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Well Integrity

Risk Assessment:

A Qualitative Model

MJ Loveland and Jerry Dethlefs



To assess risk on a well or well

portfolio so that it can be
managed in a safe and
environmentally sound manner
with efficient use of limited
What is Risk?

The combination of both the Severity of

the consequences of a given unfavorable
event and the Likelihood or Probability
that the event will occur.
Risk goes up with increasing
severity and/or likelihood
Why do a risk
„ Identify situations of elevated risk
• Safety
• Environmental
„ Provide well monitoring guidance
• Assist with SOPs and WI program
„ Identify opportunities for mitigation actions
„ Lower operating costs
• Less well down-time
• Longer well life
Risk Matrix
„ A risk matrix includes both the
severity and likelihood of any
identified hazardous event

„ Severity and likelihood

become the X and Y axis of
the matrix
Risk Matrix (example)
Risk Categories (example)
Risk Categories
IV High High Risk. Manage risk utilizing prevention and/or
mitigation with highest priority. Promote issue to
appropriate management level with commensurate
risk assessment detail.

III Significant Significant Risk. Manage risk utilizing prevention

and/or mitigation with priority. Promote issue to
appropriate management level with commensurate risk
assessment detail.

II Medium Medium Risk with Controls Verified. No mitigation

required where controls can be verified as functional.
ALARP should be evaluated, as necessary.
As Low As Reasonably Practicable

I Low Low Risk. No Mitigation Required


„ Use an organized method to:

• Qualitatively assess hazards on a well (or wells)
• Rank risk by severity and likelihood
• Document potential mitigation actions
„ Useful results:
• Focus mitigation efforts for most benefit
• Use limited resources most effectively
• Provide a tool for consistent management of WI

„ Qualitative, team-based, facilitated

brainstorming format
„ ‘What-If’ Methodology to identify potential
failure modes
„ Relies on experience and knowledge of
„ Post RA: Compare individual wells to risk
register results

„ Well barrier envelopes are divided into

„ Each segment is ‘failed’ (one at a time)
„ Determine consequences from failure
„ Determine likelihood of failure
„ Determine risk (likelihood x consequence)
„ Continue until every segment is assessed
„ Compile all data in risk register tables

„ Risk register table for each well type

- Failed well barrier scenarios
- Risk ranking
„ Potential mitigation actions to reduce risks
„ Report of purpose, methodology,
participants, and findings
„ Participants benefit from process
• Excellent learning tool
Well Types

For more than one well:

„ Divide wells into category “types”

„ Analyze well types during RA

„ Potential type categories

• Existing WI problems
• Type of well service
• Type of well construction
„ Goal: Define enough categories so that all
wells are included for analysis
Well Types
„ Example, Existing WI Problems
• Producers with A x B communication
• Producers with T x A communication
• Injectors with A x B communication
• Injectors with T x A communication

„ Example, Type of Well Service

• Producers (Free Flow)
• Producers (Artificial Lift)
• Water Injectors
• Miscible Gas (MI) / Gas Injectors
Well Types
„ Available well barriers may be different for
the various type categories
„ Wells in same type category should have
similar design
• Number of casings, tubulars, service, etc.
„ Risk rank results can be applied to any
real well that fits within the type category
Failure Modes

„ Each segment of every well barrier will be

“failed” to determine consequences/severity
„ List potential failure modes for each well type:
• External Xmas tree leak
• Tubing (T) x A Annulus Leak
• A x B Annulus Leak
• Production Casing Leaks
• Surface Casing Leaks
• Failed SSSV
Several leak
paths may be
combined to
form a single
failure mode
„ Pre assessment preparation
• Compile well inventory, choose well types
• Determine “typical” completion/service
information for each type category
• Determine failure modes for analysis
„ Team assessment review
• Determine risk of each failure mode
• Indentify potential mitigation actions
„ Post assessment analysis
• Compare actual wells against risk register
• Consider implementation of mitigations
• Use data for well integrity management
Assessment Team
„ Technical resource (1-2)
• Local “expert” to prepare data, answer questions
„ Technical experts (6-10+)
• Cross-discipline team; Engrs, Drillers, Ops, HSE
• RA results depend on knowledge and expertise
„ Facilitator (1)
• Keep RA focused & on-track
• Guide discussion through method
„ Scribe (1)
• Capture thoughts & ideas, add to risk register
• Accurate data in risk register is compiled for final report
Assessment Team Duty
„ Analyze each well type
• Consider each failure mode as if real
• Determine consequences of failure
• Determine likelihood of failure
• Assign risk (likelihood x consq. severity)
„ Suggest mitigation actions ↓ risk
„ Document everything in risk register
„ Proceed to next failure mode
Assessment Tools
„ Wellbore schematic diagrams
„ Well barrier diagrams
„ Drilling and completion reports
„ Production data
„ Intervention and diagnostic
„ Wellhead / facility / flowline specs
„ Operations SOPs / policies
„ Regulatory requirements
Consequence Table (example)

These categories are optional---

Likelihood Table (example)

LIKELIHOOD (most likely down to least likely)

Category One Word Quantitative Description
Descriptor Range /Yr(a)
Likely to occur several
5 Frequent > 10-1
times a year
Expected to occur at least
4 Probable 10-3 - 10-1
once in 10 years
Occurrence considered
3 Rare 10-4 - 10-3
Not expected nor
2 Remote 10-6 - 10-4
anticipated to occur
Virtually improbable and
1 Improbable < 10-6
Risk Register Tables

„ Generate one table per well type reviewed

„ Provides risk reference for real wells that
fit in the type category
„ Management tool to illustrate high risk
situations and suggest mitigations to
reduce risk
„ Table generation completes task by Team
Risk Register
Risk Register Example
Post RA – Apply to Real Wells

„ Analyze real wells for fit with risk register

„ Worst case failure mode identified for each

„ Sort wells by risk rank

Post Assessment

„ Risk rank results considered by asset

„ Potential for new or modified Ops procedures
„ Potential for mitigation actions
„ Influence Well Integrity Program
Example Mitigation Measures

„ Preventing tubular corrosion

„ Real-time annular pressure monitoring via
transmitter with alarms
„ Protecting annular jewelry from damage
„ Test barriers to higher pressure
„ Increase test frequency of barriers
„ Wellhead packoff repairs
Potential Outcomes

„ Justify workovers for high risk wells

„ Justify non-rig workover mitigations
• Patches, gaslift work, etc.
„ Increase servicing and/or testing
„ Increased awareness of well design impact
• May influence future well designs
„ Provides guide for monitoring focus
„ RA provides an organized method to:
• Identify situations of risk
• Rank the situations by severity
„ Document potential mitigation actions
„ Focus mitigation efforts for most benefit
„ Scenarios based on type of problem
• Individual wells could have slightly different
Thank you!


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