Monthly Revision (1) - Model Answers

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English Department


Name:___________________ Class: 3 __ Date:- - / - - / - - - -

Monthly revision (1)

English Department

A) Vocabulary and structure

Choose the correct answer:

1-The genre of “Judy Moody saves the World!” is (humorous fiction-play -


2-The Japanese (dripping-complicated-recycle-shade) more than half of their

waste paper.

3-We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the (carton-shade-


4-The rain was (complicated-recycle-dripping-shade) off the roof.

5-She was so thirsty that she drank a (project-carton -rubbish-global) of

orange juice.

6-We need to take a more (rubbish-global -carton-recycle) approach to the


7-Sometimes the questions are (shade-carton-rubbish-complicated) and the

answers are simple.

English Department

8-Many people are concerned about the (carton-shade- pollution-fossils) of the


9-Some people just dump their (rubbish-global-fossils-shade) in the river.

10-There were so many people in the doorway that we could (complicated-

hardly-global-dripping) get out.

11- I keep cool by staying in the (complicated-hardly-global-shade) and not

moving much.

12-Don't walk on that broken glass with (share- bare-care-pair) feet.

13-Charles decided to shave off his (pear-beard-near-ear).

14-The mum bought a (pair -share- bare-car) of tennis shoes.

English Department

• Comparative Adjectives
• Usually just add -er to the adjective.
fast => faster
• If the adjective ends with a -y, drop the -y and add
-ier (usually).
tidy => tidier
• If the word is longer than 2 syllables, don’t add
anything. Use the word more.
intelligent => more intelligent

English Department

• Superlative Adjectives
• Usually just add -est to the adjective.
fast => fastest
• If the adjective ends with a -y, drop the -y and add -
iest (usually).
tidy => tidiest
• If the word is longer than 2 syllables, don’t add
anything. Use the word most.
intelligent => most intelligent

English Department

Circle the correct answer.

1. Would you believe that Peter is than Luke?

a) strong b) stronger

c) more stronger d) strongest

2. Tim is than Carl.

a) fast b) more fast

c) faster d) fastest

3. The red color is shinier than the green color, but the gold is the .

a) shinier b) more shiny

c) shiniest d) most shiniest

4. Wendy is than Frank

a) intelligent b) the more intelligent

c) more intelligent d) most intelligent

5. This blue box is than black box even though the black has a lot of tools.

a) heavy b) more heavy

c) heavier d) heaviest

English Department

6. The Park is cleaner than the street, but the garden is the .

a) clean b) more clean

c) cleaner d) cleanest

7. The chef made the soup ever.

a) spicier b) spiciest

c) more spicy d) most spiciest

8. This sponge is than that sponge on soft surfaces.

a) gentle b) gentler

c) the most gentler d) gentlest

9. The Bulldog is than German Shepherd.

a) dangerous b) the most dangerous

c) more dangerous d) most dangerous

10. This knife has a sharp blade but that cutter’s blade is even .

a) sharp b) sharper

c) more sharp d) more sharper

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

Choose the correct answer.

1-'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. (I'll lend – I’m going to

lend ) you mine.

2-It's Julia's birthday next week, so (we're going to buy-we’ll

buy) her some flowers.

3-(Will you lend- Are you going to lend ) me £10? I promise I'll

give it back to you tomorrow.

4-(We're going to have-We’ll have) a barbecue tomorrow. It's all

planned, so I hope it won't rain.

5-'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What ( is he going to

study-will he study)?’

6-You (won't like -aren’t going to like ) that film. It's very

frightening. Let's choose another one.

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

7-Do you think (they'll like-they’re going to like) the presents we

got for them?

8-Look! The coach is going to leave ! Run or ( we'll-we’re going to )

miss it.

Fill in the blanks with will or be going to and the verb in parentheses , as
in the example:

1. A: Why are you buying a lot of food?

B : Because I’m going to have ( have) a party this evening .

2. A: What are your plans for the summer?

B : We are going to sail (sail) in the ocean.

3. A: Did you take out the garbage?

B : Oh, I forgot . I’ll do ( do) it right now.

4. A: Good morning. IS your mother home?

B : Just a minute , please . I’ll get ( get) her for you.

5. A: Do you have any plans for tonight?

B : Yes, I have theaters tickets . I am going to see( see) the musical Cats .

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

B) Comprehension

Read the selection below. and answer the question

The Littlest Dragon

The littlest dragon on the mountain was called Sparkle, because his

hide was pure white, and sparkly. Some of the dragons were blue,
some were green, and some were red. But Sparkle was the only all-
white dragon in their group.

One sunny day, Sparkle climbed up to the top of the mountain. He sat

down on a big rock and looked out at the ocean. The mountain was on
an island with long sandy beaches. Sparkle shook his head. He was
worried. It was almost time for their group of dragons to fly south
for the winter, and Sparkle had not yet learned to fly. His mom had
tried to teach him. His dad had tried to teach him. His big sister had
tried to teach him. But every time Sparkle jumped up and flapped his
wings, he just tumbled down the hill.

Sparkle heard a sound, and turned to look. A gray seagull had flown
down, and was perched on the rock beside the little dragon. It was a
big seagull, but compared to Sparkle it was quite small. The seagull
was about as big as one of Sparkle’s feet.

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

“Why were you shaking your head?” the seagull asked. “I have a bit of
a problem,” said Sparkle. “But who are you?” “I am Sage,” the seagull
said. “I am called Sage because I am very wise. What is your problem?
Maybe I can help you with it.” Sparkle lowered his large head. “I can’t
learn to fly,” he said. “Everyone has tried to teach me. But when I
jump up in the air, I just tumble down the hill.” Sage moved his head
slowly up and down, thinking. Then he looked at Sparkle. “Will you
show me your take-off?” he asked. Sparkle stood up. He jumped as
hard as he could and started flapping his wings. He tumbled down the
hill. Again Sage moved his head slowly up and down. “I think I have the
answer!” Sage cried. “You’re trying to push yourself up with your legs.
You have to pull yourself up with your wings! You have to start by
raising your wings up high. Then move your wings down hard. You only
have to jump a little bit.” Sparkle climbed back up the hill. He looked
at Sage for a minute. He raised his wings up high. Then he pushed his
wings down hard, and jumped just a little bit. He felt the air moving
under his wings, and he flapped them some more. Then he stretched
his wings out and soared. Sparkle was flying! Sage flew up and joined
his new friend, Sparkle. They flew up high. They flew down close to
the ocean. They sailed around in circles. After a while, Sage called,
“Time for me to go home, Sparkle!” “Goodbye, Sage!” Sparkle called
back. “And thank you for this gift of flying! You are very wise!”

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

Now let’s think about the story elements.

1. Characters: Who is this story mostly about?

A-Blue Dragon B-Sparkle and Sage C-Sparkle and his mom

2. Setting: Where does this story mostly take place?

A-in the desert B-on a beach C- on a mountain

3. Problem: What problem does one story character have?

A-Sparkle cannot fly, and it is time to fly south for the winter.

B-Sparkle is afraid to climb to the top of the mountain.

C-Sparkle does not have any friends.

4. Event 1: Which event happens first in this story?

A-Sparkle shows Sage how he jumps when he tries to fly.

B-Sparkle climbs to the top of the mountain.

C-Sage comes and sits beside Sparkle.

5. Event 2: Which event happens second in this story?

A-Sparkle shows Sage how he jumps when he tries to fly.

B-Sparkle climbs to the top of the mountain.

C-Sage comes and sits beside Sparkle.

3rd Primary – 2ndTerm

6. Solution: How is one of the character’s problem solved?

A-Sage shows Sparkle how to fly.

B-Sage tells Sparkle to pull himself up with his wings.

C-Sage tells Sparkle not to worry about learning how to fly.


Scene (1)

Fill in the blanks using the words in the box

Younger Brother –Mother Grizzly-Older Brother-storyteller

1-“Meanwhile ,Mother Grizzly wondered what had become of her

cubs.” Storyteller said.

2-“A nap would be good.” Older Brother said.

3-“What is there to fear?” Older Brother said.

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