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Physical Activity and Hematological

Cancer Survivorship 12
Claudio L. Battaglini

Abstract As previously presented in other However, a relative paucity of data exists in the
chapters of this book, exercise has been shown area of exercise interventions for adult patients
through large scale studies to be associated with with hematological malignancies. This chapter
significant improvements in physical and psy- reviews the current literature regarding the
chological parameters in patients with one of administration of exercise in adult patients diag-
several different tumor types (Galvao et al. nosed with hematological cancer. The few exer-
2010; Schwartz and Winters-Stone 2009; cise intervention studies conducted in patients
Galvao et al. 2009; Segal et al. 2009; Courneya with hematological cancers suggest that it is
et al. 2008a, b; Ligibel et al. 2008; Courneya feasible to administer exercise to most patients
et al. 2007; Schmitz et al. 2005a; Fairey et al. and that exercise should be considered as an
2005). In addition, well conducted systematic intervention to alleviate treatment-related symp-
reviews of the literature that have explored the toms. Yet, efficacy along with the appropriate
effects of exercise before, during, or after anti- mode, intensity, and frequency of exercise train-
cancer therapy have consistently shown posi- ing in different types of hematological cancers
tive outcomes to patients treated for solid are yet to be established and require further
tumors. Consistent findings include an overall research.
reduction in fatigue, depression, anxiety, and
distress, paired with positive changes in fitness
parameters such as aerobic capacity and overall
muscle function (Speck et al. 2010; Jones et al. 12.1
2006; McNeely et al. 2006; Markes et al. 2006; Background and Significance
Schmitz et al. 2005; Galvao and Newton 2005). of Hematological Cancers

Hematological cancers are types of cancer that

develop in either the bone marrow or lymphatic
C.L. Battaglini tissues. Leukemia, myeloma, Hodgkin and non-
Department of Exercise and Sport Science and Hodgkin lymphoma are the most common
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center,
hematological cancers that interfere with the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
25 C Fetzer Hall, Chapel Hill, normal production of blood cells. They can lead
North Carolina 27599-8700, USA to anemia, decreased immune response, and a
e-mail: predilection to bleeding.

K.S. Courneya and C.M. Friedenreich (eds.), Physical Activity and Cancer, 275
Recent Results in Cancer Research 186, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-04231-7_12,
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
276 C.L. Battaglini

In the United States, it was estimated that in DNA-damaging agents, antimetabolites, antitu-
12 2010, 137,260 men and women would be diag- mor antibiotics, and DNA-repair enzyme inhibi-
nosed with some form of hematological cancer tors. Common DNA-damaging agents, also
and 53,240 men and women would die from them known as alkylating agents, used to treat blood
These hematological cancers account for approxi- cancers include cyclophosphamide, chlorambu-
mately 9.0% of the total cancer deaths expected in cil, and melphalan; antimetabolites include
2009 (The Leukemia and Lym­phoma Society methotrexate, fludarabine, and cytarabine; anti-
2010). The 5-year survival rate in adult patients tumor antibiotics include daunorubicin, doxoru-
diagnosed with hematological cancers varies bicin, idarubicin, and mitoxantrone; and
from poor (acute leukemia patients) to modest- DNA-repair enzyme including etoposide or topo-
high (Hodgkin lymphoma) (The Leukemia and tecan. For the treatment of lymphoma and lym-
Lym­phoma Society 2010), and any chance of sur- phocytic ­leu­-kemia, high doses of predisone and
vival hinges upon the ability to complete several dexamethasone are also used (The Leukemia and
courses of intensive treatment. While treatment Lymphoma Society 2010). Chemotherapy treat-
protocols have increased survival rates (The ments are usually administered intravenously,
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 2010), these orally, intramuscularly, or intrathecal. Due to the
gains do not come without costs. A constellation systemic nature of administration of chemother-
of side effects resulting from intensive treatment apy treatment and the high dosages administered,
compromises the patient’s ability to live and func- a constellation of side effects impacting different
tion at precancer levels. In some cases, the side physiological systems and tissues are very
effects are severe enough to hinder administration ­common. Pain and burning sensations in the
of treatment, decreasing chances of survival. mouth, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, changes
in cell count, fatigue, unfavorable body composi-
tion changes, and increased risk for infection are
among the most common side effects. All of
these reduce the ability of patients to function at
a precancer level. The intensity of side effects
Treatments for Hematological Cancers
can significantly impair physical and mental
function and is dependant on the type and dosage
Patients diagnosed with blood cancers, as
of treatment and possibly the physical condition
patients diagnosed with any cancer, face diffi-
of the patient prior to treatment. Nevertheless,
cult decisions about their treatment and care.
the majority of patients end up experiencing
From deciding where to which doctor to which
severe side effects and addressing these side
type of treatment plan. and to type of treatment
effects may provide the opportunity to keep the
plan, patients face tremendous stress in addition
patient on a planned course of treatment enhanc-
to a very difficult diagnosis. Currently, treat-
ing the chances for better overall treatment
ment approaches for patients with blood cancers
may include very high dose of chemotherapy,
often combining different anticancer agents,
radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and stem
cell or marrow transplantation.
Radiation Therapy

12.2.1 Radiation therapy can be used alone or in com-

Chemotherapy bination with chemotherapy, depending on the
type of disease and the reason for treatment.
There are four types of chemotherapeutic drugs Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, myeloma, acute
used for the treatment of different blood c­ ancers; lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, and
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 277

Hodgkin lymphoma are hematological diseases marrow, peripheral blood, and cord blood. With
commonly treated with electron beam radio- the transplant, there is hope that the marrow can
therapy (The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society restore the normal functioning that may have
2010). Radiation therapy is usually delivered in been compromised by marrow failure, destruc-
multiple bouts spread over weeks, averaging tion of marrow by disease, or exposure to
from 2 to 10 weeks of treatment. Even though intense chemicals and radiation. Prior to trans-
the administration strategy of spreading the plant, patients undergo high-dose chemotherapy
treatment over a period of a few weeks is done and/or radiation therapy to ensure that no dis-
to minimize the development of side effects, ease remains at the time of transplant. Patients
common side effects including mucositis, loss with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelo-
of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, skin irritation, loss dysplastic syndrome or idiopathic myelofibrosis
of hair on parts of the body exposed to the radia- whose diseases do not respond well to standard
tion, and fatigue occur in the majority of chemotherapy, or patients who are at high risk
patients. for relapse or relapse after prior successful treat-
ment are usually the candidates for stem cell or
marrow transplantation.
12.2.3 Advancements in technology have improved
Immunotherapy the ability of physicians to treat hematological
cancers. However, remission from the disease
Immunotherapy is used for the treatment of leu- and perhaps survival comes with a debilitating
kemia, lymphoma, and myeloma cell residues treatment regiment. High doses of chemother-
that have remained after chemotherapy treat- apy, in some cases administered in combination
ment. Immunotherapy can be used alone or in with radiation therapy, along with the in-hospi-
combination with other types of treatments. tal treatment/recovery that can last numerous
This type of treatment uses elements of the weeks are factors that contribute to physical and
immune system (antibodies) that are directed to mental function decline, which can impact the
combat leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma ability of patients to complete the course of
cells. Due to the targeted focus of this type of treatment as well as compromise tremendously
therapy, cancer cells and closely related cells the quality of life of these patients.
are affected. However, differing from chemo- Nonpharmacological complementary thera-
therapy treatment, a wide variety of normal pies for the management of cancer treatment-
cells are not impacted by this treatment approach related symptoms have gained and continue to
(The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society 2010). gain traction within the medical community. As
previously mentioned in this chapter, well
established evidence and the continuous growth
12.2.4 of scientific knowledge on the effects of exer-
Stem Cell and Marrow Transplantation cise in certain cancer types continue to support
the use of exercise as an effective complemen-
Autologous and allogenic are the two major tary therapy in the management of cancer treat-
types of stem cell transplantation. Autologous ment-related symptoms (Galvão et al. 2010;
transplant uses the patient’s own marrow while Schwartz and Winters-Stone 2009; Galvão et al.
in allogenic transplants the marrow comes from 2009; Segal et al. 2009; Courneya et al. 2008b,
a donor with the same type of tissue as the 2008; Ligibel et al. 2008; Courneya et al. 2007;
patient. The idea behind stem cell transplanta- Schmitz et al. 2005a; Fairey et al. 2005). For
tion is that immune cells, as well as red and some cancers, such as breast and colon, exer-
white cells, are produced from stem cells in the cise has also been associated with decreased
278 C.L. Battaglini

recurrence and mortality rates (Irwin et al. 2008; 2008 (Coleman et al. 2008), three in patients
12 Meyerhardt et al. 2006; Demark-Wahnefried diagnosed with different hematological malig-
2006). However, the examination of the poten- nancies (Shelton et al. 2009; Jarden et al. 2009;
tial benefits of exercise in hematological patients Baumann et al. 2009), and one involving patients
undergoing treatment or those in remission is diagnosed with lymphoma in 2009 (Courneya
scarce. Due to the nature of certain hematologi- et al. 2009). To date, not one large randomized
cal cancers, treatment protocols, and some controlled clinical trial has examined the effect
skepticism among hematology oncologists of exercise on a homogeneous sample of patients
regarding the potential harm exercise can cause diagnosed with acute leukemia. Three studies
to their patients, opportunities to conduct identified in this review of literature, two of
research on the effects of exercise in this popu- which were feasibility studies, specifically
lation can be challenging. examined the effects of exercise on patients
diagnosed with acute leukemia (Cunningham
et al. 1986; Chang et al. 2008; Battaglini et al.
2009). As a point of clarification, this review
12.3 includes only studies where the majority of the
Exercise Intervention Studies on Adult patients were adult patients diagnosed with
Patients with Hematological Cancers hematological cancer.
The scientific exploration of the effects of
Most exercise intervention studies conducted in exercise in patients with hematological malig-
patients diagnosed with hematological cancers nancies started in the mid-1980s. Since then,
have focused on children. Currently there have most studies have used mixed hematological
been only 18 exercise intervention studies con- cancer populations in their study designs
ducted in adult patients with hematological can- (Decker et al. 1989; Dimeo et al. 1996; Dimeo
cers (Cunningham et al. 1986; Decker et al. et al. 2003; Mello et al. 2003; Hayes et al. 2004;
1989; Dimeo et al. 1996; Dimeo et al. 2003; Wilson et al. 2005; Carlson et al. 2006; Elter
Mello et al. 2003; Oldervoll et al. 2003; Coleman et al. 2009; Shelton et al. 2009; Jarden et al.
et al. 2003; Hayes et al. 2004; Wilson et al. 2005; 2009; Baumann et al. 2009) and were conducted
Carlson et al. 2006; Coleman et al. 2008; Chang during or immediately following bone marrow
et al. 2008; Battaglini et al. 2009; Elter et al. transplantation. Less than half of the studies
2009; Shelton et al. 2009; Jarden et al. 2009; currently available in the literature have exam-
Courneya et al. 2009; Baumann et al. 2009). The ined the effects of exercise while patients were
first study using an exercise intervention pro- undergoing treatment prior to qualifying for
gram was conducted in 1986 by Cunningham bone marrow transplantation. Among the dif-
and colleagues. Including the Cunningham et al. ferent hematological cancer populations, cancer
study, nine randomized controlled trials have treatment protocols may present with many
been conducted to date (Cunningham et al. similarities. But, the timeline for administration
1986; Mello et al. 2003; Coleman et al. 2003; of treatment, disease specific manifestations,
Coleman et al. 2008; Chang et al. 2008; Shelton differences in symptom development, the wide
et al. 2009; Jarden et al. 2009; Courneya et al. range of patient age, and the differences in treat-
2009; Baumann et al. 2009), with only five hav- ment response hinder our ability to fully under-
ing relatively large sample sizes (Coleman et al. stand the true impact of exercise. Nevertheless,
2008; Shelton et al. 2009; Jarden et al. 2009; the aforementioned experiments provide valu-
Courneya et al. 2009; Baumann et al. 2009): one able information necessary for subsequent
in patients diagnosed with multiple myeloma in research to be conducted in this area.
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 279

For organizational purposes, the following Fourteen patients were able to complete the
sections of this chapter are separated into stud- Dimeo et al. 6-week study protocol. The inci-
ies conducted using mixed hematological dence of major complications in this group of
patient populations followed by studies that use patients appeared to be the same as that of simi-
homogeneous sample of patients in their lar patient populations undergoing otherwise
designs. typical care at the hospital where the study was
Another interesting point garnered from the
12.3.1 Dimeo et al. study was that a treadmill was used
Studies Conducted with Mixed Patients with instead of a cycle ergometer (used by Decker
Different Hematological Cancer Diagnosis et al.). Dimeo and colleagues argued that the
treadmill was more appropriate since it is
Decker and colleagues conducted the first study adhered to a more natural form of exercise:
examining the effects of exercise on a group of walking. This suggestion can be debated, but
patients with different hematological cancers. knowing that patients were simply able to per-
This was a small trial with 12 patients. Five form the exercise while on a treadmill gives
were able to complete the entire year of planned future investigators additional options when
study protocol, which was administered after selecting the most appropriate mode of exercise
completion of bone marrow transplantation. In to be used.
the brief report from Decker and colleagues, the Just as in the results presented by Decker
authors reported that the 12 patients initially et al. (1989), Dimeo et al. (1996) demonstrated
enrolled in the study were all able to tolerate a significant improvements in patients’ physical
cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) without performance, specifically in training intensity,
complications. Improvements in aerobic capac- total walking distance per training session, and
ity were observed in each of the 5 patients who maximal performance (MET, Metabolic
completed the 1 year trial, after participating in Equivalent) from baseline testing to the end of
an unsupervised aerobic exercise training regi- the exercise intervention. Although the small
ment on a cycle ergometer, 3 times per week for sample size and different hematological cancer
30 min at an intensity of 85% of maximal heart diagnoses were major limitations in the Dimeo
rate. A small sample size, coupled with the brief et al. study, the authors concluded that the
nature of the published manuscript, leaves read- results of the study were positive and that fur-
ers with unanswered questions regarding meth- ther investigation on the effects of aerobic exer-
odology. Therefore, not much can be concluded cise in patients with hematological cancer after
from this initial experiment, other than patients’ bone marrow transplantation was warranted.
tolerability to and absence of complications In 2003, Dimeo and colleagues conducted a
during the CPET tests. significantly larger trial compared to their 1996
In 1996, Dimeo and colleagues conducted a effort. Sixty-six patients with different hemato-
trial involving 20 patients with different hema- logical cancer diagnoses participated in a mod-
tological cancers. The report by Dimeo et al. erate-high intensity aerobic exercise training
presents a broader description of the study pro- program for approximately 3 weeks (13 ± 9
tocol. A detailed explanation of the aerobic days) while undergoing chemotherapy treat-
training regiment used in the trial gives readers ment. Patients underwent an aerobic protocol
a better understanding not only of the exercise with interval training for 33 min on a treadmill,
responses in this group of patients, but about 3 times per week. The intensity during the
patient tolerability of the intervention as well. ­interval training portion of the aerobic exercise
280 C.L. Battaglini

session, which lasted 3 min per set, was per- (Oldervoll et al. 2003; Coleman et al. 2003) are
12 formed with a speed corresponding to 70% of discussed later in this chapter.
maximal heart rate. No significant improvement In a randomized controlled clinical trial con-
in walking speed at 80% of maximal heart rate ducted by Mello et al. in 2003, 18 patients with
or degree of perceived effort was observed from different hematological diagnoses were assigned
baseline to completion of the study protocol. to either an exercise (n = 9) or control (n = 9)
One of the major contributions of this Dimeo group after receiving bone marrow transplanta-
et al. study was the fact that the study was con- tion. The exercise group participated in an exer-
ducted in patients undergoing treatment. cise program for 6 weeks, 3 times per week,
However, regardless of the larger sample size which comprised a combination of a range of
and the fact that in-treatment patients exercised, motion exercises, aerobic exercise training on a
the lack of a control group precludes the ability treadmill, and stretch exercises. The control
to interpret the efficacy of the aerobic exercise group did not participate in any post transplant
training program in the population studied. intervention. The aerobic program was similar
Also, the means of assessment for physical per- to the previous protocol developed by Dimeo
formance using a submaximal stress test to esti- et al. (1996). This was the first study to measure
mate maximal oxygen consumption based on muscular strength in patients with hematologi-
the relationship between heart rate and work- cal cancers. The results of the Mello et al. (2003)
load was less than optimal and is another major study showed that an exercise regiment com-
limitation in the study. Dimeo et al. (2003) con- bining aerobic training, strength training, and
cluded that the high-intensity aerobic exercise stretching promoted improvements in muscular
training performed in combination with interval strength in patients with hematological malig-
training reduced chemotherapy treatment- nancies after bone marrow transplantation.
related decline in physical performance, which Regrettably, no exercise intensity or progres-
in this population is a tremendous accomplish- sion of training was presented for the resistance
ment considering the harsh nature of the treat- training portion of the exercise study protocol.
ment protocol, and the difficulties associated The control group ended the study experiencing
with exercising during treatment, in-hospital. reduced muscular strength when compared to
In 2003, three other studies examined the baseline values. Again, the authors reported that
effects of exercise training in patients diagnosed patients were able to tolerate the exercise inter-
with hematological cancer (Mello et al. 2003; vention without adverse events due to exercise
Oldervoll et al. 2003; Coleman et al. 2003). training.
Attempting to address the methodological limi- Following the combined aerobic and strength
tations from previous experiments, two of the exercise training approach and using a mixed
studies conducted randomized trials including hematological cancer population similar to the
control groups in their design (treatment vs. one used by Mello et al. (2003), Hayes et al.
control) (Mello et al. 2003; Coleman et al. conducted a study in 2004 with a group of
2003). The other single group study published 12 patients. Patients were allocated to either a
in 2003 (Oldervoll et al. 2003), however, supervised exercise or control group in a non-
attempted to further scientific knowledge in the randomized fashion. The exercise protocol in
area by being the first one to examine a homo- this study involved the participation in 12 weeks
geneous sample which included only patients of moderate-high exercise intensity. The aero-
diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. The 2003 bic exercise portion of the protocol was admin-
studies that have examined specific groups of istered 3 times per week with intensities
patients diagnosed with hematological cancer increasing from 70% to 90% of maximal heart
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 281

rate as the study progressed. The strength train- study, 9 returned their exercise logs for analy­-
ing portion of the exercise training protocol ses of training, an 84% adherence rate. Impro­
included 3–6 different strength exercises per- vements in aerobic fitness of 15%, reduction in
formed 2 times per week using weight training fatigue symptom severity, and improvements in
machines and free weights. All strength exer- physical functioning and physical functioning
cises were performed with weights set to induce subscale of the Medical Outcomes Study
fatigue between 8–20 repetitions. Using the 36-Item Short Form (SF-36) were observed.
gold standard measurement for the assessment Again, no adverse events were observed during
of oxygen uptake (maximal oxygen consump- the study. The authors concluded that this pre-
tion, CPET) and dynamometry for the assess- liminary work supported the use of home-based
ment of muscular strength, Hayes et al. (2004) aerobic training and that this type of training
reported that hematological patients who under­- design can be utilized safely in this population
go a combined aerobic and strength training of hematological cancer patients 6 months after
program at moderate-high intensity following transplantation. Again, the absence of a control
bone marrow transplantation can improve aero- group is a major limitation precluding an ability
bic capacity and muscular strength, and that to confidently attribute the positive changes
those changes could elicit values greater than presented by Wilson and colleagues to the exer-
prior to treatment. cise protocol.
The trend of studies using a mixed popula- In the 2006 study of mixed population
tion of patients diagnosed with different types patients with hematological cancers, Carlson
of hematological cancers after hematopoietic and colleagues also used aerobic exercise inter-
stem cell transplantation continued. Two small vention with the goal of examining the effect of
single arm studies, one in 2005 (Wilson et al. the exercise program on various psychological
2005) and another in 2006 (Carlson et al. 2006), and physiological outcomes. The exercise inter-
were the only studies published during these vention used a training methodology alternating
years. These studies continued to examine the days of light-moderate exercise sessions with
effects of aerobic exercise in patients with high intensity workouts on the cycle ergometer
hematological cancer; however, the concept of 3 times per week for 12 weeks. Significant
using home-based exercise intervention in this improvements in power output were observed
population was introduced in a study conducted along with significant reductions in fatigue at
by Wilson and colleagues in 2005. In the Wilson the end of the study as compared to baseline
et al. study (2005), 13 patients who had not parameters. An adherence rate of approximately
received treatment for their disease for at least 90% was observed in this study. A follow up
6 months participated in a home-based aerobic with patients who participated in the study at
exercise intervention for 12 weeks. The end months 3, 6, 9, and 12 showed that a reduced
points of the study included aerobic fitness, level of fatigue was maintained during the year
fatigue severity, and quality of life. This was the post exercise training. It is important to note
first study to examine the effects of exercise on that this study had many implications for future
psychological parameters in patients with hema- experiments. The well-controlled setting, where
tological cancer. Patients were instructed to the study was associated with physiological
exercise 3 times per week at a target heart rate markers of aerobic performance, allowed for a
zone between 40–60% of heart rate reserve better understanding of the possible effects of
using their preferred mode of exercise (i.e. exercise on aerobic capacity and, perhaps, on
walking, cycling, swimming, and exercise fatigue reduction. Again, no control group was
tapes). Out of the 13 patients enrolled in the available for comparison, which once again
282 C.L. Battaglini

does not allow for definite conclusions to be and colleagues. Since this was a small trial, fur-
12 made on the effect of the intervention, particu- ther studies are warranted to confirm or refute
larly on measures of psychological function. As Elter and colleagues’ preliminary results.
mentioned by the authors, nevertheless, there is The last three studies conducted in 2009
the need for larger randomized clinical trials to (Shelton et al. 2009; Jarden et al. 2009; Baumann
confirm or refute the findings of these initial et al. 2009) were randomized controlled clinical
studies. trials with relatively larger sample sizes when
The four most recent experiments examining compared to previous but similar trials. A study
the impact of exercise in groups of patients with by Shelton and colleagues (2009) used a two-
mixed hematological cancers were conducted in group design with a supervised vs. nonsuper-
2009 (Elter et al. 2009; Shelton et al. 2009; vised self-directed exercise intervention. Both
Jarden et al. 2009; Baumann et al. 2009). The groups participated in a 4-week exercise pro-
first one, a small trial including 12 patients with gram composed of aerobic and resistance train-
different hematological cancers while undergo- ing designed by the research team. No significant
ing intense chemotherapy was conducted by differences between groups were observed for
Elter et al. (2009) Using a single arm design, this 6-min walking tests at the end of the study. For
pilot study investigated the effects of a super- both groups, overall fatigue levels were initially
vised aerobic training program administered on similar to baseline, but decreased at the end of
a cycle ergometer for 3 months, three times per the study. The authors suggest that the homoge-
week using submaximal exercise intensities. neity of the research sample, all patients having
The uniqueness of this experiment lies in the received allogenic stem cell transplant, was a
attempt to examine the effects of exercise during strong point of the study indicating that the
treatment in patients with severe pancytopenia. results could be generalized to this group of
Elter and colleagues’ main goal was to examine patients. The authors also concluded that an
the feasibility and safety of exercise for patients unsupervised self-directed exercise intervention
with pancytopenia during treatment as well as may be as effective as a supervised training
the effects of exercise on cardiovascular endur- ­program in this population of post-transplant
ance and quality of life. The results once again patients. This point is significant since it reflects
demonstrated that most patients (8 out of 12) a more practical approach to clinicians wanting
were able to complete the planned training pro- to help their patients improve physical func-
tocol. For those who completed the training pro- tion during the recovery process after
tocol, significant improvements in submaximal transplantation.
exercise capacity were attained. No changes in In a study by Jarden et al. (2009), a combina-
quality of life were observed at the end of the tion of aerobic and resistance exercises, relax-
intervention. The Elter and colleagues study ation techniques, and psychoeducation was
suggests that, even in patients with severe pan- administered to a treatment group in a random-
cytopenia, exercise for patients with a thrombo- ized controlled clinical trial involving a group
cyte count below 10,000 mL did not cause of patients with different hematological cancer
hemorrhage. The results are promising and have diagnoses. The author’s noble attempt to pro-
the potential to challenge current recommenda- vide patients in the treatment group with a com-
tions that patients with thrombocyte count below prehensive intervention, aimed to cope with
20,000 should avoid exercise. Thus, future trials physical and psychological side effects of treat-
may consider ­maximizing patient participation ment, proved again that physical decline can be
in an exercise program by following the 10,000 attenuated in patients undergoing treatment.
mL thrombocytopenia count suggested by Elter Aside from the considerable treatment-related
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 283

side effects observed in both groups during the quality of life EORTC QLQ-C30 scale, were
course of the study, a slight, but nonsignificant significantly different between the treatment and
improvement in fatigue and quality of life was control groups, with the treatment group demon-
observed in the treatment group upon comple- strating a higher score at the end of the experi-
tion. Just as in previous studies, the authors ment. One of the major limitations of this study,
attributed the nonsignificant difference between however, was the fact that the treatment group
groups to be due, in part, to the study’s limita- received more training than the control group,
tions in sample size. The authors concluded that which may help explain the difference in quality
it is feasible to combine both physical and psy- of life global and physical function domains.
chological interventions during treatment and Because of this methodological limitation, con-
that multimodal intervention promotes the clusions regarding the true status of quality of
maintenance of aerobic fitness and muscle life observed between intervention groups can-
strength while minimizing loss of function per- not be made. Nevertheless, this is yet another
formance. Furthermore, decreases in diarrhea study where exercise has been demonstrated to
were observed in the treatment group along be a suitable intervention for hematological
with positive trends in improvements in quality patients undergoing bone marrow transplanta-
of life, fatigue, and well being up to 6 months tion in order to prevent the adverse consequences
post transplantation. of treatment, which result in poor physical and
The last study published to date using a psychological functioning. Table 12.1 below
design composed of a mixed group of patients presents, in chronological order from 1989 to
diagnosed with different types of hematological date, the summary of exercise intervention stud-
cancers was conducted by Baumann and col- ies conducted with mixed patients with different
leagues (2009). A randomized controlled clini- hematological cancer diagnosis.
cal trial examined the effects of an aerobic The overall results of exercise intervention
exercise program conducted on a cycle ergome- programs conducted in mixed patients with dif-
ter combined with activities of daily living ferent hematological cancers revealed promis-
(walking and stepping activities) vs. a low- ing results. Those first experiments included in
intensity hospital-based intervention composed their designs exercise intensities for aerobic
of gymnastics, massage, and coordination train- training varying from low intensity (40% of
ing as part of the normal course of care given to maximal heart rate) to high intensity (90% of
bone marrow transplant recipients in the hospi- Maximal Heart Rate). Aerobic exercise was
tal where the study was conducted. Sixty-four performed continuously or through interval
patients undergoing stem cell transplantation training. Exercise interventions varied from 3 to
were assessed for multiple physical and psycho- 16 weeks in duration. All had demonstrated the
logical parameters as well as for hematology potential for positive changes in a variety of fit-
prior to and after receiving a stem cell trans- ness and psychological measures. Positive
plant. After the baseline assessment, patients changes in aerobic capacity, muscular strength,
participated in approximately three-and-a-half lean body mass, fatigue and quality of life was
weeks of exercise training. The results of the reported. Lastly, these studies demonstrated that
study agree with previous research where exer- it is not only feasible but also safe for patients
cise has shown to promote maintenance/ with hematological cancer to exercise, with
improvement in aerobic capacity and strength in most trials reporting virtually no adverse effect
patients undergoing stem cell transplantation. due to exercise. It is important to note that only
The study also revealed that global quality of a few trials were conducted while patients were
life and physical functioning, subdomains of the undergoing treatment and that many of the

Table 12.1  Exercise intervention studies conducted with mixed patients with different hematological cancer diagnosis
Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results

Decker et al. Five patients with 43 (range Single Unsupervised 12 weeks 30 min 3/week at 85% of Patients were only able
(1989) hematological 27–59) years group aerobic Ex training HRmax (85% calculated to perform aero­bic test 4
cancer (AML, (Cycle ergometer) from most recent aerobic months post BMT;
CML, ALL) test) how­ever, all tolerated
post-Treatment testing with no
(post BMT) complica­tions. Patients
that did well 4 months
post BMT ↑ VO2max
Dimeo et al. 14 patients with 36 ± 8 (range Single Supervised aerobic 6 weeks 30 min daily on weekdays. ↑ Physical performance
(1996) hematological 22–55) Group EX training + During week 1, 5 (Training intensity
cancer (ALL, AML, years interval training workloads (at 80% HRmax) improved (4.6 ± 1.1 km/h
CML, HL, n-HL) (Treadmill of 3 min/day with 3 min to 6 ± 0.6 km/h) from
Post-treatment and walking) walking half speed week 1 to week 6,
in clinical stable between workloads. Ex Maximal performance
condition duration increased to 4 × 5 improved from 4.7 ± 1.2
min on week 2, 3 × 8 min METs to 7.4 ± 2.5 METs)
on week 3, 3 × 10 on week from baseline testing to
4, and 2 × 15 on week 5. the end of the training
On week 6, patients trained program. No major
continuously 30 min/day adverse events due to EX
C.L. Battaglini
Dimeo et al. 66 patients with 48 ± 15 Years Single Supervised aerobic ~3 weeks 33 min daily (3 min No change in physical
(2003) hematological group EX training (13 ± 9 warm-up, followed by 5 performance (mean
cancer (ALL, AML, program with days) × 3 min at 70% HRmax by walking speed at 80%
CML, CLL, HL, interval training 3 min recovery period at of HRmax); No change in
n-HL, MM) (Treadmill half of the speed of the 3 perceived exertion; ↓
in-treatment (HDC walking) min at 70% HRmax) hemoglobin
and ASCR) concentration from
baseline value. Two
patients were not able to
complete the study due
to severe sepsis
Mello et al. 18 patients with Tx Group Two Tx group: 16 weeks Tx group: 40 min total Tx group ↑ in overall
(2003) (AML, CML, and 27.9 Groups Supervised study Ex daily on weekdays; muscular strength; C
n-HL) Post- (range18–39) RCT combined range of protocol First week aerobic group ↓ in overall
treatment years; C motion Ex, muscle (only 6 training consisting of 5 muscular strength. No
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

group 30.2 stretching, and weeks of sets of 3 min walking at adverse events due to
(range18–44) aerobic Ex training Ex training) a comfortable pace w/ 3 Ex reported
years (walking on min rest between sets.
treadmill); C Then progressed to 2 sets
group: Usual care, of 10 min walking at
no Ex comfortable pace
intercalated with 20 min
walking at accelerated
pace with HR no higher
than 70% of HRR


Table 12.1  (continued)
Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results
Hayes et al. 12 patients with Tx Group Two Tx group: 12 weeks Tx group: 20–40min of Tx group: ↑ in VO2peak
(2004) hematological 54.5 (range Groups Supervised aerobic Ex 3/week at of 9.17, and
malignancies 46–64) years; combined aerobic 70–90% HRmax, 3–6 upper ↑ 0.29 kg/FFM
(AML, MM, n-HL, C group 39.5 (treadmill walking resistance exercises 2/ (kg) and lower ↑ 0.71
Lymphoblastic/ (range16–64) and stationary week with weights set to kg/FFM (kg) body
Lymphoma/ years cycle ergometer) induce fatigue at 8–20 strength; C group:
Leukemia, RHA), 4 and resistance Ex repetitions; C group: VO2peak ↓ 1.4
solid; Post- training 20–30 different stretches min, upper body
treatment (selectorized Ex, 15–30 seconds 3/ strength ↑ 0.02 kg/FFM
equipment and week (kg) and lower body
free weights); C strength and ↓ 0.71 kg/
group: Supervised FFM (kg). No adverse
stretching program events due to Ex

Wilson et al. 13 patients (11 48.9 (10.4) Single Home-based 12 weeks 20 min of continuous ↑ MET (15%), ↓ fatigue
(2005) hematological years Group aerobic Ex training aerobic Ex at 40–60% of symptom severity, QOL
(ALL, AML, (preferred mode of HRR al least 3/week ↑ 4.5 points in the
n-HL), 6 solid; Ex, i.e: walking, domain of physical
Post-treatment cycling, functioning and↑ 4
swimming, points in role physical.
exercise tapes) No adverse events due
to Ex reported
C.L. Battaglini
Carlson et al. 12 patients with 44.3 (8.7) Single Supervised aerobic 12 weeks 3/week; 1st workout 30 ~ 90% Ex training
(2006) hematological years Group Ex training on min at VT1 (RPE 2: light compliance, ↑ VT2
malignancies (CLL, stationary cycle to moderate), 2nd power output 28% (26
CML, n-HL, AML, ergometer workout 15 min at 20W W), ↑ 15% SV, ↓ RPE
FL, MYE) above VT2 (RPE 6- hard 1.5 points post
Post-treatment to very hard), 3rd intervention; ↓ fatigue
workout 20 min at V2 (71.87%). No adverse
(RPE 4) events due to Ex
Elter et al. 12 patients with 44.1 (14.0) Single Supervised aerobic 12 weeks 3/week for 15 min at ↑ in relative endurance
(2009) hematological Years Group Ex training on submaximal intensities capacity (W/BW), ↔ in
malignancies stationary cycle WHO criteria THR of no QOL, 8 out 12 patients
(AML, ALL, n-HL) ergometer more than 180 minus age completed the protocol
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

Shelton et al. 61 patients with S Group; 43.6 Two S group : Supervised 4 weeks S group: 3/week of S group ↑ 12% in the 6
(2009) hematological (13.1) years; Groups aerobic (upper and aerobic Ex for 20–30 min walking test, ↓
malignancies NS group; (RCT) lower extremity min at 60–75% of HRmax, 21.2% in fatigue
(AML, ALL, CML, 48.9 (11.6) cycle ergometer and 7 different resistances post-intervention; NS
CLL, n-HL, HL) years treadmill) and EX, 1–3 sets of 10 group: ↑ 9.8% in the 6
Post-treatment resistance training repetitions to fatigue. NS min walking test, ↓
(Post-ASTC) weight machines) group: 3/week of aerobic 10.1in fatigue %
Ex training; NS EX progressing to 30 post-intervention. No
group: Walking and min, 8 different EX significant difference
resistance training 10–1–3 sets, 10–15 reps between groups for the
with stretch bands per Ex 6 min walking test or
with different fatigue. Fatigue was not
resistance significant different
from baseline values

Table 12.1  (continued)
Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results
Jarden et al. 42 patiens with Tx group: Two Tx group: Aerobic 4–6 weeks Tx group: in-hospital, Significant ↑ in VO2max
(2009) hematological 40.9 (13.3) Groups EX on cycle aerobic EX on cycle and muscle strength
malignancies years C (RCT) ergometer, ergometer no higher than favoring the Tx group at
(CML, AML, ALL, group: 37.4 resistance training 75% HRmax (RPE the end of study, No
AA, MDS, WM, (11.1) years with dumbells + between 10–13), 15–30 significant difference in
PNH, MF) relaxation and min daily. Resistance QOL between groups at
In-treatment psycho-education; training 3/week, full the end of study.
C group: Usual body, 2 sets per EX, up Reduction in diarrhea
care to 12 reps max; C group: was significant ↓ in TX
Standard Care (PT) group when compared
to C
Baumman et al. 64 patients with Tx group: Two Tx group: Aerobic 4 weeks Tx group: 10–20 min of Significant endurance
(2009) hematological 44.9 (12.4) Groups EX on cycle aerobic EX at 20% less performance difference
malignancies years C (RCT) ergometer plus W load than the results between Tx and C
(AML, ALL, CML, group: 44.1 ADL training. C of the WHO-endurance groups was observed.
MM, n-HL, MYE, (14.2) years group: Passive and test. 20 min per day of ↔ in endurance
MPS) In-treatment active mobilization ADL including walking, performance in TX
(prior to BMT) at low intensity stepping at RPE of group (88.3 vs 86.5 W)
strenuous level on Borg and ↓ in C group (82.0
scale. C group: 10 min vs 60.0 W) from
gymnastics, massages, baseline to post-
and 5 min intervention. ↓ in
muscular strength (10%
Tx group vs 24% C
C.L. Battaglini
coordination training at No significant
RPE below strenuous on difference in QOL
Borg scale, 5 days a between Tx and C; 15
week starting 1 day post patients deceased
transplant during study due to
disease complications.
All other patients
completed study

Ex Exercise, BMT Bone marrow transplant, ASCT Allogenic stem cell transplant, ASCR Allogenic stem cell rescue, ALL Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, AML
Acute myelogenous leukemia, CML Chronic myelogenous leukemia, HL Hodgkin lymphoma, n-HL Non-hodgkin lymphoma, MM Multiple myeloma, RHA
Rhabdomyosarcoma, FL Follicular lymphoma, MYE Myelodysplasia, MPS Myeloproliferative syndrome, HDC High-dose chemotherapy, HRmax Maximal
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

heart rate, THR Target heart rate, W Watts, BW Body weight, QOL Quality of life, Tx Treatment, C Control, S Supervised, NS Non-supervised, RCT Random-
ized controlled clinical trial, VO2max Maximal oxygen consumption, VO2peak Maximal oxygen consumption patient attained during test, MET Metabolic equiva-
lent, RPE Rate of perceived, HRR Heart rate reserve, VT, FFM Free fat mass, SV Stoke volume, PT Physical therapy, ADL Activities of daily living
290 C.L. Battaglini

studies either used very small sample sizes or groups; however, the control group had a more
12 had no control group for comparison. Therefore, pronounced decline from baseline testing val-
any interpretation from the above summary ues. Mood was also examined in the Coleman
should be carefully made. et al. (2003) study with decreases observed in
Supervised and home-based interventions both groups throughout the study. Sleep pat-
including aerobic, strength, and stretching train- terns were also examined among this group of
ing protocols, along with some studies combin- patients. At the end of the study, the exercise
ing different modes of exercises with other group showed a higher percentage of time
forms of complementary therapies have been asleep in bed at night when compared to the
explored and open the doors for larger and bet- control group. Again, no adverse events due to
ter controlled trials necessary to elucidate the exercise was reported.
true effect of exercise on patients with different Five years later, Coleman and colleagues
hematological diseases. (2008) conducted another trial in patients diag-
nosed with multiple myeloma. In one of the
few larger randomized controlled clinical trials
12.3.2 conducted, Coleman et al. examined the effect
Studies Conducted in Patients of a home-based exercise intervention similar
with Multiple Myeloma to their study conducted in 2003. One-hundred-
and-twenty patients participated in the trial,
Two studies, both conducted by Coleman and each receiving prophylactic EPO while under-
colleagues (Coleman et al. 2003; Coleman et al. going high-dose chemotherapy and autologous
2008) have examined the effects of an exercise peripheral-blood stem cell transplantation. The
intervention on patients with multiple myeloma. study end points included a physical perfor-
The first study, a feasibility study with 24 mance measurement using the 6-min walk test
patients, was conducted in 2003. Coleman and and rate of perceived exercise (Borg Scale), red
colleagues randomized multiple myeloma blood cell count, and the number of platelet
patients undergoing treatment into a home- transfusions. Once again, positive exercise
based aerobic, resistance training, and stretch- responses were observed. As the treatment
ing exercise intervention, to be carried out 3 intensity increased, aerobic capacity decreased.
times per week versus a control group that However, the exercise group experienced sig-
received the usual care provided by their physi- nificantly less of a decline when compared to
cians. The aerobic intervention involved walk- the control group. No significant differences in
ing 18 min at a fast pace at a perceived exertion red blood cell count was observed between
of 12–15 on the Borg Scale. After 24 weeks of groups; yet, it was suggested by the authors that
the intervention, the group of patients assigned the number of red blood cell and platelet trans-
to the exercise intervention showed an average fusions were lower in the exercise group com-
increase in lean body mass of 0.40 kg per month pared to the control group. Methodological
while the control group decreased approxi- issues, mainly surrounding the criteria for
mately 0.44 kg per month. Changes in muscular determining the number of red blood cell trans-
strength were observed in both groups with sig- fusions, preclude the ability to suggest the
nificant increases observed in the exercise group effects of exercise on this variable. However, in
(1 RM change from baseline of 2.4) while the agreement with previous smaller studies, this
control group experienced a decrease (1 RM first large randomized controlled trial confirms
change from baseline of 12.6). Decrease in total once again the feasibility and safety of using
time on the treadmill test was observed in both exercise in this population group. More studies
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 291

must be conducted to verify the reproducibility A major consideration when attempting to

of the results of this trial and to continue to study the effects of exercise in acute leukemia
explore different exercise intervention designs. patients during chemotherapy involves the
Table 12.2 presents the summary of the exer- logistics of the study design, since patients are
cise intervention studies conducted in patients usually admitted to the hospital to initiate treat-
with multiple myeloma. ment very quickly. Also, due to the nature of the
disease and treatment, patients are confined to
their hospital rooms and are advised to avoid
12.3.3 contact with many people.
Studies Conducted in Patients Three studies have examined the effects of
with Acute Leukemia exercise on acute leukemia patients undergoing
treatment (Cunningham et al. 1986; Chang et al.
The standardized treatment protocol for patients 2008; Battaglini et al. 2009). Cunningham and
diagnosed with acute leukemia is usually com- colleagues (1986) conducted the first study
posed of high-dose chemotherapy (HDC) fol- examining the effects of a physical therapy pro-
lowed by bone marrow transplantation. During gram in patients undergoing bone marrow trans-
the first week of treatment, patients receive plantation for acute leukemia. This small,
HDC daily. Next, patients remain in their hospi- randomized clinically controlled trial used three
tal rooms and are advised to adhere to strict neu- groups: a control group (no physical therapy), a
tropenic procedures as an attempt to minimize physical therapy group twice a week (PT3), and
the possibility of infection. The recovery period a physical therapy group 5 times a week (PT5).
from the initial week of chemotherapy induction Patients participated in the program for approx-
usually lasts from 3–5 weeks. After the initial imately 35 days. The physical therapy com-
hospital recovery phase, patients are discharged, prised resistive exercises. The main end point of
and after two weeks of recovery at home, they the study was to examine the impact of resistive
return to the hospital for consolidated bouts of exercise on muscle protein status and turnover.
chemotherapy as an attempt to keep patients in The results showed that the exercise groups
remission until bone marrow transplant. Due to demonstrated a superior muscle protein status
the nature of the treatment regiment, these and turnover when compared to the control
patients are at increased susceptibility for severe group. However, this pioneering study failed to
treatment-associated complications. Reduced demonstrate the real effect of the exercise inter-
physical activity levels (bed rest), poor nutrition vention due to many limitations noted by the
due to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and the effects authors. Variability in the sample, improper
of the high-dose chemotherapy are the perfect nutritional support and control, a high patient
recipe for reduced physical functioning and per- dropout rate, and indirect measures of muscle
haps poor treatment prognosis. protein were among the major study issues con-
Exercise is an important intervention that tributing to the difficulty in interpreting the
has demonstrated in patients with solid tumors results of the study.
to assist in the management of treatment-related The second exercise intervention study con-
symptoms. As mentioned in this chapter, ducted in acute leukemia patients was a small
patients with hematological cancer, including randomized controlled clinical trial by Chang
those diagnosed with leukemia may also benefit and colleagues (2008) who examined the effects
from exercise. However, not until 2008 have of a walking protocol in a group of 22 patients
studies tested this possibility in acute leukemia diagnosed with and undergoing treatment for
patients undergoing chemotherapy. acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Eleven

Table 12.2  Exercise intervention studies conducted in patients with multiple myeloma

Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results

Coleman et al. 24 patients with 55 (range42– Two Groups Tx group: Home- 24 weeks Tx group: 18 min of Tx group
(2003) MM in- treatment 74) years RCT based combined aerobic Ex (fast improvement:↑
(HDC and PBST) aerobic EX (walk, pace walk- primary LBM (Average
run, or cycling) and Ex) at RPE between change) 0.1; ↑
resistance Ex 12–15; resistance 1RM (Average
training (stretch training at change) 2.4; ↓ total
bands with varying intensities based on time on treadmill
resistance); C group: different stretch test (Average
Usual care bands with intensity change) −0.6; and
adjusted based on ↑ in sleep time. C
patients’ fatigue group: ↓ LBM
level; C group: (Average change)
walk 3/week for 20 −3.6; ↓ 1RM
min (Average change)
−12.6; ↓ total time
on treadmill test
(Average change)
−3.3. No adverse
events due to Ex
C.L. Battaglini
Coleman et al. 120 patients with 55 (range32– Two Groups Tx group: Home- 15 weeks Tx group: ↓ in number of
(2008) MM in-treatment 74) years RCT based combined Stretching RBC transfusions
(HDC and PBST). stretching, aerobic, (hamstring, and ↓ attempts at
All patients and resistance Ex shoulder, calves, stem cell
received training; UA group: hip flexors, and collection.
prophylactic EPO; Advised to walk 3/ triceps), walking to Complications
In-treatment week tolerance, resistance during the study
training w/ stretch reported but due to
bands, and 1 chair treatment and
exercise (chair previous medical
stand) performed history and not
daily; UA group: directly associated
walk 20 min/day with Ex
Ex Exercise, MM Multiple myeloma, HDC High-dose chemotherapy, PBST Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation ASCR, Tx treatment, UC Usual care,
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

RPE Rate of perceived exertion, LBM Lean body mass, EPO Epoetin alfa, RBC Red blood cell, RCT Randomized controlled clinical trial
294 C.L. Battaglini

patients were assigned to participate in a walk- at low intensities varying from 40–50% of heart
12 ing exercise program (treatment group) while rate reserve) and resistance training using
the other 11 received usual care (the same stretch bands, dumbbells, and free weights, with
amount of nurse visitations the walking group intensities monitored using the CR10 Borg
received but no intervention was administered). modified perceived exertion scale never passing
The walking program used as the intervention 5 (moderate), was used. Each patient’s room
included 12 min of walking in the hospital hall- was furnished with a recumbent cycle ergome-
way, 5 days per week for 3 weeks at an intensity ter, treadmill, stretch bands, free weights, and a
of resting heart rate plus 30 beats per minute. fitness ball. The equipment never left the room
Significant improvement in the distance walked nor was it shared between patients. For the
during a 12-min walk test was observed for 2 week home-based intervention, patients were
patients in the walking group while a decline instructed to adhere to a walking protocol
was observed for the control group by the end 3 times per week for a minimum of 10 and max-
of the study. A significant increase in fatigue imum of 30 min at a comfortable, moderate
level was observed in the control group through- walking pace per exercise session. Not only did
out the study while no change was seen in the Battaglini et al. confirm the feasibility of AML
walking group. Also, symptom distress was sig- patients exercising while receiving treatment as
nificantly decreased in the walking group. reported by Chang et al. (2008), but also
Marginal differences in anxiety between groups reported significant improvement in total time
were also observed with the walking group on cycle ergometer, improvements in lower
experiencing less than the control group. No body muscular endurance, as well as reduction
difference in depressive status was observed in fatigue and depression scores at the end of
between the groups. Chang and colleagues con- the study intervention. Contrary to Chang et al.
cluded that it was feasible to conduct a walking (2008) a reduction in depression reported by
program in-hospital during the treatment of Battaglini and colleagues may be explained by
AML patients. The researches also suggested the more comprehensive, longer duration, and
that a simple walking intervention may promote frequency of the exercise training protocol used
physical and psychological benefits and should in the study. In agreement with Chang’s study,
be encouraged for AML patients undergoing no major complications were observed during
treatment. the exercise program. Table 12.3 presents the
In the latest trial conducted in patients diag- summary of the exercise intervention studies
nosed with acute leukemia, Battaglini et al. conducted in patients with acute leukemia.
(2009) examined the feasibility of administer- The overall results presented by these three
ing a combined aerobic and resistance training trials are promising and warrant further research.
exercise program in a group of 10 AML patients However, the need for more preliminary infor-
during the initial induction phase of treatment. mation regarding the effects of exercise in
The exercise program was administered 3–4 patients with other types of leukemia, for exam-
times per week with 36 hours of rest in between ple, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), is
each training session for approximately 4 weeks needed. Now that the feasibility has been exam-
in-hospital, and 3 times per week for 2 weeks at ined suggesting that acute leukemia patients can
home. Each in-hospital exercise session was tolerate an exercise program and that they may
divided into 2 bouts. One bout was administered even benefit from it, the exploration of direct
in the morning and the second late in the after- measures of fitness performance such as
noon. A 30-min combination of aerobic exer- ­maximal oxygen consumption tests, muscular
cise (performed on a recumbent cycle ergometer strength tests, and precise evaluation of body
Table 12.3  Exercise intervention studies conducted in patients with acute leukemia
Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results

Cunningham 40 patients Tx groups: Three Tx groups (PT3 4 weeks Tx groups (Pt3 ↓ in muscle protein in
et al. (1986) with AML (PT3) 20.8 Groups and PT5): and PT5): the control group.
and ALL (Range14–33) Years RCT Physical Resistive Protein-sparing effect
During BMT therapy using exercise with observed in Tx
resistive EX 15 repetitions groups;
(PT5) 26.0 C group: UC, no of 9 different
10 patients at the end of
(Range15–38) Ex exercises for
the study were not able
Years to be evaluated; 5
30 min per Ex
C group: session patients refused to
22.5 (Range15–41) continue on the study; 5
Years patients were not able to
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

complete the study

because of medical

Chang et al. 22 patients Tx group: 49.4 (15.3) Two Groups Tx group: 3 weeks Tx group:
Tx group: ↑ in total
(2008) with AML; years; C group: 53.3 RCT Walking Ex Walking
distance walked, ↓
In-treatment (13.6) years program; C group: Ex training program
symptom distress ↔ of
UC, no Ex 5/ week at
fatigue levels throughout
study, C group: ↓ in total
30 BPM.
distance walked and ↑ in
fatigue. Two patients
dropped out from study
because of disease
complications. No
adverse events due to Ex


Table 12.3  (continued)
Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/intensity Results
Battaglini 8 patients with 35.7 (8.9) years Single Group Supervised 6 weeks Aerobic Ex training ↑ in total time of cycle
et al. (2009) AML; combined aerobic 4/ week 5–10 min in ergometer, ↔ in overall
In-treatment (cycle ergometer morning and 5–10 muscular endurance, and
and/or treadmill) min in afternoon at ↓ fatigue and depression.
and resistance Ex 40–50% of HRR, Trend of ↓ in IL-6 and ↑
training + home resistance Ex training IL-10 with ↔ in IFN-g.
based aerobic with dumbbells and
No adverse events due
exercise training resistance bands,
to Ex reported
(walking) during exercise balls at RPE
the last two weeks 5- moderate); home
of study based walking Ex
program for 2 weeks

Ex Exercise, AML Acute myelogenous leukemia, Tx treatment, C control, PT3 Treatment group that received physical therapy 2/week, PT5 Treatment group
that received physical therapy 5/week, UA Usual activity, UC Usual care, BMT Bone marrow transplant, HRR Heart rate reserve, RHR Resting heart rate, BPM
Beats per min, RPE Rate of perceived exertion; RCT Randomized controlled clinical trial; IL-6 Interleukin 6, IL-10 Interleukin 10 Interferon Gamma
C.L. Battaglini
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 297

composition should be considered in the next based exercise intervention in a group of

generation of studies. The administration of dif- patients with lymphoma.
ferent exercise modes and intensities would In one of the most recent exercise studies
improve the current body of knowledge on the involving patients with hematological cancer,
effects of exercise in acute leukemia patients Courneya et al. (2009) conducted the largest
undergoing treatment. Studies exploring differ- trial currently available in the literature; a ran-
ent exercise protocols are needed before a large domized controlled clinical trial involving 122
randomized controlled clinical trial can be con- patients diagnosed with Hodgkin and non-
ducted with the highest scientific rigor in this Hodgkin lymphoma. The patient-rated physi-
patient population. cal function was the primary endpoint of the
study. Quality of life, fatigue, happiness,
depression, anxiety, lymphoma symptoms, and
12.3.4 general health were also analyzed. Fitness out-
Studies Conducted in Patients with Lymphoma comes measured included maximal oxygen
consumption (VO2peak) and body composition.
In 2003, Oldervoll and colleagues conducted Patients were assigned to either a treatment
the first trial examining the effects of an exer- group (aerobic exercise) or to a control group
cise program in patients with Hodgkin lym- (no exercise above the baseline level). The
phoma. The purpose of this study was twofold: aerobic exercise group performed on a recum-
first, to compare the aerobic capacity between bent cycle ergometer 3 times per week for
Hodgkin lymphoma patients with and without 12 weeks. The exercise intensity progressed
fatigue; second, to test the feasibility of admin- from 65% of peak power output, obtained from
istering a 20-week home-based aerobic exer- the VO2peak test conducted at baseline, in incre-
cise program at intensities between 65% and ments of 5% weekly to 75% by week 4 of
80% of target heart rate. Patients could choose ­training. At the conclusion of aerobic training,
their exercise mode, which included brisk a six-month-long follow-up was conducted.
walking, jogging, bicycling, aerobics, cross- Supe­rior improvements in VO2peak, body com-
country skiing, or swimming. Even though the position (increase in lean body mass and reduc-
exercise intervention protocol in the study, as tion in fat mass) was observed in the exercise
in any home-based protocol, may have lacked group when compared to the control group.
the rigorous control provided by a supervised The improvement in VO2peak mediated changes
intervention, significant improvements in aero- in physical function measured by the TOI-An
bic capacity (VO2max) and fatigue, approxi- with borderline mediation on fatigue. No medi-
mately a 43% reduction, were observed post ation of VO2peak on happiness or depression was
intervention. These results suggest that a home- observed. The six-month follow up revealed
based intervention may be a good venue for that the effects of aerobic exercise appeared to
clinicians looking to improve aerobic fitness favor the exercise group on patient-rated physi-
while reducing fatigue levels in patients. The cal function when compared to the control
small sample size, the unsupervised nature of group. However, no statistical significance was
the intervention, and the lack of a control group reached on changes in patient-rated physical
in the study design are all limitations that hin- function between groups. This is the largest
der the understanding of the effects of the exer- trial conducted in patients with hematological
cise intervention on the endpoints of the study. cancer to date. The methodologically sound
Nevertheless, this study provided the initial design and scientific rigor of this trial is a
information on the possible effects of a home- ­substantial step forward in the area of exercise
298 C.L. Battaglini

and hematological cancers. Courneya and col- resume physical and psychological activity after
12 leagues were able to demonstrate the positive treatment completion. An attractive interven-
impact of a supervised controlled aerobic exer- tion that has proven to positively impact the
cise intervention on the alleviation of treat- physiology and psychology of cancer patients is
ment-related side effects while improving exercise. However, the examination of its effects
overall physical function in lymphoma patients on patients with hematological cancers is in its
(those undergoing treatment and those who infancy. Eighteen trials have been conducted to
have completed treatment). The authors also date examining the effects of exercise in such
suggested that the intervention used in the patients. Most studies, however, present meth-
study did not interfere with medical treatment odological limitations including small sample
and should be considered as an intervention in sizes, indirect measures of physical fitness, and
lymphoma patients. Table 12.4 below presents lack of true control groups for comparisons. Out
the summary of the exercise intervention stud- of 18 studies, 11 have used a mixed population
ies conducted in patients with lymphoma. of patients with different hematological cancer,
The results of these two trials presented almost half of the studies have examined the
above provide the evidence necessary for the effects of exercise post treatment, and only one
development of future experiments examining has used a larger sample in a randomized con-
the effects of exercise in lymphoma patients. trolled trial using objective/direct measures of
Once again, more research is needed to continue physical and psychological function (Courneya
exploring different exercise protocols. Perhaps et al. 2009). Nevertheless, the sparse literature
the combination of aerobic exercise with resis- currently available in the area of exercise and
tance training, and exercise protocols designed hematological cancer suggests that exercise can
with different intensities (mode, frequency, and be safely administered and may positively
duration) should be considered in future experi- impact aerobic condition, muscular fitness,
ments involving lymphoma patients. Markers body composition, fatigue, depression, and
of inflammation associated with poor prognosis quality of life; all clinically relevant endpoints
and the effects of exercise on immune function that may be associated with treatment tolerabil-
should also be considered. ity and an increase in survival. Therefore, exer-
cise training may prove in the future to be an
important component in the overall care of
patients diagnosed with hematological cancers.
More research is needed to confirm or refute the
12.4 results of these first 18 experiments.

Patients diagnosed with hematological cancers

undergo heavy doses of chemotherapy, in some
cases combined with radiation therapy, and ulti- 12.5
mately bone marrow transplantation. The Clinical Recommendations
chance for relapse-free survival is dependant on
the ability of the patients to tolerate treatment. As presented in this chapter, few studies have
Treatment is often associated with significant examined the effects of exercise in patients
decline in physical and psychological function. diagnosed with hematological cancers while
This decline can greatly influence treatment undergoing treatment as well as those who have
prognosis and make it difficult for patients to completed treatment and are in remission of

Table 12.4  Exercise intervention studies conducted in patients with lymphoma

Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/ Results
intervention intensity

Oldervoll et al. 9 patients with 41 ± 11.3 years Single Group Home-based 20 weeks 40–60 min of ↓ in total fatigue
(2003) HL; Post- aerobic Ex continuous (43% of baseline
treatment (brisk walk, aerobic Ex at value); VO2max ↑
jogging, 65%–80% of 2.1
cycling, or TRH, 3/week and total time on
swimming) treadmill ↑ 1min
50sec of baseline
value. No
adverse events
Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship

due to Ex
Courneya et al. 122 patients with Tx Group 52.8 Two Groups Tx group: 12 weeks Tx group: Superior
(2009) Lymphoma (n-RL (Range 18–77) RCT Supervised Aerobic Ex improvement in
and RL); Both, in yearsUC group aerobic Ex training, 3/week physical function,
and off-treatment 53.5 (range18– training on cycle initiated at 60% LBM, fatigue,
80) years ergometer; UC of VO2peak and depression,
group: Usual care, increased 5% happiness, overall
no exercise each week to QOL of Tx group
beyond baseline 75% by week 4. over UC group. ↑
Duration of CF (VO2peak) more
training started than 20%
at 15–20 min observed in Tx

Table 12.4  (continued)

Authors Sample Age Design Exercise Duration Frequency/ Results

intervention intensity

first 4 weeks group. No

and progressed serious adverse
5 min per week events;
to 40–45 min by however, 3
week 9. Interval adverse events
training above (orthopedic
VT problems) were
implemented on reported with
weeks 7 and 9. one subject
from the study
Ex Exercise, UC Usual care, no Ex, HL Hodgkin lymphoma, n-HL Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, HRmax Maximal heart rate, Tx treatment, UC Usual care, VO2peak
Maximal oxygen consumption patient attained during test, THR Target heart rate, VT Ventilatory threshold, RCT Randomized controlled clinical trial, CF
Cardiorespiratory fitness, QOL Quality of life, LBM Lean body mass
C.L. Battaglini
12 Physical Activity and Hematological Cancer Survivorship 301

their disease. Nevertheless, studies conducted cardiovascular workouts, and 7–10 different
to date are encouraging and present promising resistance exercises (targeting full body) with
results regarding the possible benefits that exer- 2–3 repetitions between 8 and 12 (to fatigue)
cise can provide to patients with hematological seems to elicit favorable outcomes. Based on
cancers. Below are recommendations for clini- empirical evidence, a combination of aerobic
cians, health care providers, and exercise spe- and resistance exercise should be considered
cialists on exercise specifics (mode, frequency, helpful to mitigate the side effects of treat-
duration), and precautionary measures that ment. The mode of aerobic exercise can vary
should be taken into consideration when exer- and should be considered based on the physi-
cising patients with hematological cancers. The cal abilities and limitations of each patient.
information below is based on current research Treadmills, cycle ergometer, elliptical mach­
findings and should be interpreted as prelimi- ines, and walking outdoors are great options
nary recommendations only in an attempt for for aerobic workouts. For patients’ in-hospital/
the administration of safe and effective exer­- in-treatment, the use of resistance exercise
cise programs to patients with hematological should be used more often since resistance
cancers. exercise in other clinical populations has been
Most of the study findings have shown that shown to minimize the loss of muscular mass
administering exercise to patients with hema- and to maintain overall functionality – both
tological cancers undergoing treatment or after conditions that commonly impact these patients
treatment completion appears to be safe and during treatment. Since hematological cancer
that both physical and psychological benefits patients are confined to hospital rooms for
can be attained from a regular exercise training weeks during specific phases of their treat-
program. The frequencies of exercise training ment, resistance exercises could be performed
in the current literature vary from 2 to 5 days in their own hospital rooms with dumbbells,
per week; however, the frequency should be resistance bands with different resistance, and
adjusted based on the patient’s health condi- through exercises using the patients’ own body
tion prior to each exercise training session. weight (Battaglini et al. 2009).
Exercise intensities should also be adjusted Although the recommendations above should
weekly or perhaps daily based on the physical give health care providers a starting point
health of the patient prior to each training ses- regarding the prescription of exercise for
sion; since fatigue and physical complications patients with hematological cancers, one needs
commonly experienced by patients with hema- to keep in mind that due to the nature of hema-
tological cancer is very likely to occur. tological cancers and harsh treatment protocols,
Therefore, it is recommend that at the initia- these patients are at a very high risk for infec-
tion of an exercise training program, health tion and other health complications. From a
care providers should begin with 2 days per comprehensive screening process for participa-
week, and as the patient improves physical fit- tion in an exercise program (see Jones et al.
ness progress to more days of training per 2008 for recommendations of health screening
week. Even though a few trials have been con- and fitness testing) to the administration of
ducted in an unsupervised setting (home-based exercise prescription, strict neutropenic proce-
interventions), for patients undergoing treat- dures, variation and adaptation of exercise pre-
ment (even for those treated as an outpatient) it scription, and regular communication with the
is recommend that all exercise sessions should oncologist must be standard practice to ensure
be supervised. Exercise intensities varying safety and hopefully a successful exercise
from 40–70% of maximum heart rate for program.
302 C.L. Battaglini

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Galvão DA, Spry N, Taaffe DR et al (2009 Dec 2) A
necessary to continue the exploration of the randomized controlled trial of an exercise inter-
effects of exercise on patients with hematologi- vention targeting cardiovascular and metabolic
cal malignancies. More specifically, studies risk factors for prostate cancer patients from the
designed to explore different modes, frequency, RADAR trial. BMC Cancer 9:419
and intensity of exercise, using homogeneous Segal RJ, Reid RD, Courneya KS et al (2009 Jan 20)
samples of patients to allow for a better under- Randomized controlled trial of resistance or
aerobic exercise in men receiving radiation ther-
standing of disease-specific responses to exer-
apy for prostate cancer. J Clin Oncol 27(3):
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studying the effects of exercise on the duration Effects of aerobic exercise training in anemic
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sion and treatment complications, markers of domized controlled trial. Oncologist 13(9):
inflammation associated with poor treatment 1012–1020
Ligibel JA, Campbell N, Partridge A et al (2008 Feb
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are waiting to receive bone marrow transplanta- tion, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor axis
proteins. Cancer Epidemiol Biomark Prev 14(7):
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