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Downloaded from Western Cape Government Directorate: Curriculum FET Peter etel Terms and symbol; calculations, Limiting reagents, Conce: s, Molar gas volume, Volume-volume pirical and Molecular formulae, Percentage yield, Percentage purity CHEMISTRY CONTENT THAT WILL BE RE-EXAMINED IN GRADE 12 2017 or Downleadedtsfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision PHYSICAL SCIENCES GRADE 11 TELEMATICS TEACHING PROGRAMME 2017 FISIESE WETENSKAPPE GRAAD 11 TELEMATIKA ONDERRIGPROGRAM 2017 Term 1 caucr Day Sate, Time Grade Topic Wednesday | 8 February | 16:00-17:00 |Grade11 | Mass-mass calculations Monday | 13 February | 16:00-17:00 |Grade11 | Massa-massa berekeninge Wednesday | 22 February | 15:00-16:00 |Grade11 | Molar gas volume 16:00-17:00 |Grade11 | Molére gasvolume Term 2 Day Date Time Subject Topic Wednesday | 7 June 15:00- 16:00 |Grade 11 | Concentration Thursday | 8 June 16:00- 16:00 |Grade11 | Konsentrasie Term3 Day Date Time Grade Topic Wednesday |2August | 16:00- 17:00 |Grade 11 | Applications of the mol Thursday |3August | 16:00- 17:00 |Grade11 | Toepassings van die mol Tuesday | 8August | 16:00- 17:00 |Grade11 | Vol.-vol. calculations, EF & MF a Volwvol baighenge, EF a MF & or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision This will help you change the subject of the LESSON 1: MASS - MASS CALCULATIONS formula successfully. 4 Where the mole ais applied: raat Avogadro's number (N,) Molar mass (M) MOLE (n) Molar gas volume (V,) Fig. 1 Volumetric analysis (V) In this lesson we will be using the formula: n STUDY TIP (1): This formula is used in nearly every calculation in stoichiometry, especially in Grade 12 and at university. ‘The main uses of this formula are: * To calculate moles (n) of a substance when the mass (m) is given. * To calculate mass (m) of a substance when the moles (n) are given. (The name, formula or symbol of the substance for which the moles (n) or the mass (m) is to be calculated is usually provided. Its molar mass (M) is obtained from the Periodic Table) = STUDY TIP (2): To change the subject of the formula in “n= aq use wna triangle as follows! ioe + Tomake ‘m’ the subject of the formula, place your finger on “m’. me What you will then see are the two adjacent blocks containing “n” and “M". When the symbols are like this it means they are multiplied. Thus you can write: m = nM. Copyright reserved 3 Please tum over co Downleadeck-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision * Similarly, to make “M" the subject of the formula, place your finger on “M" and what you eaiiseieateny i m now see is “m” over "n”, This means division. Thus you can write: M= ™ The meaning of each symbol in the formula, its unit of measurement and its defftition is provided in Table 1 below. Table 1 coe that will be used in this lesson: Concept bol Unit of Deiinition ap measurement ‘Arrount of Substance that contains exacily the same mole n mol number of elementary particles as there are carbon atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 mass m Q ‘A measure of the amount of matter in an object OR ‘A measure of the amount of matter an object consists of. Molar M gmol” | The mass in gram of 1 mole of a substance mass The following statement is Al WAYS TRUF “If the equation for a chemical reaction is balanced correctly, and the mass of one of the substances is known, then the theoretical mass cf each of the other substances in the equation can be calculated using the formula: n= STUDY TIP (3): The theoretical mass is the mass that is obtained by doing a calculation. The ‘actual mass is the mass obtained by experiment. Percentage yield = —ACtualMass __, 4999, Theoretical mass STUDY TIP (4): A short way of writing the ACTIVITY 4 molar mass of a substance X is: M(X). Thus the rrolar mass of Na is written as: M(Na). ‘Similarly, m(Na) means the mass of Na, n(B) EXAMPLES rreans the mole of boron and V(H2) means the 1.1 Calculate the (theoretical) mass of yolume\ct ia, = - 1.1.1 0.25 moles of Mg ‘STUDY TIP (8): The mol 8 of a molecule or an 1.1.2. 0,5 moles of NaOH. icnic compound is the SURFof the molar masses of each atom in its formula. Examples: 1.2 Calculate the (theoretical) moles of: | Sry Mey + MME) CONS 141416218 gmor- 4.2.1 Boron in 22.9 of B Similarly M(CaCOs) = M(Ca)+M(C)+3M(O) 1.2.2 Calcium oxide in 5,6 g of CaO sorlersis)r eh. mol M(Mg) = 24 g.mot (NaOH) = (23 + *6 + 1) g.mot = 40 g.mor Copyright reserved 4 Please tum over or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision M(B) =11g.mor ——- M(CaQ) = (40 + 16) = 56 g.mor ANSWERS 4.4.4 m(Mg)~ nM ~ (0,25)(24) ~ 6 g 112 cee. 0g 2 1.2.4 n(B) a 1.2.2 n(Ca0} 1.3. Achemical reaction represented by the equation below takes place in sufficient O.(g) Clg) + 202g) = — COx(g) + 2H.0(9) 1.3.1. What does Ure symbol (y) mean? 1.3.2 What does “sufficient O2(g)" mean? 1.3.3 Is the equation balanced? Explain your answer. 1.3.4 Name this chemical reaction 1.3.5 If 8g of CH.(g) reacted with the O2(g) , celoulate: (2) The n(CH.(g)) that were used. (b) The (theoretical) mass of O2(g) that reacted with the CH.(g) (c) The (theoretical) mass of CO,(g) that was produced ‘ANSWERS 1.3.1 Gaseous phase 1.3.2. There is enough 02(g) to react completely with the CH.(g) OR The reaction can take place to. completion. 1.3.3 Yes. There is one C-atom on the LH and one C-atom on the RHS of the equation. There are four H-atoms on the LHS and 4 H-atoms on the RHS. There are four O-atoms on the LHS and four O-atoms on the RHS. NOTES: An equation is balanced if the NUMBER OF ATOMS of each element in the reaction is the same on both sides of the arrow *->" faa ea 1.3.4 Combustion (reaction) i _ 8 135 (@) nat = 55 = 05mol (b) Method 4; (Using n= iw 1n(0,(g)) that reacted with the 8 g of CHa(g) = (2)n(CH.(g)) Copyright reserved 5 Please tum over co Downleadec-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision = (2\(U.8) = 1 mot .m(O2(g) = nM = (1)(16+16) = (11(32) =32 g Method 2: Using proportionality and the balanced equation From the LHS of the balanced equation of CH.(g) reacts with 2 moles of O2(g) g of CH4(g) reacts with 64 g of O2(g of CHa(g) reacts with a x64 g of Ox(g) = 32 g of OX(g) NOTES: Method 1 is the recommended method. (c) Method 4: Using n= 7 1n(CO{g)) that was produced from the 8 g of CH.(g) = n(CHi(g)) =0,5 mol -m(COz(g) produced = nM = (0,5)(12+16+16) = (0,5)(44) =22 g Method 2: Using proportionality and the balanced equation From the balanced equation: 1 mole of CH.(g) produces 1 mole of COx(g) i.e. 16 g of CH(g) produces 44 g of CO.(g) 8 g of CHi(g) reacts with & x44 g of Ox(g) = 22 g of COxLa) ACTIVITY 2 Express all answore correct to the second decimal place. 2.1. Calculate the (theoretical) mass of: 2.1.1 (a) 0,1 moles of C (b)1,25 moles of S (c) 0,3 moles of At ANSWERS: (a) 1,20g (b)40g (c)8,10g 241.2 (a)0,83 moles of NHs — (b) 1,7 moles cf NaHCO; (c) 0,01 moles of (COOH), .2H:0 ANSWERS: (a) 14,11.g (b) 142.809 (¢) 1,269 22 Calculate the number of moles of: 2.24 (a)Helium in 5gofHe (b) Aluminium in 5,21gof At (c) Silicon in 3,5 g of Si ANSWERS: (a) 1,25 mol (b)0,19mol_—_(¢) 0,13 mol ee 2.22 (a) Carbon dioxide in 11 g ot CUz fan (b) Sodium carbonate decahydrate in 10 g of NazCOs .10H:0 re ANSWERS: (a) 0,25 mol (b) 0,04mol 23 The chemical reaction that takee place during a braai i cs) + Og) + — COxg) iven by the following equation : Copyright reserved 5 Please tum over co Downleadac-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision 2.3.1 What does the symbol (s) mean? 2.3.2 Write down the name of the product of this reaction? 2.3.3. Is the equation balanced? Explain your answer. 2.3.4 Name the chemical reaction taking place. ANSWEI 3.1 solid (phase) 2.3.2 carbon dioxide 2.3.3 Yes. There is one C-atom on the LHS, i {HS of the equation. There are two O-atoms on the LHS and RHS of the equatior .4 combustion 2.3.5 If 3.g of C(g) react with the O2(g), calculate: (a) The n(C(g) that were used. (b) The (theoretical) mass of 0,(g) that reacted with the C(g). (c) The (theoretical) mass of CO,(g) that was produced, ANSWERS: 2.3.5: (a) 0,25 mol (b)8g (Cc) 11g 2.4 14g of Nx(g) are mixed with 0,6 g of H.(g) and NH(g) is formed. The balanced equation for the chemical reaction taking place is: Ne(g) + 3H2(g) + 2NHo(g) 2.4.1. Calculate the (theoretical mass) of NHa(g) that is produced. 2.4.2 If 1,62 of NH;(Q) are formed, calculate the percentage yield of NHs(g) ANSWERS: 2.4.1:1,7g 2.4.2: 95,29% How to find the limiting reagent? Method 1: Using mass: Use the given masses to find the ‘moles of any reactant. In example 2.4 on page 6, We use Nz, Now we test ifit isthe limiting reagent: n(Ne}= ,05 mol, Since it reacts LESSON 2: MOLAR GAS VOLUME (Vim) 28 with 3 moles of He, m(H2) = nM = 0,3.g which is less than the 0.6 g given. Ho is thus in excess. ..Neis the limiting reagent. If thore was a smallor mass of He, g, then Hz would be the limiting reagent. 10,08)(2) = In this lesson we will be using the formula: STUDY TIP (1): In Lesson 1 we used mass (m) to find moles (n) and vice versa. In this Lesson we use volume (V) to find moles (n) and vice versa. Once we have moles (n), we can determine mass (m). The main uses of this formula are: + To calculate moles (n) of a substance when the volume (V) is give * To calculate volume (V) of a substance when the moles (n) are gi (The value for molar gas volume (Vm) is provided on data sheets STUDY TIP (2): To change the subject of the formula in* n= . use the corresponding Copyright reserved 7 Please tum over or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysissteours Revision tangle in Fig.1 on Page Z and then follow the procedure in SIUDY IP (2) on Page 2 ‘The meaning of each symbol in the formula, its unit of measurement and its definition are provided in Table 2 below. & Table 2: copa that will be used in this lesson: Concept iol Unit of Deiinition as measurement Atrount of substance that contains exactly the same mole n mol number of elementary particles as there are carbon atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 volume Vv ‘dm? The space a gas occupies Molar gas Vin ‘dm*mol" | The volume a gas occupies at STP (standard volume temperature and pressure) Standard temperature (T) has a value of 273 K (°C). | Whenever there is reference lo STP it Standard pressure (p) has a value of 1,013x10° Pa, __| Means that T = 273 K and p = 1,013x10° Pa. STUDY TIP (3): All gases occupy a volume (Vix) of 22,4 dm’ at STP. When you use molar gas volume Vie, volume (V) must be expressed in { STUDY TIP (4): To convert cm? to dm® divide by 1000. 50cm? Example: 500 om? = Sx + din? = 0.5 dm? ACTIVITY 4 1000 em: 3 Nore: 10 __= 4, ..the value 500 om? remains 1000cm> the same but itis only expressed in an equivalent other form. EXAMPLES 1.1 Calculate the (theoretical) number of moles of: 1.4.1 1b(g) that occupy a volume of 100 cm* at STP. 1.4.2 02{g) that occupy a volume of 1125 om® at STP. 1.2 Caloulate the (theoretical) volume 1.2.1. Occupied by 0.24 moles of CO» at STP 1.2.2. Occupied by 1,3 moles of Cl(g) at STP i ANSWERS (expressed correct to the second decimal place.) Vi On 22,4 0045 = 0,01 mol Copyright reserved 8 Please tum over c Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysizsteours Revision 14.200 = = 1125 «0,05 mol lm 22.4 1.2.41 V= nVm = (0,24)(22,4) = 5,38 dm? 1.2.2 V- nV ~ (1,3)(22,4) — 20,12 dm? fs 1.3. When S. as in 02(g), SO2(g) is formed gs (s) + O19) + — SOXq) 4.3.1 What is the colour of the flame? 1.3.2 1f 4480 cm? of O,(g) reacted with the S(s) at STP, calculate: (a) The (theoretical) mass of S(s) that burned in the O2(g) (b) The (theoretical) volume of SO2(g) that was collected at STP. ANSWERS: 1.3.1 Blue 1.32 (a) n(Ox(g)) that reacted with the S(s)= —Y— = 4:48 <9. mot = n(ox(a)) v, (224 m(02(g)) that burned in the O2(g) = nM = (0,2)(32) = 6,4 g 1.3.2 (b) — V(SO2(g)) collected at STP = nVm = (0,2)(22,4) = 4,48 dm? ACTIVITY 2 Express all answers correct to the second decimal place. 2.1 Calculate the (theoretical) volume occupied by: 2.1.1 (@)0,2 moles of Na(g) at STP _(b)1,25 moles of NHs(g) at STP ANSWERS: (a) 4,48 dm? (b) 28 dm? 2.2 Calculate the (theoretical) number of moles of: 2.2.1 (a) Argon in 1050 cm? of Ar(g) —_(b) Bronine in 500 cm? of Bra(g) ANSWERS: (a) 0,05 mol (b) 0,02 mol {@) 0,05 mol (b)0.02 mol} centage purity = —Actualvolume_ +999, Theoretical volume 2.3 The chemical reaction below shows that NaNOs is thermally unstable, 2NaNoxs) 2NaNO2g) + O2(g) ay ANSWERS: rm 2.3.1 What do the underlined words mean? | 2.3.1: NaNO, decomposes when itis heated 232 What does the symbol," mean? | 232: The reactants are heated 2.3.3 Asample of NaNOx(s) of mass 4,25 g was heated and 500 cm? of O2(g) was collected at STP. Calculate: Copyright reserved 9 Please tum over co Downleadedt-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision (a) Ine theoretical volume of U.(g) that was formed. (b) The percentage purity of the NaNO(s). ANSWERS M 85 LL 410,(g) produced = (1/2 jr(NaNOs(s) = 0,028 mol SS V(Ox{g)) = n(Vn) = (0,025)(22,4) = 0,560 dm? 2.23 @ a n(NaNOx(s)) = ™ = 42° = 0,05 mol Actual volume: hb) Percentage purity= —Adtualvolume __ soaq, (©) Percentage Pury = sh eoretical volume * 0,500 = 100% = 89,29% 0,560 * OR 1NaNOs) that forms 500 em? O.(g)= (2) (575) = 0,044643 mol mm(NaNO.(9) that decompnsed = ni = (0,046843)(85) = 3.794855 9 Actual mass 94655 Percentage purity = x 100% = 89,29% Theoreticalmass 4,25 LESSON 3: CONCENTRATION n In this lesson we will be using the formula: ¢ = " Vv STUDY TIP (1): In Lesson 1 we used mass (m) to find moles (n) and vice versa. In Lesson 2 we Uused volume (V) of a gas to find moles (n) and vice versa. Once we have moles (n), we can also determine mass (m). In Lesson 3 we will use moles (n) to find concentration (c) and vice versa. Onue we have moles (n), we Gan alsu Ueternnine mass (1). The main uses of this formula are, (when volume (V) is given): * To-calculate moles (n) of a substance when the concentration (c) is given. + To calculate concentration (c) of a substance when the moles (n) arg-given. (This formula is used widely in Acids and Bases) ie STUDY TIP (2): To change the subject of the formula in “c= 7 "use responding triangle in Fig.1 on Page 2 and then follow the procedure in STUDY TIP (2) on Page 2. Copyright reserved 10 Please tum over or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision Ihe meaning of each symbol in the formula, its Unit of measurement and its definition are provided in Table 3 below. ‘STUDY TIP (3): To convert cm* to dm* divide by 1000. Refer to Study Tip (4) in Lesson 2 for more details. Table 3: Concepte that will be uced in thie lesson: Concept —_jaf;Symbol | Unitof Definition far measurement Janay Amount of substance that contains exactly the mole + on mol same number of elementary particles as there are carbon atoms in 12 g of carbon-12 volume: Vv ‘dm? The space a substance occupies Concentration c® The number of moles of a substance dissolved in (Molarity) a specific volume of water. (Also called molarity) Other formulae can be used to express concertration. The one we use is called molarity. The molarity of a solution is its concentration expressed in STUDY TIP (3): When you use molarity, volume iV) must ALWAYS be expressed in dm?. DEFINITION: A standard solution is a solution whose concentration is known exactly. To make a standard solution of a substance, e.g. oxalic acid, a precise mass of oxalic acid and a precise volume of water must be used. The oxalic acid is then dissolved in a beaker and poured into a suitable measuring flask. Water is then added {o the contents of the measuring flask until the concave meniscus reaches the mark on the neck of the flask. This standa be used to standardise (determine the concentration of) an unknown solution in a titration. ised solution can now ACTIVITY 1 EXAMPLES (Approximate answers correct to the second decimal place) 14 AS A standard solution of oxalic acid, (COOH): .2H20, of concentration 0,2’sis to be prepared: Caloulate the: 1 The number of moles of oxalic acid required to make 250 cm? of this solution. 1.1.2. The mass of oxalic acid that is needed to make 100 cm® of this solution 1A ANSWERS 1. nfoxalic acid) = cV = (0,2)(0,250) = 0,05 mol 1.4.2 n(oxalic acid) = cV = (0,2)(0,100) = 0,02 mol. m(oxalic acid) = nM =49;02)(126) = 2,62 g 1.2 1.2. ime OR m= cMV =(0.2)(126)(0.100) =2.52 3 aor Ina titration, 25 cm® of a standard oxalic acid solution of cone® was neutralised by a sodium hydroxide sclution of unknown con ion 1 Give the meaning of the term neutralised and use the net reaction to motivate your answer. 1.2.2 Choose a suitable indicator from the table below to show the endpoint of the titration. INDICATOR WHAT IS IT USED FOR? pH RANGE Copyright reserved I Please tum over or Downleadedt-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision Bromothymol blue | Strong acid and Stong base 60-76 Methyl orange ‘Strong acid and weak base 31-44 Phenolphthalein | Strong base and weak acid 83-100 1.2.3. Explain your answer in question 1.2.2. int of the titration is reacned, 20 cm? of the sodium hydroxide was added. 124 State meant hy the term endpoint 1.2.5 Caleut concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution. ANSWERS 1.21 The H’ or H'(aq) or H30" ions are removed from the solution by the OH" ions to form water. The net reaction taking place is: Ht + O+ — HO NOTES: The stage in a titration when neutralisation is reached is called the equivalence point, At this point the number of H* ions are neutralised by an equal the number of OH ions. 1.2.2 Phenolphthalein 1.2.3 The reaction is between a weak acid (oxalic acid) and a strong base (NaOH). There is less and H¢ thar OH" in the solution, Thus al the equivalence point unreacted OH ions rer ‘cause the pH to be greater than 7. OR The product of the reaction between a weak acid (axali a basic salt (CHsCOONa)2 .2H.0. (CHsCOONa)z ionises in water to form OH ions (or NaOH) which makes the pH > 7. 1.2.4 The stage in a titration where the indicator changes colour. 1.2.5 METHOD 1: THIS IS THE RECOMMENDED METHOD. acid) and a strong hase (NaOH) is, Look at the balanced chemical equation: (COOH). + 2NaQH — The mole ratio: (COOH)s:NaOH = 1:2 1mole _2mole — n(COOH).= eV = (0,15)(0,025) = 0,00375 mol METHOD 2 n(NaOH) = 2(0,00375) = 0,0075 or favae Ma je, 0:15x0,025 _ 1 c(NaOH) = 2= 20075 - 9 38 mokam? Po ei Pali ieerre Tia Vv 0,020 @» = 0,38 car ACTIVITY 2. (Fxpress answers correct to the second decimal place wh¢ttapplicable) 2.1 Astandard solution of NaOH{(s),of concentration 0,4’® is, prepared: Calculate the: 2.1.1. The number of moles of NaOH(s) required to make150 mt of this solution 2.1.2 The mass of NaOH that is required to make 1 {of this solution Copyright reserved 12 Please tum over co Downleadeck-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision ANSWERS: 2.1.1 UU8mol 2.12 16g 2.2 Ina titration, 25 cm? of a standard hydrochloric acid solution of concentration 0,21® was neutralised by a sodium hydroxide sclution of unknown concentration. 2.2.1 Give the meaning of the term neutraliced and uee the net reaction to motivate your answer. 2.2.2 Choose afapable indicator from the table below to show the endpoint of the titration. INDICA’ FOR USE pH RANGE. Bromothymal blue | Strong acid and Stong base 60-76 Methylorange ‘Strong acid and weak base 31-44 Phenolphthalein | Strong base and weak acid 83-100 2.2.3. Explain your answer in question 2.2.2. At the end point of the titration 20 cm? of the sodium hydroxide was used. 2.2.4 State what is meant by the term endpoint. 2.2.5 Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution. ANSWERS 2.2.1 Refer to the answer 1.2.1 in Activily 1. The answers are the same. 2.2.2 Bromothymol blue 2.2.3. The reaction is between a strong acid (hydrochloric acid) and a strong base (NaOH). There are equal numbers of H* and OH in the solution. Thus at the equivalence point the solution will be neutral with a pH = 7 or a pH = +7 OR The product of the reaction between a strong acid (hydrochloric acid) and a strong base (NaOH) is a neutral salt NaC. NaC? ionises in water to form a neutral solution which makes the pH = 7 or a pH = +7. 2.2.4 Refer to the answer to 1.2.4 in Activity 1. The answers are simil 2.2.5 o(NaOH) = 0,26* LESSON 4: APPLICATIONS OF THE MOLE In this lesson you will apply the knowledge you acquired in Lessons 1 to 3 f@ianswer questions on percentage yield and percentage purity Refer tal essons 1 to 3 for help is ACTIVITY 1 EXAMPLES 1.1 4,5.g of MgO are dissolved in 100 om? of 4Ct of concentration 2*. The following reaction takes place: MgO + 2HCt > MgCl, + H.0 Copyright reserved 13 Please tum over or Downleadedtsfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision Ine excess HCt Is neutralised by 21 cm? of a U,2* aqueous solution of NaOH. Ihe reaction taking place is: Hct + NaOH = NaCt + HO Calculate the percentage purity of the MgO. Method STEP 1: [=> Calculate moles (n) at the start STEP 2;/000/ Calculate moles (n) in excess STEP 3; anf Calculate moles (n) that reacted (n(start) ~ n(excess) = n(reacted)) STEP 4— Calculate the mass (m) that reacted STEP 5: Calculate the percentage purity or yield ANSWER STEP 1 n(Start) n(HCt) = eV = (2)(0,100) = 0,2 mol STEP 2: n(Excess): (NaOH) = eV = (0,2)(0,021) = 0,0042 = n(HCt) in excess STEP 3: N(Reacted): n(Reacted) = n(Start) — n(Reacted) i.e. n(HCt) that reacted = 0,2 — 0,0042 = 0,1958 mol Thus n(MgO) that reacted = % (0,1958) = 0,0979 STEP A: m(Reacted): m(MgO) = nM = (0,0979)(10) = 3,02 g STEP 5: Percentage purity = —Acualmass _ 1994, Theoretical mass = 3:22 100% = 87.11% 45 1.2 A2g sample of marble chips are dissolved in 50 cm? of HCt of concentration 4,3 mol.dir’, The reaction taking place is: CaCO; + 2HCt + CaCl + CO: + H,0 The excess HCt is neutralised by adding excess baking soda and 627,2 om? of CO,(g) was collected at STP. The reaction taking place is: HCt + NaHCO; NaCt+COz + H:0 Calculate the percentage purty of the marble chips. ANSWER STEP 1 n(Start): n(HCt) = eV = (1,3)(0,050) = 0,085 mol V _ 0,6272 ; STEP 2: MExoessy: nfCOa)= 5- FIs 01028 = nf n excess STEP 3: n(Reacted): n(Reacted) = n(Start)—n(Reacted) nw i.e. n(HCt) that reacted = 0,065 — 0,037 mol Thus n(CaCOs) that reacted = ¥% (0,037) = 0,0185 mol STEP 4: m(Reacted): m(CaCOs) = nM = (0,0185)(100) = 1,85 g Copyright reserved 14 Please tum over or Downleadedtsfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision STEP 5: Percentage purity = —AowalMaASS __, soy, Theoretical mass = 185, 100% = 92,50% ACTIVITY2 = loa? Answer the follo z 21 7.5gof 13,5 07 reaction taking place is: NaOH + HNO: -» NaNO; + H:0 Calculate the percentage purty of the NaOH. Answer: 90% ‘questions. Approximate your answers correct to the second decimal place. are dis ‘olved in 250 cm? of water. 10 cm® of this solution are neutralised by tric acid of concentration 0,80*. The balanced equation for the 2.2 The molar mass of CuSO, .xH-0 is 250 g.mot-. Calculate the value of x. Answer: 5 bee Beaker A BeakerB 50 cm? of 0,5 HCt 80 cm? of 0,25° HCE 2.3.1. Calculate the number of moles of HCt in beaker A. The solution in Beaker A is poured into Beaker B. 2.3.2 Calculate the final concentration of the soution in B. 2.3.3 Calculate the mass of sodium carbonate that is required to neutralise the solution in BeakerB. ANSWERS: 2.3.1:0,025 mol 2.3.2: 0,35® 2.3.3: 2,39 2.4 When 4,16 g of barium chloride are added to 1,42 g of sodium sulphate, a barium sulphate precipitate of mass 1,82 g is formed. The balanced chemical equation for the reaction taking place is: BaCtl) + Na:SO, + BaSO, + 2NaCt Calculate the percentage yield of barium sulphate. ANSWER: 76,11% 2.5 92% of a fertilizer consists of NH.Ct. A sample of mass x g of this fertilizer is dissolved in 100 cm? of 2 0,10 aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaQH(aq)). The NaOH is in excess. The balanced chemical equetion for the reaction taking place is: NH.Ct(aq) + NaOH(aq) > NHd(g) + H:0(t) + pNaCt(aq) 11 HCE During a titration, 25 om? of the excess NaOH solution is titrated wi ‘solution. At the endpoint it is found that 14,55 cm! of the HCE neut id the NaOH. The reaction taking place is: HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) > NaCt(aq) + —H,0(t) Calculate the mass of x, in grams, of the fertilizer used. ANSWER: 0,21 g Copyright reserved 15 Please tum over or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision 2.6 41 cm? of a NaOH(aa) solution of concentration 0,01’ is added. The following reaction takes place: Aspirin +NaQH —> ‘mole 1 mole . When excess NazCOs was then added, 13,776 cm® of CO2 was collected at STP. The following reaction takes place: 2Aspirin + NazCOs > CO2 +. = = An aspirin tablet of mass 300 mg is dissolved in ethanol and COOH aay GOCH. Zmoles 1mole 1 moe Aspirin: It is a monoprotic acid 2.6.1 State the role of the ethanol and M(Aspirin) = 180 g.mot 2.6.2 Calculate the percentage purity of the aspirin. ANSWER: 2.6.1 enables aspirin to react with NaOH(aq) 26.2 98.4% LESSON 5: VOLUME-VOLUME CALCULATIONS, EMPIRICAL AND MOLECULAR FORMULA. STUDY TIP (1): In volume-volume calculations involving gases at constant pressure p and temperature T, volume (V) values can be obtained from mole (n) values and vice versa, because under these conditions, V on. This can easily be deduced from pV = nT. If p and T are constant then V cc n, because R is a constant. How to find the limiting reagent? Method 2: Using volumes of gases: Find the volume of 1 mole of ceny reactent. In cxample 1.1 on this pago, 1 mole of CHs ie already given. Now we tect if itia the ACTIVITY 1 | limiting reagent: The given volume of Crs is 20 om. Since it reacts with 2 moles of Oz, CHs wll react with 2x20cm? = 40 om? of O2. Since there is 50 cm®, Or is in excess. CH, is the limiting reagent. If EXAMPLE | there was a amallr volume of On, e.9:30 om, then Oz would be the limiting reagent 1.1 Consider the following balanced chemical equation: CH.(g) + 202g) > COxg) + 2H:0(g) 20cm? 50 cm? IF there is initially 20 cm? of CH,(g) and 50 cm* of 02(g), and the reaction takes place at constant pressure p and temperature T, and reaches completion, determine: 1.1.1 The moles of CO2(g) and H20(g) that are formed. 1.1.2. The theoretical volume of each of the gases in the equation after thé7@action has reached ‘completion. [ Finding Limiting Reagent (continued): If you started with the yoke of 80 cm, 1 mole O> will have a volume of 25 cm?. Because there is only 20 cm? of Hs is still the limiting reagent. STUDY TIP (2): First determine which reactant is the limiting reagent, ant-wriere applicable the volume of 1 mole of the limiting reagent. Then use the co-efficients in the balanced equation to deduce the volumes of alll the gases in the equation. They must all be multiples of the volume of 1 Copyright reserved 16 Please tum over co Downleadeck-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision mole of the limiting reagent. Do not forget to subt-act on the LHS of the equation where applicable because reactants are used up in a reaction. ANSWERS: 1.1.1. 1moleCOz, 2 moles of HO. CHA(g): Ocm*; —On(g): 10. 6m*;_CO2(g): 20 cm*;_—H0(g): 40 om?> @ limiting reagent. It is CH4(g). Then find the volume of 1 mole of the limiting §. Using the co-efficients in the balanced equation you can now determine the volumes of eaet 1e gases in the equation. Table 4 below summarises the process: Table 4: Summary: How to obtain gas volumes at completion of a reaction. CH. 202 CO? 2H:0 Moles at the Start / Formed 1 mole 2 moles 1 mole 2 moles ‘Volumes at the Start 20 cm? ‘50 cm? Limiting reagent CH: Volumes Reacting Formed | (1x20 em") “(2x20 em’) 4x20 em | 2x20 om 20 om? =-40 om? = 20 om? | = 40 om? Volumes on completion of (20-20) om? (60-40) om? the reaction -Ocn? = 10 un? 20 un? 40 un? ACTIVITY 2 2.4 Consider the following balanced chemical equation’ CaHe(g) + 502(9) + 3COAg) + 4H:0(g) 10cm? 40 cm? If there is initially 10 cm? of CsHe(g) and 40 cm? of O2(g), and the reaction takes place at constant pressure and temperature, and reaches completion, determine: 2.1.1. The moles of CO.(g) and H,0(g) that are formed. 2.1.2. The theoretical volume of each of the gases in the equation after the reaction has reached completion. ANSWERS: 2.1.1 3 moles of CO and 4 moles of HzO 212 CsHs(g):2cm*;—Onig): Oem’; COx(g): 24 cm’; HO(g): 32 em? MOLECULAR FORMULA and EMPIRICAL FORMULA, an empirical formula’ Ethanoic acid can be written in the following ways: CH;COOH CsH,O2 Sram nin Molecular formula Empirical formula onmttend a fv Bi ener or Downleadedt-from Stanmorephysicsteours Revision Itis derived from the molecular chow, bo eomerextert, It shows the number of {formula in such a way that the the STRUCTURE of the atoms of each element in a Highest Comman Factor (HCF) of ‘compound, ‘compound, the number of atoms of each ‘element, together, is 1. 1e empirical formula is obtained from the molecular formula by dividing each of jolecular formula by the HCF of all the numbers. EXAMPLE ACTIVITY 1 1.1. Consider H.O2. Itis the chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide. It is also the molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide. The HCF of 2 and 2, is 2. If you divide each 2 by 2 you ‘obtain HO, which is the empirical formula of HoOz. The HCF of each number 1 in HO, Is 1. Steps to follow when determining the empirical formula of a substance: STEP 1 All quantities must be in moles. If not, convert %ages or masses to moles. STEP 2 Divide each number in STEP 1 by the SMALLEST of all the numbers. STEP 3 Round off each number in STEP 2 to the nearest whole number. STEP 4: Write down the empirical formula by using the whole numbers obtained in STEP 3. STEP 5 Check that the HCF = 1 for all the numbers obtained in STEP 4. 12 ‘A molecule has the following percentage composition: 6,25% H and 93,7% O. Determine it's: 124 Empirical formula 1.2.2 Molecular formula if i's molar mass is 34 g.mor ANSWERS: Sum = 100% 1.24 4 7 Percentages 625% 93.75% |} « Masses 6259 93.759 | f+ STEP 1 6.25 Moles; i ‘Sum = 100 g 6,25 STEP 2 | Divide by 5,856 6,25 _ 5856 STEP 3 | Round off i STEP 4 | Empirical formula HO. STEPS | CHECKWHCF=1 [HOF of fand 7, is Copyright reserved 18 Please tum over or Downleadedtfrom Stanmorephysicsteours Revision 1.2.2 M(HO) = 17 g.mot. Let the molecular formula be X. Then M(X) = 34 g.mot = (2)(17g.mot). This means X has one more “OH”. = XisHOz ACTIVITY 2 an 2.1. Which ong:9f the following is an empirical formula? AN, NoHs. C: NoCs D: CaHsOe 2.2 Ifthe empirical formula of a compound is CH, is molecular formula can be: A: CHe B: C:He C: Ce =D: Cite 2.3 A compound consists of 40% carbon, 53,3% oxygen and 6,66% hydrogen. Determine its molecular formula. 2.4 — Analysis of a nicotine sample shows that it contained 2,13 g of carbon, 0,248 g of hydrogen and 0,493 g of nitrogen. Determine its empirical formula. 2.5 Asample of nicotine that contains only carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen is burned in excess ‘oxygen. A sample of mass 0,2340 g yielded 0,1826 g of H.O and 0, 6329 g of CO2. Determine the empirical formula of nicotine. 26 1,448 g sample of iron was heated in air end its final mass was found to be 2, 001 g. Determine its molecular formula, 2.7 Caffeine has the following percentage composition: Carbon: 49.48%: Hydrogen: 5.19%: Oxygen: 16,48%; Stikstof: 28,85%. Determine its molecular formula if its molar mass is 194 g.mot 2.8 Anunknown compound of mass 0,40 g contains only hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. When it is heated it decomposes to form 0,22 g of nitrous oxide (N2O) and 0,18 g of water. Determine its empirical formula. ANSWERS: 2.1: C; 2.2: C; 2.3: COzHs; 2.4: CsHyN; 2.5: CsHyN; 2.6: FesOa: 2.7: CeHioNsOz (2.9: HiN2Os Copyright reserved 19 Please tum over Downloaded from A

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