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Nowadays, it cannot be denied that humans’ activities

have mainly contributed to the greenhouse effects. As a

result, climate change is becoming more and more
harmful for the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans. This
essay will grant us a chance to have a closer look at the
causes and effects of global warming.
As I have mentioned before, humans are one of the main
reasons for the change of the climate. This can be
explained by the fact that a large amount of harmful
gases such as carbon dioxide or sulfur dioxide is emitted
from factories. When reached the atmosphere, those
substances will be stuck there, absorbing heat from the
sun and radiate it, causing the earth’s temperature to
rise. In addition, burning fossil fuels for power supplies
also play a crucial role in enhancing the importance of
global warming. During the combustion of these fuels, a
great deal of carbon dioxide will be released into the air.
For example, in the 19th century, steam trains were one
of the most popular, convenient means of transport at
that time. Nonetheless, many people don’t know that
this kind of train uses coals, which is a type of fossil fuel,
as the fuel. Of course, air pollutants will be emitted into
the atmosphere. Last but not least, as the human
population increases by time, the desire for lands, foods
are also increased. This leads to people burning down
forests, resulting in a large amount of carbon dioxide
emitted into the air.
As the Earth’s temperature is rising, it has been so much
harder for animals including polar bears, penguins or
seals living in both the North and South Pole to survive. It
is not easy for them to adapt to the change in climate at
such a short notice while it takes the other species
centuries to develop a new feature to get used to their
habitat. Moreover, the polar bears are also losing their
habitat because of the melting ice. This results in the sea
level to rise and make beach cities like San Francisco or
Da Nang to be completely submerged in water.
Therefore, not only polar bears but also humans lose
their home. Lastly, water is also becoming scarcer in
more regions causing droughts. This will be a big problem
because of the lack of water especially for Africa.
In short, global warming is an irreversible change
meaning that there’s nothing humans can do to prevent
it. Therefore, there’s a need for us humans to start taking
actions to save this beautiful planet.

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