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Threats, Status, and Conservation Jafet M. Nassar,

Luis F. Aguirre,
Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats Bernal Rodríguez-Herrera
and Rodrigo A. Medellín


The conservation status of bats worldwide is mainly influenced by anthropogenic

factors to which these organisms are especially susceptible because of their slow
population growth rates, longevity, and high metabolic rates (Voigt and Kingston
2016). Thus, under the current rate of human intervention in practically all terrestrial
ecosystems, bat conservation represents a major challenge, and the level of difficulty
to achieve positive results can be very high in many countries where bats continue
to be stigmatized (Kingston 2016). This pessimistic scenario contrasts with growing
evidence demonstrating the multiple ecological functions and ecosystem services
provided by bats (Ghanem and Voigt 2012; Kunz et al. 2011). In this regard, leaf-
nosed bats stand out as versatile providers of ecosystem services when compared to
other bat families worldwide, because besides consumption of arthropods (Giannini
and Kalko 2004; chap. 14, this vol.), many species are pollinators and seed disper-
sal agents of hundreds of tropical plants (Kunz et al. 2011; Muscarella and Fleming
2007). In addition, phyllostomid bats are considered to be valuable indicators of hab-
itat disruption in a wide range of forest types in the Neotropics due to their diversity
and differential dependence on forested environments ( Jones, Jacobs et al. 2009).
Conservation of phyllostomid bats requires implementation of conservation strat-
egies and actions in a vast region of the New World, including tropical and subtrop-
ical America, all of Mexico, part of southwestern United States, and the Caribbean.
The most recent diagnosis of extrinsic factors affecting bats in a large proportion of
this region is an evaluation conducted by the Latin American and Caribbean Bat
Conservation Network (RELCOM) in 2010 (RELCOM 2016a). Founded in 2007,
this network of scientists, students, and members of environmental organizations has
become the strongest regional initiative for bat conservation in Latin America and the
Caribbean. It involves the coordinated actions of 22 bat conservation programs from
24 countries (Aguirre et al. 2014). The diagnosis by RELCOM incorporates the major

threats affecting bats according to the Global Action Plan tation vary among guilds and species. While certain
for Microchiropteran Bats (Hutson et al. 2001), a review species and feeding guilds are highly susceptible to
chapter on conservation ecology of bats (Racey and habitat disruption, others can adapt to it or even benefit
Entwistle 2003), and a recent volume covering major from it. Species richness and abundance of phyllosto-
topics related to bat conservation worldwide (Voigt and mids in mixed habitats, containing mature forest frag-
Kingston 2016). As a result, we consider that the five ments embedded in agricultural vegetation and second-
major extrinsic threat categories influencing the con- ary vegetation patches or in agroforestry crop systems,
servation status of leaf-nosed bats are (1) habitat loss can be similar or higher than in well-preserved forests
and fragmentation, (2) roost disturbance and destruc- (García-Morales et al. 2013; Willig et al. 2007). Pioneer
tion, (3) human-bat conflicts, (4) environmental con- plants in early and intermediate successional patches
taminants, and (5) emerging threats. and several crop species provide phyllostomid bats
with food, increasing their abundance (Castro-Luna
and Galindo-González 2011). In the case of omnivo-
Threats rous and fruit- and flower-feeding bats, species richness
and abundance can be positively associated with crop
Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
systems under tree shade (e.g., cocoa and coffee) and
Habitat loss and fragmentation represent the major with crops and early secondary forests close to mature
threat affecting biodiversity and ecosystem functioning forest (García-Morales et al. 2013; Williams-Guillén
worldwide (Sala et al. 2000; Wade et al. 2003). This and Perfecto 2010; Willig et al. 2007); however, the ef-
process includes reduction and fragmentation of natu- fect can turn negative with intensification of crop man-
ral habitats and their conversion into human-modified agement and conversion of forests into monocultures
environments, a pattern expanding at increasing rates in and pastures (García-Morales et al. 2013). Examples of
tropical regions (Achard et al. 2014). Several anthropo- species associated with fragmented sites include Lep­
genic activities can be identified as main drivers of hab- tonycteris yerbabuenae, Glossophaga soricina, G. morenoi,
itat loss and fragmentation in phyllostomid territory: G. commissarisi, Lonchophylla thomasi, and Choeroniscus
agriculture and cattle ranching, logging, mining, urban godmani among nectarivores; most common species
and industrial expansion, and energy development of Sturnira, Artibeus, and Carollia, plus Uroderma bi­
megaprojects (e.g., wind parks and dams). lobatum and Vampyrodes major, among frugivores;
Over the last few decades, rate of habitat loss and Lonchorhina aurita and Micronycteris schmidtorum,
fragmentation directly and indirectly linked to human among insectivores; and Desmodus rotundus among
activities has increased substantially (NRC 2001, sanguinivores (Avila-Gómez et al. 2015; García-García
2003). In the case of forest cover change, a trend of and Santos-Moreno 2014; Klingbeil and Willig 2009).
increasing forest loss has been detected in the tropical Conversely, in the case of gleaning animalivores (e.g.,
domain, with some of the most affected areas located Phyllostominae), species’ relative abundances are
in South America (Hansen et al. 2013; Heywood and often positively associated with well-preserved for-
Watson 1995). Considering only the Amazon, more ests, and bats in this guild are among the first to dis-
than 2 million ha are deforested every year (Fearnside appear from them after disturbance (García-Morales
et al. 2005). Degradation of tropical and subtropical et al. 2013; Klingbeil and Willig 2009; Medellín et al.
forests can affect bats in complex ways at population 2000). Examples of species highly susceptible to forest
and ensemble levels, changing species abundance and fragmentation include Lophostoma silvicolum, Mimon
ensemble composition and structure in different ways crenulatum, Trachops cirrhosus, Glyphonycteris sylvestris,
depending on the taxonomic group, life-history and and Vampyrum spectrum among gleaning animalivores;
ecological traits, vegetation structure and composition Hylonycteris underwoodi among nectarivores; and Arti­
of fragments, quality of the vegetation matrix contain- beus aztecus and Sturnira ludovici among frugivores.
ing these fragments, and season (Gorresen et al. 2005; Despite evidence linking a significant number of
Meyer and Kalko 2008; Meyer et al. 2016; Rex et al. phyllostomid species to disturbed habitats, several cau-
2011; Willig et al. 2007). tions are raised by Willig et al. (2007) concerning their
Responses of phyllostomid bats to habitat fragmen- presence there. Presence of some species in altered hab-

436 Chapter Twenty-Four

itats might reflect their use as corridors, while mature their microclimate. Maintaining the needed micro-
forests could be their main sources of roosts and food. climatic conditions characteristic of hot caves is highly
Completeness of inventories of bat fauna in a mixed- dependent on presence of large bat colonies, and any
habitat area based on mist netting likely decreases as type of disturbance reducing colony size represents a
vertical structure increases; thus, a higher percentage risk factor.
of captures of locally occurring bat species is expected Long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris spp.) are also among
in crop and early secondary forest patches compared the phyllostomid species frequently affected by roost
to mature forests. Finally, increase in abundance of destruction and disturbance (IUCN 2016). These
frugivorous and nectarivorous bats in disturbed habi- gregarious species can inhabit caves in colonies that
tats within the forest matrix could potentially alter the contain thousands to hundreds of thousands of indi-
kinds of biotic interactions in which other species that viduals (Fleming and Nassar 2002). Caves used by Lep­
are naturally less abundant participate. tonycteris curasoae as roosts on Margarita Island, Gran
Chimana Island, and the Paraguaná Peninsula, Venezu-
ela, show evidence of vandalism, and because caves are
Roost Disturbance and Destruction
scarce in these places, bats invade abandoned houses
A critical habitat component for bats includes spaces where they are easily killed (fig. 24.1; JMN, pers. obs.).
used for protection, resting, and mating and as ma- Phyllostomid bats that roost in different parts of
ternity roosts. The broad variety of roosts used by trees in tropical forests can also be affected by roost loss
phyllostomid bats includes tree parts, rock crevices, under high levels of deforestation and land conversion,
caves, and different human-made structures that can as occurs in the Amazon rainforest (Voss et al. 2016).
be inhabited temporarily or permanently (Furey and
Racey 2016; chap. 18, this vol.). Among natural roosts,
Human-Bat Conflicts
caves are critical for the survival of a large proportion of
bat species worldwide (Furey and Racey 2016). In the As human populations grow, people’s demand for space
Neotropical region, large caves are considered import- and resources increases and natural habitats become
ant targets for conservation action, because they can more fragmented, pushing bats into closer contact
host large colonies of bats and species-rich assemblages with humans. Under these circumstances, chances for
(Brunet and Medellín 2001). But even small caves can human-bat conflicts increase in three forms: (1) trans-
house species-rich bat assemblages; however, cave use mission of infectious diseases to humans and domestic
by bats has been poorly documented for a large part of animals, (2) occupation of human-made structures,
the Neotropics (see Voss et al. 2016). Unfortunately, and (3) damage to fruit crops. Each of these conflicts
caves are exposed to high levels of disturbance because may trigger bat control measures that have negative
they are frequently used for mining, storage, com- effects on their populations.
mercial, recreational, religious, and cultural purposes Bats are natural reservoirs of many pathogens, and
(Furey and Racey 2016; Mickleburgh et al. 2002). they have recently been associated with a broad spec-
Detrimental actions performed inside caves inhabited trum of emerging infectious zoonotic diseases of viral
by bats include frequent disturbance with noise and origin that affect humans, domestic animals, and wild-
artificial lights, intensive guano harvesting, burning of life (FAO 2011; Schneeberger and Voigt 2016). Most
objects, poisoning, closing of exits, and forced bat ex- groups of zoonotic viruses identified in bats have been
clusion (Ladle et al. 2012; Mancina et al. 2007). detected in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia (Shi
The phyllostomids most vulnerable to roost distur- 2013). A recent paper by Olival et al. (2017), however,
bance are those mainly dependent on caves or human- proposed that Neotropical bats are potential hosts for
made structures for roosting. Mancina et al. (2007) de- a large number of poorly known viruses and zoonoses,
scribed the risks faced by several cave-dwelling species triggering an alarm through the public media across
in Cuba (e.g., Phyllonycteris poeyi, Erophylla sezekorni, Latin America. Contrasting with this prediction, avail-
Brachyphylla nana), where roost caves, especially those able evidence indicates that only the rabies virus (genus
identified as hot caves (see Rodríguez-Durán 1995; and Lyssavirus) represents an important health issue linked
chap. 18, this vol.), are exposed to factors that change to bats in the New World (Banyard et al. 2014). The

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 437

Figure 24.1. Colony of lactating
and juvenile individuals of
the Curaçaoan long-nosed bat
(Leptonycteris curasoae), temporar-
ily roosting inside a rural small
house at Juan Gil, Falcon State,
northwestern Venezuela. Photo by
J. M. Nassar.

rabies virus in vampire bats (D. rotundus), from Mexico phyllostomid bats have been reported as infected with
to northern Argentina, has the most significant impact Histoplasma capsulatum (Taylor et al. 1999), a fungal
on humans and domestic animals (Kuzmin et al. 2011). pathogen that can be present in the bat’s guano and is
This problem will escalate with time in certain regions responsible for causing histoplasmosis in humans that
of Central and South America, where high rates of have been in contact with it; however, there is no evi-
land conversion are transforming forests into pastures, dence specifically showing that this infection is trans-
forcing vampire bats to switch from wildlife to livestock mitted from bats to humans (Voigt et al. 2016).
and domestic animals as food sources (Schneider et al. Overall, with the exception of uncommon rabies
2009). As a consequence of this conflict, many at- transmission from vampire bats, bat disease transmis-
tempts have been made to control vampire populations sion to humans is exceedingly rare in Latin America;
in Latin America (Streicker et al. 2012); however, when however, misleading disease speculation has the poten-
improperly conducted, these control campaigns can tial to cause significant negative impact on many species
have negative effects on nontargeted bat species, includ- and populations of bats in the region (Tuttle 2017).
ing many phyllostomid bats (Rupprecht et al. 2006). Responsible and prudent treatment of disease-related
Other zoonotic viruses, not yet associated with findings involving bats by the media and by public
public health problems in the Americas, have also health authorities is crucial to prevent the rise of new
been found in leaf-nosed bats, including coronaviruses human-bat conflicts.
(Asano et al. 2016), hantaviruses (Sabino-Santos et al. The second important cause of human-bat conflict
2015), paramyxoviruses (FAO 2011), togaviruses, resulting in significant death tolls among bat popula-
bunyaviruses, arenaviruses, and herpesviruses (Cal- tions is when bats roost temporarily or permanently in
isher et al. 2006). Phyllostomid bats can also be vectors human-made structures. Under certain circumstances,
and reservoirs of haemoparasites (Trypanosoma cruzi this phenomenon can result from low numbers of
and T. evansi) that are responsible for transmitting dis- natural roosts near urbanized areas resulting from loss
eases to humans and domestic animals (Lisboa et al. of roost sites or roost disturbance. Historically, this
2008; Silva-Iturriza et al. 2013). Finally, in a few cases, problem has resulted in the use of eradication control

438 Chapter Twenty-Four

measures (Barclay 1980). Only in countries where (Zukal et al. 2015). Several harmful heavy metals (e.g.,
advanced legislation protects synanthropic bats from cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, and zinc) have been
these extreme measures do solutions to this problem detected in fruit- and nectar-feeding bats, mostly from
not put bat colonies at risk (Voigt et al. 2016). However, the Paleotropics (Zukal et al. 2015).
this is not the case in many countries in Latin America Of the various ways in which heavy metals can
and the Caribbean, where environmental and wildlife become incorporated into the environment, disposal
laws often do not favor bat conservation (see chap. 23, of mercury and cyanide into local natural drainages
this vol.). and rivers can be potentially hazardous to bats in sev-
eral countries of Central and South America (Veiga
et al. 2014). These contaminants are released in large
Environmental Contaminants
amounts in connection with gold-mining operations,
Many anthropogenic activities generate environmental resulting in negative environmental and health impacts
contaminants that can affect bat health, occasionally (Veiga et al. 2014; Velásquez-López et al. 2011). How-
leading to reduced fecundity, death, and population ever, we currently do not know the extent to which
declines (O’Shea and Johnston 2009). Pesticides rep- species-rich assemblages of phyllostomid bats are being
resent the main type of contaminants affecting bats affected by mercury and cyanide poisoning in gold-
worldwide. Bats ingest them when drinking polluted mining centers and their areas of influence.
waters or by feeding on plants (fruit and nectar) and
arthropods previously exposed to them (Bayat et al.
Emerging Threats
2014). The effects of these substances can be expressed
in many ways, including neuronal disorders (Clark Anthropogenic activities of more recent development,
1988), increased metabolic rates (Swanepoel et al. or not previously considered for lack of evidence, pose
1998), malfunction of reproductive organs (Stahl- increasing concern for their potential impact on bats in
schmidt and Brühl 2012), and immunosuppression and the New World. For example, wind power has recently
endocrine disruption (Kannan et al. 2010). become one of the most important sources of renew-
Evidence of bat exposure to organochlorine and able energy worldwide (Ackermann 2005). Although
organophosphorus pesticides and their harmful con- originally promoted as a “green” energy alternative, the
sequences on different target organs exists since the impact of wind energy facilities on wildlife and habi-
1960s (O’Shea and Johnston 2009). Despite of the tats can be substantial (Arnett 2012; NRC 2007). In
banning of these pesticides in many countries, in several the case of bats, wind turbines have proven to be lethal
developing nations they are still frequently used (Kon- at many wind farms in temperate North America and
radsen et al. 2003). This practice represents a potential Europe (Arnett et al. 2016). Bats seem to be attracted
risk to phyllostomid bats with foraging habits linked to to turbines because they confuse them with roosts
agricultural areas. For example, application of fenthion or because insects consumed by insect-feeding bats
(organophosphorus) on cultivated fruits in Brazil can concentrate near them (Cryan et al. 2014; Kunz et al.
generate hepatic disorders in Artibeus lituratus (Amaral 2007). As a consequence of being attracted to the tur-
et al. 2012). In contrast, new generation pesticides (e.g., bines, bats get killed by direct collision, barotraumas,
pyrethroids, neonicotinoids) are characterized by their and possibly ear damage (Grodsky et al. 2011; Rollins
low residual effects and toxicity to wild species of ver- et al. 2012).
tebrates; however, their potential negative impacts on For other regions of the world, information on bat
bats have rarely been evaluated (Bayat et al. 2014). fatalities associated with wind farms is quite limited
Heavy metals also raise concerns because of their (Arnett et al. 2016); however, the rate at which wind
potential negative effects on bats (Mickleburgh et al. power centers are being constructed in many countries
2002; Zukal et al. 2015). Poisoning effects by heavy can give us an idea of the potential risks to which bat
metals in bats and other vertebrates have been ex- populations will be exposed in the near future. From
pressed in a broad variety of ways, including liver and Mexico to Chile and in the Caribbean, the trend
renal pathologies, DNA damage, hemochromatosis, suggests a fast increase in the number of wind farm
paralysis, and alterations in cholinergic functions facilities that will be established in the coming years

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 439

(Kozulj 2010; Wind Power 2014). Up to now, published of general concern for its potential consequences on
reports of bat fatalities in this region are restricted to biodiversity (Walther et al. 2002). However, available
few locations, all of them involving phyllostomid bats studies providing evidence on the effects of climate
among the affected species. The Isthmus of Tehuante- change on Neotropical bats are still scarce and of recent
pec, Oaxaca, Mexico, is becoming a focal area of wind manufacture. Bats in general, and leaf-nosed bats in par-
farms. In one of them, 203 bat fatalities, including eight ticular, are predicted to be affected by global warming
species of leaf-nosed bats, were recorded during four through alteration of their geographic ranges of distri-
years of monitoring (Bolívar-Cimé et al. 2016). In bution, with concomitant effects on their reproductive
South America, 336 bat fatalities were recorded in a success, behavior, and biotic interactions (Rodríguez-
large wind power complex in Rio Grande do Sul State, Rocha et al. 2017). By means of the expected increase
southern Brazil, during three years of monitoring (Bar- in environmental temperature, lowland species are
ros et al. 2015). In eastern Puerto Rico, 11 of 13 species predicted to expand their altitudinal range or switch to
of bats that live on the island have suffered fatalities higher elevations. Thus, intermediate and high altitude
linked to a wind farm, including five fruit- and nectar- specialist taxa could be exposed to competitive exclu-
feeding species of phyllostomids (Rodríguez-Durán sion by more resilient and abundant generalist species,
and Feliciano-Robles 2015). undergoing population decline and extinction. La Val
When considering the problem of wind turbines and (2004) demonstrated changes in spatial distribution of
bats in Latin America and the Caribbean, phyllostomid bat species along an altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica,
bats represent an important challenge. Preconstruction showing that 24 species with mostly lowland distribu-
bat surveys to help locate bat-safe areas mostly rely on tion in the 1970s colonized higher elevations over the
ultrasound detection to monitor bat activity; however, subsequent decades. Among them, several species of
echolocation calls produced by most phyllostomids phyllostomids typical of low elevations were included
(whispering bats) are not easily detected using acoustic (e.g., Vampyrodes caraccioli, Glyphonycteris sylvestris,
devices (Rodríguez-Durán and Feliciano-Robles 2015). Mimon bennettii, Carollia castanea, D. rotundus, and
The second emerging threat that should be consid- Platyrrhinus helleri).
ered in relation to cave-dwelling phyllostomids is preda- Climate change is also expected to modify the lati-
tion by exotic species. Invasion by exotics is the second tudinal range of phyllostomid species with important
most important cause of biodiversity loss worldwide conservation implications. The best documented exam-
(Pimm et al. 1995). The effect of exotic species on bats ple is the predicted change in spatial distribution of the
has been barely investigated; however, there is potential common vampire D. rotundus, reservoir of bovine par-
risk that exotic taxa could affect their population status. alytic rabies and restricted in latitude and elevation to
Any invasive species with detrimental effects on bats mean minimum temperatures of 10°C (McNab 1973).
during their roosting time has the potential to become Zarza et al. (2017) developed niche models to identify
a sizable threat to them. In Cuba and Puerto Rico, current and future distribution patterns of D. rotundus
frequent cat (Felis catus) predation on bats has been in Mexico, and their predictions for the 2050 and 2070
recorded at the entrance of caves inhabited by large climate scenarios indicated a reduction in the distribu-
colonies (Mancina 2011; Rodríguez-Durán et al. 2010). tion of the species in southern Mexico and an expan-
Rats (several species in the genus Rattus) can also be sion in distribution in the central and northern por-
potential predators of bats in caves frequented by these tions of this country. Thus, rabies disease is expected
rodents. The Pacific rat (R. exulans) affects colonies of to spread to new areas in central and northern Mexico
two species of Mystacina in New Zealand (O’Donnell with the arrival of D. rotundus, bringing with it the bat-
2008). One of us ( JMN) has observed rats jumping human conflict and its harmful effects on the native bat
on bats trapped on mist nets and rapidly killing them fauna.
at the entrance of caves on the islands of Curaçao and Global warming has an additional potentially nega-
Bonaire. tive impact on the bat fauna of the Caribbean region
The third emerging threat with proven incidence through its effect of increasing the potential intensity
on the New World is global climate change. For more and destructive power of hurricanes (Emanuel 2005).
than 40 years, global climate change has been an issue Hurricanes and tropical storms that transit across

440 Chapter Twenty-Four

the Caribbean every year represent a sizable threat to Leptonycteris nivalis, Lonchophylla dekeyseri, Lonchorhina
bats. Small islands are particularly susceptible to dras- fernandezi, and Sturnira nana), and seven as vulnerable
tic population declines or local extinctions of bats if (Choeroniscus periosus, L. curasoae, Lonchorhina marin­
directly exposed to hurricanes, although inter-island kellei, Lonchorhina orinocensis, Musonycteris harrisoni,
recolonization may help recover their populations Platyrrhinus chocoensis, and Vampyressa melissa). To-
( Jones et al. 2001; Willig et al. 2009). Tree-roosting gether, they represent 6% of all phyllostomids and 8%
and plant-feeding phyllostomids can be vulnerable to of all evaluated taxa within the family (fig. 24.2). These
hurricanes if they affect a considerable fraction of the figures represent a proportionally low fraction of threat-
plant communities present on an island. If the number ened species for the family at a global level.
of plants used as roosts and food drops drastically, nec- Two species (P. aphylla and C. improvisum) are re-
tar and fruit bats have to invest more energy searching stricted to one or two Caribbean islands, where roost
for sufficient food to survive until plant communities disturbance and destruction and the devastating effects
recover (Gannon and Willig 2009). of hurricanes and volcanic activity are mainly responsi-
Finally, concerning the white-nose syndrome, an ble for population declines. Two other species (L. niva­
emerging threat to temperate hibernating bats that has lis and M. harrisoni) are distributed in dry ecosystems
killed several millions in the United States and Canada of southwestern United States and Mexico, where they
(Turner et al. 2011), no study has shown evidence of ef- are exposed to deterioration of habitat quality and re-
fects on phyllostomids, as they do not live in areas with duced area of occupancy. The remaining nine species
long, cold winters, and they do not hibernate. are mostly restricted to South America, specifically in
the Andean Region and the Amazon Basin, where they
are relatively rare and known from few and small popu-
Global and Regional Conservation Status lations. The main threat affecting these species is habitat
loss and fragmentation through land conversion. The
Global Conservation Status
rest of the evaluated taxa falls within the near threat-
Globally, bat conservation status has being assessed ened (N = 11, 5%), data deficient (N = 21, 10%), and
following the standards of the International Union least concern (N = 124, 59%) categories. Forty-seven
for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources taxa (22%), in 15 genera (Anoura: 4 species, Artibeus: 4,
(IUCN), available at their official World Wide Web Carollia: 2, Chiroderma: 1, Dryadonycteris: 1, Hsunycte­
page ( This system was designed ris: 3, Lichonycteris: 1, Lonchophylla: 4, Lonchorhina:
to determine the relative risk of extinction of species, 1, Lophostoma: 2, Micronycteris: 3, Platyrrhinus: 6,
and its main purpose is to catalog and highlight those Sturnira: 9, Uroderma: 3, Vampyressa: 2, and Vampyro­
plants and animals that are facing a high risk of global des: 1) still await status assessment.
extinction (i.e., those listed as “critically endangered,”
“endangered,” and “vulnerable”). The IUCN Red List
Regional and Country-Level
also includes information on species that are catego-
Conservation Status
rized as extinct or extinct in the wild, taxa that cannot
be evaluated because of insufficient information (“data At regional and country levels, evaluation of the con-
deficient”), and species that are either close to meeting servation status of bats in the New World has been con-
the threatened thresholds or that would be threatened ducted using different classification systems, in most
if there were not ongoing taxon-specific conservation cases, as part of a major group analysis (e.g., Rodríguez
programs (“near threatened”). et al. 2015), and in a few cases, separately or exclusively
The Bat Specialist Group completed the reassess- examining bats (e.g., Burneo et al. 2015).
ment of the IUCN Red List status of bat species in Some countries (e.g., Argentina, Ecuador, and
2016. Out of 216 extant species of phyllostomid bats Venezuela) have used IUCN’s international standards,
recognized in the current volume (see chap. 4, this vol.), while others have created their own methodologies
a total of 13 were assigned to threatened categories to determine risk level. The United States has the U.S.
(table 24.1): one as critically endangered (Phyllonycteris Fish and Wildlife Service Listing (U.S. Fish and Wild-
aphylla), five as endangered (Chiroderma improvisum, life Service 2016), implemented under the Endangered

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 441

Table 24.1. Global conservation status of phyllostomid bats according to IUCN Red List categories and criteria (IUCN 2016)

Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Species Categories Criteria Year NA CA SA CR

Glossophaginae Brachyphyllini Phyllonycterina Phyllonycteris aphylla CR C2a(i) 2015 x

Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Vampyressina Chiroderma improvisum EN B1ab(i,ii,iii) 2016 x
Glossophaginae Glossophagini Leptonycteris nivalis EN A2c 2016 x
Lonchophyllinae Lonchophyllini Lonchophylla dekeyseri EN C2a(i) 2016 x
Lonchorhininae Lonchorhina fernandezi EN D 2016 x
Stenodermatinae Sturnirini Sturnira nana EN B2ab(iii) 2016 x
Glossophaginae Choeronycterini Choeronycterina Choeroniscus periosus VU A3c 2015 x
Glossophaginae Glossophagini Leptonycteris curasoae VU A2c 2015 x x
Lonchorhininae Lonchorhina marinkellei VU D2 2016 x
Lonchorhininae Lonchorhina orinocensis VU A4c 2016 x
Glossophaginae Choeronycterini Choeronycterina Musonycteris harrisoni VU C1 2015 x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Vampyressina Platyrrhinus chocoensis VU A2c 2015 x x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Vampyressina Vampyressa melissa VU A2c 2015 x
Glossophaginae Choeronycterini Choeronycterina Choeronycteris mexicana NT 2008 x x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Ectophyllina Ectophylla alba NT 2015 x
Glossophaginae Glossophagini Leptonycteris yerbabuenae NT 2016 x x
Lonchophyllinae Lonchophyllini Lonchophylla hesperia NT 2015 x
Lonchophyllinae Lonchophyllini Platalina genovensium NT 2016 x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Vampyressina Platyrrhinus ismaeli NT 2016 x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Vampyressina Platyrrhinus matapalensis NT 2016 x
Rhinophyllinae Rhinophylla alethina NT 2008 x
Stenodermatinae Stenodermatini Stenodermatina Stenoderma rufum NT 2016 x
Stenodermatinae Sturnirini Sturnira mordax NT 2008 x x
Phyllostominae Vampyrini Vampyrum spectrum NT 2008 x x x

Note: Categories considered are critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), vulnerable (VU) and nearly threatened (NT). Geographic regions with presence
of the species: North America (NA), Central America (CA), South America (SA), and Caribbean (CR). For complete interpretation of categories and criteria, see
IUCN (2012). Phyllostomid classification follows Cirranello and Simmons (chap. 4, this vol.).

Figure 24.2. Global conservation status of the 216 liv-

ing species of phyllostomid bats following the IUCN
Red List (assessment 2008–2016). CR: critically en-
dangered, EN: endangered, VU: vulnerable, NT: near
threatened, DD: data deficient, LC: least concern and
NE: not evaluated. Number of species in parentheses
and percentage of all species are shown as labels.
Figure 24.3. Number of total (black
bars) and threatened (gray bars) species
of phyllostomid bats at the region level,
including percentage of threatened species
in parentheses. Threatened species include
critically endangered, endangered, and
vulnerable according to the IUCN system
or their equivalent categories according to
Risk Assessment Method and Evaluation
Method for Degree of Threat systems.

Species Program. Species selected as in need of federal North American range are shared, with habitat degra-
protection are classified as endangered or threatened, dation and roost disturbance being most important.
depending on their status and degree of threat. Mexico However, because of the natural history of some spe-
and most countries in Central America use the Risk As- cies, they may be at greater risk than others. For this
sessment Method (Método de Evaluación de Riesgo), region, we focus on the conservation of four species
originally formulated in Mexico to evaluate the coun- linked to dry ecosystems and that are dependent on
try’s flora and fauna (Sánchez et al. 2007; SEMARNAT flowers and fruit.
2010). This classification method also considers two Leptonycteris yerbabuenae and L. nivalis, long-
categories: endangered of extinction and threatened. distance migratory species from southern and central
Bolivia uses the Evaluation Method for Degree of Mexico to northern Mexico and southern United
Threat (Método de Evaluación del Grado de Amenaza), States, were considered at risk in the late 1980s and
created in that country as the result of a series of adap- early 1990s in the United States and Mexico, respec-
tations from the IUCN Red Listing and other methods tively, due to their low colony numbers or complete
available region wide (Aguirre et al. 2009). Finally, absence in a limited number of caves surveyed in
other countries and territories, as is the case for many Mexico and Arizona (Wilson 1985). Threats that were
Caribbean islands, have not assessed bats’ conservation listed as affecting the two species included habitat
status at a local level. disruption, roost disturbance and destruction, mis-
guided efforts to kill vampire bats, or sheer vandalism
(U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1994, 1995). Wilson
North America
(1985) reported that both species of Leptonycteris are
In North America, out of 55 phyllostomids recog- particularly sensitive to disturbance, disappearing or
nized for the region, 15 genera and 17 species (31%) drastically decreasing in numbers after humans visit
are threatened (fig. 24.3; supplementary table S24.1). roosts. Their endangered classification in the late 1980s
Long-nosed bats, Leptonycteris nivalis and L. yerbabue­ prompted bat biologists to conduct research on the
nae, have been considered endangered in the United species that yielded contrasting results. On one hand,
States and threatened in Mexico, although the latter has a significant number of caves known historically to be
been approved for delisting and is awaiting publication used by L. yerbabuenae were observed to be depleted
in Mexico’s Diario Oficial de la Federación (Medellín of bats or with evidence of anthropogenic impact, sug-
and Torres Knoop 2013); M. harrisoni and V. spectrum, gesting demographic decline (Medellín and Walker
both in Mexico, are considered endangered of extinc- 2003; Medellín et al. 2009). On the other hand, cave
tion; the remaining 13 species are classified as threat- surveys conducted by Wilkinson and Fleming (1996)
ened in Mexico. in Arizona and Mexico, in combination with estimates
In general, threats to phyllostomids across their of its genetically effective population size at the time of

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 443

surveys, indicated that this species had not experienced
Central America
a population bottleneck in the 1970s and 1980s.
A third migratory species, the hog-nosed bat In Central America, bat conservation status has been
(Choeronycteris mexicana), was listed as threatened in assessed with the Risk Assessment Method protocol
Mexico in the 1990s (Diario Oficial de la Federación in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and
1994). This little-known species, although widespread, Nicaragua. For Panama, risk assessment of bats has
faces the same threats as Leptonycteris species in North been conducted by a local expert (R. Samudio, pers.
America and has the same susceptibility to disturbance comm.). No information is available for Belize yet.
at its roosts. Out of 77 phyllostomids recognized for the re-
With the implementation of recovery plans for Lep­ gion, 23 genera and 24 species (31%) are threatened
tonycteris species (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1994, at some level (fig. 24.3; supplementary table S24.1).
1995) and creation in 1994 of the Bat Conservation Three species were assigned the dual status of critically
Program of Mexico (Medellín 2003), conservation endangered in one country and threatened in another
actions in favor of L. yerbabuenae and L. nivalis in the country: Artibeus inopinatus, Phylloderma stenops, and
United States and Mexico began in earnest. Three- Tonatia saurophila. All three were classified as critically
pronged strategies, based on strong environmental endangered in Nicaragua, where up to 10 different
education, a diverse and long-term research agenda, threats were identified affecting bats in comparison
and an effective, on-the-ground conservation action with two to seven threats reported for the other coun-
implementation, set the stage to enforce the conserva- tries (Rodríguez-Herrera and Sánchez 2015). Artibeus
tion of both species. More than 20 years of data from incomitatus, formerly considered critically endangered
the 13 largest known colonies of L. yerbabuenae indicate due to habitat loss and a very restricted distribution
stability or growth in all of them. As a result, Mexico (Pino and Samudio 2008), is currently considered a
delisted L. yerbabuenae in 2013 (Medellín and Torres synonym of A. watsoni (see chap. 4, this vol.). The re-
Knoop 2013). Delisting is also currently underway in maining 21 species were categorized as threatened.
the United States. Central America has experienced high rates of defor-
Leptonycteris nivalis remains a focus of conservation estation and land conversion (Rodríguez-Herrera and
concern. There is a single known mating roost for this Sánchez 2015). In addition, indiscriminate extermina-
species. Torres Knoop (2014) performed ecological tion of bat colonies and destruction of their roosts have
niche modeling and identified additional potential had a negative impact on cave-dwelling species. For
mating roosts that are in process of being verified. Am- this region, three species associated with forests are of
merman et al. (2009) reported on a thermal imaging particular mention due to their susceptibility to habitat
census of the species in the northernmost known roost, degradation.
Emory Peak cave in Texas, and estimated fewer than Ectophylla alba is endemic to Central America and
3,000 bats at the peak of the colony in July, a number has a high degree of habitat specialization, using only
similar to that reported by Easterla (1972) in the early tents as roosts from mainly two species of plants in very
1970s. Much research and conservation actions are still specific microhabitats and feeding on one species of fig
needed to make progress in the recovery of L. nivalis. (Rodríguez-Herrera et al. 2011). Roost destruction has
Finally, M. harrisoni, endemic to the Mexican west a strong negative impact on this species, because this
coast, represents another taxon of special conservation bat spends considerable time and energy building leaf
concern among North American phyllostomids. It is a tents. Educational material produced using E. alba as
highly specialized bat morphologically but with a gen- flagship species has helped explain the importance of
eralized diet (Tschapka et al. 2008); it is rare through- roosts and environmental services provided by bats in
out its range; and it is closely associated with tropical Central America.
dry forests in western Mexico, where it seems to depend Artibeus inopinatus, also endemic to Central Amer-
on banana plantations and dry forests in good conser- ica, is associated with threatened dry forests on the Pa-
vation state for food (González-Terrazas et al. 2012). cific coast. Its restricted distribution is a consequence
Conservation programs for this bat are still pending. of intensive deforestation. In El Salvador, only 3% of

444 Chapter Twenty-Four

forest areas used by this species are inside protected (Anoura caudifer). Twelve species have been catego-
lands (Rodríguez-Herrera and Sánchez 2015). Initia- rized as endangered (Artibeus ravus, Chiroderma doriae,
tives to protect this bat focus on two lines of action: Lonchophylla dekeyseri, L. hesperia, Lonchorhina aurita,
(1) field studies in Honduras to expand knowledge of L. fernandezi, Platalina genovensium, Platyrrhinus choco­
its natural history, population status, and distribution; ensis, P. lineatus, P. matapalensis, P. recifinus, and Sturnira
and (2) environmental education activities and work- nana), most of which occur in Andean countries. The
shops in Nicaragua, where A. inopinatus is being used remaining 29 taxa have been categorized as vulnerable.
as flagship species to protect dry forests. Across South America, bats are facing a broad variety
Despite of its broad distribution, P. stenops is another of threats, including habitat conversion, persecution,
species of special concern in Central America, where it roost disturbance, contamination, proliferation of wind
is relatively rare. It is restricted to well-preserved hab- farms, and introduction of exotic species (Aguirre et al.
itats, which makes it particularly susceptible to forest 2016; Jones, Jacobs et al. 2009). Some of the highest
degradation. Extensive areas in Central America cor- rates of deforestation and land conversion for agricul-
respond to a mosaic of primary and secondary forest ture and cattle breeding occur in this region (sensu FAO
and agricultural areas, which are not suitable for this 2009), and many phyllostomid bats strongly depen-
species. Phylloderma stenops will be proposed among dent on woody vegetation for roosting and feeding are
the taxa with conservation priority for Costa Rica’s new being affected (Aguirre et al. 2016). Several countries,
wildlife law. including Chile and Bolivia, have identified bat-human
All conservation initiatives described previously conflicts as the second major threat affecting bats.
for phyllostomid bats in Central America are part of a Because of the large and heterogeneous territory
regional master plan formulated by the Bat Conserva- covered by South America, it is very difficult to identify
tion Programs of Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, species that could be labeled as the most threatened in
El Salvador, and Nicaragua (Rodríguez-Herrera and this subcontinent (but see chap. 23, this vol., for Brazil).
Sánchez 2015). This regional strategy seeks to develop Many locally threatened species can be considered not
coordinated multidisciplinary conservation actions in at risk in other parts of their geographic distributions.
all countries in the region and rests on a key feature: In addition, bat species are sometimes rare or absent
local capacity building of its associates. from some countries or eco-regions for many ecological
reasons unrelated to anthropogenic factors (Voss et al.
2016). One of the most threatened species in South
South America
America is Platalina genovensium. This cactophilic
In South America, bat conservation status has been nectar-feeding bat likely is migratory along the coast
assessed using different approaches, depending on the of Peru and northern Chile (Ossa et al. 2016). In Peru,
country. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, mining activities might be affecting their populations
Peru, and Venezuela have followed the IUCN system, mostly through loss of columnar cacti and roost avail-
Bolivia the Evaluation Method for Degree of Threat ability (Pari et al. 2015). Also, use of bats in traditional
system, and Paraguay and Uruguay have followed clas- medical practices might be affecting some populations
sifications based on national wildlife regulations. No of P. genovensium near major towns (Sahley and Baray-
information is available for the bats of Suriname and bar 1996). In 2013, the Bat Conservation Program of
the Guianas. Peru convened a workshop to devise a management
Of the 177 phyllostomids recognized for the re- plan for the conservation of P. genovensium (H. Zamora,
gion, 25 genera and 46 species (26%) are threatened pers. comm.). This plan identified four major working
in at least one of the countries where they have been areas: (1) protective legislation at different spatial
assessed (fig. 24.3; supplementary table S24.1). Five scales, (2) management and protection activities di-
species are considered to be critically endangered, three rected at roosting sites and feeding areas, (3) research
of them based on assessments in Ecuador (Choeronis­ addressing natural history and migratory routes, and
cus periosus, Lonchophylla chocoana, and L. orcesi), one (4) education and public outreach.
in Peru (Gardenycteris koepckeae), and one in Paraguay An endangered species that has been receiving

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 445

attention in South America is Tomes long-nosed bat assessments of bat conservation status are missing for
(L. aurita). Even though this species is categorized as the majority of the Caribbean islands, and this limits
least concern (IUCN 2016), it is considered endan- the information needed to have a more realistic figure
gered in Bolivia (Vargas et al. 2009). In this country, of the number of threatened bats in them.
there is a lack of suitable roosting sites for this cave spe- A high proportion (~50%) of Caribbean bats are
cialist. The Action Plan for the Conservation of Threat- endemic to the region (Koopman 1989), and many of
ened Bats of Bolivia includes several initiatives through these species have small geographic ranges and popula-
research, conservation, and education directed at the tions, which in some cases are confined to one or a few
recovery of this species (Aguirre et al. 2010). islands (Gannon and Willig 2009; Willig et al. 2009).
Although still in its early stages, a South American This insular condition exposes bats to population de-
bat conservation strategy is being created with partic- cline and extinction due to a combination of factors,
ipation of all bat conservation program members of including habitat loss, roost disturbance, catastrophic
RELCOM in South America. The strategy is organized stochastic events (cyclonic and volcanic activity),
in a series of conservation actions adapted to the main extended dry periods, random demographic effects,
problems identified in four major eco-regions: Ca- limited genetic diversity, and restricted space and
ribbean coast, Andes, Amazon, and temperate South population sizes for coping with accelerated rates of an-
America. thropogenic activity ( Jones, Mickleburgh et al. 2009;
Willig et al. 2009). A closer examination of the effects
of these factors on the bat fauna on an island-by-island
basis would likely show more species of phyllostomids
For the Caribbean region, Willig et al. (2009) listed under risk at a local level.
the bat fauna of the Bahamas islands, Greater Antilles, The most threatened species of phyllostomids are
and Lesser Antilles, comprising a total of 65 islands. confined to few islands and are exposed to habitat loss
Additional information on the bat fauna of five islands and the effects of catastrophic events. Sturnira angeli
near the Venezuelan coast (Bekker 1996; Gomes and and C. improvisum are of particular concern, because
Reid 2015; Petit et al. 2006; Simal et al. 2015) is also they both inhabit the islands of Guadeloupe and Mont-
available for a total of 70 Caribbean islands. But for serrat (Simmons 2005), where they have become so
only nine of them did we find published information rare that they have not been captured for many years
on local assessments of bat conservation status. Of 57 (Pedersen et al. 2013). Their declines in population size
phyllostomids reported for these islands, seven gen- have been attributed to the effect of volcanic activity
era and seven species (12%) are threatened (fig. 24.3; and hurricanes. Stenoderma rufum is considered under
supplementary table S24.1). Two species have been risk in three of five islands where it is found (Puerto
classified as critically endangered: Phyllonycteris aphylla Rico, Saint John, and Saint Thomas). Main threats to
from Jamaica and L. curasoae from Curaçao; three this frugivorous bat are a combination of habitat loss
species have been classified as endangered: C. improvi­ and hurricanes. Its dependence on canopy trees for
sum in Guadeloupe and Montserrat and Brachyphylla roosting and several wild fruit species makes it partic-
cavernarum and Stenoderma rufum on Saint John and ularly vulnerable after a hurricane hits an island and
Saint Thomas; and three species have been classified as destroys extensive areas of natural vegetation (Gan-
vulnerable: Erophylla bombifrons, Monophyllus redmani, non and Willig 2009). On the islands of Aruba and
and S. rufum on Puerto Rico. Curaçao, L. curasoae is exposed to high levels of human
The Caribbean region shows a low proportion of disturbance at its diurnal and maternity roosts, and its
threatened species of phyllostomids compared to the foraging areas are under high pressure due to land con-
continental regions that have been examined. This ob- version (Nassar and Simal 2014; Petit et al. 2006).
servation contrasts with the well-accepted notion that Another group of Caribbean phyllostomids of con-
islands are considered among the most fragile habitats servation concern are those restricted to a single island
on the planet and where most historical extinctions of and confronting current or potential future threats.
bats have occurred ( Jones, Mickleburgh et al. 2009; Phyllonycteris aphylla, a cave-dwelling species restricted
Willig et al. 2009). As previously mentioned, local to Jamaica, disappeared from several of its known roosts

446 Chapter Twenty-Four

and is thought to be represented by fewer than 250 Here we summarize our perspectives for the devel-
adults (Koenig and Dávalos 2015). Micronycteris buriri, opment of conservation initiatives for phyllostomid
which is not considered to be threatened currently but bats in the near future, taking into consideration their
is geographically restricted to Saint Vincent (Larsen current conservation status, main threats, and human
et al. 2011), has been collected primarily in forested resources and organizations already established in the
areas and banana plantations that could be seriously region.
damaged by hurricane activity.
Conservation initiatives to counteract threats affect-
ing these and other bats in the Caribbean are scarce and
have not been focused on particular species but on the The recently published book Bats in the Anthropocene:
total assemblage of bats on an island or bats associated Conservation of Bats in a Changing World (Voigt and
with particular habitats or cave systems. A few islands Kingston 2016) offers a vast and detailed compilation
have formulated action plans and conservation initiatives of future research directions and questions that have
specifically directed to protect bats or wildlife in general been recommended in connection with the main
(Cottam et al. 2009; Jones, Mickleburgh et al. 2009; conservation problems confronted by bats around the
PRDNER 2015; Speer et al. 2015). On eight of them world, including the critical threats identified in this
(Aruba, Bonaire, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominican Republic, chapter that affect phyllostomid bats. Here, we focus
Puerto Rico, and Trinidad and Tobago), interested par- on the attention these threats have received from a re-
ties have created their bat conservation programs under search perspective in terms of investment of funds and
the support and coordination of RELCOM. the main topics of investigation addressed by national
bat conservation programs affiliated with RELCOM
(known in Spanish as Programas para la Conservación
Perspectives for Conservation
de los Murciélagos).
Conservation of phyllostomid bats represents a major For financial investment on research, we used a
challenge for several reasons: (1) the high number of database provided by Bat Conservation International
potential target species involved, (2) a broad spectrum covering 10 years of funding in the region (2003–
of conservation problems, (3) multiple geographic 2013). Bat Conservation International is one of the
scales at which conservation problems are expressed main international agencies that have provided finan-
and need to be solved, (4) diverse socioeconomic and cial support to conservation-oriented bat research
sociopolitical circumstances in the region, which affect projects in Latin America and the Caribbean for several
the development of any conservation initiative, (5) in- decades. Bat Conservation International’s funding has
sufficient human resources adequately trained to con- been allocated primarily to support research questions
duct a wide number of duties, and (6) a lack of funding linked to habitat loss (48%) and human-bat conflicts
to support the high volume of programs and projects (15%)— figures that are in concordance with the rel-
formulated every year. ative importance of these threats to bats in the region
Regional conservation problems, such as bat conser- (fig. 24.4a). An important fraction of funds (26%) has
vation, are more effectively handled through networks also helped develop bat research not directly connected
of partners with unified general goals and methods. Our with these threats, covering diverse autoecological
experience working on behalf of bat conservation under questions about threatened taxa. Less funding has gone
the coordinated actions established by RELCOM indi- to support projects addressing conservation issues
cates that long-term effective actions rest on three pil- linked to roost disturbance and destruction (8%), en-
lars, representing three major action lines that branch vironmental contaminants (1%), and emerging threats
out in multiple ways: (1) research, (2) education and (1%). Research questions it has supported have been
communication, and (3) conservation actions. It is by a centered on ecosystem services, community ecology,
strong investment in resources and capacity building in and feeding ecology (58% of total investment), while
each area, and through the interplay of their products, comparatively less funding has been directed toward
that major achievements in bat conservation can be other critical threats, such as roosting ecology (9%)
obtained. and bat health (1%). This disproportionate investment

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 447

among priority research areas does not necessarily
mean that this funding agency has favored some re-
search topics over others of equal conservation rele-
vance— it also reflects researchers’ choices.
To explore research preferences of national bat con-
servation programs working throughout the region,
we reviewed RELCOM’s triennial technical report
(2010– 2013), available at the network’s World Wide
Web page ( This doc-
ument covers research activities conducted by 15 pro-
grams (ABC islands [Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao],
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Puerto
Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela). Habitat loss received
the greatest research effort (30%), followed by stud-
ies addressing questions related to roost disturbance
(25%) and human-bat conflicts (25%) (fig. 24.4b).
Studies addressing problems concerned with environ-
mental contaminants (4%) and emerging threats (1%)
received comparatively lower research interest. Regard-
ing research topics selected, main research questions
focused on community ecology (17%) and population
ecology (17%), followed by roosting ecology (14%),
feeding ecology (11%), and emerging threats (8%).
In line with the observed trend and understanding
the complexity of impacts associated with habitat loss
and fragmentation at different geographic scales across
the region, conservation-oriented research should con-
tinue examining how these factors affects the stability of
bat assemblages, the ecosystem processes and services
Figure 24.4. Percentage of Bat Conservation International’s financial
in which these organisms participate, and the relation- support allocated to conservation-oriented research on major threats
ship between land conversion and spread of zoonotic affecting bats in Latin America and the Caribbean from 2003 to
viral diseases among humans. These studies should 2013 (a), and percentage of research efforts addressing major threats
also be accompanied by research focused on landscape affecting bats by 15 Latin American and Caribbean bat conservation
programs between 2010 and 2013 (b).
management, testing the beneficial effects of riparian
corridors and agroforestry systems on the recovery of
bat populations, assemblages, and metacommunities tion, a sizable increase in the number of dams projected
(Meyer et al. 2016). to be built on the basin’s rivers of Amazonian countries
Research lines receiving less attention should be the will likely result in further forest loss and alteration of
focus of more investment in the near future. Emerging habitat components used by bats in the region (Lees
threats on bats throughout Latin America and the Ca- et al. 2016). We need to learn how phyllostomid spe-
ribbean, such as the effect of wind turbines and hydro- cies respond to dams and their short- and long-term
power facilities, need to be included among priority re- impacts on the environment.
search goals. For instance, in Central America, there are Another research area that has been poorly ad-
21 wind projects operating in five of seven countries in dressed corresponds to emerging diseases associated
the region, which may increase to 61 in five years (Wind with bats. Concern for this potential problem affecting
Power 2014). Wind turbines in operation in Brazil will both bat and human populations needs to be consid-
triple in five years (Beltrão and Bernard 2015). In addi- ered in research agendas. In order to counteract sen-

448 Chapter Twenty-Four

sationalist news accounts spread through the global cantly to overcome conservation problems that phyl-
media and linking outbreaks of infectious diseases to lostomid bats are facing across the entire region. Rais-
bats, there is need to test bats as potentially important ing public awareness through environmental education,
vectors of pathogens that could affect human popula- public outreach, general communication, and diffusion
tions throughout the New World. strategies are among the most important actions con-
It is important to increase attention and investment servationists can undertake to support protection,
directed at evaluating the conservation status of species recovery, and management of bat populations (Aguirre
of phyllostomid bats that are not yet included in the et al. 2014). It has been suggested that environmental
IUCN Red List or are in need of further examination. education that teaches people about bats and their hab-
Sixty-seven species still remain without evaluation or itat needs can sometimes be even more important than
have been categorized as data deficient (fig. 24.2). Since research in achieving conservation goals ( Jacobson and
several of these species are endemic, occur in restricted McDuff 1998; Jacobson et al. 2006).
habitats, or possess ecological similarities with other Environmental education has become a crucial
taxa already classified as threatened, it is quite likely that strategy for the protection of phyllostomid bats in the
some of them will fall within the threatened categories, Neotropics over the last three decades and has been
too. In addition, evaluation of the conservation status gaining momentum with the development of local and
of bats in Caribbean islands under high anthropogenic regional programs for bat conservation throughout
pressure and those exposed to the impact of hurricanes the continent. Initiatives such as those implemented
should also be considered a priority. by RELCOM and their local associates have proven
Finally, with regard to long-term research planning, that focusing their efforts on local communities and
emphasis should be given to addressing the effects of schools near key roosts or particular habitats for bats
climate change on phyllostomids, especially those is important for a successful long-term conservation
species dependent on constrained habitats along alti- effects (Aguirre et al. 2014). Specific actions have been
tudinal gradients. We expect that the effects of climate taken, especially in the case of bats that are threatened,
change on the most susceptible habitats used by phyl- to change people’s misconceptions and to explain the
lostomid bats will also include interactions with other importance of phyllostomids. The role of bats in main-
threats affecting many species. taining ecological processes that benefit not only bats
but also the ecosystem and local human economies are
particularly emphasized in environmental education
Education and Communication
programs and public outreach activities. In addition,
Across the Americas and the Caribbean, bats are the education initiatives are linked with detailed manage-
least charismatic mammals (Gareca et al. 2007). Sev- ment plans to permanently protect these sites through
eral myths and traditions about bats, along with mis- formal legislation and local community stewardship
conceptions about their true nature, exist in most parts (Navarro et al. 1996).
of Latin America, and this has posed a threat to their In Latin America, many conservation projects in-
populations. For example, several phyllostomid bats clude an extensive distribution of educational materials,
are randomly captured for medicinal purposes in the such as posters and fliers. Printed materials directed pri-
Andean region (Lizarro et al. 2010), including nectar- marily toward schoolchildren include short storybooks
feeding bats (Anoura), fruit-eating bats (Carollia), and featuring phyllostomid bats that are particularly charis-
occasionally vampire bats (D. rotundus). Traditional matic, with narratives about their importance for eco-
local medicine men use the blood of bats to heal “head system services. Featured bats include L. yerbabuenae
problems” (i.e., epilepsy), a practice that has turned in Mexico (Navarro 2001), E. alba in Central America
into a wildlife trade of bats in popular markets, locally (Cordero- Schmidt et al. 2010), and L. aurita in South
known as witch markets (Lizarro et al. 2010). In addi- America (Galarza and Aguirre 2011). Television and
tion, the most common misconception about bats in radio programs have proven to be important tools for
Latin America is that they are all rabid or are carriers of reaching people and changing their misconceptions.
diseases and should be killed (Gareca et al. 2007). The award-winning radio show Aventuras al Vuelo, cre-
Environmental education can contribute signifi- ated in Mexico, has been broadcast widely in several

Threats, Status, and Conservation Perspectives for Leaf-Nosed Bats 449

countries in Latin America with great success. As part to identify and certify protection of Important Sites for
of changing peoples’ misconceptions, workshops are Bat Conservation (SICOM, for its acronym in Span-
regularly organized at every level, from elemenatary ish). Until 2016, 16 SICOMs had been named, and lo-
schools to universities. In the period 2010–2013, for ex- cal multidisciplinary groups are developing projects for
ample, 55 projects related to environmental education their protection and management (RELCOM 2016b).
and communication were organized by RELCOM’s A more ambitious strategy in the same direction is
conservation programs. the creation of systems of protected caves based on the
environmental legislations of each country. These in-
clude: (1) fauna sanctuaries such as Santuario de Fauna
Conservation Actions
Cuevas de Paraguaná, Paraguaná Peninsula, northwest-
Conservation actions comprise a wide variety of activ- ern Venezuela (Delfín et al. 2011); (2) fauna reserves
ities, directly or indirectly applied to bat populations such as Bonaire Cave and Karst Nature Reserve,
and their habitats that contribute to help reverse and Bonaire Island, Dutch Caribbean (CARIBSS 2016);
neutralize the negative effects of threats on them. Sev- and (3) national parks such as Parque Nacional Barra
eral conservation initiatives have been implemented in Honda, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, (Artavia Durán 2016).
recent years across Latin America and the Caribbean, Concerning emerging threats in the Neotropics,
targeting some of the major factors affecting bats. exponential development of wind energy facilities in
In general, habitat loss in the Neotropics is being many countries necessitates planning and implemen-
counteracted in two main ways: first, through protec- tation of global solutions for bat conservation. With
tion of natural areas and restoration of disturbed lands; this in mind, RELCOM has created an international
and second, through landscape management of agricul- committee to evaluate the impact of wind energy facil-
tural areas. In the first case, a regional program designed ities in the region and to propose a series of measures
by RELCOM has been implemented to identify and to mitigate and reduce their effects on bats (RELCOM
create Important Areas for Bat Conservation (AICOM, 2016c). To achieve these goals, the committee has de-
for its acronym in Spanish; Aguirre and Barquez 2013). veloped two tools: a master plan to manage bat-wind
Conservation programs involved in the creation of an energy conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean
AICOM develop activities for its protection and man- and guidelines to evaluate the impact of wind energy
agement with the involvement of local environmental facilities on bats. The challenge for the coming years is
authorities. By the end of year 2016, 64 AICOMs had to be able to use these tools in a coordinated way.
been identified, and several of them have become areas
protected by national and local governments or by en-
vironmental nongovernment organizations (RELCOM
2016b). In addition, use of agroecosystems and creation Increasing rates of habitat loss and a wide variety of
of vegetation corridors are gaining approval as methods anthropogenic activities continue to cause vast environ-
to help increase bat diversity in many agricultural areas mental impacts and ecosystem alterations across Latin
in the Neotropics (de la Peña-Cuellar 2015; Meyer America and the Caribbean. At the same time, research,
et al. 2016). Coffee and cacao plantations, traditionally conservation, and environmental education have grown
cultivated under shade, generate complex and adequate exponentially in the region, supported by a very signifi-
vegetation matrices that maintain diverse phyllostomid cant critical mass of local scientists, educators, decision
assemblages. makers, and students. These two factors are opposing
Actions aimed at protecting roost sites are essential factors in a serious problem that affects biodiversity.
for bat conservation. Cave disturbance and destruction Phyllostomid bats represent an extremely significant
is being counteracted with legal protection of caves; portion of the biological diversity in most of the conti-
however, despite the fact that many countries in the nent and can be used as indicators to measure the state
region possess numerous caves used by bats as roosts, of forest conservation (Medellín et al. 2000). Their
most caves are not part of national systems of protected ecological and behavioral attributes make them easily
areas. To promote cave conservation in the region, the sampled and high-resolution environmental indicators
same program that is creating AICOMs is also designed because of their close connection to forests. Habitat

450 Chapter Twenty-Four

degradation, roost disturbance, and vandalism remain and suggestions on an earlier version of this chapter.
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