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Hydrology Quiz 10 Gwendolyn Bradway

____ 1. All of the following data were needed in this unit to calculate the drawdown in an
observation well EXCEPT:
a. hydraulic conductivity
b. rate of pumping
c. aquifer thickness
d. well diameter

____ 2. Given the same rate of pumping for the same length of time, a deeper cone of
depression around a pumping well, rather than a more shallow cone of depression,
would indicate:
a. lower hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer
b. higher hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer
c. greater introduction of water in the zone of recharge
d. the effect of observation wells in the vicinity of the pumping well

____ 3. The storativity of an aquifer is always small because:
a. very little water can actually be stored underground
b. it indicates the percentage of pore space within an aquifer, which is always a
small percent.
c. it is only a contrived mathematical fudge factor used to balance groundwater
d. neither water nor aquifers full of water can be tremendously compressed or

____ 4. Although the observation well drawdown determined by the Theis equation is very
close, it is not exact primarily because:
a. Although the observation well drawdown determined by the Theis equation is
very close, it is not exact primarily because:
b. The assumptions about the aquifer and well can never be fulfilled.
c. Unit conversion factors are inexact.
d. Pumps can not produce a steady enough discharge.

____ 5. The final drawdown figure would probably be the most inaccurate if:
a. the aquifer thickness figure was 10% in error.
b. the hydraulic conductivity figure was 10% in error.
c. the figure for distance to the observation well was 10% in error.
d. non-compatible units were not converted to the proper units.

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