Pri - Eng - 2ed - tr5 - Differentiated - Worksheet 7B

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Worksheet 7B: Phrases and clauses

A clause always contains a subject and a verb.
A phrase adds extra information to a sentence and does not contain a verb.

1 Circle whether the underlined words are adverbial phrases or clauses.

Then give the purpose of each (how, when or where).
a Mluleki promised to do his homework at his desk in his bedroom.
phrase / clause Purpose:
b Before I cook supper, I will go to the shops.
phrase / clause Purpose:
c You will find the box of photographs under my bed.
phrase / clause Purpose:
d Amina hummed in a tuneful way.
phrase / clause Purpose:
e Please clean up the breakfast after you finish eating.
phrase / clause Purpose:

2 Add a suitable adverbial phrase or clause to complete each sentence.

Circle which it is.
a Luthando went to school . phrase / clause
b remember to pack your lunch. phrase / clause
c The wind was so strong . phrase / clause
d learners completed puzzles. phrase / clause
e Ms Naidoo announced the winner . phrase / clause

Cambridge Primary English Stage 5 – Burt & Ridgard © Cambridge University Press 2021 1

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