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Activity No.

Name: Jan Tone B. Tugas_____________________________________________ Time & Section 7:30-9:00 BEED 2B

1. Discuss the following:

1. Based on the definition of entrepreneurship, formulate your own definition of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship refers to people who excel in the world of business. These individuals love to create a business
venture, taking risk when it comes to financial and ambitious.

2. Who could be an entrepreneur? Explain.

Anyone, as long as they are committed, hardworking, goal-directed and have the willingness to risk. Entrepreneurs
also need to do a lot of research and plan about the business that they want to create to start the process of
entrepreneurship. Patience and Resilience is part of being an entrepreneur, you remain focused on your goal
despite any unexpected adversity. You know your goal is still possible and worth continuing toward, so you don't
get bogged down by the clouded judgment that frustration can bring. In short, patience helps you stay effective
for the long haul.

3. Identify and differentiate categories of entrepreneurship in your own words?

There are four categories of entrepreneurship the micro entrepreneurship, cottage enterprise, small and medium
enterprise and the large entreprise. Micro entrepreneurship refers to a small business and has a small number of workers.
Cottage entreprise, this type of entrepreneur refers to a homemade production of products, this kind of business doesnt
really require a large amount of capital. Small and medium enterprise, a small business that has more than 30 employees
but less than 250 employees. Large enterprise is a business category with an above-average business size, has large
operations, and high economies of scale.

4. Do you think you have the potential to become an entrepreneur? Why and why not?
For me, yes, because I believe that I have special skills that can be used in the business world and through the use
of technology, i will be able to find handy information that can be used in any circumstances when it comes to
business and can be added to my knowledge.

5. How do you best exemplify the entrepreneurial spirit? What characteristics do you most identify with?
For me, I think being a risk-taker, because in the business world, there are opportunities that are being dropped
everywhere, and it is a matter of grabbing it, or you lost it. To be specific, reaching success or working harder in
order to achieve success.

6. How could a teacher encourage students to engage in different entrepreneurial Activities?

The Teacher’s can encourage the students to engage in entrepreneurial activities through hands-on activities that
is related to business, help the learners to show their creativity and allow them to share their ideas about
business. The teachers can also share his/her knowledge about it to the students so that the learners can
construct their own ideas on business.

7. ? Present your answer in a graphical art format (drawing, collage, poster & etc.). You may use a separate sheet and
take a picture of your final output.

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