Huge). Squat, hideous things that have plainly
entire country’s court system, erase someone’s grown from the ruin of a human.
existence, and then once you’re done with the horrible • Weakness (Insecticide, Spirit). As per the normal
1-3 daily grind hop on your Virgin Islands jet to fuck the Spirit, Queens can be fought by sheer will over muscle.
preteen slave of your sexual preference. Gear: None.

Not all are that evil, to be sure, and many spend long SPIRIT, FREE
hours managing their fiefdoms. But power corrupts, and Most conjured spirits don’t stick around our plane; they
absolute power corrupts absolutely. The only thing have their own life to live. An extremely rare fraction do
keeping them in check is other klept, and the only thing for reasons of their own, and are called Free Spirits.
they agree on is that they like the world the way it is. Some like metahumanity (Anima), some like messing
with metahumanity (Trickster), others despise it
MONADS (Shadows).
The basic principle of a Monad (or Headcase) is this:
They were once AIs on the Matrix, born from when Free Spirits are highly variable, but generally start with a
Deus was splintered. They overwrote the personality of a Conjuration spell and gain in power from there as they
body connected to the Matrix and moved into it. Some siphon off bits of people’s karma, willingly given or
were chased from the Matrix, others did it by accident, taken. Almost all are magicians, and many use Alchemy
and a few did it intentionally. They only appear very late to lend power to their friends or slaves.
in the setting, and should be a mystery element rather
than an opposition – is your contact acting strange? Is it Conjuration can call them, but doing so requires
because he’s a Monad now? Are YOU becoming one? knowing the Free Spirit’s true name, which needs much
Occult research and knowledge of the spirit itself… and
Statwise many are just normal people – aside from a doing so only guarantees it comes, not obeys.
hight aptitude for the Matrix – though high Strain makes
it easier to overwrite someone which can provide a

Here is a list of premade Contacts for players to choose FIXERS
from; note that this is mostly for a street-level game. The Fixers are the people who know people - everyone from
number in parentheses is how many points they cost to the Johnson who's hiring to the merc looking for some
buy based on their abilities. cash to the ganger selling some AK-98's that 'fell off the
back of a truck' to a fence for that Rolls-Royce Phaeton
POLICE limosine you happened to 'acquire' last run. Most of
Cops know the value of keeping their ears to the them have some speciality or other, but they don't mind
ground, and so they’re quite willing to have a few overlapping – fixers live for business.
‘friends’ that they might be shooting at one night and
drinking with the next. They won’t break the law for NAME: Cat Who Walks Through
you, but they might tip you off if a klept has put out the Walls (3)
word (and money) to have you pursued. SPECIALITY: Auburn
Proof that you can take the runner
NAME: Koren Thark (2) out of the shadows, but you can't
TYPE: Lone Star Lieutenant take the shadows out of a runner,
A good ork who knows that Cat lived to see his forties and is
sometimes runners aren't the an expert in getting info to the
worst thing out there. But he’s people who need it... for a price.
still a cop, and the law is his life
– even if he can’t seem to get
NAME: Cog (3)
A mysterious man who hires for
NAME: “Wild” Bob Munroe(1) those who want their runners to
TYPE: Lone Star Beat Cop be noisy, violent, and messy - and
A fan of classic hardware who supplies quality ergonomic job-
likes to display it on the beat – related equipment for same
some say it was because he engagements (read: big guns).
loved his bike more than his
wife that she left him. Still, he's
a senior beat cop who knows all
the local dirt. NAME: Eve Donovan (3)
Another former runner who
suffered major injuries, her left
NAME: Karen King (2) arm and leg are cybernetic. She's
TYPE: Knight Errant Lieu-tenant spent a long time building up a
A no-nonsense woman who is good, solid rep in all of Seattle,
on her way up through the ranks not just Tacoma.
of KE – it only took her two
years to make detective. Right
now she’s in charge of making
Lone Star look bad, and KE look

ORGANIZED CRIME NAME: Corrino “Razor” Bigio (1)
Organized criminals are just that: syndicates, yakuza, TYPE: Mafia Soldato
mafiosi, or even gangs that have been around long He hates that he can't seem to
enough. While they all have unique cultures, they tend get any promotions, but the truth
to share a few ideals: respect for the elders, pay your is he's not worth promoting.
dues, and above all else don't (get caught) rocking the Partly because he’s a jerk, and
boat. partly because he has a VERY big
NAME: Shiro Usaka (4) mouth.
TYPE: Mizutachi Oyabun (junior)
A young man to be an oyabun,
Usaka is ambitious but incautious.
Still, he has built up an excellent OTHER SHADOW TYPES
information network and is Lots of people exist in the shadows who aren’t runners;
powerful locally. most of them provide services to runners which aren’t
strictly legal or they aren’t strictly allowed to do so.
NAME: Doc Hak’n’Cutz (2)
TYPE: Street Doc
NAME: Andrew Musai (2) Used to be a real doctor, but the
TYPE: Mizutachi Kobun combination of hospital politics
An efficient kobun who manages and corp competition drove him
three times the territory of other out of legitimate practice. He
kobun fairly – and has to, since keeps quiet, he knows people,
he’s half-gaijin and in order to and he also does good work.
thrive in the Yakuza MUST be
better than anyone fully nihonjin.

NAME: Fairi Fuchiya (1) NAME: 'Rat' Vanian (1)

TYPE: Mizutachi accoun-tant TYPE: Fence
Though she's not much in the Named for his packrat habits
muscle, she knows almost all of rather than talking to the cops,
what the Mizutachi-gumi are up Vanian knows how to get some
to; anyone younger than her she yen for any high-tech that a
likes is treated as an adopted runner can lay hands on.
NAME: Jason O'Malley (4) NAME: Mr. What (1)
TYPE: Mafia Sottocapo TYPE: Armorer
He is here because the Don of A short, round man whose
Seattle trusts him; not to WIN personality is jolly, especially
against the Yakuza but hold their when discussing the latest bang-
influence down at least a little. bang for sale, Mr. Who owns a
He’s quite easygoing for a small gunstore named "What's in
mobster of his age (or maybe Here?!" with a secret basement.
because of it?), and even a bit NAME: Icelady (1)
progressive. SPECIALITY: Talismonger
An Amerind firebrand who
NAME: Eiko Ricci (2) knows how to get magicians the
TYPE: MafiaCaporegime goods they need, Icelady is also
Despite being an elf, a woman, very well-versed in the music
and having a Japanese name, scene of Seattle.
she's proven herself to the
sottocapo and is on her way up.
Very loyal to him and the Mafia,
in that order.

NAME: Doc Raven (1) NAME: Double Vision(2)
TYPE: Mechanic TYPE: Dwarf Rigger (van)
f something goes wrong with Short, crass, horny, annoying
your car (say, a few dozen bullet- habit of listening to last century's
holes) or if you just wanna make music, has never touched a
it go FASTER, Doc Raven is the woman without money
man to go to. He'll grumble exchanging hands, but damn can
about you dinging up his babies, he drive. Great for backup in his
but he'll do the job right. heavily armed van, Cold as Ice.

NAME: Ricky Rodent (1) NAME: Silver (2)

TYPE: Snitch TYPE: Cat
A nasty little man, his high voice Either a very skinny dwarf or a
is rumored to be an after-effect very short woman, Silver is
from a castration. But his known for her ability to break into
information about the gutters is anywhere and steal almost
next to none, and if you chip in anything... for a price.
an extra fifty nuyen he might not
tell anyone else what YOU asked
about… NAME: Rat Dancer (2)
NAME: Julian Barnes (1) TYPE: Combat Shaman
TYPE: Smuggler Hire Rat Dancer, hire her boys –
Julian has the connections to get she’s been running for almost
things into – and out of – the two decades and has an
Tacoma docks and across the extensive list of kids and
world. He always seems to have grandkids who all work for her.
a good supply of stuff that ‘fell off But she can’t seem to give up the
the boat’, too. biz.

NAME: Quietus (2)

TYPE: Assassin
SHADOWRUNNERS A elf who loves karaoke,
The people just like you. It's good to know other cooking, and blowing the brains
shadowrunners, in case you need to hire some backup out of others in exchange for
or just a bit of knowledge. money. He has a thing about not
NAME: Bonecrack(2) killing innocents, to the point that
TYPE: Street Samurai several clients have ended up
A cold-blooded bastard, even for dead for lying to him.
a samurai. He'll do anything for NAME: Warlock (2)
the right price. Save a kidnapped TYPE: Decker
child or kill a little old lady, it's all A good decker, but he’s…
the same to him, but damn if he's unlucky. Oh, not when he’s
not good at what he does. HIRED, but whenever he thinks
he has a big score it falls through,
NAME: Erik Vernon Dreyfuss(2) and sometimes gets into drek
TYPE: Wannabe runner. RICH neck-deep.
wannabe runner.
Most wannabes end up as spare
organs, but there's something
about Dreyfuss the Doofus,
something lucky. Plus, he's rich,
though his mommy only allows
him to buy gear for himself.

There are three local thrillgangs in your area: the Yes, there are ordinary, nice people whose lives touch
Yojimbo (with a Japanese motif, but the Yaks hate these the shadows for whatever reason – mostly because
guys), the Shamrocks (who have an Irish bent; many of many of them aren’t decent, or because they’ve retired
their parents were expatriates from Tir na'nOg), and the from the shadows, or because they are working to make
Royal Reapers (who fancy themselves to be bigger than the world a better place.
they are). NAME: Christian Heum (1)
TYPE: Charitable Teacher
There are two local go-gangs, but only one of them is Runs a free school in the Barrens
sane enough to have a contact with: the Zoku care only to find and teach the children
about their motorcycles and their 'dos. The Libras are who might otherwise never find
crazies inflicting 'judgement', usually against SINners. out their true gifts; sadly, many of
them turn to running instead of
There are much larger gangs such as the Ancients (an finding legitimate employment.
all-elf go-gang), but they tend to have their in-house
assets and rarely hire outside their own gang.
NAME: Ren Martindale (1)
NAME: Daimyo Rouge (2) TYPE: Freelance reporter
TYPE: Yojimbo gang boss A 20th-century reporter in the
A woman who grew up in the twenty-first, Ren has made his rep
gang, she's harder than the steel on being able to investigate
of her actual katana – and isn't ANYTHING - and do it well.
afraid to show it.

NAME: Loli Lovely (1)

TYPE: Klept rumormonger
The child of Seattle's richest
NAME: The Leprechaun (2) madame, who supplies escorts of
TYPE: Shamrock gang boss all sorts to the most powerful
Rumor has him as a magician of people, Ms. Lovely is somewhere
some kind, but others just say between 11 and 14 physically,
he's nothing but a leprechaunman either 18 or 21 according to her
and is as lucky as the being he's well-faked IDs, and has all the
named for. jaded world-weariness of a forty-
year old Vietnamese whore.
NAME: King Jamon (2)
TYPE: Royal Reaper gang boss NAME: Gregory Lamb (1)
Has ambitions to expand his TYPE: Matchsticks Bartender
gang's turf and influence – and He's tried being a shadowrunner
has the smarts, the guts, and the twice, failed both times, and he's
sheer sociopathy that might be bitter about it. Still, he knows
required to do so. people, and keeps his ear to the
NAME: Josie (2)
TYPE: Zoku gang boss NAME: Patrick Bambra (1)
Beautiful and fun loving, under TYPE: Private Detective
her leadership the Zoku have Two meters tall topped by a
become an almost-benign force freckled face and a shock of curly
that hire themselves out for red hair, no one would pick him
escort or security missions with a for a private dick. But he’s good
bit of street in their presentation. at his job. Just don’t laugh too
much at the bolo tie.

NAME: Weird Paul (1) NAME: “Adopted” (1)
TYPE: Store Owner TYPE: Underworld 93 Splatter
Owns probably the best “Adopted” is the new son of the
electronics store in the Tri-city Underworld 93’s owner; the
area, along with a bunch of other owner’s identity is a mystery but
weird, tasteless drek. However, “Adopted” doesn’t hesitate to
he is obnoxious toward anyone throw out trouble-makers quickly.
that doesn’t immediately like Why splatter? Because he throws
what he likes. you hard enough that you don’t

NAME: Madeline “Maddy” (1) NAME: Robert Two-Feathers (2)

TYPE: Activist TYPE: Salish-Sidhe Chieftain
Maddy works with a half-dozen Likes to claim he doesn’t so
policlubs in the Puyallup area, much ‘run’ his little clan than
coordinating their efforts to help ‘make sure it doesn’t blow up
the Unhoused or barely housed. from the inside’, Twoie isn’t
She is well known and well-loved adverse to a little smuggling, as
in the area, and always has an long as you don’t try to poach on
open ear. his territory.

NAME: Abigail Verner (1) NAME: Jimmie Maddox (1)

TYPE: Corp Secretary TYPE: Cabdriver
Works for the CEO of Fuchifax, Jimmie does more than drive cab;
she’s got a solid grip on the pulse he works for several limo services
of what’s going on with corps. and knows who is going where
Her only weakness is a deep and how often. He also listens to
addiction… to real chocolate. the other drivers and jokes about
a union, though he adds, “But I’d
look bad in cement sneakers.”
NAME: /Lightsaber noise\ (1)
NAME: Trixie (1) TYPE: Sasquatch Showman
TYPE: Fortuneteller Bigfeet have magic; what they
Trixie is a lady that’s been around don’t have are vocal cords that
for decades, and runs an eerily can reproduce words, just noise.
accurate fortunetelling business This guy is a lovable stage
out of her shop – strictly by performer, and is popular up and
reference only, no walk-ins. down the ‘plex with the bougy
and klept clubs.
NAME: Sal (1)
TYPE: Street Kid
Sal lives on the street. ON your
NAME: Julie (1) street. And prefers it that way to
TYPE: Club Owner jandering with slotted ‘rents
Owner of Club Chiarascuro, a thinking they’re anje. Sal keeps
trendy nightspot in Auburn that is their orbs on the zappinin’s, and
growing more popular, with if someone’s wiz they’ll trade
people traveling all the way from more than hoi’s. You ka?
Bellevue and Seattle to be seen
and obscene there.

This is a set of one sheets meant to highlight the three LEGWORK
themes of Shadowrun: Magic, Cyber, and Punk. I would The first thing the runners will probably do is look up
run them in the order presented, though that is of shapeshifter weaknesses; and yes, silver does the trick.
course your choice. Getting a clip of silver ammo or silver edging a weapon,
however, costs 100% of the weapon’s normal cost – it’s
CYBER expensive and currently in style with the klept.
Shapeshifters normally feel a connection to their animal
kin. But not Ektkyens (Tooth Thief in Salish), who’s quite The next thing they need to do is find the location,
willing to lure wolfpacks to poisoned meat so she and which is a hotel on the fringes of the ash wastes of
her gang can strip the fur off and sell them for the Puyallup. When Mount Raineer erupted during the Great
human drugs and alcohol she’s grown to love but Ghost Dance, a piece of ejecta hit it and shattered the
requires so much of because of her regenerative powers. second floor, but the first is still functioning. Let them
succeed with drones tracking vehicles, or asking spirits
The Johnson gets in touch through a contact in law to look, or inquiring of appropriate contacts.
enforcement, smuggling to Native American Nations, or
with the NAN directly. ...BUT SO AM I
There is 1 Ganger (p.43) in the lobby for every runner,
FUR IS MURDER... with an equal amount sleeping in rooms, though they
The third thing you notice is his probably brand-new are armed with Hunting Rifles. One is an Enforcer with a
cyberarm, moving with a jerkiness that implies he’s still Milspec Assault Rifle and Resilient. There is always one
getting used to the implant. The second thing you on watch, hiding on the second floor. There are several
notice is that he looks like he dove head-first into a parked offroad SUVs in the front lot as well.
shredder machine and barely came out the other side.
But the first thing is the soft uncured buckskin and The real threat is Ektkyens, however, who is a Wild Card
shamanic talismans he’s wearing which shows enough Wolf Shapeshifter. Use the Dire Wolf (SWADE p.181)
actual wear that they’re probably authentic, rather than and the Razor (p.43, minus cyberware) for her stats.
pinkskin glitz. Currently she is NOT blissed out on novacoke, and on a
commlink call in the back room when the runners move
He introduces himself as Jonathan Scouts-Ahead, a in. If the fight is going badly for her (ie, when she finds
sheriff for the Salish-Sidhe Nation. He tells the runners: out the runners have silver), she won’t hesitate to retreat
and abandon her minions.
1) The job is to hunt and destroy a poaching gang who
run their operation out of the Puyallup Barrens, though PAYOUT
they slip the border into Salish-Sidhe territory to hunt The run has a *3 multiplier base. They also may gain
wolfpacks. Scouts-Ahead as a contact if they find Ektkyen’s
commlink and find that her customer was Emily
2) Their scheme is to poison the wolves, which is bad Shiawase, who is a klept of the family running the
enough, but that the poison is strong enough that it kills Shiawase megacorp.
carrion feeders and lasts for weeks in the ecosystem.
If Ektkyens lives, she’ll remember who broke up her little
3) The gang is led by a shapeshifter named Ectkyens, ring and take it personally. Would YOU want a vengeful
and that she’s the reason he’s down a wing and unable drug addict werewolf after your ass? Neither would I.
to finish the hunt – though he also lacks jurisdiction in
Seattle and can’t interest Lone Star in doing it for him. CYBER THEME
Hence, shadowrunners. He also has no idea where they This run is ‘Cyber’ because Ektkyens has decided that
are, except “Puyallup Barrens”, which is pretty big. she loved the drugs technology created enough to
literally kill her own relatives and skin them.

PUNK downtown Auburn and her husband is CEO for a Fuchi
The klept fear one thing over all else, even death: no subsidary called Fuchifax, who creates and distributes
longer being among the klept. Marianne Hobart is a 60 memes, media, and fauxnews for their parent corp. They
year old lady who has just discovered that her prenup don’t own the whole building, mind, just part of it.
let her husband take everything in the divorce - aside
from a truly pathetic 4 grand a month and their vacation MONEY, MONEY, EVERYWHERE
home in Aruba - and she won’t live in such squalor. So Marianne’s old passcodes were wiped out in the
she hires the runners to break into her husband’s office divorce, of course, so how the players infiltrate it is up
and steal the million or so in genelocked credsticks they to them – though if they go noisy and kill people,
embezzled together as a marital hobby. Marianne will cluck and deduct money from them.

The Johnson gets in touch through a contact with high The security is medium-low, as nothing done here is of
society, or a fixer, telling them to go to a condo in critical importance. The surveillance is hooked to the
Bellevue and to please be on their best behavior, as a Matrix, there are only 5 security guards for the whole
personal favor? There’s a lot of money at stake. building with another 5 janitors slowly cleaning the
floors, though the first floor is locked off every night and
WANT A COOKIE, DEARIE? 1 Barghest (use Dog/Wolf SWADE p.181, but with
They’re ushered in past security and into an elevator to Sorcery d6 and Fear) per runner is allowed to roam.
the fiftieth floor.
The real challenge comes when they get to the office –
As the door swings open, I drek you not, you’re literally not because of anything there, but because when
greeted by the smell of fresh-baked cookies. A kindly Marianne opens the safe and hands a duffel to the player
voice calls from beyond the living room that’s twice the with a “Hold it open for me, dearie,” as she tosses
size of your current squat by itself, “Oh, make platinum credsticks worth 10 grand apiece into the bag,
yourselves comfortable, I’ll be right out.” for a total of about a million nuyen. Make it clear to the
runners just how much money is going in, and that they
As you plop into the various deep-cushioned couches, a can touch not one nuyen of it, as it’s genelocked to her
bar drone rolls up and offers you a drink from its and requires a bank’s equipment to unlock.
dispenser. About thirty seconds after that, the little old
lady you assume is your Johnson steps out from the If they do threaten her, she drops her act. “If you hurt
kitchen, complete with an apron and a heaping plateful me, I’ve got a bond with two local fixers to have you
of cookies. killed – not that you’d last long in the biz for betraying
your Johnson when she’s done nothing but be straight
It’s all a farce, by the way; normally Marianne presents with you. I haven’t lied once, I don’t need to.”
about mid-30s but she had a makeover to her ‘natural’
age, hoping to create sympathy pangs in the runners. After they drop her off outside her condo, she hands
After all, she’s not LYING; so what if the cookies only them their payment with a smile and, “Oh, you’ve been
took 30 seconds with the kitchen she has? And she IS in such good kids, perhaps I’ll hire you in the future.” This
her 60s. And she IS getting robbed in the divorce. is a lie, as she is leaving Seattle forever and it’s doubtful
they’d recognize her when she goes back to the age she
Tell it from her point of view, that she’ll be left destitute prefers. However, who knows what the future may hold
if they don’t help her steal the money her husband for the runners...
embezzled, and she IS going to pay them a lot because
she has two unique conditions: PAYOUT
In many ways, this is a pure milk run. It only has a base
“I’d really like it if you didn’t hurt any of the poor *2 multiplier, but she’s a nice lady and the runners
employees who were so recently working for us. It’s not HAVE been perfect little tools – er, helpful boys, so
their fault George is a bastard! Also, dearies, you have to she’ll toss in the *1.5 multiplier for nasty work.
bring me with; the safe is genelocked and so are the
credsticks.” PUNK
This run is about reminding the players that the klept
LEGWORK own everything, including them; and even if they do act
The office is on the 20th floor of a 25 story skyscraper in sweet and kind it IS an act.

MAGIC (p.41) Ganger (p.43) for each runner. One will try to flee
A local street gang’s boss named Fallout has discovered to the burrow’s entrance in the manager’s office when
something horrifying: He is a shaman, and his totem is the fight begins to warn everyone.
Cockroach. He fought against it for a while, but
surrendered to the insidious whispers and is turning his The tunnels have three major rooms: a barracks room
gangers into insect spirit hosts. that has 1 Fleshform Ganger for every 2 runners either
asleep or if alerted is empty (and reinforcing the
The Johnson is a street-level contact, one that knows the Queen’s chamber), a nursery guarded by 1 Trueform
players. A gang leader would be preferable, but it could Worker Insect Spirit d8 (p.41) for every 2 runners which
be anyone who has a vested interest in making the also contains several pods where other gangers are
streets a little less horrifying. undergoing conversion, and the future Queen’s room.
The gangers in the pods may or may not be saved,
WORSE THAN DEATH depending on how you and the players react.
Sitting next to [CONTACT] is a skinny boy, maybe
fourteen or fifteen, who’s shivering and won’t meet The Queen’s room is still under construction, as it’s a
anyone’s eyes. major ritual to summon a queen, but he has 1 Trueform
Soldier Insect Spirit d8 for every 2 runners, as well as 1
“This kid came in and was begging for my help. Says his Fleshform Ganger for every 2 runners. He himself is a
boss has gone-” Wildcard Spellworm (p.44) with Mentor Spirit, Bolt,
Illusion, Protection, Puppet, and Slumber. Mentor Spirit
The kid screams as a cockroach scurries across the table, has picked Protection as the bonus Power.
throwing himself violently away from it and onto the
ground. “It’s the boss! The boss made my bloods into PAYOUT
them, and almost did it to me! I got away, but… but…” The run itself has a *4 modifier base, but as it’s ‘hooding
(as in Robin Hood) the payout is *0.5. Several days later,
At that, you see the back of the kid’s leg, where part of however, a shaman who calls himself Many-Names will
the flesh has been replaced by a chitinous shell. approach the team’s spellworm – or leader if there is no
[CONTACT] meets your eyes and says, “I can’t pay spellworm – and offer a favor as thanks for ending the
much, but we gotta do something about this or we’re all nest before a Queen was summoned. “Break this bone,
bug chow.” and I will reach out to you – I’m afraid that I keep losing
my commlink.”
If the players aren’t in the know, have the contact say,
“You ain’t heard about bug shamans? Creepy fraggers. However, read the following to one of the players:
They take people and put spirits in them, take ‘em over,
twist ‘em into monsters. And sometimes you can’t tell As you’re walking down the crowded street to buy
who’s a bug on the inside, they don’t all end up like some kaf, a voice sounds from behind you, one that
that. No way of saving ‘em when it’s done, either.” sounds as though it was generated not by a throat but
by some kind of insect rubbing its hairy limbs together,
LEGWORK “We have seen what you did to our brothers, and we do
Let the runners call contacts for info on insect spirits, not forgive you.” You whirl around, but there’s too
though only those who have knowledge of the magic or many people on the concrete, all of whom look…
shadowrunning will know anything. Have one of them normal?
suggest that insecticide can harm even the true spirits,
or if you want to be easy have the Johnson tell them. Or do they? Does that one have bug eyes? Is that one
hunching over because of a carapace under its ill-fitting
The kid gives directions to the gang’s secret hideout,
which is a defunct gas station in a bad part of the MAGIC
sprawl. However, it’s more than just the surface The bodysnatching horror of the insect shamans is
building, as the shaman has had his cockroach spirits presented here to show that magic is not good by itself,
burrow tunnels underground to hide his nest. and that even a dystopia could get worse if the players
do nothing.
The gas station itself is guarded by 1 Fleshform Insect


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