Ujian Blok Kelas 8 Materi Prohibition, Obligation, Suggestion

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1. Dayu : I think I'm catching a cold

Lina : Well, you .... go to see a doctor

A must not B should not

C should D have not to

2. We______be late to school

A should B have to

C mustn't D must

3. Whats definition/function of suggestion?(apa definisi dari suggestion?)

To express what they do not have to do(yang To give advice, a recommendation or a suggestion
seharusnya tidak dilakukan) (saran, nasihat,rekomendasi)

C To express obligation or duty (keharusan)

4. whats definition/function of prohibition?(apa definisi/fungsi dari prohibition)

To express what they do not have to do(yang To express obligation or duty (keharusan)
seharusnya tidak dilakukan)

To give advice, a recommendation or a suggestion

(saran, nasihat,rekomendasi)

5. whats definition/function of obligation?(apa definisi dari obligation)

To express what they do not have to do. (yang tidak To express obligation or duty (keharusan)
seharusnya dilakukan)

To give advice, a recommendation or a suggestion

(saran, nasihat,rekomendasi)
6. What does the picture mean?

A We are not allowed to play B We are not allowed to litter

C We are not allowed to smoke D We are not allowed to swim

7. Problem : I sit in the back row. I cannot see your writing on the blackboard.

What do you suggest to solve the problem?

A You should move to the front row. B You should listen the teacher carefully.

C You should buy glasses to see better. D You should write on the blackboard bigger

8. Which sign goes with the sentence "Drivers must not park their cars here".



9. Today is Monday. We will have a flag ceremony. We . . . . wear complete Uniform.

A Should not B Must

C Must not D Should

10. Alex : You look unhealthy, Boy.
Bryan : Yes, I get a headache and a stomachache.
Alex : You should go to a doctor. Come on, I will accompany you.
Bryan : Ok.
The underlined words shows ....

A Attention B Suggestion

C Agreement D Disagreement

11. Arrange this word to a good sentences !

you - mustn't - use - a glass - bottle !

A you mustn't use a glass bottle B you musn't a glass bottle use

C a glass bottle you musn't use D you use a glass musn't bottle

12. you can use the word . . . to express an obligation (keharusan)

A must B must not

C have not D should

13. you can use the word . . . to express an prohibition (larangan)

A should not B must not

C should D must

14. you can use the word . . . to express a suggestion (saran)

A must not B should not

C must D should

15. "No smoking" means ...

A We should smoke B We must not smoke.

C We can smoke D We may smoke


Answer Key

1. c 2. c 3. b 4. a

5. b 6. c 7. a 8. a

9. b 10. b 11. a 12. a

13. b 14. d 15. b

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