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Category Worksheet Notes Session 2024-25

The Selfish Giant
Topic/Lesson (Prose) Note No. 1

Grade 3 Subject English

Name Date

The Selfish Giant

Learning Objectives:
❑ To analyze the moral lessons about sharing, kindness, and friendship
portrayed in the story.

1. Keywords and Meaning:

a) giant: a very large and strong person who is often cruel and silly.
b) castle: large strong building with thick high walls and towers.
c) feeble: very weak.
d) blooms: becomes happy or fresh.
e) selfish: caring about yourself rather than other people.
f) prosecuted: officially charged somebody with a crime in court.
g) trespassers: people who go onto somebody’s land without permission.

2. Make sentences of your own with the given words:

a) generous: _______________________________________________
b) selfish: __________________________________________________
c) feeble: _________________________________________________

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3. Write the synonyms of the following words:

a) feeble: weak, faint

b) glad: pleased, delighted

4. write the antonym of the following word.

a) prosecuted x liberated

b) generous x selfish

5. Question/Answers:
Q.1 What does the notice on the gate say?

Ans: The notice on the gate says that “Trespassers will be prosecuted”.

Q.2 Who lives in the giant’s garden when spring visits the whole country?

Ans: Frost and Snow live in the giant’s garden when spring visits the whole country.

6. Reference to Context
Read this sentence and answer the questions that follow.
“Spring has forgotten this garden”. –
1. Who said these words and to
Ans: Snow said these words to Frost.
2. Whose garden is this?
Ans: This garden is of the selfish giant.
3. Why do you think spring has forgotten the garden?
Ans: Spring has forgotten the garden because the selfish giant did not allow the
children to play there.
4. What happened next?
Ans: The selfish giant realizes that spring comes to his garden only when the
children creep in. He breaks the wall and allows the children to play in his garden.
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7. HOTS Question:
Q1: What does “Trespassers will be prosecuted” mean? Have you ever seen this
sign anywhere? Where have you seen it?
Ans: “Trespassers will be prosecuted” means that any person found within the
restricted area without permission will be handed over to the police and punished
according to the law. We often find this sign on the defense lands.
Stick the picture of the writer ‘Oscar Wilde’ and his work summary.


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