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ID NO: MWU/22000/13






2016 E.C

Gastric disease affects a person in any sex, age, race and living status even if it is common among
adolescent. Unless treated promptly and completely, it can continue to cause problems throughout the
person’s life. This study aimed to identify associated factors of gastric disease in Medda Walabu
University of College of natural and computational 4 th year students. Cross-sectional study design was
used and 73 regular students was taken using questionnaire. Then data was analyzed using descriptive
statistics and inferential statistics like chi-square and logistic regression model with help of SPSS. The
result of the study indicated that Problem of anxiety/stress, use of alcohol drink cigarette smoking, use of
hot drinks like coffee, tea etc. and frequent use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, ibuprofen etc.
had statistically significant association with gastritis. This happens due to the fact that anti-inflammatory
drugs can result in infection with the bacteria, Helicobacter pylori. Infection with Helicobacter pylori (HP)
can usually cause chronic gastritis. Over use of hot drinks and stress/anxiety had also similar effect on
gastritis. Thus, the researcher recommends the university and other stakeholders to minimize the
incidence through awareness creation about the causes of gastritis.

Keywords: gastric disease Students, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, descriptive statics, SPSS and Logistic


First of all, I would like to thanks almighty GOD for being with me throughout the study by
keeping my health with a good condition.
Secondly, I would like to express my indebtedness gratitude to my adviser Alemayehu. L for his
intensive comments on each section of the study, encouragement, guidance and support
throughout the study.
Finally, but not lastly, I offer my regards and blessing to all of those who support me in different
way during the study.

CNCS College of Natural and Computational Science
HIV/AIDS Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Virus
MWU Medda Walabu University
NSAIDS Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
PUD Peptic Ulcer Disease
SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science

Table of Contents



CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem...................................................................................................................2
1.3.1 General Objective.......................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the Study................................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the Study.............................................................................................................................4
1.6 Limitation of study............................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................................................5

CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................7

METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS......................................................................................................7

3.1 Description of the study area.............................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Study population.........................................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Study Design...............................................................................................................................7
3.1.3 Method of Data Collection..........................................................................................................7
3.1.4 Sampling technique.....................................................................................................................8
3.1.5 Sample Size Determination.........................................................................................................8
3.1.6 Study Variable.............................................................................................................................9
3.2 Method of Data Analysis...................................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Descriptive Statistics..................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Inferential statistics...................................................................................................................10
4.RESULT AND DISSCUSION................................................................................................................14
5 conclussion.............................................................................................................................................14
6 recomendation.......................................................................................................................................15





Gastritis is a disease which results from an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is
characterized by pain, swelling, and irritation of the mucosal membrane of the stomach [Cecilia
R, Guillermo M, Marta M, Graciela V..2020. www.intechopen. com]. Moreover, it manifested by
a sign and symptom such as nausea, vomiting, dull pain, discomfort in the upper abdomen,
feeling of fullness, and loss of appetite [Padmavathi V, Nagaraju B, Shampalatha P, Nirmala M,
Fareeda B, Susan T, et al2013; 1(2):101–1]. Gastritis is either an acute or a chronic depending on
how long the signs and symptoms persist. In particular, acute gastritis is an inflammation of the
stomach lining that occurs suddenly and lasts shortly within one or two days and even less than
a month [Elseweidy M. Brief Review on the Causes, Diagnosis and Therapeutic Treatment of
Gastritis Disease. Alternative and Integrative Medicine. ( 2017)

In United States, peptic ulcer related mortality rate is 7-10% in the admitted patients. With
respect to gender the prevalence rate of peptic ulcer is 11- 20% in males and 8-11% in females.
In India, the males are about eighteen times more susceptible than females [Newton EB,
Versants MR, Sepe TE: Giant duodenal ulcer. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14(32): 4995-99]

Gastritis is widely occurred disease in the world most people are attacked by it. The disease
Caused by the secretion of gastric juices acting on an empty stomach. Hydrochloric acid is
corrosive stomach wall resulting wound called gastric ulcers and secretion of gastric mucus is
less mucus lining the surface of the stomach. Established risk factors of gastritis such as stress,
smoking, and use of alcohol, coffee, and NSAIDs are commonly associated with university
students and could impact on the disease prevalence (Soupriye Bidokumo Zibima, Juliet
Imawaigha Oniso Int J Health Sci Res 10 (6),97-105, 2020).

Persons who attacked by this disease can’t be successful in their work. Even if it is less killer
than HIV/AIDS, Diabetes malts, cancer, it affects the quality of life and expose for other disease.
Gastric disease sick person (patients) can’t eat as he wants any type of food. This also expose to
deficiency disease like scurvy, night blindness, riboflavin etc. On the other hand, the patient
easily tempered (anger), due to this reason patients (gastric sick persons) body part gets burn. In
particular students are victim for this disease in different situation (angry with tempered, etc.). In
fact, gastric disease doesn’t have absolutely uniform properties and causes. Although it has most
commonly well-defined properties and causes (Brunner’s, 2002 and Suddath’s ,2001) and Cancer
Res (2004). Even if there was a study done about factors that affect gastric disease did not
provided sufficient information to people. But in this study the researchers expect, people get a
good information, solution & indication the cause and prevention of this disease.

Gastric diseases can be treated with antacids. Excessive acid production was presumed to be
responsible for inducing ulcer disease, and this premise informed the focus of management on
the use of drugs that neutralize and/or inhibit the secretion of stomach acid . Gastric problems
can be treated with anti-permeating agent that can reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and
pepsin by the stomach (MEDALION JOURNAL: Medical Research, Nursing, Health and
Midwife participation1 (2),78-89,2020).

The term gastritis should be reserved for historical documented inflammation of the gastric
mucosa. The ethologic factors lead to gastritis has been classified based on time of cause,
histological features and anatomic distribution or proposed pathogenic mechanism (Acute versus
chronic gastritis) (Harrison’s, 2006).

Also, acute gastritis was caused by bacteria infection called H-pylori. Acute infection with H-
pylori includes gastritis. If not treated this picture will involve into one of chronic gastritis lasting
up to one year may follow acute H-pylori infection (Adriana Botezatu, Nicole Bodrug Medicine
and Pharmacy reports 94(1),7,2021).

Gastro esophageal reflux disease is usually caused by changes in the barrier between the stomach
and the esophagus including abnormal of the lower esophageal sphincter, which normally holds
the top of the stomach closed; impaired expulsion of gastric reflux from the esophagus. These
changes may be permanent or temporarily (Hamza Halawani, Shadi Banoon Cureus 12

The researcher would like to investigate the severity, extent and magnitude of the problem in
University of Madda Walabu College of Natural and Computational Science because of the
students’ limited academic performance and the disturbance of their health status.


The effect of gastric diseases is in the world, in the country and particularly with in the
university life and also it affects as individual. Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD) remains a
major public health problem worldwide, and it is one of the most common and costly GI
diseases (including lost work time and productivity, are estimated to be above 8 billion
(USD) per year in the US).[1] Globally the life time prevalence of PUD is 10% of the
population [F. Charles Brunicardi: Schwartz's Principles of Surger. Stomach. The McGraw-
Hill Companies, USA, 9th Edition. 2010; 26: 907-22 ]. Then this disease increased by many
cases in the world and in the country like strong labor work, lack of balance diet, use
higher amount of hot drink, smoking cigarette, lack of quality feeding system. The cause
of gastric diseases in the university are poor quality cafeteria service, hot drink, chawing
chat etc (MM Elseweidy Altern Integr Med 6(1),1-6,2017). The effect of this disease
economically, socially, educationally, psychologically and other problem produced.
Gastric disease has many impacts on the students like physical, psychological, emotional
and other disabilities are produced, tempered has a long-term disability. Gastric disease
also affects all age group and sex but specially females are more affected. (Emanuela
Miceli, Natascia Brondino, Martina Staiani, Pierluigi Politi digestive disease and sciences
66, 3322-3329, 2021).
Due to lack of awareness and knowledge about dietary practices in the people are
regarding risk factors of the disease may be led to an increase of this disease. Thus, this
review aims to promote PUD prevention through established risk factors. This systematic
review identifies the recent research on the risk aspects of PUD . This study was
conducted on the effect of gastric disease and its associated factors particularly the
student’s life in Medda Wallaba University in case of CNCS
• How did we determine the quality of cafeteria services and there impact on gastric
• What were the main contributing factors that led to gastric disease?
• What preventive and curative measures were identified to address gastric disease?
1.3 Objectives of Study
1.3.1 General objectives
To identify associated factors of gastric disease problem among Madda Walabu
University CNCS 4th year students.


• To determine quality of cafeteria services and gastric disease.

• To determine the main contributing factors of gastric disease

• To identify and preventive and curative measures


The significance of the study indicates the negative impact of gastric disease on economic,
social, health and psychology. The economic impact of gastric disease is, gastric patient students
expense their money to buy medicine rather than buying material, which are used for educational
purpose and they are less sociable due to their aggressiveness. To avoid the problem, this study
had a great role by dig out the factors that affects gastric disease and put the necessary solutions.
The study was focus and identify the major factors that affect gastric disease. Generally, this
study provides brief description on the risk of gastric disease in the MWU.
Scope of this research was limited to College of Natural & Computational Science of 4th year
students in MWU and its population is 293. Therefore, the conclusion to be reached would
reflect the factors that affecting gastric disease of students with special reference to MWU.


One of the limitations is the potential sampling bias due to the use of simple random sampling,
which might not be representative of the entire students.
During conduct this research, the following challenges have occurred: -
• Shortage of time and budget.
• Lack of enough reference materials related to the title of the study.
• Lack of internet access.


An interested result was that the students who have gastric irritation problem with related to
using NSAIDS, drink alcohol, chewing chat, smoking cigarette. The person eats too much once
or rapidly or eat food that is noxious because it is too highly seasoned or is infected other cause
for actuate gastritis [Soupriye Bidokumo Zibima, Juliet Imawaigha Oniso Int J Health Sci Res 10
(6),97-105, 2020].

Chronic gastritis is a disease that affects lower end of the stomach near the duodenum. It is
associated with dictator factors such as hot drinks, alcohol etc. as [Brunner’s2005 and
Siddhartha’s 2004] studied. The gastric disease highly interacted with Helicobacter pylori.
Helicobacter pylorus is one of a large family of related bacteria that are well adapted to persist in
the stomach of vertebrates of the life span of their hosts.
As the studies indicate that H-pylori have colonized stomachs, since well before ones was born.
Every one carries H-pylori in their stomach develops a cellular infiltrate in their gastric mucosa
termed chronic gastritis. In most people this causes no symptoms, but H-pylori carries do have
an increased risk of developing peptic ulcers disease. Elimination of H-pylori with antimicrobial
treatment heals the ulceration and substantially reduces the risk of recurrence [Bethany Fong RD.
Foods to Avoid When You Have a Stomach Ulcer.2017].

Model of interactions polar forms of H-pylori with human gastric mucosa and consequent
Pathophysiology with highly interactive strains, population. Structure is weighted towards
proximity to the mucosa and there is high impact on host tissues, resulting in intense
inflammation and host signal (such as changes in gut nutrients, PH, and motility) a regulated
dynamic equilibrium between the microbial population and host response has been proposed [Sir
George Alleyne,2002].

Disease prevention

If a suitable vaccine were available (research projects are ongoing) to prevent H-pylori
colonization, would we increase or decrease the world's disease burden? There may not be a
single answer to this question; answers may vary with country, host genotype, and dietary

For example, a vaccination may be appropriate in parts of China where gastric cancer rates are
high but not in the United States, where rates are low and the incidence of gastro-esophageal
reflux disease is increasing. In any case, with continuing socioeconomic development, H-pylori
colonization is becoming less common. Monitoring trends in colonization rates and upper gastro
intestinal disease in differing populations should provide clues. The recent identification of the
complete genomic sequence of one strain of H-pylori will undoubtedly provide much
information relevant to treatment, prevention, and diagnostics. Comparison of genetic sequences
with those of “low virulence” strains should allow identification of the bacterial genetic bases of
pathogen [International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis 5 (9),9-11,2022].

Theoretical framework of the study

This study used the Social Ecological Theory. As it was explained by Kuykendall [ Kuykendall S.
Encyclopedia of Public Health. Principles, People, and Programs. 2018. Greenwood. ABC-CLIO, LLC.
California], the theory was developed by a group of experts, namely, Kenneth McLeroy, Daniel
Bibeau, Allan Steckler, and Karen Glanz in 1988. The theory draws its attention to the
contributory factors of health problems by addressing disease or illness. It addressed the
contributory factors of disease or illness from the psychosocial environmental elements.
Moreover, the theory emphasis to single out contributory factors with different scales or levels,
aiming at suggesting appropriate measures for the intervention.

Initially, the theory underlines individual behavioral factors which encompass variables such as
diet, substance use, age, past experiences, and knowledge or attitudes toward physical exercise.
Second, socio-cultural factors such as gender, beliefs, traditions and type of foods, preferences
and choices of meals, socioeconomic status, norms, and values within their way of life. Finally,
institutional and community factors such as faith-based institutions influencing dietary choices,
the nature of protection, access to fresh fruits and vegetables, recreational areas, and housing
nature were included.



The study was conducted in Madda Walabu university which is one of the Public University
established at Bale Robe town and which is located at north east part of Ethiopia in Oromia
reginal states; at distance of 430km away from Addis Ababa which is capital of the country.
According to the national census conducted by (CSA,2007) 2007 Bale Robe town has a total
population of 44,382 of from whom 22,543 are men and 21,839 are women.
The majority of the inhabitants 80% were Muslim followers, while the remaining 15% and 5%
were respectively Orthodox and Protestant followers (CSA,2007).
3.1.2 Study Population
In this study the target population was Natural & Computational Science 4th year students in
Madda Walabu university.
3.1.2 Study Design
In this study, the researcher used cross-sectional study design and the data was collected from the
target population through structural questionnaire.
3.1.3 Method of Data Collection
In this study, the data was collected by using primary data collection method. It is a method of
data collection original data obtained from primary source by questionnaire. A questionnaire is
self-report instrument used for gathering information about variables. An investigator collected
the data by considering the questions is clear and hence the respondents can read and understand

3.1.4 Sampling Technique

Sampling technique is a method of selecting sample from entire population. For this study, the
respondents were selected by using simple random sampling methods from total population
number of graduate students of natural and computational science in Main campus. The total
number of students were arranged in sequential. Then the researcher selects desired number of
respondents by lottery methods. Based on this selection respondents were guided by the
researchers to fill the questionnaires.

3.1.5 Sample Size Determination

The target population of this study were students of Madda Walabu University Natural &
computational Science in Main Campus total student is 293. Determining the sample size was
73 the key on the overall statistical process. An appropriate sample is one of the means of
gaining high precisions, accuracy and confidence with minimum cost. To determine a sample
size, the researcher used the following formula.

for this study the researcher used the proportion of students those who have gastric
disease p=0.5, q = 1-p 1-0.5= 0.5 (Demisew Gebru. Factors Associated with Gastric Disease
Among Students of Hawassa University Vol. 7, No. 6, 2018, pp. 207-214).

d=marginal error 10%

α=level of significant which is 0.05

=the accuracy level of significance taken as 1.96

= 96.04≈96
Then, for >0.05 the sample size is observed as the following: -

n = 96/ (1+96/293) =96/ (1+0.328) =96/1.328=72.3= 73

3.1.6 study variable

This study has two types of variables: -

Dependent Variable: gastric disease which is binary variable

(y= 1, if students have gastric disease) and (y = 0 if they have no gastric disease).

Independent Variables: it includes

• Age

• Sex

• Students’ cafeteria service

• Use of hot drinks.

• Use of alcohol drinks.

• Smoke cigarette

• Use of chewing chat.


• Stress (anger)

• Problem of scoring low grade


3.2.1 Descriptive Statistics
All data were entered into Statistical Software Packages for Social Science (SPSS, software
version 25). Descriptive statistics was computed to determine frequency and percentage. Chi-
square statistic was used to determine the associations between demographic characteristics
and related factors among the study subjects. Logistic regression was used to examine the
possible transmission factors. An adjusted odds ratio was obtained using a confidence interval
(CI) of 95 %. For all included studies, P value < 0.05 was regarded as statistically significant.

3.2.2 Inferential Statistics Chi-Square
Chi-square test is used to assess whether two attributes are associated or not. Here chi-square test
use for the test of independency and dependent variable that the researcher using hypothesis test
is the following like that null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis.
The meaning of these two hypotheses: null hypothesis (H o) the two variables of the element are
no significance association verses, alternative hypothesis (H 1) the two variables of the element
are significance association.
Test of statistics chi-square test means where = Observed frequency
=Expected frequency
The critical value is X2tab= x2(R-1) (C-1) Where R=number of rows C= number of columns
Decision rule: if chi- square calculates (X 2cal) greater than chi-square tabulation (X 2tab) we
reject null hypothesis Otherwise do not reject null hypothesis, Where (R-1) (C-1) =degree
freedom for chi-square distribution. Logistic Regression

One of the statistical techniques for this study was the logistic regression model. Logistic
regression is a variation of ordinary regression which is used when the dependent (response)
variable is dichotomous variable (i.e., it takes only two values, which usually represent the
occurrence and non- occurrence, or success or failure, or satisfy or dissatisfy of some outcome
events usually coded as 0 or 1) and the independent (input) variables are continuous, categorical
or both.

The model for p-explanatory variables (i.e., x 1, x2… xp) in this study the researcher used logistic
regression model. The dependent variable is gastric irritation problem and it is qualitative form
which has two possibilities; the students those who have gastric irritation and students those who
have no gastric irritation.
Logistic regression analysis extends the techniques of regression analysis to research situations
in which the outcome variable is categorical. Generally, the response variable is binary, such as
(presence or absence, success or failure etc.) in logistic regression Assumptions of Logistic Regression

Assumptions were should consider for the efficient use of logistic regression as given below
(Homer and Lemeshow, 1989).
• Logistic regression assumes meaningful coding of the variables. Logistic coefficients
were difficult to interpret if not coded meaningfully. The convention for binomial logistic
regression is to code the dependent class of interest as 1 and the other class as 0.
• Logistic regression does not assume a linear relationship between the dependent and
independent variables.
• The dependent variable must be categorical.
• The independent variables need not be interval, no normally distributed, no linearly
related and no equal variance within each group.
• The groups must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive; a case can only be in one group
and every case must be a member of one of the groups.
• Larger samples are needed than for linear regression because maximum likelihood
coefficients are large sample estimates.
• The logit regression equation should have a linear relationship with the logit form of the
dependent variable. Model Description

Binary logistic regression is most useful when you want to model the event probability for a
categorical response variable with two outcomes.
Since the probability of an event must lie between 0 and 1, it is impractical to model
probabilities with linear regression techniques, because the linear regression model allows the
dependent variable to take values greater than 1 or less than 0. The logistic regression model is a
type of generalized linear model that extends the linear regression model by linking the range of
real numbers to the 0-1 range.

By inverting the definition of the logistic is given by:

Suppose that gastritis is denoted by “Y” which has binary values. When Y=1, it shows the
students with gastric irritation and y=0, it shows the students without gastric irritation.

If is the probability that the students with gastric irritation.

(1- ) will be the probability that the students without gastric irritation.

This means, that will be the odds that, the selection of students with gastric

In terms of odd ratio, the logistic regression model can be written as

=exp (β0+β1x1+β2x2…...+ )

Which means that exp ( ), =1, 2... K is the factor by which the odd of occurrence of success
change by a unit increases in the independent variable.

Estimation of parameter

For a binary random variable “Y’ assuming value as either 1 or 0, the probability (Y=1) is
given as (Y=1) =

Logit (π(x)) =log ( ) = β0+βx

Where β= vector of coefficients

X=vector of independents
The maximum likelihood and non-iterative weighted least squares are the two most computing
estimation methods used in fitting logistic regression model (Hosmer and Lemeshow, 1989).
Consider the logistic model =, since observed values of Y say, Yi’s (i=1, 2… n) are
independently distributed as binomial and, the maximum likelihood function of Y is given by:
Chapter four
Result and discussion
4.1 Results
4.1.1 Descriptive analysis
Table 1, frequency table of gender and age distribution of students

variables Category frequency percentage Gastric disease status

yes no
Sex Male 31 42.5 20 11
Female 42 57.5 15 27
Total 73 100 35 38
20-25 47 64.4 17 30
Age 26-30 24 32.9 17 7
>30 2 2.7 1 1
Total 73 100 35 38

Table 2, Descriptive analysis of variables with their categories

Variables Categories Frequency Percentage Gastric disease


yes no
Use of hot No 29 39.7 10 19
drinks (tea,
coffee) Yes 44 60.3 30 14
Total 73 100 40 33
Smocking No 51 69.9 15 36
Yes 22 30.1 12 10
Total 73 100 27 46
Chewing chat No 49 67.1 22 27
Yes 24 32.9 7 17
Total 73 100 29 44
Non-steroidal Non-users 24 32.9 6 18
inflammatory Users 49 67.1 38 11
Total 73 100 44 29
Use of alcohol No 38 52.1 12 26
Yes 35 47.9 10 25
Total 73 100 22 51
Problems of <2 3 4.1 2 1
scoring GPA
2-2.5 34 46.6 27 7
2.6-3 27 37.0 12 15

>3 9 12.3 2 7
Total 73 100 43 30
Stress/anger No 21 28.8 3 18
yes 52 71.2 38 14
Total 73 100 41 32
Student No 13 17.8 3 10
service Yes 60 82.2 44 16
Total 73 100 47 26
Table 3, Chi-square analysis of independent variables of gastric disease

Table 4, Bivariate analysis of independent variables of gastric disease

4.2 Discussion
Table 1 shows the demographic characteristic for the total sample enrolled in the study, such as
age and gender. About 31 (42.5 percent) respondents were male and 42 (57.5 percent)
respondents were female students. In this study out of 31 male students 20 (64.5%) of them
had gastric disease whereas out of 42 female students only 15(35.7%) had gastric disease. I n our
study, gastric disease was more common in males than females with a male: female ratio of 4:3.
prevalence rate of peptic ulcer is 11- 20% in males and 8-11% in females. In India, the males are
about eighteen times more susceptible than females.

More than half of the study participants, 47 (64.4%) were between the age of 20-25 years old
out of those 17(36.2%) individuals had gastric disease, 24 (32.9%) were between 26-30 years
old from these 17(70%) students reported that they had gastric disease, while only 2 (2.7%)
were aged above 30 years old and out of this 1(50%) respondent had gastric disease. Gastric
disease was observed to be more prevalent in the age of 26-30 years and greater than 30 years. It shows
that as the age increases it has highly likely to develop gastric disease.

Table 2 showed frequency distribution and percentages of risk factors. In this study, the greatest risk
factors identified were consumption of NSAIDs, coffee, and smoking cigarette, using cafeteria service,
having stress and scoring of low GPA. About (44/60.3%) respondents drinks coffee and tea out of those
30(68.2%) individuals had gastric disease. In the previous study Cohen et al. have been recording that
coffee is a stimulant of acid secretion regardless of its caffeine content.

From samples (22/30.1%) were smoking cigarette from these 12 students reported that they had gastric
disease. The present study showed the highest incidence rate of risk factors that affected gastric disease
such as smoking status was found in (12/54.5%) studied samples, there is some study agree with this
result Ivana et al. has been noted that smoking is harmful to the gastroduodenal mucosa, and H. pylori
infiltration is denser in the gastric antrum of smokers (Ivana Đorđević et al., 2011).

Among (24/32.9%) Chewing chat students only 7 (29%) had gastric disease so in this study
chewing chat had no relation to gastric disease. About (49/67.1%) respondents use NSAIDs and
from these 38 (77.5%) students were get gastric disease and 11(22.4%) individuals had no gastric
disease. About (35/47.9%) respondents drink alcohol among these only 10 (28.6%) respondents had
gastritis, so in this study it shows that drinking alcohol has no great effect on gastritis.

There is some study agree with this result NSAIDS impact on the mucosal protection through the
reduction of the effectiveness of mucus bicarbonate barrier, gastric acid and pepsin, which results to
damage of the affected mucosal surface (Habeeb A., Tiwari SK., Bardia A., Khan S., Vishwakarma SK.,
Habeeb S., et al). Smoking and alcohol have also long been considered risk factors of gastric disease
because they elevate the risk of ulcers and impairs the process of healing.

Around (34/46.6%) students had scoring between 2-2.5 GPA out of these 27(79.4%) students reported
that they had gastritis. As shown in the above table 2 52(71.2%) respondents reported that they had
stress and out of them 38(73.1%) of respondents had gastric disease. From the total respondents
(60/82.2%) of them uses cafeteria service in the campus and out of these 44(73.3%) individuals reported
that they had gastritis. Stress was among the modifiable risk factors associated with in madda walabu
university students with gastric disease. More female than males were affected. This may probably be
due to higher proportion of females in the population of diagnosed gastric patients or lower threshold
for stress compared with males. in madda walabu University education is usually viewed as stressful. Full
time students are commonly scheduled for academic activities from 8am-5pm and have to attend to
assignments and personal study during the night. When such activities are routinely observed, there is
tendency for stress levels to increase and impact negatively on the gastrointestinal system.
Table 3

the possible null and alternative hypothesis are:

H0: There is no association between independent variable with dependent variable

H1 : There is association between independent variable with dependent variable

the above table 3 The chi-square analysis in the given outcomes is used to determine whether there was
a significant association between the independent variables (such as use of hot drinks, alcohol, smoking,
etc.) and the occurrence of gastric disease among students.

The variables use of hot drinks (tea, coffee), use of alcohol drinks, smoking cigarettes, and use of
chewing chat all have Sig. values less than 0.05, indicating that they were statistically significant. This
means that there were evidence to suggest that these variables were associated with the occurrence of
gastric disease among students.

On the other hand, the variables student cafeterial service , problem of scoring low grade, non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and sex of students have Sig. values greater than 0.05, indicating that there was
not enough evidence to suggest a significant association with the occurrence of gastric disease.

Therefore, based on the chi-square analysis, it can be concluded that the use of hot drinks, alcohol,
smoking, and chewing chat were significantly associated with the occurrence of gastric disease among
students in this study.
As shown in the above table 4, Bivariate analysis of independent variables of gastric disease

Where, X is vector of independent variable and β is the vector of coefficient of independent variable
and βo is constant.
No need of saying about insignificant variable because they are not important to predict the model and It's
fit the logistic model only for significant variable.
Logit(π(x)) = log{ }=B0+B1X1+B2X2+B3X3
= 3.020–2.559X1 – 2.401X2 – 1.937X3
Where: X1 is alcohol drink, X2 is used of smoke cigrattee, X3 is non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Since the sig- value for these three independent variable were below the significance level α=0.05
we conclude that each three independent variables are significantly different from zero important to
predict the model or there were been called as factors that facilitated gastric irritation. Thus, values for
each three coefficients and interpret the result as follows.

Since, the coefficient of alcohol drink students (β1=-2.559), were been negative; there were been a
negative relationship exist between gastric disease and students used to alcohol drink. The odds of non
alcohol drink user students faced by gastric disease are 0.077 times lower than that of the odd of alcohol
drink user students.). Reference (No=0)
P= 0.077/1+0.077 =0.0715
so,the probability that a student were non gastric is 7.15% and the remaining 92.85% is gastric disease in
the case of alcohol drink
Since, the coefficient smoke cigarette is (β2=-2.401), were been negative and there were a negative
relationships between gastric disease and smoke cigarette. The odds of non smoke cigarette students
faced the problem of the gastric disease were 0.091 times smaller than the odds of smoke cigarette of
gastric disease irritation problem. Reference (No=0).
P= 0.091/1+0.091=0.083
so,the probability that a student were non gastric is 8.3% and the remaining 91.7% is gastric disease in the
case of smoke cigrattee
Since the coefficients for used of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are (β3=-1.937) were a negative,
there were negative relationship exist between gastric disease and students that used of non steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs . The odds of non user of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs students those had
gastric disease irritation problems were 0.144 times lower than the odds of the user non steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs of gastric disease irritation problem. Reference (No=0)
P=odd/1 +odd

so,the probability that a student were non gastric is 14.4% and the remaining 85.6% is gastric disease in
the case of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of gastric disease irritation

As shown in the above tabele 5,goodns of fit modele

model summary
the given set of independent variable the full model explain about 23% to 41.8% variation of the
dependent variable.
Normally used to nagelkerke R square an adjusted version of cox and snell R square that adjusted the
scale of the statistics to covered the full range from 0 to 1

the model had also good fit since hosmer and lemeshow test could not rejected the null hypothesis of the
model appropriateness as chi square value 2.173 and p equal to 0.975>0.05(5%) confidence interval

5 Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
Generally, in this study the researcher assessed different factors that affected gastric disease in madda
walabu university. These factors were identified as cafeteria service, hot drink, alcohol drink, stress,
smoke ciggrateee , age, sex , chewing chat , NSAIDS and the problem of low score those factors major
effect of gastric disease.
There are self-care practices that gastric disease patients should be aware of and engage in order to
adequately promote the ulcer healing process. Due to lack of awareness and knowledge about dietary
practices in the people are regarding risk factors of the disease may be led to an increase of this disease.
Therefore, health education on the negative health impacts of hat chewing, cigarette smoking and
alcohol drinking, stress and use of NSAIDS to minimize burden of disease.
Avoid foods and drinks that cause discomfort like alcohol, coffee, caffeinated soda, fatty foods,
chocolate, and spicy foods.
Giving Counseling practices in the following things:
• Avoid cigarette smoking,drinking alcohol,frequent use of hot drink and chewing chat as they can
increase stomach acid, trigger acid reflux and worsen symptoms associated with stomach ulcers.
• Reduce stress level and learn ways to better manage stress.
• Avoid NSAID such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. If, required, to take Paracetamol to relieve pain.

5.2 5.2 Recommendation

The following recommendations were forwarded based on the findings of this study.
The study results suggest that the high prevalence rate calls for intervention to minimize the
incidence of the gastritis among students in the madda Walabu University.
Based on the result of the study, the following recommendations were forwarded. Firstly,
Awareness giving to students regarding the disease and control mechanisms to utilize and use
these ways for instance, to avoid alcohol drinking, stop cigarette smoking, and to avoid using
ant-inflammatory drugs like aspirin without physician consultation. Secondly, Special attention
needs to be given by the Health workers,cafeteria manager's ,department coordinators (on
teaching and learning schedule) and others for the gastric disease patient students.
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• Students’ cafeteria service

The purpose of these questionnaires is to gather information for the research study entailed as “Identify
factor that initiate the gastric disease: a case study in Madda Walabu University Main Campus College of
NCS 4th year (graduation class) students”. Therefore, the response you give to question has great value to
lead this study to attain valid result. Your genuine response is much appreciated!! Please thick in the box
of your choice.

Personal information

1, Sex Male Female

2. Age 20-25. 26-30. greater than 30

Questions related to factors that initiate gastric disease

3. Do you have gastric disease irritation problem? Yes No

4. Do you use hot drink (coffee, tea, etc.)? Yes No

5. Do you drink alcohol? Yes No

6. Do you smoke cigarettes? Yes No

7.Do you chew chat? Yes No

8. Do you use students’ cafeteria service? Yes No

9. Do you easily be tempered /angry? Yes NO

10. do you have problem of scoring low grade(GPA)? <2 2-2.5. 2.6-
3 and >3

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