Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Bleaching

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Aims to minimise environmental impact.

Utilizes alternative, eco-friendly ingredients and processes.

Sodium percarbonate, or eco-bleach, is much safer for us,

¾ cup of Hydrogen Peroxide, ¼ cup lemon juice, 1 tablespoon

citric acid, and about 20 drops of essential oils
Types of Eco Bleach
1. Enzymatic Bleach -
It involves naturally occurring enzymes such as
Proteases or Amylases.

2.Oxygen Bleach -
It is a natural plant based product that’s also known
as Sodium Percarbonate.
Why bleach is not eco friendly?
Major concern for water quality, soils, and wildlife.

Can easily bind with other elements to create a new compound.

Reproductive or Neurological effects on aquatic species.

Soils and sediment may also bind with the compounds.

Bleach effects on Human Health
Workers exposed to bleach can develop asthma

Children at greater risk from breathing bleach since their lungs are
still developing

Bleach irritates skin and eyes

Breathing bleach over a log period of time increases risk of cancer

The sustainable technology of bleaching by ZShimmer
and Schwarz

An ecological and economical low temperature bleaching

ready to dye

Represents a perfect basis for customise pretreatment

formulations by adapting production conditions and grey
fabric qualities with simple adjustments

Powerful bleaching at temperature below 80 degree c

1. Add bleaching liquor
STANDARD PROCESS 2.add neutralizer
3.add catalyst
Bleaching 45 min 98 degree Celsius


80 C

Bleaching 40min 70 degree Celsius

60 C

10’40 10’40 c 40 C Ready to dye

2. 3.

1. Time saving

A special hydrogen peroxide activator.

Used for low temperature bleaching of cotton

and blends.

It decomposes hydrogen peroxide and reduces

bleaching temperature and bleaching time.
OPTAVON LTB An excellent bleaching effect is obtained at 70
degree Celsius.

It allows high degree of whiteness and less

damage to the fabric
Eco friendly bleaching of cotton fabric without heating

Bleaching uses large amount of chemical hence eco friendly

way is important.

Bleaching with sodium chloride in presence of phosphonate

Main reason why cotton fabrics are preferred to

.low environmental concerns

.reduces the wettability of cotton
.carried out at high alkalinity at high temperatures
Advantages Disadvantage

causes damages
. increases whiteness

. bleaching without scouring less strength

.decolorizes stain energy consumption


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