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Understanding Event Scheduling Page 1 of 5

Implemented: 10/01/04 Last Updated: 03/07/07
Next Review: 03/01/08 Updated By: Mitch Neal
Internal Yes Last Reviewed: 03/07/07
(PM use only) Last Reviewed Mitch Neal
Procedure User: POM-CC Production Operations Management Command Center
Doc Owner: David Dunbar
Outside Workgroups that require n/a

The following commands are found in an Event:

EVENT - The EVENT command starts the definition of the Event and specifies the name of the Event. For
example, in EVENT (SCHPROD.PSAJD966), SCHPROD is the prefix and PSAJD966 is a descriptor of
the EVENT. PSAJD966 is also the name of the application that the event will invoke. PSAJD966 is also
the first job in that application.
SCHEDULE - The SCHEDULE command describes when the Event will run and the frequency of
subsequent runs. For example, SCHEDULE 6 pm DAILY.
INVOKE - The INVOKE command submits the procedure from the defined data set where the procedures
and Applications are stored. For example,
ENDDEF - The ENDDEF command identifies the end of the Event definition.

Below are some scheduling terms. These are the frequency parameters in a schedule statement.
For example – Schedule 11PM Once Starting June 15th, 2004

Anyday Specifies there is no day of the week restriction

Daily Means ‘one every day’
Except Used to exclude a day of the week or holiday
First Specifies the 1st occurrence of a day or period
Monthly Means ‘once a month’
Once Schedule command will be processed one time
Today Today
Workdays Monday through Friday
Some Symbolic variables are being used in our schedule statements.
A symbolic variable is an object whose value can be changed during ESP processing. All run statements
that are using symbolic variables begin with a percent sign %
When ESP encounters a symbolic variable, it substitutes the current value of that variable. The variable is
usually set earlier in the application. But, it may also be set dynamically in a pre-defined variable table.
POM should be contacted to hold, bypass or change the execution time of an event.

To hold an Event from being processed at a particular time:

Use the HOLD command in the Event Manager (option E.3)
When ESP Workload Manager encounters a HOLD command in an Event, it increases the Event’s hold
count by one at the time and date specified in the command. As long as the hold count has a value of at
least one, ESP delays the Event’s execution.
Conversely, the RELEASE command decreases the Event’s hold count at the time and date specified in
the command. When the hold count equals zero, the Event is eligible for execution.
Understanding Event Scheduling Page 2 of 5
Implemented: 10/01/04 Last Updated: 03/07/07
Next Review: 03/01/08 Updated By: Mitch Neal
Internal Yes Last Reviewed: 03/07/07
(PM use only) Last Reviewed Mitch Neal
Procedure User: POM-CC Production Operations Management Command Center
Doc Owner: David Dunbar
Outside Workgroups that require n/a

If the Event’s scheduled time comes up while it is being held, ESP marks the Event as overdue. ESP
Workload Manager adds a comment to a held Event if it misses its scheduled time, indicating that
execution is pending and the time it should have executed.

After you release the Event, ESP checks the overdue count. If you specified a number other than zero, or
let the count default to one, the Event executes immediately for every occurrence it missed while on
hold, up to the value of the overdue count.

To change an event’s scheduled kick off time:

The once parameter will delete after the next run

The SUSPEND command bypasses execution of an Event until you RESUME it. When you specify the
name of the Event to be suspended by typing U in front of its name the Event has its suspend count
incremented immediately.

The RESUME command is used in conjunction with the SUSPEND command. It decrements the suspend
count of an Event. Specify the name of the Event to be resumed by typing R in front of its name. When
the suspend count reaches zero, the Event is eligible for execution at its next scheduled time.

Examples of Manipulating Events:

• Event is scheduled for tomorrow but you want to run tomorrow’s jobs today:
– Manually trigger the Event with the REPLACE option
– Use the trigger time field to specify a time other than now
– Jobs submitted are those scheduled for tomorrow
– Symbolic variables resolve to tomorrows dates

• Rerun a job stream from a previous day:
– Manually trigger the Event with the ADD option
– Specify yesterday’s date in the trigger time field
– Jobs submitted are those scheduled from yesterday
– Symbolic variables resolve to yesterdays dates

You can trigger an Event manually using the TRIGGER command. Specify the name of the Event and
either the ADD option or the REPLACE option. If you specify ADD, It adds an extra execution to the
normal schedule for the Event. A TRIGGER ADD always causes the execution of an Event. The
Understanding Event Scheduling Page 3 of 5
Implemented: 10/01/04 Last Updated: 03/07/07
Next Review: 03/01/08 Updated By: Mitch Neal
Internal Yes Last Reviewed: 03/07/07
(PM use only) Last Reviewed Mitch Neal
Procedure User: POM-CC Production Operations Management Command Center
Doc Owner: David Dunbar
Outside Workgroups that require n/a

REPLACE option brings forward the next scheduled execution for that Event. Before issuing a TRIGGER
REPLACE, you should be aware of the next action to be processed for that Event. Use the AT keyword
to specify a future time and date for the trigger to occur, overriding the default of NOW. If you specify
REPLACE, the trigger replaces the next scheduled execution on or after the specified time.

Before triggering any event, a SIMULATION must be done.

1. Go to the EVENT screen (E; 3 from the main ESP menu).
2. Select #3 Control an existing Event
4. M in front of the event will start the simulate.
5. In the schedule time, put the run statement (minus the word run) from the first job in the appl.
To find the run statement on the first job, browse the application in ppi00000.esp.schd
6. Type EDIT on the command line.
7. Find any errors by searching for =>
Common errors include
 JCL not found (job card does not match job)
 More than one job card
 Loops in stream
 Syntax errors in application
 Errors in the JCL %INCLUDE statements

If the event is dataset triggered, do the following:

Example –
1. Browse the event.
/* DEFINED BY CPI1549 AT 08.47 ON THU 1DEC2005 */
COM The following is for C:D process CMSNIE for IPF1

COM is the comment line and it tells us that this Event is triggered by a Connect Direct process called
CMSNIE. You can get more information on CMSNIE by logging into TSO CDLIB and going to =SS and
using CMSNIE as your process name.
Understanding Event Scheduling Page 4 of 5
Implemented: 10/01/04 Last Updated: 03/07/07
Next Review: 03/01/08 Updated By: Mitch Neal
Internal Yes Last Reviewed: 03/07/07
(PM use only) Last Reviewed Mitch Neal
Procedure User: POM-CC Production Operations Management Command Center
Doc Owner: David Dunbar
Outside Workgroups that require n/a

2. The dataset in the event also gives more information.

Example –


Note – The naming convention for DSTRIG is CD.NODENAME.MEMBERNAME

CD indicates that the DSN came from an internal Sprint Mainframe.
CDXT will indicate that the DSN came from either mid-range or an outside vendor.
Node Name –
US01 = IPF1
US02 = IPF2
US03 = IPF3
US04 = IPF4
US05 = IPF5
More information on the MEMBERNAME can be found in the SYSN.CD.NDMLIB@ on the system it
transmitted from.

To Trigger the event, go to E (Events) and choose #3.

Under multiple events, type SCHPROD
1. Under multiple events, type SCHPROD
2. Locate the event
3. Put a T in front of the event.
4. Always trigger the event with ADD and by bringing the APPL in on hold.
5. In the Trigger Time, put the run statement information (minus the word run) from the first job in
the appl.
6. Specifying jobname+ in the ROOTJOBS field includes the job and it’s successors when you
trigger it.
Any job(s) triggered using the Rootjob option will not have its scheduling statement overridden by
the ppi00000.esp.schd.request or ppc00000.esp.schd.request libraries. Check those before
triggering your job(s)!!!
If you find any job(s) that have been overridden in the above libraries, bring your stream in on
hold and manually manipulate the job(s) via espp or the GUI.

7. Bring the appl in on Hold.

Understanding Event Scheduling Page 5 of 5
Implemented: 10/01/04 Last Updated: 03/07/07
Next Review: 03/01/08 Updated By: Mitch Neal
Internal Yes Last Reviewed: 03/07/07
(PM use only) Last Reviewed Mitch Neal
Procedure User: POM-CC Production Operations Management Command Center
Doc Owner: David Dunbar
Outside Workgroups that require n/a

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