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Shah Jahan Kathia


The word Sikh means learner in the Punjabi language. A way of life and philosophy the Sikh

religion was founded over 500 years ago. It was founded in Punjab.The Sikh religion has

currently over 20 million people who follows now in worldwide. Sikhism isn’t worshipping fire

they worship God. Sikhism also says that you can’t create God. Sikhism preaches a message

devotion, honesty,equality of mankind and remembrance of God. In Sikhism the concept of 10

gurrus and the holy book gurrugranth sahib is the holy teachings of Sikhism.

Baba Gurrus Nanak was the founder of the Sikhism religion. Most of the people believe that

Sikhism was came from Hinduism. Sikh people says that it is different from Hinduism. Baba

Gurru Nanak spread this religion from all over the world from Sri Lanka, Baghdad, Mecca,

Madina and the Punjab. Baba Gurru Nanak is considered to be the great successor disciple of the

Sikhism. After the death of Baba Gurru Nanak later Gurrus spread Sikhism all over the world.

They brought certain changes in this religion.

According to Sikhism there is only one God. He is the same God for all religion of people.

Sikhism says that soul go through the human but after the death soul remain and taken to God.

God should be remember in every aspects of living according to Sikhism. The true path to

achieve salvation and merging with God is to live honest life without sins. The Sikhs didn’t

believe on fast and go to pilgrimage and rather the worship of dead idol etc. According to
Sikhism people from all religion are equall in the eye of God. Sikh believe that death is not the

end but soul in its journey towards the God.

There are five pillars of Sikhism which consist of kesh the beard since the Sikh decided to keep it

kanga usually use to comb hair and karra made of iron and steel. Kachera undergarment and a

small sword that is made of metal. Sikh believe that every Sikh should have these five things

every time. According to Sikhism it refers to the faith that represents honour,self respect,

equality, courage and piety.

There are several rituals and festival that is important in Sikhism. The first ritual is when a child

born in the house and the ceremony held in gurdwara and it is said that gurru grunth sahib letter

and the name end with Singh. The word Singh is added to the boy name and the girl name end

with Kaur. A second rites is the marriage ceremony which is different from Hinduism. The bride

and groom are required to proceed around Gurru Grunth sahib. The third rite is the ceremony to

the khalsa. The fourth rite is the funeral ceremony.

There are four major festival in the Sikhism. The first one is birth anniversary of the Gurru nanak

sahib where different people go the tomb and eat and drink there. The second one is the

installation of the Gurru Grunth sahib every year. The third and forth festival is Dewalli and

Holla Mohalls. Speeches are conducting in gurdwara and street for worshipping. These are all

important festival in the Sikhism religion.

Banda Bahadur is a famous person in Sikh history. He converted to sikhim later but he was so

brave person and fight with Mughals and later tortured and killed . Although Banda is great

admired for his loyalty and bravery. Ranjhit Singh is considered to be one of the most important

person in the history of Sikhism. He defeated Mughals and came to Lahore. He was the great
ruler of his time in 18th century. In Sikhism history Ranjhit Singh is considered to be an

inspirational person. Mughals and Sikh were conflicted towards each other not because of

religion but they were against each other because of political and power issues.

After the independence of Pakistan and India no rights have been given to the Sikh community

since a lot of people were killed in 1980. Sikh community raise their voices for independence

state khalistan back in 1980 but due to some reasons it has not been completed yet. Manmuhan

Singh the ex prime minister of India was a great hope for Sikh community. The Sikh were really

happy at his ministry.

In a current condition Punjab is the majority place of Sikhism in India. Sikhism followers started

to create their distinctive identity and represtation in the world. In India Sikh community have

their own separate identity. In current condition Sikh are still demanding for the anti Sikh roits

which were resulted in the killing of lot of pricious lives. The Sikh are demanding that they

should have their separate country so that they should live independent.

The Sikh understand their religion on the five pivotal events. The first was the teaching of the

Gurru nanak sahib and mediation. The second was the arming of Hurgobind Singh. The third one

was Gurru Goband founding of the khalsa. The fourth one is the Gurru Grunth sahib. At last

Sikhism as religion has a significant role all over the world. Sikh are proud of their distinctive


Work cited

Britannica › topic
Sikhism | History, Doctrines, Practice, & Literature
Discover Guru Nanak › ba…
Basics of Sikhism | What Do Sikhs Believe? › summary
Introduction – Sikhism Religion of the Sikh People.

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