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Paper – 1
TIME : 3 HRS. MARKS : 30
Note: Attempt all questions. All questions equal marks.

Choose the correct answer:-

1. Virtual Office ensures that _________ processing functions are being automated through
sophisticated electronic systems.
a) Information b) Environment c) Culture d) None of these

2. Companies, independent business executive and public figures often hire_____ to help them
manage their routine affairs like mailing correspondence, filing, making appointments, arranging
meeting, collecting information etc.
a) Private Secretary b) Under Secretary
c) Company Secretary d) Govt. Secretary

3. One of the important parts of Office Environment is _______.

a) Office layout b) Work Flow c) Work System d) Interior Decoration

4. Office Manager is a business professional who is responsible for a diverse set of _____ task.
a) Administrative b) Accounting c) Marketing d) Human resource management

5. Planning of Office Layout is essential to use the _____the most economically.

a) Space b) Lighting c) Office flow d) Office system

6. Establishing an overdraft facility with a bank can help an individual or small business to deal
with _______ cash flow problems.
a) Short term b) long term c) Permanent d) None of these

7. A ______ Machine prints postal stamps.

a) Franking b) Laser c) Addressing d) Scanning

8. A ________ serves as an information warehouse for an office, organize and maintains hard
copy and electronic files, and generates correspondence.
a) Private Secretary b) Human Resource Professional
c) Marketing Manager d) None of these

9. Which out of the following is an important merit of using office machines?

a) High cost
b) Saving of labour
c) Requirement of additional space
d) Requirement of special skills for operation

10. A Post Office does not have the facility of ____

a) Money order b) Speed post c) Bank draft d) E-payment
11. A tool that outlines a candidate’s skills and experiences so that the employer can see, at
glance, how he/she can contribute to the employer’s workplace is termed as.
a) Report b) Resume c) Summary d) Presentation

12. In Chronological Classification of filling records are filed and arranged.

a) Relating to a subject b) In strict data order
c) On geographical origin of papers d) In strict numerical order

13. Which of the following is the first cell in Excel Worksheet contain?
a) AA b) A1 c) Aa d) None of these

14. In Excel, how many maximum worksheets a workbook contain?

a) 13 b) 28 c) 256 d) 356

15. ________ can best be described as a presentation graphic program.

a) Word b) Excel c) Power point d) Desktop

16. A file which contains________ system that can be used for a presentation is called Template.
a) Animated b) Readymade c) Speed d) None of these

17. Special effect used to introduce slides in a presentation are called.

a) Effects b) Custom animations c) Transitions d) Preset animations

18. Electronic mail has the advantage of _____

a) Record keeping b) Cost c) Speed d) All of these

19. When accessing the internet through ______, a modem is not required.
a) LAN b) Wi Fi c) Cable d) None of these

20. A computer_____ is a software program that has been intentionally created to cause a user
grief, spread to other computers, or destroy data on an individual’s computer.
a) Simplex b) Virus c) Duplex d) None of these

21. In a worksheet you can select

a) The entire worksheet b) Rows c) Columns d) All of these

22. Which of the following helps in making note outlines for teachers which facilitate project
presentations, communication of planning etc.?
a) Excel b) Word c) Desktop Publishing d) Power Point Presentation

23. A new presentation can be created from:

a) Blank Presentation b) From Existing Presentation
c) From Design Template d) All of these

24. All formulas in excel starts from:

a) / b) * c) $ d) =

25. Which types of charts can excel produce?

a) Line graphs and pie charts only b) Only line graphs
c) Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts d) Bar charts and line graphs only

26. A bullet slide helps in

a) Justifying margins b) Presenting material consisting of text and numbers
c) Creating Presentations d) All of these

27. A cell in Excel becomes active by:

a) Pressing an arrow key b) Clicking the cell
c) Pressing the Tab key d) All of these

28. In excel, we have _____ which helps us to quickly fill cells with repetitive sequential data.
a) Auto sum b) Auto repeat c) Auto fill d) Fill auto

29. Which of the following setup options cannot be set in the page setup dialog box?
a) Printer selection b) Vertical or horizontal placement
c) Orientation d) Row and columns titles

30. What is the intersection of a column and a row on a worksheet called.

a) Column b) Values c) Address d) Cell

1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-a, 5-a, 6-a, 7-a, 8-a, 9-b, 10-d, 11-b, 12-b, 13-b, 14-c, 15-c, 16-b,
17-c, 18-d, 19-b, 20-b, 21-d, 22-d, 23-d, 24-d, 25-c, 26-b, 27-d, 28-c, 29-d, 30-d


Paper – 1
TIME : 3 HRS. MARKS : 80

Note: This paper contains two parts- Part A & Part B.

Attempt all questions.
All questions equal marks.
This paper carries negative marking 25% marks will be deducted for each
wrong answer

PART – A (Theory) (MARKS : 30)

Choose the correct answer:

1. Three things are required of an efficient personal secretary/ stenographer-

a) Stenography, office routine and personal quality
b) Look smart, look alert and talkative
c) Knowing filing and indexing, handling advertisement, sorting of incoming mail
d) Expert in handling all equipments, attending personal and official calls, speak loudly if the
person concerned not listening clearly

2. The consonants are composed of-

a) Vowels b) Straight lines and curves c) Hooks d) Diphthongs
3. An open sound as distinguished from a consonant is called a-
a) Consonant b) Grammalogue c) Vowels d) Phrase

4. An open sound as distinguished from a consonant is called a –

a) Two vowels in different syllables b) Two in one syllable
c) One syllable and marked in third place d) Two syllables and marked in second places

5. Shorthand outlines of frequency occurring words are called as-

a) Short forms b) Logograms c) Grammalogues d) Constractions

6. In almost all cases ‘ { ‘ is written -

a) Downward b) Upward c) Horizontal d) Medially

7. Semi-Circle ‘W’ is used in the beginning –

a) Before ‘K’, ‘g’, ‘m’ and ‘r’ (up and down) when not preceded by a vowel
b) Before ‘k’, ‘g’, ‘m’ and ‘r’ ( up and down) when followed by a vowel
c) After ‘k’, ‘g’, ‘m’ and ‘r’ ( up and down) when followed by a vowel
d) With STR loop medially

8. The alternative form for representation of consonants ‘s’ and ‘z’ is –

a) by a small circle b) By a big circle c) By loop d) By hook

9. The circle ‘s’ is written –

a) Outside curves
b) Inside curves
c) Right motion when joined to straight strokes
d) S followed by a vowel

10. Which of the following is not a type of page margin?

a) Left b) Right c) Center d) Top

11. ‘F’ or ‘V’ hook is never attached to –

a) Final ‘F’ or ‘V’ stroke is followed by a vowel
b) Curve strokes
c) Phraseography
d) Straight strokes

12.’ST’ loop is represented-

a) Outside the curves b) Finally when followed by a vowel
c) With the right motion to straight strokes d) Inside the curves

13. All double length down strokes are written –

a) On the lien
b) Above the line
c) Through the line
d) Double length down strokes are not written

14. A suffix is a common syllabus occurring at the __of the word.

a) Beginning b) Middle c) End d) Beginning of ING

15. A prefix is a common syllabus occurring at the _____ of a word.

a) Beginning b) Middle c) End d) Circle NS
16. Transcription is the context of ---
a) Computer b) Typewriting c) Shorthand d) None of these

17. Can the ‘SW’ circle be used with stroke ‘W’?

a) Yes b) No c) Something d) Yes with ‘STR’ loop

18. The stroke ‘SH’ when hooked for ‘L’ is written –

a) Upward b) Downward c) Through d) None of these

19. Which of the following is internal memory?

a) Disks b) Pen drives c) RAM d) CDs

20. Which operation is not performed by computer ?

a) Inputting b) Processing c) Controlling d) Understanding

21. Which of the following is not a microcomputer ?

a) Laptop PCs b) Tablet PCs c) Desktop PCs d) None of these

22. The word length of a computer is measured in –

a) Bytes b) Millimeters c) Meters d) Bits

23. Which unit holds data permanently?

a) Input unit b) Secondary storage unit
c) Output unit d) Primary memory unit

24. Before a disk can be used to store data. It must be —

a) Formatted b) Reformatted c) Addressed d) None of these

25. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS Office?

a) Office XP b) Office Vista c) Office 2007 d) None of these

26. You cannot close MS Word application by –

a) Choosing file menu then exit submenu b) Press Alt + F4
c) Click X button on title bar d) From file menu choose close submenu

27. The key F12 opens a –

a) Save as dialog box b) Open dialog box
c) Save dialog box d) Close dialog box

28. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically after certain internal is available
on –
a) Save tab on option dialog box b) Save as dialog box
c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of these

29. Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word Screen?
a) Tab stop box b) Left indent c) Right indent d) Centre indent

30. How many ways you can save a document?

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6

Answers :
1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-a, 8-a, 9-b, 10-d, 11-a, 12-d, 13-c, 14-c, 15-a, 16-c, 17-b, 18-a,19-c,
20-d, 21-c, 22-a, 23-b, 24-c, 25-b, 26-d, 27-a, 28-a, 29-a, 30-a

Paper – 1

Note: Attempt all questions.

All questions equal marks.
This paper carries negative marking 25% marks will be deducted for each
wrong answer

Choose the correct answer:

1. General principles of filing and indexing should be –
a) File documents tidily
b) Classify the documents in details
c) Labelling papers, putting them away and getting them out again when required.
d) File documents suitably

2. All inward mail of small organization may be received through –

a) The postman or peon or courier
b) Postbox is compulsory to collect the mail
c) Special staff deputed for the purpose
d) Officer concerned

3. The process of office planning begins with –

a) Forecasting b) Setting planning c) Setting objectives d) None of these

4. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary are –

a) he has not to see that office work is done properly
b) He has to supervise and control all the sections in – charge of office services
c) He is not valuable advisor
d) He has not to look after planning of the office work

5. The process of decision making by office Secretary to find Solution is

a) Satisfying b) Bounded rationality c) Heuristic d) None of these

6. What function displays row data in a column or column data in a row?

a) Hyperlink b) Transpose c) Index d) Rows

7. Each excel file is called a workbook because

a) it can contain text and data
b) it can be modified
c) it can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets
d) you have to work hard to create it

8. MIME stands for—

a) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
b) Multipurpose Internet Mail, Email
c) Multipurpose Internet Mail End
d) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extra

9. To create Web Pages we use a term, called –


10. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

a) Lines and spaces b) Rows and columns
c) Layers and planes d) Height and width

11. Material consisting of text and number is best presented as –

a) A table slide b) A title slide c) A bullet slide d) All of these

12. What is a motion path?

a) A type of animation entrance effect
b) A method of advancing slides
c) A method of moving items on a slide
d) All of these

13. If you have created a Power Point show and want to send using email to another teacher you
can add the show to your email message as –
a) Inclusion b) Reply c) Attachment d) Forward

14. In order to edit a chart, you can –

a) Triple click the chart object b) Double click the chart object
c) Click and drag the chart object d) Click the chart object

15. What is internet?

a) A single network b) Interconnection of local area networks
c) A vast collection of different networks d) None of these

16. Which one of the following protocol is not used in internet?

a) HTTP b) DNS c) DHCP d) None of these

17. When you insert an Excel file into a Word document, the data are –
a) Hyperlinked b) Linked c) Placed in a word table d) Embedded

18. Which of the following is used to refresh?

a) F5 b) Click on the toolbar c) View-refresh d) All of these

19. Which file format can be added to a Power Point show?

a) .jpg b) .wav c) .gif d) All of these

20. The office function which determine future course of action is called –
a) Organizing b) Planning c) Controlling d) None of these

21. In Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), support –

a) Proxy Domain b) Proxy Server c) Proxy Documents d) Proxy IP

22. In Microsoft Power Point two kind of sound effects files that can be added to the ……
presentation are –
a) .wav file and .mid files b) .wav files and .jpg files
c) .wav files and .gif files d) .jpg files and .gif files

23. In the context of animations, what is a trigger?

a) An action button that advances to the next slide
b) An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
c) The name of a motion path
d) All of these

24. To join the internet, the computer has to be connected a –

a) Internet architecture board b) Internet society
c) Internet service provider d) None of these

25. Internet works on –

a) Packet switching b) Both (a) and (c)
c) Circuit switching d) None of these

26. Which one of the following is not an application layer protocol used in internet?
a) Remote procedure call b) internet relay chat
c) Resource reservation protocol d) None of these

27. Consider the following office equipments used in various offices –

a) Fax b) Dictaphone c) Computer d) Duplicating machine

28. Attitude test is also known as –

a) Trade test b) Interest test c) Aptitude test d) Achievement test

29. Which of the following is the function of office secretary?

a) Representing b) Guiding c) Integrating d) All of these

30. Controlling office activities is –

a) An important managerial function
b) Not to measure the actual performance
c) Not to evaluate the performance of staff
d) Not to bother cost consciousness

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