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Arranged by Group 1:
Muhammad Rakan D.A. 1402224203
Baginta Fran Vatuana S. 1402224191
Anjelina Qodrio 1402224188
Surya Fadila Rahman 1402224327



TABLE OF CONTENT ...........................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Context Diagram of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. ..................................................... 2
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. Accounting Information System Applications ........................................................... 3
2.1. The Revenue Cycle: Sales to Cash Collections ................................................... 3
2.1.1. Sales Order Entry (1.0) ................................................................................................ 4
2.1.2. Shipping (2.0) .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1.3. Billing (3.0) .................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.4. Cash Collections (4.0) .................................................................................................. 6
2.2. The Expenditure Cycle: Purchasing to Cash Disbursements ............................ 7
2.2.1. Ordering (1.0) .............................................................................................................. 8
2.2.2. Receiving (2.0) ............................................................................................................. 9
2.2.3. Approving Supplier Invoices (3.0) ............................................................................... 9
2.2.4. Cash Disbursement (4.0) ........................................................................................... 10
2.3. The Production Cycle .......................................................................................... 10
2.3.1. Product Design (1.0) .................................................................................................. 11
2.3.2. Planning and Scheduling (2.0) ................................................................................... 11
2.3.3. Production Operations (3.0) ...................................................................................... 11
2.3.4. Cost Accounting (4.0) ................................................................................................ 11
2.4. The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle.................................. 12
2.4.1. Payroll Cycle .............................................................................................................. 13
2.5. General Ledger and Reporting System ............................................................. 14
2.5.1. Update General Ledger (1.0) ..................................................................................... 15
2.5.2. Post Adjusting Entries (2.0) ....................................................................................... 15
2.5.3. Prepare Financial Statements (3.0) ........................................................................... 16
2.5.4. PRODUCE MANAGERIAL REPORTS (4.0) .................................................................... 16
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 17
3. Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 18


1. Introduction
Accounting Information System (AIS) plays a crucial role in supporting various business
cycles within a company. In this context, we will focus on four primary cycles that form the
foundation of AIS: the Revenue Cycle, Expenditure Cycle, Production Cycle, and Human
Resources Management/Payroll Cycle. Through the implementation of AIS, companies can
optimize their business processes, improve efficiency, and provide reliable financial
information for decision-making.
One widely recognized company that has successfully integrated AIS into its operations is
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is a part of the Astra International Group,
committed to providing high-quality spare parts and automotive components for both domestic
and international markets.
In the Revenue Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is involved in the sales of spare parts and
automotive components. The company performs four main activities in the Revenue Cycle:
sales order entry, shipping, billing, and cash collections. The AIS in this company is designed
to support each step in this cycle, from entering sales orders to managing cash receipts.
Next, in the Expenditure Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk engages in activities related to the
procurement of raw materials, finished goods, supplies, and services. This cycle includes four
main activities: ordering materials, receiving materials, approving supplier invoices, and cash
disbursements. The AIS in the company is designed to ensure the smooth flow of each step in
the expenditure cycle, from placing orders to making payments to suppliers.
The Production Cycle at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is associated with the manufacturing of
automotive products. Information from the Revenue Cycle, such as customer orders and sales
forecast, forms the basis for production and inventory planning. The Production Cycle also
shares information about finished goods with the Revenue Cycle and provides information
about raw material needs to the Expenditure Cycle.
Lastly, in the Human Resources Management/Payroll Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk
manages various human resource activities, including recruiting, hiring, training, job
assignment, compensation (payroll), performance evaluation, and employee discharge. The
AIS integrates both payroll and human resource management activities to support effective
workforce management.
For general ledger updates and reporting, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk relies on AIS to collect
and organize data from various sources, including accounting cycle subsystems, treasurer
activities, budget department inputs, and adjusting entries made by the controller. The General
Ledger and Reporting System play a central role in producing financial statements and internal
management reports.
Through this Essay, we will explore how PT Astra Otoparts Tbk integrates AIS into its
operations, optimizes its four business cycles, and addresses challenges and opportunities in
the evolving business landscape.

1.1. Context Diagram of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.

Image 1.1 Context Diagram (DFD Level 0) of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk.


2. Accounting Information System Applications

2.1. The Revenue Cycle: Sales to Cash Collections
The revenue cycle is a recurring set of business activities and related
information processing operations associated with providing goods and services to
customers and collecting cash in payment for those sales. The revenue cycle’s
primary objective is to provide the right product in the right place at the right time
for the right price.

Image 2.1 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram: Revenue Cycle

2.1.1. Sales Order Entry (1.0)
The sales order entry process includes three stages. The third stage is
taking orders from customers, checking, and approving customer credit, and
checking inventory availability. In addition, the order entry process also
includes related activities that may be handled by the sales orders department or
by a separate department for customer service, namely answering customer

Image 2.1.1 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram: Sales Order Entry: Revenue Cycle

a. Take Order (1.1)

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk accepts orders from customers via the electronic sales
order system. Order information, such as item number, quantity, price, and
sales terms, is recorded in the sales order document.
b. Approve Credit (1.2)
The PT Astra Otoparts Tbk sales team approves customer credit based on
previous payment records. Customers with good payment records have
faster credit approval.
c. Check Inventory Availability (1.3)
The system then checks the availability of goods in the warehouse. If the
item is available, the order is processed; if not, the system creates a reorder
(back order). This process ensures inventory information is accurate.

d. Respond to Customer Inquiries (1.4)
Customers contact the PT Astra Otoparts customer service team to obtain
further information about product features, prices, or item availability. When
customers contact PT Astra Otoparts with questions regarding products,
availability, or sales terms, the customer service team will be involved in
providing adequate answers. Customer requests can come before or after
order creation, creating unique dynamics in a company's revenue cycle.

2.1.2. Shipping (2.0)

The delivery process includes two stages. The two stages in the shipping process
are picking and packing the order and shipping the order. The warehousing and
shipping department carries out these activities.

Image 2.1.2 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram: Shipping: Revenue Cycle

a. Pick and Pack (2.1)
PT Astra Otoparts warehouse department uses goods collection cards to
identify products and quantities. This information is used to remove items
from inventory.
b. Ship Goods (2.2)
After that, the shipping department compares the physical inventory count
with the recorded quantity. The system generates packing slips and shipping
documents that record details of items shipped and shipping instructions.

2.1.3. Billing (3.0)
The third basic activity of the revenue cycle involves billing customers and
maintaining accounts receivable data. Billing and updating accounts receivable
are separate processes and are both performed by two separate functions within
the accounting department.

Image 2.1.3 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram: Billing: Revenue Cycle

a. Invoicing (3.1)
The billing process of PT Astra Otoparts Tbk begins by entering information from
sales order entry and shipping into the system. A sales invoice is created with the
amount to be paid by the customer.
b. Updates Accounts Receivable (3.2)
The accounts receivable function, under the controller, maintains accounts
receivable data. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk debits customer accounts based on sales
invoice information and credits them when payment is received.

2.1.4. Cash Collections (4.0)

The final step in the revenue cycle is cash collection. The cashier, the person
who reports to the treasurer, handles customer remittances, and deposits them with the
bank. Because cash and checks from customers can easily be stolen, the accounts
receivable function, which is responsible for recording customer remittances, should
not have physical access to cash or checks. However, the accounts receivable function
must be able to identify the source of any remittance and the associated sales invoice
must be credited. One solution is to send two copies of the invoice to the customer and

ask him to return one of the copies along with payment. An alternative solution is to
ask the correspondence officer to prepare a remittance list, which is a document that
identifies the names and amounts of all customer remittances and send this list to the
accounts receivable department. Another way to protect remittances from customers is
to enter into a lockbox agreement with a bank. Lockbox is the postal address that
customers go to when they send their money. The bank involved took the check from
the post office box and deposited it into the company's account. The bank then sends a
remittance notice, an electronic list of all remittances, and a photocopy of all checks to
the company.
• PT Astra Otoparts accepts payments from customers via various methods, such as
bank transfer, check or credit card.

• The accounts receivable function records remittances and identifies their sources.
Alternatively, companies can use lockboxes with banks to receive and record
payments more efficiently.

2.2. The Expenditure Cycle: Purchasing to Cash Disbursements

An expenditure cycle is a recurring series of business activities and related
information processing operations related to purchasing and paying for goods and
services. During the expenditure cycle, the main external information exchange
takes place with suppliers (vendors). The purpose of the spending cycle is to ensure
that all goods or services are ordered as needed, receive all ordered items, ensure
that the items are in good condition, secure the merchandise until it is available, and
ensure payment of invoices related to the merchandise. or the Service is effective
and accurate, records and categorizes cash disbursements and disbursements
quickly and accurately uploads cash commitments and disbursements to the correct
supplier accounts in the general ledger and accounts payable sub-ledger, and records
all Verify that cash disbursements correspond to
authorized disbursements. The basic activities of
the expenditure cycle are ordering, receiving,
invoice processing, and cash disbursement. The
following diagram shows a context diagram for
an expenditure cycle. Astra goes through a
selection and evaluation process. Business
partners require the implementation of several
norms, standards, and commitments. This relates
to environmental aspects, K3s, respect for
human rights, integrity agreements, and anti-
corruption and anti-bribery obligations in
contractual cooperation. Additionally, to support
the national economy, Astra prioritizes local
suppliers when sourcing goods and services.

Image 2.2 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram: Expenditure Cycle

2.2.1. Ordering (1.0)
The first major business activity in the expenditure cycle is ordering inventory,
supplies, or services. When ordering, you must first decide what to buy, when,
and for how much, and then choose which supplier to buy from.

Image 2.2.1 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram: Ordering: Expenditure Cycle

a. Determine What to Order (1.1)

PT Astra Otoparts Tbk carries out the process of ordering materials,
equipment, and services by carefully identifying their needs to support
business operations. The procurement team works closely with various
internal departments, such as production and inventory, to determine the
type and quantity of required materials, equipment, and services that need
to be ordered. This needs information can come from specific projects,
routine inventory needs, or requests from other departments within the
Every order request at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk includes details such as
technical specifications, quantity required, and expected delivery schedule.
This process ensures that orders placed comply with established quality
standards and can meet the company's operational needs.
b. Select Supplier (1.2)
The supplier selection process at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is a critical step in
carrying out the production cycle. Supplier selection is carried out carefully
by considering several main factors.

2.2.2. Receiving (2.0)
The receiving department oversees accepting supplier supplies. It is
often responsible to the warehouse manager, who reports to the vice president
of manufacturing. The inventory stores department, which answers to the
warehouse manager, oversees storing the items. To update inventory records,
information about the receipt of requested products must be conveyed to the
inventory control function.

Image 2.2.2 Level 1 Data Flow Diagram: Receiving: Expenditure Cycle

a. Receive Goods (2.1)

Through, the Company provides a B2B
platform for retail stores to conduct purchase activities, order tracking, and
online payments that can be accessed at any time and from any location.
b. Transfer Goods to Inventory Stores or Department (2.2)
The contract's performance duties are identified. Performance obligations
are commitments made in a contract to transfer distinct goods or services to
the client.
2.2.3. Approving Supplier Invoices (3.0)
Supplier invoices are approved for payment by the accounts payable
department. When products are received, a legal obligation to pay suppliers
develops. However, for practical reasons, most businesses record accounts
payable only after receiving and approving the supplier's invoice. This timing
difference is normally insignificant for everyday decision-making, but it does
necessitate the creation of necessary adjusting entries to compile accurate
financial statements at the end of a fiscal month. When a supplier's invoice is
received, the accounts payable department oversees matching it with the
appropriate purchase order and receiving the report. Asta Otoparts said that no
individual third-party supplier purchases exceeded 10% of net revenue.

2.2.4. Cash Disbursement (4.0)
The cash disbursement system handles the payment of buying system
obligations. The primary goal of this system is to ensure that only legitimate
creditors are paid and that the amounts paid are timely and proper. When the
system makes early payments, the company foregoes interest income on the
funds. However, if obligations are not met on time, the company may forfeit
purchasing discounts or ruin its credit status. Net cash flow from operating
activities was Rp708 billion in 2022, down from Rp911.7 billion in 2021,
reflecting higher payments to suppliers as sales grew. The Group has a capital
commitment of Rp72.5 billion as of December 31, 2022 (2021: Rp45.8 billion).

2.3. The Production Cycle

The Production Cycle at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is a series of recurring business
activities, related to data processing related to product manufacture. The main
objective of this production cycle is to authorize all production and acquisition of
fixed assets, maintain inventory of work in process and fixed assets, and record the
production cycle validly and legally.
This production cycle consists of four basic activities, namely Product Design,
Planning and Scheduling, Production Operations, and Cost Accounting.

Image 2.3 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram: The Production Cycle

2.3.1. Product Design (1.0)
The goal of this activity is to design a product that meets demands in
terms of quality, durability, and function, and simultaneously minimizes
production costs. Some of these criteria conflict with each other, making
product design a challenging task.
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk emphasizes product design that meets the
standards of quality, durability, and function desired by customers. Product
design is carried out by minimizing production costs to achieve efficiency.
2.3.2. Planning and Scheduling (2.0)
The goal of this activity is to develop a production plan that is efficient
enough to fulfil existing orders and anticipate short-term demand without
creating excess inventory of finished goods.
This planning activity aims to develop efficient production plans, fulfill
existing orders, and anticipate short-term demand without creating excess
inventory of finished goods. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk applies production resource
planning methods and a just-in-time system to minimize inventory.

2.3.3. Production Operations (3.0)

The third step in the production cycle is the actual production of the
product. The way these activities are achieved differs greatly across companies.
These differences are based on the type of product produced and the level of
automation used in the production process. This is related to the IT used. The
use of various forms of IT in the production process, for example robots and
machines controlled by computers is referred to as Computer Integrated
Manufacturing (CIM). CIM can significantly reduce production costs.
The actual production steps are carried out using various production
methods that are adapted to the type of product being produced and the level of
automation used. The use of information technology, such as Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (CIM), is used to reduce production costs.
2.3.4. Cost Accounting (4.0)
The final step of the production cycle is cost accounting. The three main
objectives of a cost accounting system are to provide information for planning,
controlling, and assessing the performance of production operations. Provide
accurate cost data about products for use in setting prices and product mix
decisions. Collect and process information used to calculate inventory and the
cost of goods sold that appears in the company's financial reports.
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk has a cost accounting system which aims to
provide important information for planning, controlling, and assessing the
performance of production operations. This system collects accurate cost
data,including direct material costs, direct labor, and factory overhead.

The production cycle at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is carried out by
prioritizing efficiency, product quality and good cost management. By using
technology and a careful approach in every production cycle activity, the
company can maintain its competitiveness in the automotive market.

2.4. The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle.

The human resources and payroll cycle at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is a series of
business activities and data processing operations related to the effective
management of the employee workforce. The six important tasks in this cycle
a. Recruiting and hiring new employees
PT Astra Otoparts Tbk carries out recruitment and acceptance activities
for new employees in accordance with the company's needs. The selection
process is structured according to the applicable regulations and standards,
along with specific steps that have been established. Furthermore, the
company is examining the development of an employee value proposition
(EVP) to optimize the hiring process and ensure effective candidate
b. Training
Training activities are carried out repeatedly to improve employee skills
and knowledge. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is committed to providing the
necessary training so that employees can develop according to the demands
of the dynamic automotive business.
c. Job assignment
After recruitment and training, employees are given job assignments
according to their respective qualifications and skills. This assignment
includes the allocation of tasks and responsibilities according to specific
functions and departments.
d. Compensation (Payroll)
The payroll process is the main function of the payroll system. PT Astra
Otoparts Tbk ensures that employees receive compensation in accordance
with industry standards and company policies. This system also considers
salary based on achievement, incentives, and bonuses according to
employee performance.
e. Performance evaluation
Performance evaluations are carried out periodically to assess employee
achievements and contributions. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk ensures that the
performance evaluation system reflects company goals and provides
constructive feedback to employees.
f. Discharge of employees due to voluntary or involuntary termination
If necessary, termination of employment (PHK) can occur either
voluntarily or involuntarily. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk ensures that the layoff
process is carried out in accordance with company regulations and
applicable labor laws.

2.4.1. Payroll Cycle

Image 2.4.1 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram: the Payroll Cycle

a. Update Master Data (1.0)

At PT Astra Otoparts Tbk, the first activity in the human resources and
payroll cycle is to update the salary database to reflect changes initiated
internally, such as new hires, layoffs, changes in salary rates, or changes in
voluntary deductions. The HR department is responsible for updating job-
related salary data, while the payroll department manages information about
tax rates and other payroll deductions.
b. Validate Time and Attendance Data (2.0)
The next process involves validating each employee's attendance and
working time data. How attendance and work time data are collected varies
depending on the employee's payment status. For hourly employees,
timecards are often used. Supervisors monitor attendance of fixed-income
employees informally. Manufacturing companies use job time tickets,
whereas sales involve careful recording of sales. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk
ensures that all time and attendance data is properly validated.
c. Prepare Payroll (3.0)
The third step is preparing payroll. Payroll transaction data is edited,
validated, and sorted by employee number. If a company processes salaries
from several divisions, the salary transaction files must be combined. The
sorted transaction files are then used to prepare employee payroll checks.
Net salary calculations involve factors such as the number of hours worked,
pay rate, bonuses, and applicable incentives.

d. Disburse Payroll (4.0)
The next step is disbursement of salaries to employees. Most employees
receive their pay via check or direct deposit into their personal bank account.
After the payroll checks are prepared, the accounts department discusses
and approves the payroll. Disbursement vouchers are prepared to authorize
the transfer of funds from the company's general checking account to the
payroll bank account. After review, the cashier prepares and signs the check
or initiates an electronic funds transfer.
e. Disburse Taxes and Misc. Deductions (5.0)
The final activity in the payroll cycle is calculating and transferring payroll
taxes and employee benefits to the appropriate entity. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk
ensures payment of social taxes and contributions to unemployment
insurance in accordance with the requirements of federal and state laws. In
addition to mandatory payments, the company is also responsible for
properly calculating and transferring other funds deducted from an
employee's salary, such as payments to the court for child support or health
insurance payments.

By using an integrated HRM/payroll system, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk ensures

that all activities in this cycle are carried out efficiently and accurately, ensuring
compliance with government regulations, as well as providing support for internal
and external reporting needs.
2.5. General Ledger and Reporting System
The general ledger and financial reporting system combines and summarizes
the results of the various accounting subsystems for the revenue, expenditure,
production, and human resource cycles. The general ledger is the accounting
system's central master file. As a result, it is critical to implement control procedures
to ensure accuracy and security. Data processing integrity checks of journal voucher
records posted to the general ledger are important controls, as are access controls,
an adequate audit trail, and appropriate backup and disaster recovery procedures.

Image 2.5 Level 0 Data Flow Diagram: the General Ledger and Reporting Cycle

2.5.1. Update General Ledger (1.0)
The first activity in the general ledger system (circle 1.0) is general
ledger updating. Updating entails posting journal entries from two different
a. Subsystems of accounting. The general ledger could theoretically be
updated for each transaction. In practice, the various accounting
subsystems typically update the general ledger through summary journal
entries that represent the results of all transactions that occurred during a
given period (day, week, or month).
b. The treasurer. The treasurer's office provides information for journal
entries to update the general ledger for nonroutine transactions such as debt
issuance or retirement, investment securities purchase or sale, or treasury
stock acquisition.

Every financial transaction, such as the sale of auto parts or the purchase
of raw materials, is meticulously recorded in a daily journal. Transaction date,
transaction type, and transaction value are all recorded. The daily journal data
is then posted to the General Ledger, which is a general ledger that keeps track
of all the company's financial accounts. The posting process updates the balance
of each account in the Chart of Accounts. This. If spare parts are sold, the update
entry will record the revenue and reduce the amount of inventory or related
2.5.2. Post Adjusting Entries (2.0)
The posting of various adjusting entries (circle 2.0) is the second activity
in the general ledger system. After the initial trial balance has been prepared,
adjusting entries are generated by the controller's office. Adjusting entries are
divided into five categories:
a. Accruals are entries made at the end of an accounting period to reflect events
that occurred but for which no cash was received or disbursed.
b. Deferrals are entries made at the end of an accounting period to reflect the
exchange of cash before the related event occurs.
c. Estimates are entries that reflect a portion of expenses that are expected to
occur over a period.
d. Revaluations are entries made to reflect either a difference between an
asset's actual and recorded value or a change in accounting principle.
e. Corrections are entries made to offset the effects of general ledger errors.
Adjustments are made at the end of an accounting period to account for
changes in asset value, depreciation, amortization, and other elements that may
not have been recorded accurately during the period. Adjusting entries include
changes in accrued revenue, accrued expenses, and other adjustments to ensure
financial statements are accurate. An adjusting entry is recorded, for example, if
it is necessary to adjust the depreciation value of spare parts or to reconcile

2.5.3. Prepare Financial Statements (3.0)
Preparing financial statements (circle 3.0) is the third activity in the
general ledger and reporting system. Following the adjustment entry, PT Astra
Otoparts Tbk performs a termination process to convert the temporary account
balance to a permanent account. It marks the end of the accounting period and
the beginning of the process of preparing financial statements. PT Astra
Otoparts Tbk prepares financial reports such as the balance sheet, profit and loss
report, cash flow report, and equity report based on the adjusted final balance.
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the company's financial
performance and position.
2.5.4. Produce Managerial Reports (4.0)
The general ledger and reporting system's final activity (circle 4.0 in) is
to generate various managerial reports, including budgets. Financial reports
may be subjected to an internal audit by the company's internal audit team.
External parties can also audit reports to ensure compliance with accounting
standards and transparency. After the financial reports have been audited and
verified, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk will be able to publish and distribute them to
stakeholders such as shareholders, regulators, and the public.


3. Conclusion
Accounting Information System (AIS) plays a crucial role in supporting various
business cycles within a company. PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is a recognized company that has
successfully integrated AIS into its operations. The company utilizes AIS to optimize its
four primary business cycles: the Revenue Cycle, Expenditure Cycle, Production Cycle,
and Human Resources Management/Payroll Cycle. By implementing AIS, companies can
improve business process efficiency, provide reliable financial information for decision-
making, and address challenges and opportunities in the evolving business landscape.
In the Revenue Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is involved in the sales of spare parts and
automotive components. The company's AIS supports each step in this cycle, from sales
order entry to cash receipt management.
In the Expenditure Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk engages in activities related to the
procurement of raw materials, finished goods, supplies, and services. The company's AIS
ensures a smooth flow of each step in the expenditure cycle, from placing orders to making
payments to suppliers.
The Production Cycle at PT Astra Otoparts Tbk is associated with the manufacturing of
automotive products. Information from the Revenue Cycle, such as customer orders and
sales forecast, forms the basis for production and inventory planning. The Production Cycle
also shares information about finished goods with the Revenue Cycle and provides
information about raw material needs to the Expenditure Cycle.
Lastly, in the Human Resources Management/Payroll Cycle, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk
manages various human resource activities, including recruiting, hiring, training, job
assignment, payroll, performance evaluation, and employee discharge. The AIS integrates
both payroll and human resource management activities to support effective workforce
For general ledger updates and reporting, PT Astra Otoparts Tbk relies on AIS to collect
and organize data from various sources, including accounting cycle subsystems, treasurer
activities, budget department inputs, and adjusting entries made by the controller. The
General Ledger and Reporting System play a central role in producing financial statements
and internal management reports.
Overall, this document highlights how PT Astra Otoparts Tbk integrates AIS into its
operations, optimizes its four business cycles, and addresses challenges and opportunities
in the evolving business landscape.


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PT Astra Otoparts Tbk (2022). Growth Thru Digitalization & Excellence, Annual
Romney, M. B., & Steinbart, P. J. (2018). Accounting Information Systems. Pearson.
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NAME NIM Job Assignment Done Percentage

Muhammad 1402224203 1. Chapter 1 (All) 45%
Rakan D.A. 2. Revenue Cycle
3. Production Cycle
4. Correcting
HRM/Payroll Cycle
5. Table of Content
Anjelina Qodrio 1402224188 1. Expenditure Cycle 40%
2. HRM/Payroll Cycle
3. General Ledger and
Reporting System
Surya Fadila 1402224327 1. Conclusion 10%
Baginta Fran 1402224191 1. References 5%
Vatuana S.

First of all, we made a group in whatsapp and then we divided all the task equally
Rakan (Introduction, Revenue Cycle), Anjelina (Expenditure Cycle, HRM/Payroll Cycle),
Frans (General Ledger and Reporting System, Conclusion), Surya (Production Cycle,
References), D-1 Deadline, Frans suddenly hard to communicate, which is Sunday from
morning until afternoon, he did not do the job desc, surya is still responding but he said
the task that he did was wrong so he should do it again from the beginning, and rakan and
Anjelina made a decisions to do their jobdesc.


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