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The Gambia is a small West African country known for its beautiful
beaches, diverse ecosystems, and vibrant culture. It's the smallest country
on the African mainland and is entirely surrounded by Senegal except for
its coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. The Gambia River, from which the
country takes its name, runs through the center of the country and is a
vital lifeline for both transportation and agriculture.

The Gambia has a rich history, with roots dating back to ancient empires
such as the Ghana Empire. In the 15th century, it became a center for the
transatlantic slave trade, with European powers establishing forts and
trading posts along the coast. The country gained independence from
British colonial rule in 1965 and became a republic in 1970.

The Gambia is known for its diverse ethnic groups, including the Mandinka,
Wolof, Fula, and Jola, each with their own languages, traditions, and
cultural practices. The predominant religion is Islam, although there are
also Christian and indigenous beliefs practiced.

Tourism is an important industry for The Gambia, with visitors drawn to its
sunny climate, stunning beaches, and opportunities for wildlife viewing in
national parks like the Abuko Nature Reserve and Kiang West National
Park. Fishing, agriculture, and peanut production are also significant
contributors to the economy.

Despite its natural beauty and cultural richness, The Gambia faces
challenges such as poverty, political instability, and environmental
concerns like deforestation and climate change. However, efforts are
being made to address these issues and promote sustainable development
in the country.

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