Dulang Panradyo Script

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Director: Udtohan, Natasha

Script writer: Mahdi, Mukhairah

Editor: Lua, Terah Jan

**Athena:** Hey! Wake up already! We still have to go to school!

**Althea:** What?! 5 more minutes, please!

**Athena:** Get up already! We’re going to be late! It’s almost 7 o’clock!

**Althea:** AHHH!! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?

**Athena:** I’ve been trying to wake you up. Faster! Double time!

**Althea:** Okay, okay! I thought you said it’s almost 7 o’clock? It’s only 6:10?!

**Athena:** We still have to walk to school, so hurry up.

*(running downstairs sound effect)*

**Althea:** Mom! Dad! We’re leaving now!

**Dad:** Okay, take care, kids.

**Mom:** You forgot your lunch!

**Althea:** Oh, thank you! We’re going now, bye!

Mom: Be careful!

Athena: Okay!

(walking sound effect)


*(footsteps sound effect)*

**Athena:** Good morning! Gia! Is the teacher here yet?

**Gia:** Not yet.

**Athena:** Oh, okay. By the way, isn’t there an earthquake drill today?

**Gia:** Yes! Sir Alfred told me earlier. I was going to tell you!

**Athena:** What time?

**Gia:** Maybe 8 o’clock? He didn’t tell me exactly. But we’ll just hear the alarm.

*(minutes later)*

**Sir Alfred:** Good morning, Class!

**All classmates:** Good morning too, Teacher!

**Sir Alfred:** You all know there’s going to be an Earthquake Drill, right?

**All classmates:** Yes, sir!

**Sir Alfred:** Okay!

*(The teacher begins the lesson)*

*(alarm sound effects)*

**Sir Alfred:** Okay class, just like what we taught you. Duck, Cover, and Hold. (Duck, Cover, and Hold)

**Sir Alfred:** Line up and we’re going to the gymnasium. *(Students' footsteps sound effect)

**Athena:** Are we going to be out here for long?

**Gia:** For sure we will be. You know how the teachers are; they prefer to keep us in the sun longer.

**Athena:** HAHAHA! Right!

**Gia:** HAHAHA!


**Athena:** Can it get any hotter?

**Gia:** Right!

**Athena:** Why don’t you tell Sir to let us go back inside? You’re the class president, after all.

**Gia:** No way! I might get scolded!

**Althea:** What are you guys talking about?

**Athena:** Ahh, nothing! It’s just so hot! We want to go back inside.

**Althea:** Why don’t you tell your teacher?

**Athena:** That’s the thing, we might get scolded!

**Sir Alfred:** Okay class, you can go back inside!

**Athena & Gia:** Finally!

*(in unison)*

**Gia:** I might be sunburned! I didn’t even put on sunscreen.

**Athena:** hahaha! Me too. Okay, sis, we’re going in first.

**Althea:** Alright!


**Sir Alfred:** And this part here is called the North Pole and… *(suddenly they felt an earthquake, and all the students
were shocked)*

**Sir Alfred:** Class, don’t worry. Just like what we taught you. Duck, Cover, and Hold *(the students followed but were
scared and started running outside)*

*(Students shouting and footsteps sound effect)*

**All Students:** AHHHHHH! *(Earthquake sound effects) (The earthquake gradually stopped)*

**Sir Alfred:** Class, go home first and make sure your families are safe. You know how strong the earthquake was
earlier. *(The students went home)*

**Gia:** Hey, wait for me! Let’s go together!

**Athena:** Faster!

*(running footsteps sound effect)*

**Gia:** The earthquake was so strong, wasn’t it?

**Athena:** Yeah! I got scared the building might fall, and the teachers would just tell us to calm down? Like how?!

**Gia:** Houses made of wood might have fallen because of the strong earthquake.

**Athena:** Fallen?

**Gia:** Yes! Isn’t your house made of wood? It might have fallen!

**Athena:** Gia, don’t joke around!

**Gia:** I’m serious! Our wooden house fell before too, good thing we renovated it with cement. *(Athena got worried
their house might have fallen)*

**Athena:** Okay, I’ll go ahead! Take care!

**Gia:** Hey! *(Running sound effects)*


**Athena:** Mom! Dad! Where are you? Mom! Dad! I’m home! *(No one answered, so she went to their neighbor, her
mother’s friend)*

*(walking sound effects)*

**Athena:** Aunt Tessa! Anyone home? Aunt Tessa!

**Aunt Tessa:** Oh, Athena, why are you here?

**Athena:** Have you seen my mom and dad?

**Aunt Tessa:** Ahh, they’re at the hospital now. I almost forgot to tell you. There was a strong earthquake, and I’m
sure you felt how strong it was.

**Athena:** We felt like the building was going to fall. Which hospital did they go to?

**Aunt Tessa:** Ahh Athena, I’m sorry to tell you this.

**Athena:** What is it?

**Aunt Tessa:** They went to the hospital because your father was taken there.

**Athena:** Why? What happened? Was anyone hurt?

**Aunt Tessa:** Your father got impaled by the wood he was chopping. You know, when the earthquake happened,
while he was chopping wood, he fell because of the strong quake, and the wood stabbed him in the stomach.

**Athena:** Aunt Tessa, please don’t joke like that.

**Aunt Tessa:** I’m not joking, dear. I was in the yard when I saw it. I even greeted your father good morning; he
seemed happy.

**Athena:** Is he okay now?

**Aunt Tessa:** I don’t know, dear. I didn’t go with them to the hospital. You can take a jeepney to go there.

**Athena:** Okay. Thank you, Aunt Tessa.

**Aunt Tessa:** You’re welcome, hurry up! *(Athena ran and was about to hail a jeepney when someone stopped her)*

**Althea:** Where are you going?

**Athena:** Brother, Dad is in the hospital.

**Althea:** What?!
**Athena:** Dad was rushed to the hospital!

**Althea:** Why?!

**Athena:** I can’t tell you now! Let’s just go to the hospital! *(They were both worried and quickly hailed a jeepney)*


*(They arrived at the hospital)*

**Athena & Althea:** Mom!

**Mom:** Kids!

**Althea:** Mom, where’s Dad?

**Mom:** He’s gone, kids.

**Athena:** How did that happen? Dad was still healthy.

**Mom:** I’m sure Aunt Tessa already told you.

**Althea:** So what Aunt Tessa said was true. *(They all fell silent, and their mom started crying again)*

*(crying sound effects)*

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