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Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga


Figure 1

Our organizational structure revolves around a dynamic team led by our Owner,
who serves as both the visionary leader and operational backbone of our company. Working in synergy
with our Owner are our skilled Videographer and Photographer. They bring their expertise in capturing
captivating visuals to the forefront, ensuring our clients' visions are brought to life with precision and
creativity. Together, this cohesive unit embodies our commitment to excellence in visual storytelling and
client satisfaction.
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga



Provide strategic direction and leadership for the business.
Oversee overall operations, including financial management, business development, and client
Set goals and objectives for the company and ensure they are achieved.
Make key decisions regarding investments, staffing, and resource allocation.
Represent the company in negotiations, meetings, and industry events.
Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.


Capture high-quality video footage for various projects, including events, commercials, and
Collaborate with clients and creative teams to understand project requirements and goals.
Operate video cameras, lighting equipment, and audio recording devices.
Conduct pre-production tasks such as scriptwriting, storyboarding, and location scouting.
Perform post-production duties including video editing, color grading, and sound mixing.
Stay updated on industry trends, technologies, and techniques to enhance video production quality.


Take professional photographs for clients, including portraits, events, products, and landscapes.
Work closely with clients to understand their vision and requirements for each project.
Use photography equipment such as cameras, lenses, and lighting to achieve desired results.
Select appropriate locations, backgrounds, and props for photo shoots.
Edit and retouch photographs to enhance quality and appeal.
Maintain a portfolio of work and actively promote services to attract new clients.

Graphic Artist:

Design visual content for various purposes, including advertisements, branding materials, websites, and
social media.
Collaborate with clients and colleagues to conceptualize and create graphic designs that meet project
Use graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to create layouts,
illustrations, and digital artwork.
Develop concepts, themes, and visual identities for branding and marketing campaigns.
Ensure consistency in design elements, colors, and typography across different platforms and media.
Stay updated on design trends, techniques, and software to maintain a high level of creativity and

Photographer Attendant:

Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

Assist photographers during photo shoots by setting up equipment, adjusting lighting, and preparing
Help coordinate logistics such as scheduling appointments, managing client inquiries, and organizing
shoot locations.
Ensure that photography equipment is properly maintained and in working order.
Assist with administrative tasks such as data entry, file organization, and client communication.
Provide support to photographers during post-production tasks such as editing, retouching, and file
Uphold professional standards of conduct and customer service when interacting with clients and
Each role within the photography business plays a crucial part in delivering high-quality visual content and
satisfying client needs. Collaboration and coordination among team members are essential for achieving
success in this creative industry.


a sole proprietorship is a type of business structure where a single individual owns and operates the business.

Ownership: The sole proprietor is the sole owner of the business and is personally liable for all debts and
obligations incurred by the business.

Registration: To establish a sole proprietorship, the owner must register the business name with the
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). This registration process involves verifying the availability of the
chosen business name and submitting the necessary documents and fees.

Taxation: In terms of taxation, the income of the sole proprietorship is treated as the personal income of the
owner. The business income is reported on the owner's individual income tax return, and the owner is
responsible for paying taxes on the business income.

Liability: One significant aspect of a sole proprietorship is that the owner has unlimited personal liability. This
means that the owner's personal assets may be used to satisfy business debts and obligations. There is no legal
separation between the owner and the business entity.

Management and Control: The sole proprietor has full control and decision-making authority over the
business operations. They are responsible for all aspects of the business, including management, finances, and
daily operations.

Ease of Formation: Sole proprietorships are relatively easy and inexpensive to set up compared to other
business structures such as corporations or partnerships. However, certain types of businesses may require
additional permits or licenses depending on the nature of the business activities.

Transferability: Since the business is tied to the individual owner, transferring ownership of a sole
proprietorship can be more complex compared to other business structures. Upon the death or incapacity of the
owner, the business may need to be dissolved or transferred according to applicable laws and regulations.

Overall, a sole proprietorship offers simplicity, flexibility, and full control to the individual owner but comes
with the risk of unlimited personal liability. It is important for sole proprietors to carefully consider the legal
and financial implications before establishing this type of business structure.

Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

To redefine the art of photography through innovative techniques that

magnify the beauty and intricacy of the world around us.

At Magnified Photography, our mission is to capture the extraordinary in the ordinary, revealing
the unseen details that ignite wonder and appreciation. Through our meticulous approach and
advanced technology, we aim to deliver unparalleled magnified imagery that astonishes, inspires,
and leaves a lasting impact.

•In the following two years, to take Pampanga's top spot for photography.
•Push the boundaries of traditional photography by exploring new methods and technologies.
•Foster a culture of creativity, curiosity, and continuous improvement among our team members.
•Strive for sustainability by minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting ethical practices
throughout our operations.
•Educate and engage our audience about the beauty and importance of magnified photography
through workshops, exhibitions, and online content.
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga


Each business places a high value on management policy since there is a
strategic link between its mission and daily operations. Additionally, it is crucial for
employees to understand their duties and responsibilities within set parameters.
Management can direct operations without constant management engagement
thanks to policies and procedures. Policies give organizations direction,
consistency, responsibility, efficiency, and clarity in how they conduct business.
Management policies for the Magnified Photography are separated into
three groups: for Operations, Quality standards, and Clients Expectations. The
management strictly adheres to each policy. Customers and staff who disobey the
rules will first receive a warning; if they do so again, the management will impose
the appropriate punishment.

Client Management System:

 Develop a system for managing client inquiries, bookings, contracts, and communications.
 Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to track client interactions, preferences, and
 Implement clear policies regarding booking procedures, deposits, cancellations, and rescheduling.

Project Management System:

 Use project management tools such as Trello, Asana, or to organize and track
photography projects, timelines, and deliverables.
 Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and monitor progress to ensure timely delivery of
 Establish protocols for handling multiple projects simultaneously, prioritizing tasks, and managing
workflow efficiency.

Quality Assurance Policies:

 Develop standards and guidelines for maintaining high-quality photography standards across all
 Implement a review and approval process to ensure that deliverables meet client expectations and align
with the business's brand identity.
 Provide training and resources to photographers and staff to enhance technical skills and creative

Data Management and Security:

Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

 Establish protocols for storing, organizing, and backing up digital files, including client photos,
contracts, and financial records.
 Implement data security measures to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or data
 Ensure compliance with data protection regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) if applicable.

Financial Management Policies:

 Develop policies and procedures for invoicing, payment collection, and financial reporting.
 Set clear terms of payment, including payment methods accepted, payment deadlines, and late fees.
 Implement budgeting and expense tracking systems to monitor cash flow, expenses, and profitability.

Ethical and Professional Conduct:

 Establish a code of ethics outlining professional standards, integrity, and confidentiality obligations.
 Provide training and guidelines on appropriate conduct when interacting with clients, colleagues, and
the public.
 Ensure compliance with legal requirements and industry regulations related to photography, copyright, and
intellectual property rights.

Continuous Improvement and Feedback:

 Encourage a culture of continuous learning and improvement among staff members.

 Solicit feedback from clients, employees, and stakeholders to identify areas for enhancement and
address any concerns or issues promptly.
 Regularly review and update management systems and policies to adapt to changing business needs,
industry trends, and regulatory requirements.

By implementing robust management systems and policies, a photography business can streamline operations,
enhance service quality, and build trust and credibility with client.


A business needs sanctions and penalties in order to manage and eliminate
the danger of employees engaging in reckless behavior and committing crimes.
Punishment should be meted out for violations that occur. Employees will receive
three (3) warnings from Magnified Photography for violations of rules and
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

Description of 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense


ATTENDANCE Oral Suspended Total of 11 executive

Absence from work Reprimand for three (2) absents termination
days of contract
permission or
valid reasons

When an employee
fails to come on time, Suspended for one
he/she considered Oral Written (1) week or if it
late. Incurring four (4) Reprimand Reprimand continuous notice
consecutive of termination of
late resulting contract

1st offense.
▪ Failure to fill in or
out in the log book

BEHAVIOR Oral One (1) Termination of

▪ Taking and drinking Reprimand week contract
alcohol during and suspension
working hours. disciplinary

▪ Fighting verbally and One week Termination

physically against co suspension of
employees or contract
customers during
working hours

▪ Carrying deadly Termination

weapons and illegal of
drugs in the work contract
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

▪ Tampering, Paid the One (1) Termination of

damaging or damages week contract
destroying the suspension
equipment and and paid the
property of the damages
company, co
employees, or other
through negligence.

▪ Falsification of time One (1) week

records its either of suspension Termination
personally or through of
another employee contract

▪ Theft One (1) week Termination

of suspension of
and contract
deduction of

▪ Disclosing Termination
information of the of
business without the contract
authority of the


A payroll is a list of every employee a company has, together with the sum
of money that must be paid to each employee as payment for the services they
provide. Calculating the employee's pay and salary is crucial. It entails calculating
the daily wages, overall earnings, and employee deductions and withholdings.
Employees will receive compensation. To keep them motivated and aid in the
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

accomplishment of organizational objectives, pay employees in accordance with

the number of hours they put in and their performance.


Minimum wage rate
The Wage Rationalization Act, Republic Act No. 6727 is an act that
rationalize the fixing of minimum wages base on what region, province and
industry sector to ensure that everyone has a decent standard of living. Minimum
wage may also vary depending on the number of employees and gross sales of
the business.
The employees, except with the key position will be paid according to the
recently approved wage order RBIII-22, raising the daily minimum wage rate in
Region III by ₱40 which will make the the minimum wage rate for nonagriculture
workers in Pampanga of Php 500. The salary will be paid every 15th and 30th day
of the month. Employees are also entitled to have advances but subject first to
owner’s approval.


Working hours and days for an event photography team can vary depending on factors such as
the duration and type of event, client requirements, and the availability of the team
members. However, here's a general overview of how working hours and days might be
structured for an event photography team.
Depending on the duration of the event and the size of the team, shifts may be organized to allow team
members to rotate and take breaks without interrupting event coverage.

The amount of overtime pay varies based on whether the overtime occurs
during a regular workday, a rest day, the night (between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.), or a
holiday. The Department of Labor and Employment has established the following
overtime rates.

Overtime Rates:

Overtime rates for employees are regulated by the Labor Code of the Philippines and its implementing
rules and regulations.
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

Regular Overtime Rate:

For work done in excess of the regular 8 hours a day (or 40 hours a week), the overtime rate is typically
calculated as 125% of the employee's regular hourly rate.

Special Overtime Rate:

Work done on rest days (Sundays) and special non-working holidays is subject to a higher overtime rate,
usually calculated at 130% of the regular hourly rate.

Legal Holidays:

 Work done on regular holidays, also known as legal holidays, is typically subject to a higher
overtime rate of 150% of the regular hourly rate. If work is performed on a regular holiday that also falls on
the employee's rest day, the rate can go as high as 200%.

Night Shift Differential:

 In addition to overtime rates, employees working between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM may be entitled
to a night shift differential, which is an additional compensation on top of their regular pay or overtime

It's important to note that these rates are subject to change, and employers must comply with the
minimum labor standards set by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and other relevant
government agencies. Additionally, some collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) or employment
contracts may specify different overtime rates or additional benefits for overtime work.
Employers are required to keep accurate records of overtime work and ensure that employees are
properly compensated according to the law.
Failure to comply with overtime pay regulations may result in penalties and liabilities for the employer.
Therefore, it's essential for employers and employees alike to understand their rights and obligations
regarding overtime work in the Philippines.

Regular Holidays
New Year’s Day - January
Araw ng Kagitingan - April 9
Maundy Thursday - Movable Date
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

Good Friday - Movable Date

Labor Day - May 1
Independence Day - June 12
National Heroes Day - August 30
Eidl Fitr - Movable Date
Eidl Adha - Movable Date
Bonifacio Day - November 30
Christmas Day - December 25
Rizal Day - December 30

Special (Non-Working) Days

Chinese New Year - February 12
EDSA People Power Revolution - February 25
Ninoy Aquino Day - August 21
Black Saturday - Movable Date
All Saints’ Day - November 1
Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion of Mary- December 8
C. Special (working) Days
All Souls’ Day - November 2
Christmas Eve - December 24
Last Day of the Year - December 31

When Araw ng Kagitingan falls on the same day as Maundy Thursday or

Good Friday, a covered employee is entitled to at least 200% of his or her basic
income even if the aforementioned day is unworked. This is an example of how an
employee can be entitled to two consecutive regular holidays. The employee is
entitled to the following benefits when needed to work that day: 100% more than
the starting pays. when he is on a paid leave of absence on the day before the first
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga


According to Department of Labor and Employment all the rank and file
employees are entitled to receive 13th month pay regardless of the nature of their
employment and irrespective of the methods by which their wages are paid,
provided they worked for at least one (1) month during a calendar year.
Their 13th month pay shall be at least 1/12th of the total basic salary earned
for the year which shall be include all the earnings paid by his employer except
those allowances and other monetary benefits. It should be given to the
employees not later than December 24 of every year.

Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Philippines of the Philippine Wage
No employer, in his own behalf or in behalf of any person, shall make any
deduction from the wages of his employees, except for the following cases:
•In cases where the worker is insured with his consent by the employer, and the
deduction is to recompense the employer for the amount paid by him as premium
on the insurance;
•For union dues, in cases where the right of the worker or his union to check off
has been recognized by the employer or authorized in writing by the individual
worker concerned; and
•In cases where the employer is authorized by law or regulations issued by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment.

Article 114 of the Labor Code also allows deductions on employee’s wages in
case of loss or damages to tools, materials or equipment supplied by the
employer to the employee where the employer is engaged in trade, occupation or
business where practice of making deductions or requiring deposits is recognized.
The deductions would be the Social Security System (SSS), Philippine Health
Insurance (Phil Health) and Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig Fund).
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga

Social Security System (SSS)- is a state run, a program to workers in the private,
professional and informal sectors. It provides a foundation of income when a
workers plan to build their retirement and it also serves as a protection to
workers who become disabled, sick or dies. (See Appendices for SSS Contribution

Philippine Health Insurance (Phil Health)- The Philippine Health Insurance

Corporation is a government corporation attached to the Department of Health.
It administers the National Health Insurance program, it was established in order
to provide health insurance and will ensure an affordable health care services for
all Filipinos. (See Appendices for PhilHealth Contribution Table)

Home Development Mutual Fund (Pag-ibig Fund)- is a government owned and

controlled corporation. It provides every Filipinoworkers an opportunity to own a
house the payment is directly deducted from the monthly wages of an employee.
(See Appendices for HDMF Contribution Table).

Employees are also entitled to six (6) days sick leave and vacation leave- If there
will be an unused sick leave and vacation leave they’re convertible into cash.
They’re also entitled to seven (7) days paternity leave. However, according to
Republic Act No. 8187, unlike other types of paid leaves, any unused paternity
leave credits can’t be converted to cash. Also, an employee can’t have their
unused leave credits carried over to their wife’s next pregnancy.


Those who are interested in having their car cleaned at the business must first
ask the cashier if a worker is available to clean their car. The consumer will next
decide whatever service for their car they want to use. If they make an
appointment in advance, they will go to the cashier to confirm the time and fill out
Mexico Campus
San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga
the appropriate paperwork. The cashier will then tell the employee
to perform his duties. Finally, after cleaning his or her car, the
customer will pay the cashier. While those who are interested and
wish to use an on-call back to zero must first arrange an
appointment by enquiring at our shop. Then after setting an
appointment, on the date of the appointment the worker will go the
house of customer. Next, the worker can go and perform his duty.
Lastly, after cleaning his/her car, he/she will pay to the worker.

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