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Don Honorio Ventura State University

___ University In- House Review

Humanities, Education, Management, and Social Sciences



*Affiliation or Department of Corresponding Author, 1Affiliation or Department of Co- Proponent1,

Affiliation or Department of Co- Proponent2 (Times New Roman, Font 9, Center Aligned)
*Corresponding Author:

Abstract. The text size is Times New Roman 10, which is indented at 0.5” from both
sides, single spacing. The content must include the following elements: the Text size
is 10, indentation 0.5” from both sides. All texts must be in Text in size 10.
Indentation 0.5” from both sides. All text must be in Book Antiqua. Page size A4.
Margin: Top/Bottom: 1.2’, Left/Right: 1.4”. Single line spacing everywhere. All other
text in size 11 except abstract, section names, references and title. The words
Abstract and Keywords must be in bold. A full-stop follows the keyword Abstract
while a colon follows the word Keywords. The text for the abstract must follow on
the same line as the Abstract word. Text in size 10. Indentation 0.5” from both sides.
All text must be in Book Antiqua. Page size A4. Margin: Top/Bottom: 1.2’,
Left/Right: 1.4”. Single line spacing everywhere. All other text in size 11 except
abstract, section names, references and title. The words Abstract and Keywords must
be in bold. A full-stop follows the keyword Abstract while a colon follows the word
Keywords. The text for the abstract must follow on the same line as the Abstract
word. Write the abstract as a single paragraph.

Keywords: keywords must be separated by a; not more than 5 keywords; multi-word

keywords accepted; not more than 3 words in one keyword; no acronyms in keywords

(The document in MS Word Version should contain the following sections with orderliness: Title,
Authors, Introduction, Conceptual/ Theoretical/ Methodological/ Analytical Framework,
Experimental Procedure/ Methods/Theory, Work and Financial Plan, References. Page margins are
1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides, in A4 paper size and font size of 10, single spacing. Leave space of 12pt
before and 6pt after ever heading and sub-heading. Leave space of 4pt before and 4pt after between
paragraphs. Do not indent the first paragraph of every section.)

1.Introduction (Font 11, Times New Roman, for all the heading and subheadings)
The introduction presents the background of the study, introduces the topic, gives details on the
research problem or emphasizes the objectives, and provides an overview of the paper’s structure
supported by related literature.
The following considerations must be indicated within the introduction specifically, within the
presentation or use of related literature and studies. Citing a source with two authors, always cite

2 Authors’ Name

authors' names in-text and the year of publication every time you reference them. For three to five
authors, e.g. Tangcuangco, Henson and Favorito (2020) showed an example how to cite a journal
article… provide all the authors' last names when you refer/cite them for the first time. Then, for the
succeeding references, use the surname of the first author and add et al, plus the year in parenthesis.
Tangcuangco et al (2011). But if you are citing six or more authors, simply provide the last name of
the first author with "et al." and the year in parenthesis. The objective of this paper is to show how
you prepare and format your paper following the HEMSS template and the reference of this format is
based on the international journal publication template.

2. Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework

Different types of frameworks can be used for different purposes. For defining and explaining
the focus of the study, a theoretical framework or conceptual framework can be used. For planning
and executing the methods of a study, a methodological framework and Analytical framework can
be used.

The Theoretical Framework represents the symbolic composition of the abstract concepts, facts
or laws, variables and their relations that explains and predicts how an observed phenomenon exists
and operates. On the other hand the conceptual framework or the research paradigm is illustrated to
show in one glance the general outline of the entire study as it demonstrates the key variables and
their interrelationship in a clear and logical manner (Salmorin and Achas, 2014).

3. Methods
The Methods section of a research paper is like a blueprint directing to the substance of the
research, guiding the readers to understand how the study will be conducted. It also contains the
essential details on the research design, respondents/participants, population and sampling, ethical
consideration, instrumentation, data gathering procedure, and data analysis.

3.1. Research Design.

Barbara (2006) stated that before a researcher could complete a study, one need to plan
the design of the study. Under this section, the method of research that will be used should be
explained and defined. The technical part of the method, its relevance to the study and some of its
benefits should be succinctly discussed.

The researcher must carefully choose the suitable research design by carefully examining the
research problem, hypotheses (for quantitative and experimental studies) and the purpose of the whole

“In using quoted text, the same indentation as the abstract is observed (0.5 inches)
from both sides. Quotes must be placed with quotation marks and must be in italics.

3.2. Respondents (for Quantitative)/Participants (for Qualitative) of the Study.

Under this part, the researcher/s’ explanation how and where the subjects will be selected is
presented. For larger population a suitable sampling technique is used. Explanation on the process of
selection is presented and how the specified sampling technique is utilized.

3.3. Instrument

___ University In- House Review Month Year

Three consecutive significant words in the title . . . . 3

In this section, the researcher needs to describe the explicitly explain the development of the
questionnaire. They need to emphasize if the researchers used standardized or researcher made

4. Results and Discussions

Results and Discussions section contains significant results and interpretations of the results.
Basically, this section presents the answers on the research objectives, creates arguments to support
your conclusion and provides comparison with previous studies to validate the results. Presentation of
results must be in logical and chronological order as mentioned in the research objectives.

The presentation for Tables and figures labels are centered, bold and size 10. The labels for
tables must be written above the table while for figures, labels must be place below it. All figures
must be cited within the text and the word “Figure” must be used instead of “figure” or “Fig.”

Figure 1: Percentage of students with correct responses

The researchers are allowed to substitute layouts for table. They must be consistently used
throughout the paper. All tables must be cited within the text, e.g. Table 1 should be referred to as
Table 1 and not table 1 or anything else. Font size for text within the tables should normally be at
10pt. If majority of the tables are small in width, they dan be left-aligned but this must be consistent
throughout the papers.

A sample presentation for Table 2 is provided hereto.

Indicated in Table 2, are the description of the school heads or the principals’ practices
corresponding to their level of compliance to the given indicators that contribute in the enhancement
of their respective schools’ human resource development programs in terms of recruitment and hiring.

___ University In- House Review Month Year

4 Authors’ Name

Table 1. Frequency Distribution and Descriptive Measures on Recruitment and Hiring

Frequency Verbal
Indicators 4 3 2 1 Mean Interpretation
1. Utilizes the basic qualification
standards and adheres to 66 5 0 0 3.9 Highly
pertinent policies in recruiting Evident
and hiring teachers and staff.
2. Creates and trains School
Selection and Promotion 61 1 0 0 3.9 Highly
Committee and trains its 0 Evident
3. Recommends better ways and
means to improve recruitment, 65 6 0 0 3.9 Highly
hiring and performance appraisal Evident
of teachers.
TOTAL MEAN 3.9 Evident

Results indicate that school heads utilizes the basic qualification standards and adheres to
pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers and staff rating is Highly Evident similar with the
two other indicators. An overall mean of 3.9 implies that school heads dynamism leads to unity.
Likewise, the respondents clearly stated also that the given indicators such as utilization of the basic
qualification standards and adherence to pertinent policies in recruiting and hiring teachers and
staff, creation and training of school selection and promotion committee are prominent in their
respective human resource development programs.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusion presents the important insights in the study, but it should not introduce new data,
interpretations, and or arguments. Moreover, it explains the implications of the study based on the
results. Also give specific actions without regards to policy, practice, theory, and future research.

Edit and check the header and footer of every page of this template if it gives correct identification
of your paper before submitting it to the RMO.

___ University In- House Review Month Year

Three consecutive significant words in the title . . . . 5

Cabangon, J. (2012). Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, A Single Source Reference for Electricians.
Metro Manila, Philippines: National Bookstore. p. 118.

JESTEC. (2016). Journal of Engineering Science and Technology. Retrieved July 11, 2022, from

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. Part 1, What Is Research Design? The Context of

Design. Performance Studies Methods Course syllabus. New York University, Spring 2006;
Trochim, William M.K. Research Methods Knowledge Base. 2006.
Salmorin, M.; Achas, A. (2014). Methods of Research. Intramuros, Manila, Philippines. Mindshapers
Co., Inc.

Tangcuangco, A.L.; Henson, M.S.; Favorito, R.M. (2022). Design and Development of Rotary Type
Single- Phase to Three-Phase Converter for Electrical Engineering Laboratory. Journal of
Engineering Science and Technology, 17(3), 1944 – 1957.

___ University In- House Review Month Year

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