Effect of Single Parenting On Growth and Development

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This study takes a pertinent look at the effect/impact single parenting has to play in the

development of child the number of children in single parent families has significantly

over the past four decades, causing substantial concern among policy making and the

public. Researchers have identified the rise in single-parent families (especially Mother-

Child families) as a major factor driving the long-term increase in child poverty in

Nigeria. The effect of growing up in single parent households have been shown to go

beyond economic increasing the risk of children dropping out of school, discounting from

the labour force, others will face significant challenge in making the transition to adult

hood children in lower age, single parent families face the most significant barriers to

success in school and in the most aspect of life. The paper tends to form focus on

children in primary school significantly.


Single parenthood is a phenomenon that has always been in existence and is as old as

mankind. According to Dawd Nancy in (1997), a single parent, not living with spouse or

partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising the child or children,

the family is the child’s first place of contact with the world. The child as a result

acquires initial education and socialization from parents and others significant persons in

the family. Agulana (1999) pointed out that the family lays the psychological, moral, and

spiritual foundation in the overall development of the child. Structurally family/ home is

either broken or intact. A broken home in this context, is one that is not structurally

intact, as a result of divorce, separating, death of one parent and illegitimacy according to

Frazer (2001) psychological home conditions arise mainly from illegitimacy of children

the label of adopted child, broken home, divorce and parental deprivation such abnormal

conditions of the home, are likely to have to have a detrimental effect on the

development of child in Nigeria, the existence f single parents which is as a result of

broken home was formerly unknown and where they existence, they are ignored as

exceptional cases, however , nowadays, they are the fast growing family patterns both

inside and outside Nigeria (Nwachukwu,2008) the child is morally upright and

emotionally stable when the caring responsibilities are carried out by both parents. The

family is the first socializing agent the child comes in contact with it as great influence on

the child’s physical mental an moral development the families lays the foundation of

education before the child goes to school and the personality that the child takes to school

is determined by the home. Salami (2008) pointed out that both parents have roles to have

play in child education.

African system of raising children in extended family patterns has changed a great deal,

with the advents of industrialization and globalization family lives have been disrupted

with the rapid social change that comes with the globalization (Olalcy, YL ct al 2010)

many of the old customs and tradition which were taught and practiced for several year

are becoming obsolete today. The modern culture has changed and out grown values and

benefits that were through to be the core believes and values of our society. What was

unacceptable in the olden days is now becoming fast and rapidly rising trend.


In Nigeria, the existence of single parenthood was unknown and where they existed, there

were ignored as exceptional cases however presently they are fast growing family

patterns both inside and outside Nigeria and have become even more common than the so

called “nuclear family” consisting of a mother or father and children and the children

(Tenibiaje MO. Et al 2011). Factors such as divorce, separation, death of a parent,

unintended pregnancy or birth to unmarried couples, and single parent adoption are the

major causes of single parenthood in our society today (Amato,2000), in Nigeria, among

the parental roles are culturally determined and distributed the material roles are that of

child or rearing, home training and playing of complementary roles.

While the paternal role are that of economic responsibilities and discipline of the

children. The child is morally, mentally upright and emotionally balances when the

caring responsibilities are carried out by both parents (Tenibiaje M.O et all 2011). When

children are brought up by a single parent it makes life more demanding and challenging

on the parent. If the phase of the Childs life is not well managed, it might lead to

maladjustment in life. When the subject of the single parenthood is discussed, it would

almost certainly involve women since women are usually considered the primary care

givers. Apart from being the primary care giver, she becomes the bread winner head of

the family.


The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of single parenthood in

children`s development and performance in school. Specifically, the research intends to

find out the following.

1. To examine the prevalence of problems faced by children in single parent homes

against a comparable simple of children from dual parent family background.


The literature review on academic performance among children suggest that children`s

academic performance improve when both parents are actively involved in their

education (Nyarko 2007; Nyarko and Vorgelegt, 2007). Some studies seems to neglect

the issue of single parenting as a variable, Generally such studies have tied academic

performance of children to socio- economic status, parent`s educational level, student

attitude to learning, school environmental factors, housing and residential experience

( Brown 2013). What these studies failed to realize is the valuable family structure

(Particularly single parenting) is crucially in determining a person`s academic


However, studies that seemed to have focused on assessing the role single parenting on

the academic performance of children have mostly used respondent from senior

secondary school and universities without taking time to consider pupil from the basic

schools (Krein and Beller, 2008; Eweniyi 2005). These basic school pupils are

nonetheless the most fragile because they are still in their formative year meaning any

disrupting result could have everlasting result on them. This creates a knowledge gap.

Also, studies in Nigeria have basically focused on parental involvement in children`s

school activities (Nyako, 2011; Chowa, Ansong and OSCI-Akoto, 2012) but not on how

the family structure (e.g. single parenthood) affects their academic performance which

equally is lacking in the children`s development.

 Impact of Single Parenthood on Academic Performance of Primary Schools


Single parent bears the financial burden alone of taking care of the children,

physiologically needs of the children are not properly met: children of single parenting

are easily influenced negatively in the society; children from single parenting are not well

discipline and academically productive and stigmatization of single parents in some

communities effects the institution and indirectly manifest itself on their children. Chowa

et al. (2012) showed the parental involvement in the school environment appears high

because most (87%) reported attending parent teachers activities meetings, discuss

expectations with their children, discuss school work and make sure that both parent

involve in their children`s education than single parents. Also Topor, Keane.


A single parent sometimes, called a solo-parent is a parent that is not living with a

spouse or partner, who has most of the day-to-day responsibilities in raising he child or

children. A single parent is usually considered the primary caregiver. The primary

caregiver is the parent the child have residency with majority of the time (DOWN

NANCY E. (1997) if the parent are separated or divorced, children live with their

custodian parent and have visitation or secondary with their non custodian parent.

(Benkraitis, Nijolie, 2012, 2011, 2008).

Causes of single parenting.

Some factors are responsible for determining the status of single parenthood. These

factors are divorce of couples with children, unintended pregnancy and single parent

adoption. Etc.


Divorce is one of the main events that lead to single parenting in advances countries

(amato 200). Divorce was generally rare historically (although this depends by culture

and era) and divorce especially became very difficult to obtain after the fall of the roman

empire, in medieval Europe, due to strong involvement of ecclesiastical counts in family

life (although annulments and others forms of separation were more common (Kent’s

commentaries on American laws) child custody in reference to divorce refers to which

parent is allowed to make important discussion about the children involved physical

custody refers to who the child lives with after a certain “crisis period” most children

resume normal development however their future relationships are often affected as they

lack a model upon which to base a health, long term relationships nonetheless, as adult

children of divorces cope better with change (cherlin Andrew, 2010) the remarriage of

divorced custodial parent result in a third family configuration that is experienced by an

increased number of children.


The crucial event if a marital break down is the act of separation this usually occurs

when the relationship between both parents had one cold divorce is legal consequence

that follows the emotional fact of separation through not all separation leads to divorce

although separation generally precedes divorces, some couples are able to sort out their

misunderstanding and misgiving and are able to put the separation period behind them

and move on with their lives (olaleye.Y.L and oladeji David 2010)

As many as one couple out of every six marriage are likely to have separated for at least

two days- the changes that take place cause at the points a person’s emotion are raw and

most profound men and women react differently during this period- when separation take

place in the family, the other parent does not know what to do or except, there are no

divorce ceremonies or ritual to mark this major turning upon the children.

Unintended pregnancy

Some out of wedlock births are intended but many are unintentional where out of

wedlock births are accepted by society, they may result in single parenting. A partner

may also leave as he or she may want to shirk responsibility of bringing up the child.

Where they are not accepted they sometimes result in forces marriage fail more often

than others (single parents household-how does it affect he children” (retrieved march 2,


Single parent adopting

Single birth adoption has existed since the last 19 th century men were rarely considered as

adoptive parents and were considered far less desired often, children adopted by single

parent were raised in pairs rather than alone and adoption. During the mid 19 th century,

may states welfare officials made it difficult if not impossible for single persons to adopt,

as agencies scratched for “normal” families with married men and women in 1965 the

Los Angeles bureau of adoption sought singe African Americans orphan for whom

married families could be found. In 1988 the child welfare league of America stated that

married couple were preferred, but there were “exceptional circumstances” where single

parent adoptions were permissible (single parent adoption retrieved March 2, 2019)

Effects of single parenting

Children from broken faced emotional destabilization atom negative social disposition

poor moral, upbringing, laxity in assisting and guiding in academia activities from parent,

poor sex education, financial difficulties in providing for the academic welfare of the

children negatively generally, children face problems or challenges just the same way

adults do the challenges they face are however equal to their age.

Psychological effects

Empirical evidence has shown that children from intact-homes will be taken care of and

better socialized. This is due to the fact that the process of socialization depends on both

parents playing complementary roles, in raising such children which will definitely

impact positively on the children during school years on the other hand children from

single parent homes are more likely to suffer deprivations and denials or some right and

opportunities that will have negatively psycho-social impact on them is school years

azuka obieke uchenna 2013) adolescence is a transitory period (12 years to 18 years)

between children and adulthood and it involves biological cognitive and socio-emotional

changes(santrock,2004) during this period an individual is seen neither as a child not as

an adult. Salami and Alawode (2000) claimed that adolescents are characterized by

emotional instabilities and hyper activities, which cause them to experience storm and

stress. Dlane 2007 opines that identify formation create tension is Adolescent to the

extent some of them become confused about their personality. Adolescent’s period is a

transitional period in the development of critical thinking and time of increase decision

making increased decision making. The theory of cognitive developments of any

individual, any levity on the part of the parents in assisting and guiding the adolescent,

result in academic backwardness and development of unwholesome betonies, the found

two of what a person becomes in the society depends is laid in the home and at by theme

initial stage of life According to Syground Fred who is the primmer architect of

psychanalytic theory, early experience with prevents and family Relationships

extensively shape Development (Santrope 2014) parent therefore have Children and

career development, Educational , Literatures on academic performance. Suggest mat

Children's academe. Children -performance Improve when both parents are more likely..

to involve to to Education, Calya ko 2007 Nyarko and Vorgelegt 2017) married Parents

are more •likely to involve in their Children’s plainer than single rent y Yko 2011, and

Chowa et al, 2012). As parents Engage in to a child's academic activities, the child would

be academically successful as the child's own abilities. and the School environment also

play eateries critical roles in that aspect respect in a related way. emanates Donkor (2010

indicates that the poor performance of their children. from their lack of proper

Supervision of their ward's homework Salami see Alamade (2000) in •particular point

pointed out that both parents have role and to play in the child's education. the father is to

provide the necessary tools for the educational advancement while the mother is to

supplement the father's effect in this regard. When the father is absent and the mother is

to not privileged. enough to cater for all the busier needs as well as supervise the

academic performance of the child, he lake (the child) will be backward or withdrawn.

The Same thing occurs when the mother is a how absent and the father is not privileged


Economic Effect

Being a single parent and struggling for money of ton coincides Economic hardship has

been found to cause emotional distress, which can in turn lan Per parent's ability to be

supervise, sensitive and consistent with their children. (E. Dearing .K. McCartney and

B.A. Taylor, 2006). Also, in t by Azuka-chicke. Uchenne, 2013, he noted that single

parent homes are ·Study Carried out mar likely to be low-economic homes these children

would therefore be Subject to problems associated with their socioeconomic group. When

there is one parent, the family is often less well off financially and this is the main reason

for so many family problems, the report of in study shows that effect of coming from

low-income family can include things like lower educational level; lower economic

achievement and can result in leaving the child feeling isolated and lonely.

 Effects of Single parenthood in Adult Life.

Children affected by the negative effect of single parenthood continue on with their lives,

however, the lasting effect of divorce have been shown to follow some Children into their

adulthood, including their marriage and own children's life. The negative views of

relationships have been installed due to exposure of their "Childhood" family conflict can

cause long term effects on these now adult and their own children According to Amato et

al (1995) cited in Abankwa A (2013) adults who are able to recall a high. level of conflict

between parents while growing up tend to report to disproportionately a large number of

psychological and marital problems in their own lives.

Life as a Single parent family or broken home can be stressful for both the child and the

parent, such families are faced with challenges of inadequate financial resources. It is

clear from the study that most of the student's from single parent homes experience low

parental involvement in their academic activities. Evidence also suggests that single

parenting has negative expect on the academic performance a development of pupils.


Based on the result of the study it is therefore recommended that parents stay together

with their children to Ensure that their welfare s properly Catered for. Government should

provide free and Compulsory Education without social family support and help the less

privileged parents with financial support by empowering them.

Public Enlightenment on issue of parental skills, family planning, family values and child

discipline could be done regularly, as this would make for an intact family.


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