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College of Liberal Arts, Sciences and Educa7on


Brief Introduc.on or Descrip.on
This module gives an introductory overview analyGcal chemistry and the techniques used in analysis. It
provides understanding of the fundamental principles of chemical analysis and its role in many research areas in
chemistry, biology, medicine, geology, engineering and other related sciences. The way how quanGtaGve analysis
was done and the extent of its applicaGon is being discussed in this module.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Explain the defini7on of Analy7cal Chemistry as a Science.

2. Trace the historical development of Analy7cal Chemistry
3. Discuss the scope and applica7on of Analy7cal Chemistry
4. Explain the role and importance of Analy7cal Chemistry in various aspects of life
Lesson 1 – The Nature and Scope of Chemistry A. Nature of Chemistry
Analy7cal chemistry is a measurement science which deals with the separa7on, iden7fica7on and
determina7on of the components of the sample. It plays a vital role in the development of science. In 1894,
Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald wrote:
“AnalyGcal chemistry, or art of recognizing different substances and determining their consGtuents,
takes a prominent posiGon among the applicaGons of science, since the quesGons which it enables us to answer
arise whenever chemical processes are employed for scienGfic or technical purposes” .
Thus, analy7cal chemistry is so called a measurement science which consist of a set of powerful ideas
and methods useful in the fields of science, medicine and engineering. It is applied throughout the industry,
medicines and all sciences. The following are few examples of the applica7on of analy7cal chemistry:

1. Determina7on of the concentra7on of O2 and CO2 in millions of blood samples which are vital in the
diagnose and treat illnesses.
2. Gas emission test for the analysis of hydrocarbons, NOX’s and CO present in automobile exhaust gases
to evaluate the effec7veness of the smog-control devices
3. Quan7ta7ve measurement of nitrogen present in foods to measure the protein content and
nutri7onal value of food.
4. Determina7on of ionized calcium in blood serum to diagnose parathyroid disease in humans.
5. Analysis of steel during its produc7on permits adjustments in the concentra7on of such elements as
carbon, nickel and chromium to achieve a desired strength, hardness, corrosion resistance and
duc7lity of material.
6. Farmer tailor fer7liza7on and irriga7on schedules to meet changing plant needs during the growing
season, gauging these needs from quan7ta7ve analyses of the plants and the soil for which they grow.
7. Performing immunoassay in determining an7bodies or an7body related reagents in formula7ng
medicine for COVID-19 virus.
8. Measurement of an7gen present in the body by performing polymerace chain reac7on (PCR)
test to detect the presence of COVID-19 virus.
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9. Quan7ta7ve measurement of potassium, calcium and sodium ions in the body fluids of animals
permits physiologist to study the role of these ions in nerves signal conduc7on as well as muscle
contrac7on and relaxa7on.
10. Chemist unravels the mechanism of chemical reac7ons through reac7on rates studies. The rate of
consump7on of reactant of forma7on of products in chemical reac7ons can be calculated from
quan7ta7ve measurements made at equal 7me intervals.
11. Material scien7sts rely heavily on quan7ta7ve analysis of crystalline germanium and silicon on their
studies of semiconductor devices. Impuri7es on these devices are on a concentra7on range of 1. 0x
10-6 to 1 x 10-9 percent.
12. Archaeologist iden7fies the source of volcanic glasses (obsidian) by measuring concentra7on of
minor elements in samples taken from various loca7ons. This knowledge in turn makes it possible to
trace prehistoric trade routes for tools and weapons fashioned by obsidian.
The rela7onship of analy7cal chemistry with respect to many other scien7fic fields are shown in Fig.
1.1. Chemistry is located on its top-center posi7on, hence so called the central science which signifies its
importance and the breadth of its interac7on with many other disciplines. The interdisciplinary measure
of chemical analysis makes it a vital tool in medical, industrial, government and academic laboratories
throughout the world.

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Analy7cal chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the analysis of different
substances. It involves the separa7on, iden7fica7on, and the quan7fica7on of mader. It involves the use
of classical methods along with modern methods involving the use of scien7fic instruments.
Analy7cal chemistry involves the applica7on of a range of techniques and methodologies to obtain and
assess qualita7ve, quan7ta7ve and structural informa7on on the nature of mader.
● analysis is the iden7fica7on of elements, species and/or compounds present in a
● analysis is the determina7on of the absolute or rela7ve amounts of elements,
species or compounds present in a sample.
● Structural analysis is the determina7on of the spa7al arrangement of atoms in an element or
molecule or the iden7fica7on of characteris7c groups of atoms(func7onal groups).
● An element, species or compound that is the subject of analysis is known as an analyte.
● The remainder of the material or sample of which the analyte(s) form(s) a part is known as the
The gathering and interpreta7on of qualita7ve, quan7ta7ve and structural informa7on is essen7al to
many aspects of human endeavor, both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial. The maintenance of, and improvement
in, the quality of life throughout the world, and the management of resources rely heavily on the informa7on
provided by chemical analysis. Manufacturing industries use analy7cal data to monitor the quality of raw
materials, intermediates and finished products. Progress and research in many areas is dependent on
establishing the chemical composi7on of man-made or natural materials, and themonitoring of toxic substances
in the environment is of ever increasing importance. Studies of biological and other complex systems are
supported by the collec7on of large amounts of analy7cal data.

B. Historical Developments of Chemistry

Ø Analy7cal chemistry has been important since the early days of chemistry, providing methods for
determining which elements and chemicals are present in the object in ques7on
Ø During this period significant contribu7ons to analy7cal chemistry include the development of systema7c
elemental analysis by Justus von Liebig and systema7zed organic analysis based on the specific reac7ons
of func7onal groups
Ø The first instrumental analysis was flame emissive spectrometry developed by Robert Bunsen and Gustav
Kirchhoff who discovered rubidium (Rb) and caesium (Cs) in 1860.
Ø In par7cular many of the basic spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques were discovered in the early
20th century and refined in the late 20th century
Ø The discovery of a chemical present in blood that increases the risk of cancer would be a discovery that
an analy7cal chemist might be involved in.
Ø Most of the major developments in analy7cal chemistry took place ajer 1900. During this period,
instrumental analysis became progressively dominant in the field. In par7cular, many of the basic
spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques were discovered in the early 20th century and refined in the
late 20th century.

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Ø The separa7on sciences follow a similar 7me line of development and also became increasingly
transformed into high performance instruments. In the 1970s many of these techniques began to be
used together as hybrid techniques to achieve a complete characteriza7on of samples.
Ø Star7ng in the 1970s, analy7cal chemistry became progressively more inclusive of biological ques7ons
(bioanaly7cal chemistry), whereas it had previously been largely focused on inorganic or small organic
molecules. Lasers have been increasingly used as probes and even to ini7ate and influence a wide variety
of reac7ons. The late 20th century also saw an expansion of the applica7on of analy7cal chemistry from
somewhat academic chemical ques7ons to forensic, environmental, industrial and medical ques7ons,
such as in histology.
Ø Modern analy7cal chemistry is dominated by instrumental analysis. Many analy7cal chemists focus on a
single type of instrument. Academics tend to either focus on new applica7ons and discoveries or on new
methods of analysis. The discovery of a chemical present in blood that increases the risk of cancer would
be a discovery that an analy7cal chemist might be involved in. An effort to develop a new method might
involve the use of a tunable laser to increase the specificity and sensi7vity of a spectrometric method.
Many methods, once developed, are kept purposely sta7c so that data can be compared over long
periods of 7me. This is par7cularly true in industrial quality assurance (QA), forensic and environmental
applica7ons. Analy7cal chemistry plays an increasingly important role in the pharmaceu7cal industry
where, aside from QA, it is used in the discovery of new drug candidates and in clinical applica7ons where
understanding the interac7ons between the drug and the pa7ent are cri7cal.

Lesson 2 – Scope and Applica.ons of Chemistry

Analy7cal data are required in a wide range of disciplines and situa7ons that include not just chemistry
and most other sciences, from biology to zoology, but the arts, such as pain7ng and sculpture, and archaeology.
Space explora7on and clinical diagnosis are two quite disparate areas in which analy7cal data is vital. Important
areas of applica7on include the following.
● Quality control (QC). In many manufacturing industries, the chemical composi7on of raw materials,
intermediates and finished products needs to be monitored to ensure sa7sfactory quality and consistency.
Virtually all consumer products from automobiles to clothing, pharmaceu7cals and foodstuffs, electrical goods,
sports equipment and hor7cultural products rely, in part, on chemical analysis. The food, pharmaceu7cal and
water industries in par7cular have stringent requirements backed by legisla7on for major components and
permided levels of impuri7es or contaminants. The electronics industry needs analyses at ultra-trace levels
(parts per billion) in rela7on to the manufacture of semi-conductor materials. Automated, computer-controlled
procedures for process-stream analysis are employed in some industries.
● Monitoring and control of pollutants. The presence of toxic heavy metals (e.g., lead, cadmium and
mercury), organic chemicals (e.g., polychlorinated biphenyls and detergents) and vehicle exhaust gases (oxides
of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, and hydrocarbons) in the environment are health hazards that need to be
monitored by sensi7ve and accurate methods of analysis, and remedial ac7on taken. Major sources of pollu7on
are gaseous, solid and liquid wastes that are discharged or dumped from industrial sites, and vehicle exhaust
● Clinical and biological studies. The levels of important nutrients, including trace metals (e.g., sodium,
potassium, calcium and zinc), naturally produced chemicals, such as cholesterol, sugars and urea, and
administered drugs in the body fluids of pa7ents undergoing hospital treatment require monitoring. Speed of
analysis is ojen a crucial factor and automated procedures have been designed for such analyses.
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● Geological assays. The commercial value of ores and minerals is determined by the levels of par7cular
metals, which must be accurately established. Highly accurate and reliable analy7cal procedures must be used
for this purpose, and referee laboratories are some7mes employed where disputes arise.
● Fundamental and applied research. The chemical composi7on and structure of materials used in or
developed during research programs in numerous disciplines can be of significance. Where new drugs or
materials with poten7al commercial value are synthesized, a complete chemical characteriza7on may be
required involving considerable analy7cal work. Combinatorial chemistry is an approach used in pharmaceu7cal
research that generates very large numbers of new compounds requiring confirma7on of iden7ty and structure.
Lesson 3 – Development of Chemistry
The development of an analy7cal chemistry is to iden7fy the method for an ANALYTES which is always starts
with a problem encountered, followed by choosing an analy7cal method, acquiring the sample, processing the
sample, elimina7ng interferences, calibra7ng and measuring concentra7ons, calcula7ng results, and evalua7ng
results by es7ma7ng their reliability.
An analyte is a substance or chemical cons7tuent of a sample that is to be measured by an analy7cal method (
element, species or compound)
Matrix is the medium in which the analyte is analyzed
Lesson 4 – The Role of Chemistry

Ø Analy7cal chemists use science and technology to solve prac7cal problems.

Ø Analy7cal chemistry is applied in all areas of science, industry, and medicine.
• The concentra7ons of O2 and CO2 in blood samples.
• Quan77es of hydrocarbons, NOx, and CO in automobile exhaust gases for emission-control devices.
Quan7ta7ve measurements of ionized Ca in blood serum help diagnose parathyroid
disease in humans.
• Quan7ta7ve determina7on of N in foods: protein content and thus their nutri7onal value.
• Analysis of steel during its produc7on for carbon, nickel, and chromium to achieve a
desired strength, hardness, corrosion resistance, and duc7lity.
• The mercaptan content of household gas supplies to warn of dangerous leaks.
• Farmers tailing or fer7liza7on and irriga7on schedules to meet changing plant needs during the

Lesson 5 – Methods Used in Chemistry

The methods used to determine the iden7ty and the quan7ty of the analytes in the field of analy7cal chemistry
can be broadly divided into classical and instrumental methods.
1. Classical Methods

§ There exist many classical methods of checking for the presence or absence of a
par7cular compound in a given analyte. One such example is the acid test for gold.
§ Another example of a classical method for qualita7ve analysis is the Kastle-Meyer test
which employs phenolphthalein as an indicator to check for the presence of hemoglobin
in the given analyte.

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§ Flame tests can be used to check for the presence of specific elements in an
analyte by exposing it to a flame and observing the change in the color of the flame.
§ Gravimetric analysis is a classical method of quan7ta7ve analysis, which can be used in
analy7cal chemistry to determine the amount of water in a hydrate by hea7ng it and
calcula7ng the weight of the water lost.
§ One of the beder known classical methods of quan7ta7ve analysis is volumetric analysis
(also known as 7tra7on). In the 7tra7on method, a reactant is added to the analyte 7ll an
equivalence point is obtained

2. Instrumental Methods
Spectroscopy involves the measurement of the interac7on between electromagne7c radia7on and the
atoms or molecules belonging to as ample.
With the help of electric fields and magne7c fields, the method of mass spectroscopy is used to measure
the ra7o of the mass of the molecule to its charge.
A common instrumental method used in the field of analy7cal chemistry is
electrochemical analysis. In this method, the analyte is placed in an electrochemical cell
and the voltage or the current flowing through it is measured.
The interac7on between the analyte and energy in the form of heat is studied in the discipline of
analy7cal chemistry known as calorimetry. A calorimeter is an instrument that is used to measure the
heat of a chemical reac7on.
It can be noted that even biological measurements are made with the help of this branch of chemistry,
and this field is known as bioanaly7cal chemistry.
Lesson 6 – Branches of Chemistry
Two sub-branches come under analy7cal chemistry namely quan7ta7ve analysis and qualita7ve analysis which
can be explained as follows.

1. Quan7ta7ve Analysis
Quan7ta7ve Analysis is a method of determining the absolute or rela7ve quan7ty regarding the
concentra7on of one or more substances present in a sample or compound. For example, take a
sample of an unknown solid substance. The chemists first use “qualita7ve” methods to iden7fy what
type of compound is present in the sample; then he adopts the quan7ta7ve analysis procedure to
determine the exact amount or the quan7ty of the compound present in the sample. Some
Quan7ta7ve analysis techniques include Gravimetric Analysis and Volumetric analysis.
2. Qualita7ve Analysis
Quality means the standard or the feature of one substance. Hence, Qualita7ve analysis method
deals with the determina7on of the quality of a par7cular compound, irrespec7ve of its quan7ty or
concentra7on. In simpler words, the qualita7ve analysis does not measure the amount of the
substance but measures the quality of that material. One of the best examples of this type of method
is the observa7on of a chemical reac7on, whether there will be a change in color or not.The
qualita7ve analysis method can be measured in different ways such aschemical tests, flame tests, etc.
Several such tests are widely used in salt analysis (iden7fica7on of the ca7on & anion of inorganic
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Quan7ta7ve Analy7cal Methods Four general areas of analy7cal methods:

a. Gravimetric methods: determine the mass of analyte or some compound chemically related to it.
b. Volumetric methods use the volume of a solu7on containing sufficient reagent to react with the analyte.
c. Electroanaly7cal methods measure electrical proper7es (poten7al, current, resistance) to find
composi7on of samples.
d. Spectroscopic methods based on interac7on of electromagne7c radia7on with analyte atoms &
molecules, or on the produc7on of radia7on by analytes

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Learning Tasks:

a. Explain why analy7cal chemistry overlap/connects in other field of Sciences. Use the provided seman7c
map template

b. Make a 7me line consis7ng of people and events who worked for the development of Analy7cal
Chemistry . Use the template below in comple7ng your 7meline .

Harvey, D V. (2010). Modern analy7cal chemistry. De Pauw University
Velasquez, J.A (2022) Fundamentals of Analy7cal Chemistry, Edric Publishing House, Inc.

West, D.M. (2015) Fundamentals of analy7cal chemistry 9th Edi7on

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