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Career choice and communication skills


General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about the the necessary

communication skills needed for the occupation of being a teacher. It is also to
shed light on the connection between communication and the role of being a


Attention Getter: ''Teachers who master the art of communication create a more
engaging and impactful learning environment'' (Johnson, 2019, p. 88).

Credibility Statement: having been a teacher once before and worked in an

educational environment , I am very well aware of the solid the relationship
between being a teacher and possessing the right communication skills.

Thesis Statement: to be an efficient teacher , you must possess the

necessary communication skills.

Preview Main Point:

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the necessary communication skills

needed for the occupation of being a teacher. It is also to shed light on the
connection between communication and the role of being a teacher.

Communication skills can be defined as the transmission of a message that

involves the shared understanding between the contexts in which the
communication takes place (Saunders and Mills, 1999). In addition, teacher
communication skills are important for a teacher in delivery of education to
students (McCarthy and Carter, 2001). There are many communication skills
that are a necessity for the job . In this paragraph I will talk about the four most
important ones in detail. Active listening, Encouraging teamwork and fostering
collaboration , understanding and sharing culture, and empathy.

Teachers benefit from good communication skills in three different areas: when
communicating with students, with parents, and with colleagues. In this
paragraph I will talk about the connection between communication and the role
of being a teacher.

The purpose of this paper was to discuss the necessary communication skills
needed for the occupation of being a teacher. also to shed light on the
connection between communication and the role of being a teacher.

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