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Oral Communication – Reviewer

Lesson 1: Nature and Elements of Communication Nature of

1.Communication is a process.
2.Communication occurs between two or more people(the speaker and
the receiver).3.Communication can be expressed through words(verbal),
actions (nonverbal), or both at the same time.

Elements of Communication
1 . S p e a k e r
- source of the message or information.
2 . M e s s a g e
- the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker whether through
words or actions.
3 . E n c o d i n g
- the process of converting the message into words, action, or other forms
that the receiver could understand.
4 . C h a n n e l
- the medium or means of communication. It could be personal or non-personal
in which the message is conveyed.
5 . D e c o d i n g
- the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
6 . R e c e i v e r
- the recipient of the message and someone who decodes the message.
7 . F e e d b a c k
- the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
8 . C o n t e x t
- the environment where the communication takes place.
9 . B a r r i e r
- the factors that affect and hinders the flow of communication.

The Communication Process

- T h e s p e a k e r g e n e r a t e s a n i d e a . -The speaker
e n c o d e s a n i d e a o r c o n v e r t s t h e i d e a into words or actions.- T h e
speaker transmits or sends out a message.- T h e r e c e i v e r
g e t s t h e m e s s a g e . -The receiver decodes or
i n t e r p r e t s t h e m e s s a g e b a s e d on the context.- T h e r e c e i v e r s e n d s
or provides feedback.
Models of Communication

1.Shannon-Weaver Model
(mother of all communication models) - it depicts communication as a linear
or one-way process consisting of five elements:- a s o u r c e
(producer of the message);-a transmitter (encoder of
t h e m e s s a g e i n t o signals);- a
channel (signals adapted for transmission);- a r e c e i v e r
(decoder of message from signal);- a n d a d e s t i n a t i o n .

Transaction Model
- is a two-way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.

1.Schramm Model
- it is similar to the transaction model, but you will notice that it added one
element which is the field of experience. This new element refers to the
commonality of the two communicators.

Functions of Communication1
1 . C o n t r o l
- to control the behavior of people or to regulate the nature and number
of activities people engage in.
2.Social Interaction
- allows individuals to interact with each other. It maintains the bond,
connection, relationship, and intimacy with other people.
3.Emotional Expression
- humans need to express their emotions through verbal and nonverbal
communication. One function of communicating is to express what one is
4.Information Dissemination
- is to convey important information.
Features of an Effective Communication
1 . C l a r i t y
- ask yourself, “What’s the purpose of your message?”
2 . C o n c i s e
- keep it brief, avoid repetition, and delete unnecessary adjectives and “filler
words,” like “kind of” or “basically.”
3 . C o n c r e t e
- your audience will have a clear picture of what you’re telling them.
Detail is important, but not too much.
4 . C o r r e c t
- double-check for mistakes. When your communications are error-free, they
will look professional and polished.
5 . C o h e r e n t
- when something is coherent, it’s“logical.” It means that you have connected
all of your points and made them relevant to the key topic.

Barriers of Communication
1.Emotional Barriers
2.Use of Jargon
3.Lack of Confidence
4.Noisy Environment

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal Communication
refers to an interaction in which words are used to relay a message.

- the language that you use should be appropriate to the environment or
2 . B r e v i t y
- speakers who often use simple, yet precise and powerful words are found to
be more credible. One should be more direct in using words. Avoid fillers and
insubstantial expressions which do not add to the messages, such as “uh,” “you
know, ”“like,” “I guess,” and others.
3 . E t h i c s
- words should be carefully chosen inconsideration of gender, roles, ethnicity,
preferences, religion, and status of the person or people you are talking to.
- words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings usually add color
and spice to communication. Try to find ways to charm your audience using
vivid words.

Nonverbal Communication
refers to an interaction where behaviour is used to convey and represent
meanings. Any responses which are not expressed using words or language are
considered as nonverbal communication. Some examples of nonverbal
communications are stares, smiles, tone of voice, movements, manners
of walking, standing and sitting, appearance, style of attire, attitude towards
punctuality and space, personality, and others.

Understanding nonverbal communications is very important because of several

1.It enhances and emphasizes the message.
2.It sustains the attention of the listener.
3 . I t c a n b u i l d c o n n e c t i o n s w i t h t h e a u d i e n c e o r listener.
4.It can also serve as a channel to release tension and nervousness.

Speech Contexts and Styles Types of Speech Context

I n t r a p e r s o n a l
refers to communication that canters in one person where the speaker acts both
as the sender and the receiver of the message.
- I n t e r p e r s o n a l
refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal
relationships between and among them.
Types of Interpersonal Contexts- D y a d C o m m u n i c a t i o n
is a communication that occurs between two people.
- S m a l l G r o u p
is a communication that involves at least three but not more than ten people
engaging in a face-to-face interaction working to achieve a desired goal.-
refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before
or in front of a group.
-Mass Communication
refers to communication that takes place through television,
radio, magazines, book, billboards, internet, and other types of media.
Five Speech Styles- I n t i m a t e
is a type of speech style which occurs between or among close family members
or intimate individuals. The language used in this style may not be shared in
- C a s u a l
is a type of speech style that is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang,
street language, gay language or vulgar words are used.
- C o n s u l t a t i v e ,
this style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable language is a
must in this style.
- F o r m a l ,
this style is used in formal settings. This style is one-way. It uses formal words
and expressions
- F r o z e n
, this style is “frozen” in time and remains unchanged. Also known as fixed
speech. The most formal communicative style.

Three types of Speech Acts

1.Locutionary Act
- is the actual act of uttering.
2.Illocutionary Act
- is the social function of what is said.
3.Perlocutionary Act
- is the resulting act of what Is said. This effect is based on the particular
context In which the speech act was mentioned

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