Past Simple Worksheet

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1 Complete the text with the verbs below. Use the Past Simple affirmative or negative.

not have  return  not know  write  marry  have  go  become  love  not use  not be
Charlotte Brontë was a famous British writer. She was born in 1816. She
…………………… one brother and four sisters, but two of the girls died at
a young age. The Brontë children 2. …………………… inventing imaginary
places and writing stories about them. In 1842, Charlotte and her sister Emily
…………………… to study in Belgium. The girls 4. …………………… a lot
of money, so they worked to pay for school. Charlotte 5. …………………… to
England in 1844. She 6. …………………… the book Jane Eyre in 1847, but she

…………………… her real name because there 8. ………………… many
women writers in those days. Instead, she used the name Currer Bell. People
………………… who Currer Bell was until Charlotte published her second
novel, Shirley. In 1854, Charlotte 10. …………………… Arthur Bell Nicholls,
but they didn’t have any children. In 1855, Charlotte 11. …………………… very
ill and died. She was only 38 years old.

2 Write questions about Alastair Humphreys according to the answers in bold.

1. .......................................................................................................
No, Alastair Humphreys didn’t walk around the world. He rode his bike around the
2. .......................................................................................................
He visited 60 countries.
3. .......................................................................................................
Yes, he met a lot of interesting people. But sometimes he didn’t see any people for days.
4. .......................................................................................................
Alastair’s trip took four years.
5. .......................................................................................................
He took the trip because he wanted to collect money for poor families.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below and the correct form of used to. There
are more verbs that you need.
go  play  like  ask  do  ride  listen  receive  eat
1. We …………………… a lot of hamburgers, but now we don’t eat meat.
2. Bill …………………… me for help with his homework, but now he sometimes does.
3. I’m excellent at English this year, but I …………………… good marks in English.
4. …………………… you …………………… football with a friend from London?
5. I …………………… gymnastics every evening, but now I haven’t got much free time.
4 Complete the dialogue with the verbs below. Use the correct form of the Present
Present Continuous or Past Simple. (3’5 points)
learn  wait  do  like  perform  study  see
Lena: Hello, Simon! What 1. …………………… you …………………… here?
I 2…………………… your sister five minutes ago.
Simon: I 3. …………………… a new language this year.
Lena: Really? Which one?
Simon: German.
Lena: …………………… you …………………… your teacher?
Simon: Yes, she’s cool. Why are you here?
Lena: Sara and I 5. …………………… French on Wednesdays. 6. …………………… you
still …………………… in the band at weekends?
Simon: Yes. Come and listen to us on Saturday.
Lena: Good idea! I must go now. My dad 7. …………………… for me in his car.

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