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Cebu Technological University – Danao Campus

Worksheet #3 – t-Test for Hypothesis of the Mean

(Two-Tailed, One-Population Case)
Educ. 602 – Statistics (Third Trimester 2023)
Name: Family Name, Given Name MI Course: MA Ed.
Professor: Gamaliel G. Gonzales, Ph.D. Ed. Rating: ____________

PHStat Procedures for t Test for the Mean, sigma unknown

Performs the t-test of hypothesis for the mean when sigma is unknown on a new

Go to Add-Ins, PhStat, one sample tests, t-test sigma is unknown…


Null Hypothesis: The null hypothesis value.

Level of Significance: The level of significance.

Input Options:

Sample Statistics Known: If selected, procedure uses the sample statistics

entered in the dialog box.

Sample Size: The sample size. (Enabled only if Sample Statistics Known is
Sample Mean: The sample mean. (Enabled only if Sample Statistics Known is
Sample Standard Deviation: The sample standard deviation. (Enabled only if
Sample Statistics Known is selected.)

Sample Statistics Unknown: If selected, sample statistics are calculated from the
data values in the sample cell range.

Sample Cell Range: The single-column cell range containing the numerical data
of the sample. (Enabled only if Sample Statistics Unknown is selected.)
First cell contains label: If selected, the contents of the first cell of the sample cell
range is treated as a descriptive label and not as a data value. (Enabled only if
Sample Statistics Unknown is selected.)

Test Options:

Two-Tailed Test: If selected, worksheet performs a two-tailed test.

Upper-Tail Test: If selected, worksheet performs an upper-tail test.
Lower-Tail Test: If selected, worksheet performs a lower-tail test.
Output Options:

Title: The custom title for the worksheet generated by this procedure.

A validation test of a particular product. For example, MGM Fruit Drink.

Population Mean is 250 ml.

Scenario: MGM Fruit Drink Validation Test

As a quality control specialist at a food and beverage company, you have been
tasked with conducting a validation test for the MGM Fruit Drink to ensure that
each bottle contains the labeled quantity of 250 ml. To perform the validation
test, you decide to analyze a random sample of 50 bottles of MGM Fruit Drink,
collected from the production line. The data for this sample is located in Variable
B1 of Worksheet 1. Test at 0.05 level of significance.

Data Set: Variable B1 of Worksheet Number 1 (Note: The data is fictitious)


Sample Data of Quantity of MGM Fruit Drink

233 231 248 247 255
234 249 252 246 230
255 238 250 253 245
250 238 235 234 248
250 233 243 252 234
233 254 247 239 240
236 239 236 241 236
231 233 253 235 235
252 245 246 233 242
243 235 244 239 238

Step 1: The Problem Statement

To determine if the sample data of the quantity of MGM fruit drink is equal
to 250 ml.

Is the sample data of the quantity of MGM fruit drink is equal to 250 ml?

Step 2. State the null hypothesis (Ho) and the Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

The sample data of the quantity of MGM fruit drink is equal to 250 ml.
Ho: μ=250
The sample data of the quantity of MGM fruit drink is not equal to 250 ml.
Ha: μ ≠ 250

Step 3. Choice of the test statistic and the level of significance.

t-test for the hypothesis of the mean (one population case) at 0.05 alpha.

Step 4. Compute the test statistics using PhStat.

MGM Fruit Drint Validation Test

Null Hypothesis = 250.00
Level of Significance 0.05
Sample Size 50.00
Sample Mean 241.76
Sample Standard Deviation 7.57

Intermediate Calculations
Standard Error of the Mean 1.07
Degrees of Freedom 49.00
t Test Statistic -7.70

Two-Tail Test
Lower Critical Value -2.01
Upper Critical Value 2.01
p-Value 0.00
Reject the null hypothesis

t-test Analysis Table (Thesis Format)

t- p-
Descriptive Measures Decision
value value
Mean (x ) 241.76
-7.70 0.00 Reject Ho
Standard Deviation (s ) 7.57

Step 5. State the findings using the p-value and make a decision whether to
reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Step 6. State the conclusion.


Step 7. Discussions/Implications

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