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TUGAS Time & Section: E250 BEED 2B

1. As far as you can remember, list 5 descriptions of your EPP classroom before.
1. Hands-on activities- During my grades school, our epp subject focuses on the improvement of
skills in our daily life. We engage more on sewing, Gardening, cooking and more.
2. Collaboration activities- our teacher also engage us more on collaborative activities like
Gardening, we are assigned in different spaces on the back of our classroom in where we plant
the different vegetables seedling and take care of it until it grows.
3. Equipment- Teachers usually remind us to bring a materials and tools that we need that is
related to our lesson that can be used to our activity or project.
4. Positive and active classroom- in elementary, most of my classmates likes EPP subject, they
are very participative, competitive and active when it comes to discussion and activities.
5. Safety first- Teachers also ensure that the tools and materials that we used is safe not just the
materials but also the surroundings.

2. Do you think your EPP classroom before was conducive to learning EPP lessons? Why?
Yes, because our teacher in epp has many teaching strategies and hand-on activities that can get
the attention of students. The teacher knows how to control the atmosphere of the classroom
that changes the negative mood into positive. Our Teacher engaged us more in collaboration
activities which is good so that we could gain some ideas that the other has and build

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