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Question Option 1 Option 2

Identify the technique which is NOT used in Job Job Enlargement Job Rotation
Identify the option from following which is not the Reduction of barriers Experts in
advantage of Functional organisation. in operarion knowledge

Select the option that is excluded from the Kaizen Budgeting

techniques used for quality of the work.
Summerarize this statement in ONE word - "A business Organization
place where people come together, organize and co-
ordinate activity to achieve some specific goal".
Explain concept of Co-operative briefly. is a for-profit The owner of the
business owned by business has
two or more people. unlimited liability
for the debts
incurred by the
Organisation Behavior is based on following three Investigative study impact of
Which Selectrelationship
organisaitonal the option gives
that can be
a greater of individual
formal organisational
organization. informal
job from
Identify an optionthe options
results with respect
in maximum
is NOT among the to basis of
production? Owner structure on human
Interprete the"of Production
a business .Function" of business This is a process behavior
Sale of goods
Choose the role manager performs when ,he or she Entrepreneurial Role produced
where raw material by role
What do youinformation
understand collected through monitor
by organizational and
change . It is other
in production
It is change
role and then the evaluated information is
To cope up with change process ,a manger should customer are put to use. department
group of introduced
Communication Training due to
work on all to
the the concerned
factors except employee
When a Production manager has a talk with for further
the organization.
Informational roles changes
Monitor in team of
Select the officerone.
CORRECT for inventory
option for records or placing
Line structure an Finanace dept of
type investors
of for next this
Summerarize week at the same
statement time word
in ONE discusses
- with organization
six sigma organization
pareto chart
"Method of
Organise manager
elements about
problem feedback
of thesolving from
by thinking
term SIPOC in Suppliers, Input, System,Input,
CORRECT about it,
ORDER. in which member
Select the CORRECT option which is used to of a group Process, Output
Pareto chart and Process, Output and
Affinity Diagram
analyed contribute
and prioritized
Who conducted ideas.
the ideasexperiment?
the Hawthorne designed during customer
William Gilbreth customer
brainstorming session before implementation.
Choose the Option which is NOT part of steps in Obtain CEO Create a Steering
implementing TQM. Commitment Committee

Interprete the term-" Esprit de corps"briefly. Equality of treatment Consolidation of

Compare the theories prescribed by Henry Fayol’s Taylor focused on Tyalor Derived 5
and Taylor ,and select the correct statement. top management and functions and 14
their actions while principles of
Henry Fayol management while
emphasized upon Henry Fayol coined
Individual worker Time and motion
and machine study

Supply of human and material resources and helps planning Organization

to achieve the objective of business. Suggest a term
for this.
Which of these organiztaion is created for formal organization. informal
technological purpose? organization.
Which organisational relationship gives a greater formal organization. informal
job satisfaction and results in maximum production? organization.

Which of these is excluded from Principles of Specialization of Unity of command

Classical Management Theory? labour
Which of these is NOT among the advantages of Eliminate or reduce Facilitate and speed
conducting a time and motion study? ineffective effective movements
With reference to term Motivation ,Identify the class of drives class of desires
CORRECT option that induce individual or group
of individuals to work.

"Direction should be such that the individuals can Unit of command Direct supervision
integrate their objectives with organizational
objectives." Translate this sentence into a concept
from the given options.
Summarize this statement in a term - "A process Job Enlargement Job simplification
where employee characteristics and qualification
required for the post are defined along with duties
and tasks for satisfactory performance."
How do you view application of Social psychology It helps in This helps in
in organizational behavior?Identify the understanding and establishing better
INCORRECT one . managing behavioral communication
changes within within the
organization. organization.

Management is that function of an enterprise which 1 FALSE

concerns itself with the direction and control of the
various activities to attain the business objectives.”
The most important resourse of any organisation is Manpower Money

Chart is a graphical presentation of data with different Signs Diagrams

Resources are 1&2 1 &3

1) Material
2) Components
3) Both Material and components
4) Human

Natural resources are used as Supportive material Raw material

From the following list which is not the most basic Land Labour
Which is not a tangible resource of an organisation from Goods Machinery
the following list.
Organisational behaviour is A science An art

Following are the forms of business houses other than Sole propritorship Partnership

Employee of any organisation is responsible for Execution of Implementation of

strategies strategies

The products extracted from natural resources which Primary Industries Secondary Industries
are used for
Production of Petrol Diesel kerosene are the examples Manufacturing Synthetic Industry
of ___type of Industry Industry
Atomobile,Electronic Machines like TV,Washing Assembly Line Process Industry
machine are the producs of ___type of Industry Industry
Educational service falls in the categry of Primary Industry Secondary Industry
Database along with _____are providing vast of Hyperlink Web
information across the internet
Customer satisfaction is an_________type of objective Organisational Social Objective
14 Principles of Management are profounded by____ Peter Drucker Henry Fayol

The Pricnciple which deals with only one boss for each Initiative Unity of Direction
employee is __________
Following are the sense that organisation need to grow Belongingness Team spirit
into the employees except
The eld of organisational behaviour examines such Interpersonal conict Organisational
questions as the nature of leadership, eective team resolution; motivation control; conict
development, and of individuals management
The field of organisational behaviour is primarily The behaviour of How resources are
concerned with individual and groups. efectively managed.

The manager of an organisation need to be able to Explain Predict

following are the options related to planning, except Achieve objectives of forecasts for compnay
organisation growth

Planning closely connected with Creativity Innovation

Planning does not answer for following question. What need to What is the deadline?
Planning does not help to find out Need of orgnasation People required

The most important asset in an organisation is Infrastructure Human Resource

Staffing is the process of management that is not Acquiring & Ruling
concerned with Developing
Staffing does not include Righ person At right place
Staffing process does not include Organising Retaining
A person is not a leader if he/she is not concerned with Empowering team Motivating

Leadership helps to upgrade Individual Group

Which is not the factor included in 4 M of Mangement Men Machinery

The objectives of management are achieved by Planning Organising

functions like
Manangement accepts social changes and introduces Innovative Technology New path to follow

Manager must have following skills except Technical skills Analytical skills

The niddle level manager need to have more technical planning Organising
skills related to
Political skill relate to Influencing people. Handling people
The skills under which manager can identify key factors Decison making skills Analytical skills
From the list given below which is not a managerial role Working on Objectives Motivating employees

Educating childfren,Health programs,prevent from Organisation Society

air,water,noise pollution are the function towards

Organisational change is one Which affects pattern Relationship within

of work organisation
Following are the factors affecting organisational Diverse Workforce Changing Technology
change other than
To overcome the loopholes for change, training is given Leaders Managers
The change is quickly acceptable with the help of Knowledge Skill upgradation

The ______Manager is responsible for short term functional manager Operational manager
______have formal authority to use organisational CEO Manager
resources and make decisions,,
_____skill affects the condition of an organisaiton. Technical skills Decision Making skills

Under the category of decision roles , the roles are Entrepreneurial Role Disturbance Handler
except______________ Role
Decision role require managers to plan Strategy Resources

_________is the backbone of any organisation Customer Employee

Which is not a legal aspect of social responsibility legal & Government Transperancy in
Select the option which is NOT among Quality Quality Planning Quality
Trilogy of Dr Juran. Improvement
Name the element which is excluded from the Goals retrenchment
important elements of a matrix organization.
List the different types of departmentation in the Functional geographical
organization. Find the INCORRECT one .
Choose the CORRECT option that is concerned Responsibilities Opganisational
with Task oriented leaders. structure &
Study of organisation behavior focuses on which of Human Employer
these option?
Which of these is excluded from levels of planning. Corporate plan Divisional Plans
Define Anthropology. focuses on cultural is the study of
systems, beliefs, human behavior in
customs, ideas and the context of social
values within a situations.
society and the
comparison of with
aspects like values,
attitudes and even

Which of these is NOT there in tools of Co- standadization mutual adjustment

What do you mean by delegation? it is assigning certain it is getting work
authorities and done by people
responsibilities by
superior to

Name a Scotish scientist ,who coined a term Dr Deming Adam Smith

division of Labor first time .
The decision making process is affected by factors Yes, These factors No ,these are not the
like perception ,organizational issues and affects the decision factors that affaect
environmentalissues . What is your interpretaion making process in the decision making
about this statement. all situaltons process

Control system of an organisation has no influence internal environment external

over which of these factors? environment
If a leader is using action to motivate employees Planning directing
towards goals, he or she is using what method of
Suggest ONE word for- "Study of the movements fatigue study time study
of both the workers and the machine to eliminate
wasteful movement".
The decisions are benficial if they are Taken timely Taken correctly
To run the business, person needs to have Well equipped with should be able to
skills and knowledge manage people

Following are the nature of business except Producing goods and Profit Organisation

There are basicaly three components of business except Owner Employee

To manage any organisation what is required? Division Decentralisation

Adopting any system depends on Complexity Size of organisaiton

In Production of Good come following products Cloths Machinary

Owner of the business is not responsible for Preparing objectives Mission to carry over
Employess are treated as Manager Supervisor
Out of following which is not an option relatated with Quality products Resonable price
Customer satisfaction
The Industry which uses natural resources as raw Primary Industries Secondary Industries
material is
Food production and food preservation are the Analytical Industry Manufacturing
examples of Indusry
Government and private institutions are established to Finanacial Servies Educational Services
provide services like
In strategy formulation, the forces that must be focused potential entrants in customer's bargaining
for industry analysis includes ------------- market power

The example of customer perspective in balanced employee turnover operating capabilities

scorecard is--------- rates and number of

The way an organization match its capabilities with elasticity incurrence off shoring
available opportunities to accomplish its goals is
classified as ------------

The example of internal business perspective in employee turnover operating capabilities

balanced scorecard is rates and number of
The balanced scorecard perspective which measures learning perspective financial perspective
strategy profitability and amount of operating income
results from cost reduction is classified as ------------

Following are the factors affecting establishment of Sources of business Location

business organisatin except
Supply quality products and services are the objectives Organisational Social Objective
under which category? Objectives
Educational Services are part of Primary Industries. 1 FALSE

While performing managerial role, Interpersonal 1 FALSE

Skill help to treat organization as a family and try
to keep everyone together.
Organizational Hierarchy can be defined as the 1 FALSE
understanding; prediction and management of the
human behavior affect the performance of the
Material management deals with campus planning 1 FALSE
and designing for the movement of materials within
the organization.
Fishbone Diagram is also called as cause and 1 FALSE
effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram.
Henry Fayol viewed management as a profession 1 FALSE
that can be trained and developed and emphasized
on policy aspect at top level management.
Delphi method is a technique used for decision 1 FALSE
In TQM process all quality related process within 1 FALSE
the organization are considered for improvement.
Cash inflow and outflow during a specified period 1 FALSE
is decided during master budget.
In _____________________ role manager assigns Disturbance handler Spokesperson role
resources to develop innovative goods and services, role
or to expand a business
_______________________derieves from position Reward power referent power
they are allotted and it provodes decision authority.

Every manager has to manage the customers resources

__________________that are necessary for getting
output in the form of finished product.
___________________ is a relatively enduring attitude personality
organization of beliefs, feelings, and behavioral
tendencies towards socially significant objects,
groups, events or symbols”
_________________ is an approach that Total productive SIX SIGMA
organizations use to improve their internal processes maintainance (TPM)
and increase customer satisfaction.
Work assignement is done under which principle of Unity of Command Unity of Direction
Who says that "Management is an art of getting things Peter Drucker Henry Fayol
done by people"
Six Sigma seek to improve the quality of output by By removing causes of By identifying causes
defects of defects

As per webster's dictionary Profession is an occupation Specialised Knowledge Academic Training


Total quality management ideas were developed by Peter Drucker Henry Fayol

Management is as ______________term Economical Sociological

Management is Process of organised Continuous process

Management is process of co-ordinating its resources finance People

choose odd one out
Organisation structure means Departmentalisation Divison

Choose odd one out related to simple organisational Time Human

structure and the relative factors like
Option 3 Option 4 Answers

Job Enrichment Job specification 4

Increase in Slow decision 4


Delegating of CPM 4
management corporate 2

is a limited liability is a limited liability 4

business that has a business that can
separate legal organize for-profit or
personality from its not-for-profit.

Application of Study of Boss- 4

knowledge to
strategic Employee
business 2
competitors relationship
customers 3
finding out right equipping with 1
vendor for raw other
Spokesperson role Negotiator resources
Rolelike 2
it is “onesupplies.
which material,
It is changetechnology,
the 3
facilitating finance
ultimately affects the Awarding etc.
change introduced
and 3
pattern of
retrenchment work
Disseminator role due to promotions
Liaison role of 4
activity relationships employees.
banking & insurance Manufacturing 2
benchmarking organization.
brainstorming 4
system ,information, sales ,inventory,proc 1
flow chart Output and ess ,Output
Fishbone and
Diagram 2
Deming customer
Elton Mayo 4
Prepare a Flow Informing and 4
Diagram of educating the clents
Company Processes of the organisation
as they are part of
the process.

Harmony, cohesion No slacking, 3

among personnel. bending of rules
Taylor viewed Fayol’s theory is 4
Management as more widely
Theory of applicable than that
administration of Taylor, although
whereas according to Taylor’s philosophy
Fayol it was has undergone a big
Theory of Scientific change under
Management. influence of modern

mangement controlling 2

business or strategic 1
organisation. organization.
business or strategic 2
organisation. organization.

Unity of direction decentralization 4

Eliminate retaining employees 4

unnecessary work and attracting new
class of needs entire class of 4
drives. Desires,
needs, wishes and
similar forces
Harmony of Efficiency 3

job enrichment Job rotation 2

it facilitates and It focuses on 4

accelarates group improving cross
decision making cultural aspect.

Machine Minute
Symbols Structures
1&4 2 &4

Extra material Non useful material

Infrastructure Capital
Finance Information
A science as well as an A concept
art 3
Borrowed Cooperative
Execution and Benefit of business
implementation of 3

Tertiary Extraction Industry

Analytical Industry Process Industry
Manufacturing Construction Industry
Industry 1
Tertiary Extraction Industry 3
Data source Web browser
Personal Objective Technical Objective
Taylor Harold Koontz
Unity of Command Discipline
Unity Knowledge
Motivation of Planning;
individuals; planning development
Control processes and Both a and c.
interactions between
external context. 4

Evaluate n modify Umderstand

human behavior. 4
Tool for managing Makes sure Profit
unexpected situations 4

Setting objectives Creativity and

Innovation 4
Where it will be done? whether quality will
be good? 4
effective leadership standards for control

Machine Finance 2
Employing & apprising Rewarding and
retaining 2
At right time At right salary 4
Transfering Developing 3
Implementing Ignoring faults of
innovations employees 4
Department Organisation 3
Management Body Material
Working Directing
New processes New idea
Communication skills Bossing skills
Planning and Directing worker to
Organising both work on production 3
Managing people Thretening people 1
Interpersonal skills Political skills
Creating n following Developing personal
budgets skills 4
Employee Customers

Both pattern and Competition in market

relationship 3
Functional change Economic change
Employees President
Both knowledge and Not known
skill upgradation 3

Executive Manager Development officeer

Operational Functional Manager
Supervisior 2
Political skills Analytical skills
Resource Allocator Spokerperson Role
Role 4
Strategy and
Resources both 3
Legal & Government Community
Discouraging Overuling
corrouption 4

Quality control performance 4

promotion Awarding 2

customer Matrix structutre 4

Roels and Organisational 2


Human Behaviour Employees 3

Sectional plans Long term plan 4

is study towards study of human 1
Behavioral pattern of behavior that tries to
co-workers and their identify the
social behavior characterizes of
along with individuals and
relationship with provides an
them to maintain understanding why
social groups as per an individual
social order behaves in a
particular way.

direct supervision prioritization 4

it is nothing but it deals with 1

following work assigning work to
order someone who is
from other

Taylor Abraham Maslow 2

these factors might The factors affect 1

or might not affect only strategic
the decision making decision making.
process, because it
may vary from
situation to situation

customer government 2

organizing controlling 2

motion study work-study 3

Timely and correctly Taken with the help of

people 3
Well equipped with capital to cover all
skills and knowledge costs
and should be able to
manage people 3

Distribution and Rendering services to

exchange of finished needy 2

Customer Infrastructure
Centralisation Division and
Decentralisation 4
Infrastrcture Size and complexity of
organisation 4

Banking Service Software Product 5

Decision making Environmental
conditions 4
Executor Worker 3
Regular Supply
Return policy 4
Tertiary Quagternary Industry
Genetic Industry Process Industry
Information Services Production Services
supplier's bargaining potential entrants in
power market, customer's
bargaining power and
supplier's bargaining 4

operating income and customer satisfaction

revenue growth and market share 4

strategy engineering

operating income and customer satisfaction

revenue growth and market share 2
internal business customer perspective
process perspective

Expected competitors Government

Regulations 2
Personal Objective Technical Objective

Entrepreneurial Role Monitor Role 3

expert power Legitimate power 4

suppliers government 2
culture business 1

SIPOC Total Quality 4

Management (TQM

Division of work Initiative

Taylor Harold Koontz
By Removing and By mitigating
Idnetifying causes of 3

Both Specialised Booth not necessary

Knowledge and 3
Academic Training

Taylor Harold Koontz

Intterdisciplinary Mathematical 3
Process of human Process of organised
interaction activity, Continuous
process and Process
of human interaction 4

Raw material infrastructure

Both work assignment
Departmenalisation 3
and Division

Money Designations

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