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The participants in the recent seminars conducted via Google Meet titled Breaking The Taboo:

Open Conversations About Reproductive Wellness, included teenagers from each member’s
respective barangays between the ages of 13 and 18. A total of 42 participants attended the
event's first session held on May 12, 2024, with its resource speaker Mx. Joey D. Dionela, RN,
LPT from one to four in the afternoon. Mx. Cyrill R. Sedicos and Mx. Jowena Mae-Noel
Maligat, RN were the resource speakers in the second session of the event, which was conducted
on May 16, 2024, at the same time in the afternoon. 32 participants were present during the said

The members held this event to raise awareness and offer comprehensive information about sex
education and reproductive wellness, particularly to the youth in order to reduce the risk of HIV
and STD transmission and to provide them with the resources that they need to make informed
decisions. For the activity to succeed, the members were divided into different committees
wherein each members were given tasks in preparation for the upcoming NSTP field immersion.
The first meeting of the group was held on April 12, 2024. The meeting’s topics of discussion
included the finalization of the event’s theme and title, the flow of the program, role assignment,
and distribution of tasks in order to carry out the event successfully and well organized. The
members decided to settle with the theme “Breaking the Barriers, Building Bridges: Fostering
Open Dialogue on Reproductive Wellness” with the title “Breaking The Taboo: Open
Conversations About Reproductive Wellness”. Preliminaries, introductory statements, discussion
proper, open forum, awarding of the certificate, closing remarks, photo opportunity, and egress
were all included in the program. However, due to unforeseen circumstances such as the
suspension of classes and cancellation of face-to-face NSTP field immersion, the original plan of
the group was not carried out and instead, it was held virtually. After finding out that the NSTP
field immersion was canceled and would no longer be face-to-face, on May 03, 2024, the
members immediately held a meeting to come up with an alternative plan. With the approval of
the NSTP professor, the members mutually agreed to conduct an online seminar and decided to
invite at least three participants per member from their respective barangays for every webinar to
complete the desired number of participants however, they are not limited to it and can invite

Hugh Ivan Ramirez

Executive Committee Sophie Andrea Bayagusa (Head Organizer)
Erl Lawrence Dominic Balasta
Keziah Presto
Secretariat Committee Mark Jude Almendral
Karylle Anne Bautista
John Christian Sampag
Welfare Committee Francis Rey Almasco
Jia Arimado
Media Committee Karyl Julia Oraye

Luis Raphael Zamudio

Financial Managers Daniella Archinue

Preparations: (Before, During and After)

Meetings and Planning All members

Located and Coordinated with resource Sophie Andrea Bayagusa
speakers Keziah Presto
Karyl Julia Oraye
Francis Rey Almasco
Documentation, Certificates, and Presentation Karyl Julia Oraye
Designers Jia Arimado
Google Meet Link Daniella Archinue
Google Forms and Survey Erl Lawrence Dominic Balasta
Communication Letter Karylle Anne Bautista
Signing of Signatories Sophie Andrea Bayagusa
Keziah Presto
Karyl Julia Oraye
Provided Materials Hugh Ivan Ramirez
Invited participants All members

Technical Staffs Sophie Andrea Bayagusa

Daniella Archinue
John Christian Sampag
Hugh Ivan Ramirez
Hosts Sophie Andrea Bayagusa
Hugh Ivan Ramirez
Closing Remarks Erl Lawrence Dominic Balasta
Sophie Andrea Bayagusa
Narrative Report Mark Jude Almendral
Keziah Presto
Karylle Anne Bautista


The youth especially those raised in impoverished environments usually lack comprehensive
information and understanding of sexual education and reproductive wellness which is the
primary contributing factor to the increasing risk of HIV and STD transmission. The strength of
this event is that it provides education and knowledge that helps to spread awareness and
empower them to make informative decisions in life. It highlights the importance of regular and
proper screening tests, check-ups, and safe sex practices that prevent the transmission of


The fact that the said event was held through Google Meet is the weakness of this activity. A
slow internet connection or poor data services can cause a problem in engaging in the webinar.
Some participants find it difficult to attend or join the Google Meet because of the poor signal
and slow internet connection. Technical problems especially when presenting PowerPoint
presentations can be time-consuming and interrupt the discussion of the speaker.


Through this activity, participants can learn about family planning and safe sex practices such as
the proper use of condoms and contraceptive pills. Enhanced education among youth reduces the
increasing number of people positive for HIV, STD, and other transmitted diseases. Prevention
methods and empowerment to make informed decisions are information that the participants can
gain through this activity.

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