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Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Place the following words either inside or outside of the gingerbread boy:

- Behavior - response - reflex - sleeping - blood

- Repertoire - stimuli - lights - snoring - salivating
- Sounds - out of order sign - a bleeding body
- A thought - pain - trees - coughing - smiling
- Cookie - itch - anxiety - biting - feelings
- Math worksheet - hitting - chair - BCBA exam
- A dead man’s body - yelling - raising hand - sweating

Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 1
Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

After filling in the boxes, provide applied examples exemplifying the different properties of behavior.

Repeatability Frequency

Properties of Behavior that can

be measured Temporal


Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 2
Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Phylogeny and Ontogeny

Phylogeny Umbrella Ontogeny Umbrella

Place the following words/terms under the right umbrella:

- Respondent - Operant - genetic endowment - learning

- Behavior inherited - Interaction with Environment - reflex

Can you think of behaviors that are phylogenetic vs. Ontogenetic?

Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 3
Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Operant Conditioning & Behavior:

Vending machine Deposit Coin Gets drink

Now you think of some more A-B-C relationships!

Operant behaviors are evoked or elicited?

Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 4
Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Respondent Conditioning and Behavior:


High temperature Perspiring

Now it is your turn to think of some unconditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response! Are unconditioned
responses elicited or evoked?

Synonyms of Respondent Conditioning:

Respondent Classical
Conditioning Conditioning

Unconditioned Primary Reinforcer Conditioned

Reinforcer Reinforcer

Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 5
Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________

Stimulus Equivalence Activities – Chapter 2: Basic Concepts

Reinforcement & Punishment:

Present of Stimulus Withdrawal of Stimulus

Frequency of Future Behavior

Frequency of Future Behavior Negative Punishment

Provide scenarios exemplifying the 4 contingencies listed above.

Property of Celia L. Heyman, M.A. BCBA

Do not reproduce or disseminate without permission. P. 6

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