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Pertemuan tanggal 26 September 2022

Tugas : Eukariot (Lamun)

Nama Spesies : Halophila ovalis

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 10 11 12 13 14 15


1. Rhizome
2. Petiole
3. Petiole scale
4. Node
5. Rhizome scale
6. Spathal bract
7. Shoot apex
8. Root
9. Blade margin
10. Midrib/ mid vein
11. Cross vein
12. Branching cross vein
13. Intramaginal vein
14. Leaf blade
15. Pedicel
Siklus hidup Halophila ovalis

2 3 4

8 7 6 5

1. Pembungaan
2. Seed bank
3. Dispersi benih
4. Berkecambah
5. Pertumbuhan bibit
6. Dispersi fragmen
7. Transition between life history stages
8. Tumbuh dan ekspansi padang lamun

Kuo, John. 2020. Taxonomy of the Genus Halophila Thouars (Hydocharitaceae): A Review.
PMID: 33302504 DOI: 10.3390/plants9121732
Ragavan, P., R.S.C. Jayaraj, M. Muruganantham, C. Jeeva, V. V. Ubare, A. Saxena, dan M.
Mohan. 2016. Species Composition and Distribution of Sea Grasses of The Andaman and
Nicobar Island. International Journal of Plant Research, 29: 78-87.
Singh, S., P.C. Southgate, dan M.M. Lal. 2019. Morphological Plasticity in a Fijan
Seagrass: Halophila ovalis subsp. bullosa.

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