Guidelines For Projects - BBA - VI Semester

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While there does not exist any one, standard format of Research Reports followed world-wide,
the following is the format that shall be used for the Project Report writing at International
School of Management, Patna.

 The Internship Project contains different parts as explained below.

 The language used must be of a formal and academic tone, using Times Roman font,
and font size being 12.

 Major headings (such as names of the various parts of the PR: table of Contents,
literature review, data analysis, major findings, etc.) should be typed in bold, with font
size of 16.

 Subheadings would be written in bold, with font size of 14.

 Line Spacing of 1.5 shall be used in the text.

 The alignment of ‘justify’ shall be applied to the text.

 Writing in point forms and paragraphs needs to be considered as per the various parts of
the report (for instance, ‘major findings’ would be written in point form with each
point/finding explained in some detail).

 Page numbers are to be inserted on right hand lower column.

The Following Chapter Scheme should be followed:

i. Title Page (Standard format attached)

ii. Declaration (Standard format attached)

iii. Certificate (Standard format attached)

iv. Acknowledgement (Standard format attached)

v. Table of Contents (Standard format attached)

1. Introduction (Introduction of topic, Company, and objective of study)

This section would contain brief introductory information material related to the study.

 Introduce the subject you will study and explain why it is important to study.

 Identify the specific problem or question(s) that will be the focus of your study.

 Situate this particular issue within its broader context to show how your study will
advance knowledge in the field

 Specify the scope of the work, i.e. its limits, what you are and are not going to


 Objectives lay out how you plan to accomplish your study.

 Objectives are focused and practical.

 Objectives are typically numbered, so each one stands alone.

 Each objective must have a concrete method set out.

2. Literature Review:

 This part would contain literature review written with proper in-text citations and the material
from the literature review would lead to development of the various concepts (conceptual
development) or variables used.

 It should be in past tense and third party language.

 The review should cover existing literature on this subject matter (or on closely related
issues); discuss the literature thematically and/or chronologically (as relevant),
highlighting the central ideas/concepts/relevance to your proposed research and the
theoretical works/ideas that are pertinent to your research objectives.

 Discuss what theoretical questions/positions will inform your research process and how
your research may inform existing theory. The literature should be industry centric and
should be related to current scenario of the industry.
Eg. Fama (1991) renamed the market efficiency studies into three categories. The first
category involves the tests of return predictability; the second group contains event
studies and the third tests for private information.

3. Research Methodology

It describes the methodology for conducting research. It includes the following points:

 Type of Study

 Tools for Data Collection

 Data Analysis Techniques and Tools

4. Data Analysis and Interpretation (in case of primary data source)

5. Discussion and Findings (in case of secondary data source)

Body of the Report carrying the findings based on data analysis such as description of
the sample; interpretation related to data analysis with Tables, Figures, where needed
and used.

6. Conclusion and Suggestions

It should include

 Conclusions, Emerging Managerial Implications

 Suggestions or Recommendations ( if any)

 Future scope


Includes citations from journals, Bibliography and Web logy under different sub
headings and arranged alphabetically.

 List the primary and secondary sources of evidence you intend to use for your research.

 You can list separately both those sources you have cited and a list of material that you
feel will be relevant to your research.

 The style used for references/footnotes will be APA.

Eg. Fama, E.F.,(1991), “Efficient Capital Markets II”, Journal of Finance, Vol.46(5), pp.

Hamilton, J. D. (1994), Time Series Analysis, Princeton, New Jersey page no 67-70,
ISBN 0-393-03888-2.


 Questionnaire, analysis carried out in Excel sheets.

 Any graph not considered important enough to be contained in the main body of the report.

Batch 2021 - 2024

Management Thesis

(Based on Services Industry)



Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the

Requirements of the degree of BBA

Research Guide Student’s Name

Designation AKU Reg. No

I hereby declare that the Project Work entitled “Title”, has been carried out by me

under the guidance of (Name of Research Guide with designation), at

International School of Management, Patna. The research work is original and has

not violated any of plagiarism norms.

I also declare that this Project has not been submitted to any Institute for the

award of any Degree/Diploma.

Place: Patna

Date: (Student’s Name)


This is to certify that the Project Work entitled “……………………” has been
accomplished by (Name of student, roll no, course) under my guidance and
supervision. This project is being submitted by him/her as the partial fulfillment of
requirements for the award of BBA from International School of Management,
Patna (Affiliated to Aryabhatta Knowledge University).

This work has not been submitted by him/her anywhere else for the award of any
degree or diploma. All sources of information and help have been duly mentioned
and acknowledged.

Research Guide:

Prof. _______________

The most awaited moment of successful completion of endeavor is always a result
of persons involved explicitly or implicitly there in. It is impossible without the
help and guidance of the people around to carry on this research work. I take the
opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to each and every person who gave
me the guidance and help for preparing the report.

I take this opportunity to thanks to (Management), International School of

Management, Patna for providing me an opportunity to work for this research.

I am also desirous of placing on record profound indebtedness to (Research

Guide) and all the members of faculty of International School of Management,
Patna, for the valuable advice, guidance and support that they offered.

Last but not the least; I would also like to thanks all the respondents for giving me
their time and relevant information.

My strength and inspiration are the blessings of my parents and my friends. I owe
all my success and achievements to them.

(Student’s Name)
Chapter No. Contents Page No.
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review

3 Research Methodology

4 Data Analysis and Interpretation

5 Conclusion and Suggestions



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