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Bachelor of Business Administration

Assignment Cover Sheet

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Module Name MKT335 Cases in Marketing

Lecturer Name Mr. Win Thu Aung

Assignment Cases in Marketing

Submission Date 15.08.2019

Intake 1

MKT 335 Cases in Marketing

Mid-Term Assignment

Following “the Mountain Dew: Selecting the New Creative” HBS case study, answer the following
questions based on your learning, rationale and lectures from the class. Each question should be
answered in the range of 250 – 350 words.

1) How adverting embeds cultural values in brand?

2) Explain the key advantages and disadvantages of “The Do the Dew Campaign”? How could you
improve the campaign.

3) Analyze the value proposition offer by “Selecting the New Creative” in terms of segmenting, targeting
and positioning strategies.

4) What are the main features of brand communication strategies in “Selecting the New Creative
Campaign”? What will be the main challenges to implement this marketing strategies. Discuss in terms
of adverting effectiveness and cultural trends.

1 ) To develop a successful marketing strategy, an organization must take into consideration the cultural
influences of the society where a new product is being introduced. People make decisions about
consumption of a product based on these cultural influences.Companies that are developing are always
looking for new opportunities. Some of these opportunities appear in new countries, while others exist
in the country. In either case, focusing on a specific cultural group can open up new markets for your
company. Product diversification and growth may require the introduction of products on a global scale.

Culture is the framework of understanding when interacting in our native culture. However, when
interacting with different cultures, this framework no longer applies due to cross-cultural differences.

Cross-cultural solutions are also critical to effective cross-cultural advertising. Services and products are
usually designed and sold by domestic audiences. When a product is sold to an international audience,
the same domestic domestic advertising campaign is ineffective in most cases.

The essence of successful advertising is to convince people that the product is for them. By purchasing,
they will get some benefits, whether it is lifestyle, status, convenience or economy. However, when
advertising campaigns abroad, there are different values and opinions about what to enhance or to
facilitate. These differences invalidate the original advertising campaign.

Therefore, any cross-cultural advertising campaign must have an understanding of a particular culture.
Some examples should be examined by highlighting areas of cross-cultural differences in advertising.
(Vulture, 2019)

2) The dew movement has always been exciting and energetic, and has been successful since its
inception in 1992. The main concern is cultural trends that are closely related to youth. There are three
main trends in Rap Music, Extreme Sports and Gen X culture. The taste in music matches the younger
generation. In the early 1990s, it was related to rap songs, and then there appeared alternative rock
songs and later techno music.

There were 3 main trends Rap Music, Extreme Sports, and Gen X culture. Taste in Music was matched to
that of the young generation. In early 90s it was it related to rap songs then came the generation of
alternate rock songs and later the techno music. Similarly in sports and GenX Ethos, It also became one
of the founding leader sponsors of X Games. In the process it mainly target audience was 18 year old
males while at the same time it created an appeal to age group 20 to 39.

The advantages of the Do the Dew campaign is the advertisements are dynamic and exhillarating and fun
that can attract young customer base and also creat loyal customer base.

The company also employed strong advertisement agency (BBDO) that has multiple experiences in
creating quality advertisements for other world leading international brands.

The disavantages of the Do the Dew campaign was extreme sports are overly exposed at that point
because other competitors or companys already were using alternate sports as their main theme of
advertising such as energy drink company Redbull .They have been rellying on the same concept of
adventurous ,active , youthfull and cool for long and other competitors like 7up , Spirite and surge are
also embarking on similar idea in communicating the psychographic imagery of adventurous, active ,
youthfll and free spirited.

The do the dew campagin should be more focused on individual sport stars and movie stars rather than
focusing on overused extreme sports.

3) Mountain Dew's strategy is to gain market share and create a brand image that makes Mountain Dew
your best choice. As the new beverage products continue to innovate, it makes the carbonated beverage
category more competitive. The opportunity that Mountain Dew can do is to create a new activity that
reshapes the brand image. Another opportunity is to propose new target markets to attract new
consumers. The number one threat is an innovation in the new beverage category, which is stealing
market share from Mountain Dew. Failure to remain competitive in this category can determine the
success or failure of the company. I think Mountain Dew's main competitors are facing the same
problem. I believe they are proposing new ideas to compete with new products and beverage categories.

Coming up with a target market that is consistent with Mountain Dew varies from decade to decade.
Each Decade brings new cultural trend. Mountain Dew did a great job of keeping up with these trends
and targeting consumers, and these consumers also make their products relevant. Currently, the target
market for Mountain Dew is an 18-year-old male teenager. At the same time, efforts are made to
maintain the appeal of the brand and create cross-attraction among men aged 20-39. The type of buyer
that Mountain Dew is targeting is a person with an exciting lifestyle and associated with extreme sports.
The buyer is characterized by men who want to adapt to sports and are related to sports in their teens.
In addition, the buyer wants to make you think you are living on the edge and drink carbonated soft
drinks to get energy. Mountain Dew's marketing mix is very strong due to continued sales growth.
Packaging has undergone many innovations in its history. The most recent innovation is the 20-ounce
bottle; this was introduced for impulsive buyers. Mountain Dew found the edge of the bottle to be
higher than 12 or 2 bottles. Another product innovation is the sale of 24 boxes to heavy users. These two
new product innovations are still in use today and continue to grow at a steady rate. Promotion is the
driving force behind Mountain Dew's image. The case said the mountain. There is a $55 million media
budget. This is a lot of money that entered in 2000. Mountain Dew relies on promotions to generate
sales throughout the year. Since the launch, the product itself has not changed. It still has the same color
and the same taste. The only change was the introduction of diet. dew. This makes the product more
diversified and can expand the target market. Being able to price your products gives you a real
competitive advantage. Metric tons. Dew is doing a good job of catching up with other soft drinks. If
Mountain Dew can remain competitive, sales should continue to grow. Their marketing strategy is to
continue to attract young people and make their brand feel cool among teenagers. Creating advertising
campaigns for male teenagers can create brand loyalty.

4) The main problem facing management is how to maintain a “dew” campaign to build a brand if
extreme sports become overexposed. In addition, how to deal with the growing threat of non-
carbonated soft drinks, such as Gatorade and new high caffeine and sugary energy drinks such as Red
Bull. The decision to make is from PepsiCo's marketing director and CEO, which is how to promote sales
and create a brand image that was once risky. The resources that Mountain Dew has are the Super Bowl
and 10 new ads throughout 2000. The limiting factor for Mountain Dew is if the event does not improve
its brand image, then what will be their next move.

One factor in the case resolution is the need to run new creative ads during the Super Bowl. They got ten
new ideas and they had to put three ads to run. The reason for running these ads is to expand the
appeal of Mountain Dew to new users while strengthening it among current users. All of these issues are
root causes because each activity has an impact on management. If their ads have problems and they
don’t reach their target audience accordingly, sales will be affected and their market share.

Mr. Bruce submitted to the five finalists of the Mountain Dew Executive Committee. They are three years
old, and if I am in Mr. Moffitt's shoes, I will choose to run in the Super Bowl and throughout the year. The
first one I want to choose is the cheetah. It has all aspects of the marketing team. It shows the target
market and it gives this excitement and bold action. The second one I chose was dew or death. This also
gives all aspects of the marketing team trying to reach. The last ad I chose was by far the hardest. In the
remaining three, they really did not show the excitement or excitement they wanted. The last choice will
be showstoppers, because its goal is the right target market, it looks exciting, and it involves athletics in
the ad. I think it is difficult to choose anyone. It must be decided that the fate of the company will put a
lot of pressure on a person. I think that if the right decision is made, the company can expand further.

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