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Year 3 / Term 2 / Week 3

Name: Cynthia Xu CN: 3~
Parent's Signature:

Writing Task - Description

An Interesting Individual

DRAfl l

Task: Write a description about someone who interests you. Describe their
appearance, personality and hobbies. Name the person and describe
his/her relationship with you.

Suggested minimum length: One page


What is a Description?
A Description is a framework which describes a specific liv!ng or non-
living thing. It focuses our attention on the features of a person, thmg, ~lace or
event and is either imaginative or real. It is often part of a longer text bemg a
description of a character or place.

A Description usually includes:

• An Introduction to give information about what it is that is being
• A Description of the subject or object: appearance, size, shape, etc.
• An Interesting Fact(s) / Features
• A Concluding Statement
• Descriptions often include pictures / diagrams

The Language of a Description:

• present tense
• participants (who or what: noun groups; pronouns)
• processes: words to indicate actions
• grammar:
o Metaphors - a figure of speech used to replace "normal" words in
order to help others understand the message: e.g. The chief was a
lion on the battlefield.
o Similes - a way of comparing two things: e.g. The lake was like a

[Text Example}
The Fisherman

Mr. Lee was a quiet man. He rarely spoke. A smile and , we

Everyday an hour before the tide turned, Mr Lee would appear from among the
trees that grew along the beach. He wore a faded blue shirt, ragged shorts and an old-rice
straw hat that almost hid his face. That is probably why I noticed his hands first. For a
small, thin man he had big, strong hands. They were hands that could mend a net and cast
it, hour after hour, out over the sea.

When his net was ready for the day's work, Mr Lee would wade out into the sea.
Standing knee-deep he would grasp the net evenly between his hands and, in a single
graceful movement, cast it out over the water.

Sometimes he would hum quietly to himself. Mostly he didn't. He cast his net, pulled
it back, and cast it again. He was at home in the sea and the sunlight. He was content.
, , . ... r - - -

: Write some matn tdeas ab~ut ; 0~r-t~ptc-h;r; - - ;

__________ _____
Main Idea 81 Supporting Point• ___,,,)
, Also give supporting points to strengthen the • 1
main Idea of your writing. tu·...,, 1

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- -- - ------- --
------------~ : Come up wtth some vocabulary that is specific to this
particular topic. Try putting them into a sentence here
Topic Specific Vocabulary v 1
1 to get an idea of what your final will be like.
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,---------------- -------------,
1 Write down some literary techniques and sample
ro\._ : sentences which can help improve your point and
--------,_· ·L.J , give flare to your overall piece. Try include a wide

Literary Techniques
_________ ___,) range of different techniques! ,
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