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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh; Lớp: 6
Thời gian: 120 phút (bao gồm cả phần nghe)

Họ và tên thí sinh: _____________________________ Số báo danh

Ngày tháng năm sinh: ________/______/__________

Phòng thi số: ____________ Số phách

Học sinh trường: ______________________________

Họ, tên, chữ ký giám thị 1 Họ, tên, chữ ký giám thị 2

................................................................ ................................................................

I. Chỉ dẫn:

1. Đề thi gồm 8 trang. Thí sinh kiểm tra số trang khi làm bài.

2. Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi.

3. Thí sinh giữ gìn cẩn thận bài làm.

4. Nếu thí sinh làm sai, dùng thước gạch, không dùng bút tẩy màu trắng. Thí sinh chỉ được dùng bút một
màu để làm bài. Không dùng mực màu đỏ.

5. Giám thị không giải thích gì thêm.

6. Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu nào kể cả từ điển.

7. Thí sinh làm trái với chỉ dẫn, quy chế thi, bài thi sẽ bị loại.

Page 1

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh; Lớp: 6
Thời gian: 120 phút (bao gồm cả phần nghe)
Số phách ĐIỂM
Bằng số: ………………………… Giám khảo 1: …………………………………………..………
Bằng chữ: ………………………… Giám khảo 2: …………………………………………..………
Part 1: For each question, choose the correct answer.
You will hear Ruben and his friend Amy talking about their computers.
1. Ruben bought his tablet because ______.
A. it has free games. B. he liked the size. C. the camera was good.
2. Ruben plans to sell his tablet ______.
A. at a local shop. B. to his brother. C. on the internet.
3. How much does Ruben want for his tablet?
A. £200. B. £300. C. £500.
4. What does Amy like most about her laptop?
A. the speakers B. the memory C. the screen
5. Ruben and Amy will meet on ______.
A. Saturday afternoon. B. Sunday morning. C. Sunday afternoon.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Part 2: For each question, write the correct answer in the gap. Write one word or a
number or a date or a time.
You will hear a teacher telling his students about a sports centre for teenagers.
Number of indoor activities: five
Number of outdoor sports to choose from: (6) ______
Type of shoes: (7) ______
Lunch time starts at: (8) ______
Food at snack bar: (9) ______
Prize with 250 marks: (10) ______
* Your answer:
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3: You will hear a conversation between a woman, Kim, and a man, Rob, who live in
the same block of flats. Decide if each sentence is True or False. Write True/ False in the
11. Kim gave a party last night
12. Rob could hear music from Kim’s flat.
13. Kim plays loud music when she has visitors.
14. Rob cannot pay attention to work when there’s music.
15. Rob prefers to work during the day.
* Your answer:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Page 2
Part 1: Choose the correct answer. Write the answer A, B, C or D in the box.
1. What word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others?
A. missed B. closed C. laughed D. relaxed
2. She often plays ______ piano in the living room in her free time.
A. a B. an C. Φ D. the
3. He has a good sense of ______. He makes his classmates laugh all the time.
A. direction B. time C. humour D. adventure
4. “What about travelling to the camp site by motorbike?” – “ ______”
A. You’re welcome.
B. I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s too far.
C. That’s right. I think so.
D. I don’t like it.
5. What is the word OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word in the following sentence?
“She failed her driving test on initial try, but passed the second time”
A. early B. original C. first D. final
6. This restaurant is ______ for its excellent dishes and service.
A. famous B. proud C. certain D. different
7. To my knowledge, they founded ASEAN ______ 8 August, 1967.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
8. Why don’t you look ______this word in the dictionary to finish the exercise?
A. at B. up C. after D. for
9. My Dad bought me ______ table on my birthday two years ago.
A. a wooden brown Japanese B. a Japanese wooden brown
C. a Japanese brown wooden D. a brown Japanese wooden
10. ______ is it from your house to the nearest mall? – Only a five-minute walk.
A. How B. How far C. How long D. How many
11. That ______ be my mobile phone – mine is silver and that one is black.
A. mustn’t B. shouldn’t C. wouldn’t D. can’t
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Part 2. Put the verb in brackets in correct form. Write the answer in the box.
1. Do you enjoy ______ (play) board games? – Yes, a lot.
2. I usually walk to school, but today I ______ (ride) a bike there.
3. Peter ______ (often/ fly) kites with his friends when he was small.
4. Look at those black clouds. It ______ (rain).
5. I was very angry that my daughter left home without ______ (ask) me for permission.
6. His father won’t let him go out until he ______ (finish) his homework.
7. I’m really looking forward to ______ (see) my old friends at the party.
8. It’s not very difficult ______ (make) a Christmas postcard.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Page 3
Part 3. Give the correct form of the word in the blankets. Write the answer in the box.
1. I started to learn the drum, but I don’t think I’ve got much ______ talent, to be honest.
2. They have a wonderful ______ of old toys at the museum in town. (COLLECT)
3. They love travelling. They say that travel always __________________ their mind.
4. Listening to music is one of the most popular forms of ______ today. ( ENTERTAIN)
5. I am so _____________________ with your report. Surely, you can do better. (SATISFY)
6. ______, the storm didn’t destroy any homes. (LUCK)
7. There is a lack of __________________ in the articles she writes. They are all the same.
8. My sister is a careless ______. She often cycles very fast although the roads are small.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Part 4. Find and correct one mistake in each sentence. Write the answer in the box.
1. Let’s have a cup of coffee but we’ve got fifteen minutes to wait for the train.
2. Students often have one hour for lunch and two 20-minutes breaks each day.
3. My father’s car is the same color like my uncle’s.
4. We arrived at the hotel, and they provided us a map of the city.
5. There’s only a few coffee left in the jar. Let’s buy a packet at the supermarket.
6. Next week we will have got a game to the team from China.
7. Hilton is such famous that she attracts everyone’s attention whenever she goes out.
8. The Russian athlete threw the discus far than all the others and won gold.
* Your answer:
Mistake Correction Mistake Correction
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.

Part 1: Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answer in the box:
Your Cafés
In many parts of the UK, there (1) ______ few places for young people to go that are
entertaining but (2) ______ little. The idea of youth cafés is one that has grown in recent years.
The cafés are places where young people can relax in (3) ______ safe environment.
People come (4) ______ different reasons. Some want to socialize with their friends. Others like
to take (5) ______ in the activities offered. Others are keen (6) ______ using the computers
and facilities.
The cafés are set up by young people for young people with adult support. For this reason, when
cafés are being planned, young people should be involved in (7) ______ the research, the
planning and the general decision-making. In this way organizers can be sure that the (8) ______
will be popular with young people in the area.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. 6. 7. 8.

Page 4
Part 2: For each question, choose the correct answer. Write the answer A, B, C or D in the
Surfing grew throughout the 20th century to (1) ______ a popular sport all over the world, but
surfers have been around for many years. The explorer James Cook saw surfing in action in
1778 during a/an (2) ______ to the Pacific. In fact, surfing took (3) ______ in the same areas
then that have since become popular surfing resorts now, such as Hawaii and Tahiti. Local
officials didn’t encourage surfing (4) ______ the 19th century but young Hawaiians took up the
activity again in the early 1900s. Following the invention of lighter surfboards, surfing attracted
people (5) ______ the world. The 1960s saw a huge increase in the (6) ______ of surfers as the
activity was promoted through the media and popular music. The hobby quickly became the
professional sport it is now, and (7) ______ and national organisations were created that
organised competitions and (8) ______ money to hold events.
1. A. create B. turn C. become D. play
2. A. expedition B travel C. drive D. move
3. A. part B. place C. point D. position
4. A. while B. along C. for D. during
5. A. around B. on C. over D. of
6. A. group B. total C. number D. sum
7. A. near B. close C. next D. local
8. A. bought B. sold C. raised D. took
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Part 3: Read the passage and choose the correct answer. Write your answer in the box.
Marina Martin, a young games tester
Most days I finish my homework and then I have to play computer games for the rest of the
afternoon. Yes, I have to! You see, I earn money by looking for mistakes in games.

I've always been crazy about computer games. My dad's a journalist and my mum's a
photographer, so there's been a computer in the house since before I was born. I can remember
playing very simple games on it when I was less than five years old and my dad telling me to
switch it off and go outside.

I was online one day when I saw an advertisement from a video game company. They were
looking for young people to give their opinions about some of their new games. I contacted them
but I wasn't old enough because I was 14.

Three years later, several companies now send me their games. I often spend hours on the same
game. I have to play it from start to finish several times, look at all the menus and try all the
different ways of playing it. While I'm doing this, I take notes and then write a clear email which
the company can understand easily.

Page 5
You have to work quickly because the company often wants to sell their new game as soon as
possible. I may have to spend a lot of the weekend testing. However, I think I'm very lucky that
my hobby has become a job. Most of the time, I love it!

1. What does Marina say about computer games?

A. She plays them to take a break from studying.
B. Somebody pays her to play them.
C. Lots of them have got mistakes in them.
2. Marina has been interested in computer games since ___________.
A. her mum became a photographer.
B. her dad bought her a computer.
C. she was a small child.
3. What does the word “it” in the last line in the second paragraph refer to?
A. computer B. house C. game D. company
4. What happened when Marina was 14 years old?
A. She didn’t get a job as a games tester.
B. She found an advertisement for a new video game.
C. She started to use the internet.
5. What does Marina do as part of her job?
A. She teaches other people how to play the game.
B. She makes sure that she wins all the games.
C. She checks each game carefully more than once.
6. How does Marina feel about her job?
A. She almost always enjoys it.
B. She doesn’t want to do anything else.
C. She thinks it can be boring.
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Part 4: Read the passage. For each question, choose the correct answer. Write your answer
in the box:
I’m from Taiwan and food is really important in my country.
I like to have fried eggs for breakfast. My parents usually eat vegetables and rice, too. When I’m
at school I have a light snack with some fruit or fish. My family and I often eat lunch and dinner
in restaurants because food isn’t expensive here. We order several dishes and then we all try a
bit of the different dishes.

French cooking is famous all over the world. When my English cousins come in summer, they
always want to eat cheese. They say it’s better than any other food, but I don’t agree with them.
In France, we usually have a main course at lunch and dinner with some vegetables or soup. I
don’t really enjoy eating soup or vegetables, but my parents say they’re healthy, so I have them
once a week.
Page 6
I have pasta every day like most Italians. However, there are many other delicious dishes with
meat, vegetables and cheese that I also enjoy eating. For breakfast, I have a cup of tea with
bread, butter and jam. Then later in the morning I might have a few biscuits as a snack. My
grandfather always makes my meals. At dinner, I often have fish or some cheese and vegetables,
but my favourite is my grandad’s pizza.

1. Who thinks cheese is not the best food?

A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
2. Who likes to share food at mealtimes?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
3. Who has sweet foods before midday?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
4. Who sometimes eats food she doesn’t like?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
5. Who likes eating out because it’s cheap?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
6. Who eats food made at home for lunch and dinner?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
7. Who eats the same food every day?
A. Yi-ying B. Charlotte C. Lucrezia
* Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Part 1. Complete the second sentence with TWO TO FIVE WORDS so that it has the same
meaning as the first one.
1. My school has over five hundred students. (THERE)
______________________________students in my school.
2. What is the price of these books? ( DO)
 How _______________________________?
3. We spent three hours doing the project yesterday. (DO)
 It took _______________________________ the project yesterday.
4. She was absent yesterday, so the teacher sent her the video of the lesson. (OF)
 The teacher sent her the video of the lesson _______________________.
5. I want him to study hard for the coming exam. (HE)
 I’d rather __________________________________ the coming exam.

Page 7
Part 2: You are Nam. Imagine that you are playing a new sport this summer. Write an email
(80 -100 words) to an English friend, Peter. Include the following:
– Tell about your favourite hobbies
– Give information about your plans for taking up a new sport
– Give advice to him about sports and leisure activities

Hi Peter,

Best wishes,
- The end -

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