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Reading and Writing Skills Unit 5 Patterns of Development in

Writing II
purposive communication (Batangas State University)

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Reading and Writing Skills Unit 5:

Patterns of Development in Writing II
Table of Contents

Objectives 2

Lesson 1: Comparison and Contrast 3

Warm-up! 3
Learn about It! 4
Check Your Understanding 6
Let’s Step Up! 7

Lesson 2: Cause and Effect 8

Warm-up! 8
Learn about It! 9
Check Your Understanding 11
Let’s Step Up! 12

Lesson 3: Problem-Solution 13
Warm-up! 13
Learn about It! 14
Check Your Understanding 16
Let’s Step Up! 16

Lesson 4: Process Analysis 17

Warm-up! 17
Learn about It! 17
Check Your Understanding 19
Let’s Step Up! 20

Performance Task 21

Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn? 23

Wrap Up 24

Bibliography 24

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GRADE 11/12 | Reading and Writing Skills

Patterns of Development in Writing II
Authors can use different patterns to organize their ideas and
to structure their writing. You can recognize these patterns
while reading. Some ideas are compared and contrasted, while
some are causally related. Some manuscripts are about
problems and solutions, while some discuss processes. Making
sense of the pattern in what you read will help you better
understand the meaning of the text.

In this unit, you should be able to:
● distinguish between patterns of development in writing, namely, comparison and
contrast, cause and effect, problem–solution, and process analysis; and
● differentiate the uses of those patterns in writing across disciplines.

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Lesson 1: Comparison and Contrast

We write for various reasons and in different formats.

Most of the time, our writing depends on the purpose and
intended audience. It is essential then to know the
answers to the following questions: What is it for? and For
whom is it?


Look for a partner, then choose two subjects that you would like to compare and contrast.
Use a Venn Diagram to show their similarities and differences.

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Learn about It!

Comparing people, things, places, events, situations, or even

ideas is done to illustrate how they are similar to each other.
There is a need to identify the points of comparison and make a
list of similar characteristics or qualities for each point of
comparison. Some words that signal similarities are also, like,
both, as . . . as, similarly, in the same way, equally important, and

Below is an example of a comparison:

Mouse Treated with MAC Mouse Treated with MAC-II

Weight loss Yes Yes
Hair growth None None
Energy level Low Low

The old formulation of the drug (MAC) and the new formulation (MAC-II) have similar effects
on the test mice. Within 7 days, both mice lost weight. Mouse A, which is treated with MAC, lost
2.2 grams (g), while mouse B, which is treated with MAC-II, lost 2.4 g. Also, there was no
increase in hair growth on both subjects. Lastly, the mice similarly exhibited low energy levels.
Mouse A started to become lethargic on day 4, while mouse B became lethargic on day 5.

In the example, two mice are compared. Each point of comparison (i.e., weight loss, hair
growth, and energy level) is drawn. Notice how the words both and similarly are used to signal

Contrasting people, things, places, events, situations, or ideas, on the other hand, is done to
illustrate their differences from each other. To do this, you need to make a list of the
characteristics or qualities of the subjects and then identify the differences between them.
Some words that signal contrast are but, however, though, on the other hand, and in contrast.

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Below is an example of a paragraph that shows contrast between two things.

Unicorn Bust
Funding More than $1B Less than goal
Market interest High Low
Product Novel Mediocre

In the venture capital industry, a start-up company can either be a “unicorn” or a “bust.”
Unicorns have a valuation of over $1 billion, a high market interest, and a novel product. On
the other hand, busts fail to reach their minimum funding goal, have a low market interest,
and have a mediocre product.

In the example, two types of start-up companies are contrasted. Their different characteristics
are stated in two separate sentences connected by the phrase on the other hand.

A paragraph that shows comparison and contrast has a unifying idea or purpose. There
must be a balance in such a way that there is an equal amount of information for each subject
to avoid bias.

Take a look at the following example:

Da Vinci Michelangelo
Talented artist Yes Yes
Interested in anatomy Yes Yes
Style Feminine, light Masculine, dark

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are regarded as two of the greatest artists of the
Renaissance. Both were geniuses; they mastered techniques that made them superior to their
contemporaries. They were also similarly interested in anatomy, which helped them produce
highly realistic works. However, they each had a distinct style. Da Vinci developed a style that
was feminine and full of light. On the other hand, Michelangelo preferred his works to be
masculine and dark.

In the example, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are compared and contrasted to show
both their greatness and individuality as artists. Their similarities were mentioned first,

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followed by their differences.

Check Your Understanding

Answer the following:

1. __________________ is identifying the similarities between subjects.

2. __________________ is identifying the differences between subjects.
3. The two books that I have read recently are quite similar. The first one has a heroine who
fights against abusive people. Similarly, the heroine of the other novel goes against a
company that exploits its employees. Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading both. Which word(s) in
the paragraph signals comparison?
4. These two brands of chocolates have distinct aromas and tastes. Chocolate A smells a little
bit of mint. Even the taste is minty, but it does not overpower the sweetness of the chocolate.
On the other hand, Chocolate B tastes like coconut and peanut butter. The smell is still
enticing though. Which phrase in the paragraph signals contrast?
5. What kind of graphic organizer can be best used to show comparison and contrast?

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Let’s Step Up!

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Lesson 2: Cause and Effect

As mentioned in the previous lessons, choosing a pattern

of development in writing is highly influenced by the text’s
purpose. Why we are writing a piece must be considered
to come up with the correct pattern of development. By
knowing the purpose of writing, you could easily figure out
the best patterns to use and produce a high quality written


Complete the table below by filling in the possible effects of the given causes. Then, discuss
your answers with a partner.

Causes Effects
1 continuous price and gas hikes
2 heavy rainfall for three consecutive
3 leaving all the lights on throughout
the night
4 being soaked in the rain for more
than an hour
5 working under the sun for long

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Learn about It!

A cause states why something happens while an effect is what

happens. If they are combined, they can be used as a writing
development pattern. With the cause-and-effect pattern, the
writer can better explain how an event or action leads to another.
The following words can be used as signal words for cause and

1. as a result
2. accordingly
3. because of (this)
4. due to (this)
5. consequently
6. hence/therefore/thus

There are three different ways to utilize the cause-and-effect writing pattern: cause to effect,
effect to cause, and consecutive cause and effect.

1. Cause to Effect - In this pattern, the cause, which is either an

event or action, is stated right at the beginning of a paragraph,
followed by statements on its effects. This type of organization is
best for explaining a single cause with multiple effects.

Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning caused by the Salmonella enterica

bacterium. People who are infected with such illness experience abdominal
cramps, fever, and diarrhea. Consequently, they suffer from severe dehydration,
vomiting, headaches, and body aches. Furthermore, salmonellosis can lead to
complications, such as Reiter’s syndrome (reactive arthritis) and focal infection.

The topic sentence right at the beginning of the paragraph defines salmonellosis, the
cause. The rest of the sentences enumerate the effects of the illness. The words
consequently and furthermore are used to connect the ideas between sentences.
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2. Effect to cause - In this pattern, the effect is stated at the

beginning of the text, followed by sentences and paragraphs
that explain further the causes. This type of organization is best
for presenting a single effect with different causes.

Global warming, the increase of Earth’s average surface temperature, is happening.

One of its major causes is the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Those gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which keeps the Earth warm. However,
burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas produces more carbon dioxide, a
greenhouse gas, in the atmosphere. Thus, more heat is trapped in the atmosphere,
and the Earth gets warmer than usual.

Another major cause of global warming is deforestation. When forests are burned,
large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere. Likewise, when trees
are cut down, the carbon dioxide that they are supposed to absorb goes to the
atmosphere instead.

Nitrogen-based fertilizers are contributing to global warming, too. They are used in
farming to stimulate microbes in the soil. At a very fast rate, the microbes convert
nitrogen to nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that can trap more heat than carbon
dioxide can. Also, it destroys the ozone, Earth’s defense from ultraviolet light.

The first sentence of the first paragraph states the effect, which is the main idea of the
entire text. It is then followed by the statement of the first cause and its supporting
information. The second and third causes are stated and explained in the next two

3. Consecutive cause and effect - In this type of organization, each

cause has its corresponding effect, and they are tackled one by
one in a few sentences or paragraphs. The writer explains each
cause and effect completely before moving on to the next pair of
cause and effect.

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American women gained status during World War II. Many of them took over men’s
jobs in factories and farms as men enlisted in the military. As a result, they learned
new skills and experienced work outside of their home. Women were also allowed
to serve in the military following the bombing of Pearl Harbor, so they felt the pride
of being in the military service. Lastly, because of the absence of men, women
made decisions for themselves and their families.

The first sentence states the main idea of the paragraph. The next two sentences then
give the first supporting information, the second sentence states the cause, and the
third, the effect. Other supporting information is presented in the same pattern. Notice
the use of signal words as a result and so to indicate an outcome and because of to
signify a cause.

Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions. Use the blank space provided.

______________ 1. It tells why something happens.

______________ 2. It states what happens after.
______________ 3. What is the purpose of the cause-and-effect pattern?
______________ 4. Differentiate the cause-to-effect pattern from effect to cause pattern.
______________ 5. How is the consecutive cause-and-effect pattern used?

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Let’s Step Up!

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Lesson 3: Problem-Solution

Sometimes the best way to clearly see the possible

solutions to a problem is by writing it down. Once you have
pointed out what makes one thing a problem, finding out
the solution and explaining it to others becomes an easy
feat. Having a clear perspective of what needs to be solved
and how it should be solved makes it easier for the
audience to grasp your message.

Quick Writes

List down three problems that you have encountered before and share how you solved each
one. Then, answer the question: What did you realize about yourself after solving your own

Your Problems Your Solutions

What did you realize about yourself after solving your own problems?

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Learn about It!

A problem is defined as an unsatisfactory situation that causes

troubles or difficulties that need to be solved. Thus, it
necessitates a solution, a way to deal with the situation so that
the troubles or difficulties are removed. In writing across
disciplines, the problem-solution pattern of development is
used to deal with topics that logically pose problems and
present solutions.

The following variations of the problem-solution pattern are the

problem-solution, problem-cause-solution, and

1. Problem-solution - This is a pattern that has a

straightforward approach. The problem is stated simply,
and a possible solution is given.

The fast-food chain Charlie’s Chicken wants to attract

younger customers, ages 13 to 17, to dine in their restaurants. The management is
thinking of launching a new mascot called Clucky, a cool and trendy
anthropomorphic chicken. This brand overhaul would be very expensive, though.
So, they are also exploring digital marketing options. Through the Web and social
media, the company can promote the brand at a lower cost.

The first sentence is a clear statement of what the fast-food chain wants to do. Also, it
poses this problem: How is Charlie’s Chicken going to attract customers ages 13 to 17 to
dine in their restaurants? In the sentences that follow, two solutions are presented.

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2. Problem-cause-solution - In this pattern, the cause of

the problem is identified and analyzed before a possible
solution is presented.

Women in science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) are significantly underrepresented.
The small number of women working in these fields can
be attributed to the prevailing attitudes of people in general about the ideal career
aspirations of women. Educating people then is a way to change how they think
and feel about women. Furthermore, the government and public organizations
should support programs that increase women’s interest in the STEM fields.

The first sentence is a clear statement of the situation or problem. It is followed by the
statement of the cause of the problem. The solutions to the problem are stated in the
last two sentences.

3. Problem-process-solution - This pattern discusses the

process or procedure extensively. The discussion
addresses the problem while the leaders are led to the

A study is set out to determine the effects of ultraviolet light on live cells. In an
experiment, a microbial sample will be subjected to UV light from a 24-watt light
bulb. After six hours, the sample will be analyzed. The experiment aims to prove
that the UV light causes irreparable DNA damage that causes cell death. The results
can be used to develop more effective ways to protect human skin from the UV
light from the sun.

The first sentence states the main goal of the study and at the same time poses the
problem: What are the effects of ultraviolet light on live cells? The sentences that follow
give details on the experiment that will provide answers to the question. The final
sentence states the purpose of the study as well as the solution.

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Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions. Use the blank space provided.

______________1. What is the purpose of the problem-solution pattern?

______________2. What do you call an unsatisfactory situation that causes troubles or
______________3. Which problem-solution pattern is employed if the cause of the problem is
identified first before presenting the possible solution?
______________4. Which problem-solution pattern has a straightforward approach is presenting
the problem and its solution?
______________5. Which problem-solution pattern has a discussion on the procedure first
before presenting the solution?

Let’s Step Up!

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Lesson 4: Process Analysis

For your readers to understand how something works, there

must be a clear and detailed explanation about its
procedures. It is necessary that the writer vividly show the
different steps to be undertaken so that it is easily
understood. This greatly helps the readers thoroughly grasp
what they are reading about.


Enumerate at least three reading materials that contain detailed steps or instructions that you
have read and followed in order to achieve a certain goal. Explain how knowing the steps
helped you and how it made your task easier to do. Pinpoint which among the reading
materials was the most helpful and reader-friendly for you. Afterward, share your thoughts
with a partner.

Learn about It!

As a pattern of development in writing, a process analysis

discusses the steps taken in a given process. The term process
refers to a series of actions or steps toward a specific end, while
the term analysis refers to a detailed examination. Often, the
steps in a process happen over time and are presented in a
chronological manner. Process analysis texts make use of
transitional words, such as first, second, then, lastly, and finally.

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Some process analysis texts are instructional or directive. They teach the readers steps that
lead to a particular result.

Before you transplant, you need to make the new location ready to receive your roses.
You would not want to transfer the plant where the root ball becomes susceptible to sun
exposure or loss of moisture. If you are moving the rose plant to its new location using a
vehicle, you have to ensure that the roots are fully covered by a wet piece of cloth or
burlap. One tip for you is to keep watering the plant the day before you unearth it. Lots of
water will prevent the dryness of roots and wilting of the roses. If the roots have been
watered enough, the rose plant will survive the transplant since it will have enough
nourishment to last the time it is being moved. When you are digging out your roses, it is
very likely that you will not be able to get all the roots. Since rose plant roots grow very
deep into the soil, you will probably not be able to get all of them. However, if you have
watered your roses in advance, then there is a greater chance that the plants will still
flourish after the transfer.

The sample text above gives instructions or directions on how to transplant roses. The
second-person point of view is consistently used in the text to address the readers.

Other process analysis texts are informative. They explain how a certain process works.

How does one get the best possible loan? There are two basic ways to go about it: getting
a loan from mortgage brokers or acquiring it from a direct lender. A mortgage broker
acts as an intermediary between the loaner and the lender. On the other hand, a direct
lender allows the loaner to borrow if his or her application is acceptable. Brokers can
seek different kinds of mortgages depending on a loaner’s requirements, but direct
lenders have limited loan types. Nonetheless, a loaner should consider many factors,
such as interest rates, loan application fees, broker fees, prepayment penalties, and
credit report fees, among others.

The sample text above gives information on ways on how to get a loan. It is written in third
person point of view.

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Check Your Understanding

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of the process analysis pattern of development?

2. In cooking pasta, you have to boil the water first. Then, when it boils, add a tablespoon of oil
and a pinch of salt. Stir it. Put the pasta in the boiling water. Check it every few minutes until
it is cooked.
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the text above?
3. First, turn on the AVR. Second, click the power button in the CPU. Wait until the lock screen
appears. Then, encode you pin code or password. Finally, wait for your desktop to set up.
What type of process analysis pattern is exemplified in the text above?
4. It is a type of process analysis pattern that explains how a certain process works.
5. How could one distinguish an instructional process analysis pattern from an
informative one?

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Let’s Step Up!

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Performance Task
Group Article

Form a group of three. Your task is to write a five-paragraph essay that uses the pattern of
development in writing that was assigned to you.

You are a group of writers that are tasked to work together to write an article for your school

Your audience are your schoolmates, teachers, and other members of your school

Your group is assigned to write a five-paragraph article that will be published in your school
paper. However, you are assigned to write an article that uses a specific pattern of
development in writing.

Your article must:
1. have five paragraphs;
2. have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion;
3. establish a sound and logical thesis statement;
4. follow the writing development pattern (cause and effect, comparison and
contrast, process analysis, problem-solution) assigned to your group;
5. have a topic that is best suited to the pattern of development assigned;
6. be printed in a short bond paper, in font style Courier, font size 11.

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Standards and Criteria for Success

Your project will be graded using the rubric below:

Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Score

(0-12 points) (13-16 points) (17-20 points)

Content The article has no The article has a The article has a
clear thesis thesis statement clear and concise
statement. The although it can still thesis statement.
topic and be improved. Some It has a clear
subtopics have no subtopics have no establishment of
clear connection. clear connection to the topic and
the topic. subtopics.

Organization There is no Most of the ideas in The article has a

smooth transition the article have smooth
from one idea to smooth transitions. transition from
another. Three or One to two one point to
more transition transition markers another.
markers are are inappropriately Relationships of
inappropriately used. ideas are clearly
used. shown due to the
appropriate use
of transition

Language There are four or There two to three There are no

(spelling, more errors in errors in spelling, errors in spelling,
mechanics, spelling, mechanics, mechanics,
grammar, and mechanics, grammar, and grammar, and
language usage) grammar, and language usage. language usage.
language usage.

Punctuality The article was The article was The article was
submitted two to submitted one day submitted on or
three days after after the given before the given
the given deadline. deadline.

Parts of an essay The article has an The article has an The article has an
introduction, introduction, body, introduction,

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body, and and conclusion. It body, and

conclusion. It has has four conclusion. It has
three paragraphs. paragraphs. five paragraphs.

Use of the The group did not The group The group
assigned pattern employ their employed their employed their
of development assigned pattern. assigned pattern; assigned pattern
however, the topic throughout their
chosen is not article, and the
suitable to the topic is
pattern. appropriate for
the pattern.


Self-Check: How Well Did I Learn?

Do a self-check on how well you learned the lessons in this unit. Place a checkmark in the
appropriate box.
I am familiar and
I think I need more I am confident that I
can perform well
Skills practice and can perform this on
with minimal
assistance my own
I can distinguish
between patterns
of development in
writing, namely,
comparison and
contrast, cause
and effect,
and process
I can differentiate
the uses of those

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patterns in writing
across disciplines.

Wrap Up
Comparison Cause and Effect Problem-Solution Process Analysis
and Contrast
This shows how This explains how This is used in This discusses the
objects are an event or action writing to deal with steps required in a
similar or leads to another. topics that pose process.
dissimilar. problems and
present solutions in
a logical manner.
Comparison and There are three It has three Process analysis
contrast can be ways to use the variations: texts can be
used both in the cause-and-effect (1) problem-solution instructional or
development of pattern in writing: pattern; informative.
a text or (1) cause to effect; (2) problem-cause-
paragraph (2) effect to cause; solution pattern;
depending on and and
your purpose. (3) consecutive (3)
cause and effect. problem-process-
solution pattern.

Bibliography 2015. “Workers Say a Good Cup of Coffee Can Make Entire Workday Better.”
Accessed September 27, 2018.

———. 2016. “How to Avoid Neck and Back Pain from Backpacks.” Accessed September 27,

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Nordquist, Richard. 2015. “Process Analysis (Composition).” Accessed September 27, 2018.

SRJC English Department. 2007. “Patterns of Development Lesson.” Accessed September 27,

Recommended Link for This Unit:

Purdue Online Writing Lab. “Writing Essays for Exams.” Accessed September 27, 2018.

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