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For each of the following four networks, discuss the consequences if a

connection fails
a. Five devices arranged in a mesh topology
b. Five devices arranged in a star topology (not counting the hub)
c. Five devices arranged in a bus topology
d. Five devices arranged in a ring topology

The consequences of a connection failure in each of these network topologies are distinct due
to the different ways in which devices are interconnected. Here's an analysis for each of the
four topologies:

a. Five devices arranged in a mesh topology

In a mesh topology, each device is connected to every other device. This means there are
multiple paths for data to travel between any two devices.

Consequences of a connection failure:

 Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: If one connection fails, the network can still function
because there are alternative paths for the data to travel. The failure of a single connection
does not isolate any devices from the network.
 Impact on Performance: While the network remains operational, the loss of a connection
may lead to increased traffic on the remaining connections, potentially reducing performance
slightly until the failed connection is restored.
 Maintenance Complexity: Identifying and fixing the failed connection might require more
effort due to the high number of connections.

b. Five devices arranged in a star topology (not counting the hub)

In a star topology, each device is connected to a central hub. The hub acts as a common
connection point for all devices.

Consequences of a connection failure:

 Individual Connection Failure: If the connection between one device and the hub fails,
only that device is affected and becomes unable to communicate with the rest of the network.
The rest of the network remains operational.
 Hub Failure: If the hub itself fails, the entire network goes down because all
communications pass through the hub. This represents a single point of failure.
 Ease of Troubleshooting: Identifying and fixing a failed connection is relatively
straightforward because each device has a direct connection to the hub.

c. Five devices arranged in a bus topology

In a bus topology, all devices are connected to a single central cable, called the bus. Data sent
by any device travels along the bus and is received by all other devices.

Consequences of a connection failure:

 Cable Failure: If the central bus cable fails, the entire network is disrupted, and no device
can communicate with any other device.
 Connection Failure at a Device: If the connection from a device to the bus fails, only that
device is isolated. The rest of the network remains operational.
 Signal Reflection Issues: Any break in the bus can cause signal reflection, leading to
network performance issues and potentially causing communication errors.
 Simplified Troubleshooting: While a bus failure can be catastrophic, the linear nature of the
topology can make it easier to locate and repair the fault.

d. Five devices arranged in a ring topology

In a ring topology, each device is connected to two other devices, forming a circular pathway
for signals to travel.

Consequences of a connection failure:

 Single Connection Failure: If one connection in the ring fails, it breaks the ring and can
isolate the network into two segments. Devices on either side of the break cannot
communicate with each other.
 Fault Tolerance with Redundancy: Some ring networks incorporate a dual-ring (or
additional connections) for redundancy, where data can travel in either direction around the
ring. In such configurations, a single connection failure does not disrupt the network because
data can be rerouted the other way around the ring.
 Troubleshooting Complexity: Identifying the precise location of the failure can be more
complex compared to star or bus topologies, but the failure point can often be deduced by
testing the connectivity between neighboring devices.

In summary, the impact of a connection failure varies significantly across different

topologies, influencing the network's fault tolerance, ease of troubleshooting, and overall
robustness. Mesh and ring topologies generally offer more redundancy, while star and bus
topologies can be more vulnerable to certain types of failures.

2Q: In the below figure Computer A sends a message to computer D via LANI.
router RI, and LAN2.
Show the contents of the packets and frames at the network and data link
layer for cach hop interface

To show the contents of the packets and frames at the network and data link layer
for each hop interface, let's break down the process as the message travels from
Computer A to Computer D via LAN1, Router R1, and LAN2.

Key Information:

 Computer A: Source IP address: A/40, MAC address: 8/42

 Router R1 (interface on LAN1): IP address: B/42, MAC address: 5/40
 Router R1 (interface on LAN2): IP address: C/82, MAC address: 8/82
 Computer D: Destination IP address: D/80, MAC address: D/80

Hop 1: Computer A to Router R1 on LAN1

Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP Address: A/40

 Destination IP Address: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]

Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):

 Source MAC Address: 8/42

 Destination MAC Address: 5/40 (MAC address of Router R1's interface on LAN1)
 Payload: [IP Packet]

Hop 2: Router R1 (LAN1 interface) to Router R1 (LAN2


Router R1 will strip off the original Ethernet frame, process the IP packet, and then
forward it onto LAN2.

Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP Address: A/40
 Destination IP Address: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]

Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):

 Source MAC Address: 8/82 (MAC address of Router R1's interface on LAN2)
 Destination MAC Address: D/80 (MAC address of Computer D)
 Payload: [IP Packet]

Hop 3: Router R1 (LAN2 interface) to Computer D

Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP Address: A/40

 Destination IP Address: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]

Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):

 Source MAC Address: 8/82

 Destination MAC Address: D/80
 Payload: [IP Packet]

Summary of Each Hop Interface

1. Computer A to Router R1 on LAN1:

 Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP: A/40
 Destination IP: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]
 Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):
 Source MAC: 8/42
 Destination MAC: 5/40
 Payload: [IP Packet]

2. Router R1 (LAN1 interface) to Router R1 (LAN2 interface):

 Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP: A/40
 Destination IP: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]
 Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):
 Source MAC: 8/82
 Destination MAC: D/80
 Payload: [IP Packet]

3. Router R1 (LAN2 interface) to Computer D:

 Network Layer (IP Packet):

 Source IP: A/40
 Destination IP: D/80
 Data: [Message Data]
 Data Link Layer (Ethernet Frame):
 Source MAC: 8/82
 Destination MAC: D/80
 Payload: [IP Packet]

At each step, the MAC addresses are updated according to the local network
segment, while the IP addresses remain constant as they identify the end-to-end
source and destination of the message.

3Q: We need to use synchronous TDM and combine 20 digital sources, each
of 100 Kbps. Each output slot carries 1 bit from each digital source, but one
extra bit is added to each frame for synchronization. Answer the following
a. What is the size of an output frame in bits?
b. What is the output frame rate
c. What is the duration of an output frame?
d. What is the output data rate?
To address the questions regarding the synchronous Time Division Multiplexing
(TDM) system that combines 20 digital sources, each with a rate of 100 Kbps, let's
break down the problem step by step.

a. What is the size of an output frame in bits?

In synchronous TDM, each frame contains one bit from each source plus an
additional bit for synchronization.

 Number of sources: 20
 Bits per source per frame: 1
 Synchronization bit per frame: 1

So, the size of an output frame is:

Size of an output frame=Number of sources×Bits per source+Synchronizatio
n bitSize of an output frame=Number of sources×Bits per source+Synchroniz
ation bit
Size of an output frame=20×1+1=21 bitsSize of an output frame=20×1+1=21

b. What is the output frame rate?

The output frame rate is determined by how many frames are generated per second.
Since each source transmits at 100 Kbps and each frame contains 1 bit from each

Frame rate=Source data rate/Bits per source per frameFrame rate=Source dat
a rate/Bits per source per frame
Frame rate=100,000 bps/1 bit per frame=100,000 frames per secondFrame ra
te=100,000 bps/1 bit per frame=100,000 frames per second

c. What is the duration of an output frame?

The duration of an output frame is the inverse of the frame rate:

Duration of an output frame=1/Frame rateDuration of an output frame=1/Fra

me rate
Duration of an output frame=1/100,000 frames per secondDuration of an out
put frame=1/100,000 frames per second
Duration of an output frame=10−5 seconds=10 microsecondsDuration of an
output frame=10−5 seconds=10 microseconds
d. What is the output data rate?

The output data rate is the total number of bits transmitted per second. This includes
all the bits in each frame and the synchronization bit.

Output data rate=Frame size×Frame rateOutput data rate=Frame size×Frame

Output data rate=21 bits per frame×100,000 frames per secondOutput data ra
te=21 bits per frame×100,000 frames per second
Output data rate=2,100,000 bps=2.1 MbpsOutput data rate=2,100,000 bps=2.
1 Mbps

Summary of the Answers:

a. Size of an output frame: 21 bits

b. Output frame rate: 100,000 frames per second

c. Duration of an output frame: 10 microseconds

d. Output data rate: 2.1 Mbps

4Q: Figure shows a multiplexer in a synchronous TDM system. Each output

slot is only 10 bits long (3 bits taken from each input plus 1 framing bit).
What is the output stream? The bits arrive at the multiplexer as shown by
the arrow


To determine the output stream in a synchronous TDM system with the given
parameters, we need to follow the instructions for creating each output frame. Each
output slot is 10 bits long, with 3 bits taken from each input and 1 framing bit. Given
the input streams and the framing pattern, we can construct the output stream.
Given Inputs

1. Input Stream 1 (I1): 101110111101

2. Input Stream 2 (I2): 11111110000
3. Input Stream 3 (I3): 1010000001111
4. Framing Bit: Let's assume the framing bit is given and consistent. For simplicity, we'll
assume a framing bit of '0' for each frame in this example.

Steps to Construct the Output Stream

1. Divide each input stream into 3-bit segments:

Input Stream 1 (I1):

 101
 110
 111
 101
 Remaining: 1 (we'll leave this for the next frame if necessary)

Input Stream 2 (I2):

 111
 111
 100
 00
 Remaining: 0 (we'll leave this for the next frame if necessary)

Input Stream 3 (I3):

 101
 000
 000
 111
 Remaining: 1 (we'll leave this for the next frame if necessary)

2. Construct each frame: Each frame consists of 3 bits from each input stream plus 1
framing bit.
Frame 1:

 I1: 101
 I2: 111
 I3: 101
 Framing Bit: 0

So, Frame 1 = 101 111 101 0

Frame 2:

 I1: 110
 I2: 111
 I3: 000
 Framing Bit: 0

So, Frame 2 = 110 111 000 0

Frame 3:

 I1: 111
 I2: 100
 I3: 000
 Framing Bit: 0

So, Frame 3 = 111 100 000 0

Frame 4:

 I1: 101
 I2: 000
 I3: 111
 Framing Bit: 0

So, Frame 4 = 101 000 111 0

3. Combine all frames into the output stream: Concatenate the frames to get the
output stream.
Output Stream:

 Frame 1: 1011111010
 Frame 2: 1101110000
 Frame 3: 1111000000
 Frame 4: 1010001110

Output Stream Combined: 1011111010 1101110000 1111000000 1010001110

So, the output stream from the synchronous TDM multiplexer is:

Output Stream: 1011111010 1101110000 1111000000 1010001110Output St

ream: 1011111010 1101110000 1111000000 1010001110

Summary of Frames:

1. Frame 1: 101 111 101 0 = 1011111010

2. Frame 2: 110 111 000 0 = 1101110000
3. Frame 3: 111 100 000 0 = 1111000000
4. Frame 4: 101 000 111 0 = 1010001110

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