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1 What's up? Có chuyện gì vậy?

2 How's it going? Dạo này ra sao rồi?

What have you been
3 doing? Dạo này đang làm gì?
4 Nothing much. Không có gì mới cả.
Bạn đang lo lắng gì
5 What's on your mind?
Tôi chỉ nghĩ linh tinh
6 I was just thinking.
Tôi chỉ đãng trí đôi
7 I was just daydreaming.
chút thôi.
Không phải là chuyện
8 It's none of your business.
của bạn.
9 Is that so? Vậy hả?
10 How come? Làm thế nào vậy?
11 Absolutely! Chắc chắn rồi!
12 Definitely! Quá đúng!
13 Of course! Dĩ nhiên!
14 You better believe it! Chắc chắn mà.
15 I guess so. Tôi đoán vậy.
16 There's no way to know. Làm sao mà biết được.
Tôi không thể nói
17 I can't say for sure.
Chuyện này khó tin
18 This is too good to be true!
Thôi đi (đừng đùa
19 No way! (Stop joking!)
20 I got it Tôi hiểu rồi.

21 Right on! (Great!) Quá đúng!

22 I did it! (I made it!) Tôi thành công rồi!
23 Got a minute? Có rảnh không?
About when Vào khoảng thời gian
24 nào?
I won't take but a minute Sẽ không mất nhiều thời
25 gian đâu.
26 Speak up! Hãy nói lớn lên.
27 Seen Melissa? Có thấy Melissa không?
So we've met again, eh? Thế là ta lại gặp nhau
28 phải không?
29 Come here. Đến đây
30 Come over. Ghé chơi
31 Don't go yet. Đừng đi vội
Please go first. After Xin nhường đi trước.
32 you. Tôi xin đi sau
Thanks for letting me go Cám ơn đã nhường
33 first. đường
34 What a relief. Thật là nhẹ nhõm
What the hell are you Anh đang làm cái quái
35 doing? gì thế kia?
36 You're a life saver. Bạn đúng là cứu tinh
I know I can count on Tôi biết mình có thể
37 you trông cậy vào bạn mà.
Get your head out of ừng có giả vờ khờ khạo!
38 your ass!
39 That's a lie! Xạo quá!
40 Do as I say. Làm theo lời tôi
41 This is the limit! Đủ rồi đó!
Explain to me why. Hãy giải thích cho tôi
42 tại sao.
Ask for it! Tự mình làm thì tự
43 mình chịu đi!
44 In the nick of time Thật là đúng lúc.
45 No litter. Cấm vứt rác.
46 Go for it! Cứ liều thử đi.
47 What a jerk! Thật là đáng ghét.
48 How cute! Ngộ ngĩnh, dễ thương
None of your business Không phải việc của
49 bạn.
50 Don't peep! - Đừng nhìn lén!
Say cheese! - Cười lên nào ! (Khi
51 chụp hình)
Be good ! Ngoan nhá! (Nói với trẻ
52 con)
Bottom up! 100% nào! (Khi…đối
53 ẩm)
54 Me? Not likely! Tôi hả? Không đời nào!
55 Scratch one’s head Nghĩ muốn nát óc
Take it or leave it! Chịu thì lấy, không chịu
56 thì thôi!
57 Hell with haggling! Thôi kệ nó!
58 Mark my words! Nhớ lời tao đó!
59 Bored to death! Chán chết!
60 What a relief! Đỡ quá!
61 Enjoy your meal! - Ăn ngon miệng nhá!
62 It serves you right! Đáng đời mày!
63 The more, the merrier! Càng đông càng vui
Beggars can’t be Ăn mày còn đòi xôi gấc
64 choosers!
Boys will be boys! Nó chỉ là trẻ con thôi
65 mà!
66 Good job!= well done! Làm tốt lắm!
67 Just for fun! Cho vui thôi
68 Try your best! Cố gắng lên
69 Make some noise! Sôi nổi lên nào!
70 Congratulations! Chúc mừng!
71 Rain cats and dogs Mưa tầm tã
Love me love my dog. Yêu em yêu cả đường
72 đi, ghét em ghét cả tông
ty họ hàng
73 Always the same. Trước sau như một
74 Hit it off. Tâm đầu ý hợp
75 Hit or miss. Được chăng hay chớ
76 Add fuel to the fire. Thêm dầu vào lửa
To eat well and can Ăn trắng mặc trơn
77 dress beautifully. -
Don’t mention it! = Không có chi
78 You’re welcome =
That’s all right!
79 Just kidding. Chỉ đùa thôi
80 Enjoy your meal! Ăn ngon miệng nhá!
81 No, not a bit. Không chẳng có gì
82 Nothing particular! Không có gì đặc biệt cả
83 After you. Bạn trước đi
Have I got your word on Tôi có nên tin vào lời
84 that? hứa của anh không?
85 The same as usual! Giống như mọi khi
86 Almost! Gần xong rồi
87 You‘ll have to step on it. Bạn phải đi ngay
88 I’m in a hurry. Tôi đang bận
What the hell is going Chuyện quái quỷ gì
89 on? đang diễn ra vậy?
90 Sorry for bothering! Xin lỗi vì đã làm phiền
Give me a certain time! Cho mình thêm thời
91 gian
It’s a kind of once-in- Cơ hội ngàn năm có
92 life! một
Out of sight, out of Xa mặt cách lòng
93 mind!
94 The God knows! Chúa mới biết được
Women love through Con gái yêu bằng tai,
95 ears, while men love con trai yêu bằng mắt.
through eyes!
Poor you/me/him/her…! Tội nghiệp bạn / tôi /
96 hắn / cô ấy quá
97 Go away! Cút đi
Let me see. Để tôi xem đã / Để tôi
98 suy nghĩ đã
None your business. Không phải việc của
99 bạn.
100 Mark my words! Nhớ lời tao đó!
Bài đọc:

today i'm gonna talk about

free time this is a good topic
because everyone enjoys having free time
i love having free time and you
probably do too so first
let's talk about how much free time
people have most children have
more free time than adults
when you're a kid you don't have the
that an adult has adults have to work
pay the bills and take care of their

kids usually don't have to do these


kids usually have to go to school

and do homework this can be difficult

but it's usually not that difficult

so children have more free time

when i was a kid i had a lot of free

i got home from school around 2

or 3 p.m and after that

i played a lot on weekdays

from monday to friday i probably

had around four or five hours of free


each day sometimes i got bored

because i had so much free time

but as i got older i had more homework

each year so each year i had

a little less free time i didn't have

too much homework though in the us

we don't get that much homework in some

other countries children have a lot of


i'm glad that my school work wasn't

very hard on weekends i had

even more free time on saturday
and sunday i did many activities
weekends were the best because i had
all day to play and rest i really liked
weekends and i still do now that i'm an
i don't have a lot of free time i have
to work
and do many other things i usually
start working early like at 7 00 am
or 7 30 am so
i have to wake up around 6am
when i was a kid i slept more
i usually slept for eight hours every
as an adult i don't sleep eight hours
every night i
usually get seven hours or seven and a
hours of sleep how about you
how many hours of sleep do you get
so after i finish work i have some
free time in the evening however
i usually do some extra work or
studying during this time i have to make

these youtube videos and instagram

and i also study foreign languages
at night i have some free time to
just relax my wife and i
spend the evenings together and enjoy
this time
okay now let's talk about some popular
activities that people do in their free
for example many people like to play
sports or exercise in their free time
when i was a kid i played a lot of
i played basketball baseball tennis
soccer football and golf i
really liked playing sports in my free
but as an adult i don't play
any sports i'm not very interested
in playing sports nowadays however
i exercise in my free time i work
out almost every day but just for a
short time
other people spend a lot of time
so another activity that people do in
their free
time is watch tv shows and movies
many people do this in their free time
i know some people who watch many hours
of tv
every day i don't watch a lot of tv
or movies i really like playing
games in my free time i play chess
online but i'm not very good
i also like playing board games with my
we play games like katan and
codenames do you like playing board
one last activity that most people do
in their free time is surf the internet
this is probably the most common
activity that people do
i spend a lot of time on the internet
some days i spend too much time on the
it's not good to spend all day inside
on the computer we should try to go
outside and do other activities
too but the internet is very
entertaining so it's easy to spend
many hours surfing the web okay
now i'm gonna ask you some questions
about the video
to see if you understood write your
in a comment down below number one
what time did i get home from school
when i was a kid number two how many
hours do i sleep each night number three
what game do i like playing online

 Sản phẩm

 Câu hỏi thường gặp

 Điều khoản

 Hướng dẫn sử dụng

 Hướng dẫn thanh toán

 Chính sách chuyển đổi, hoàn huỷ

 Công ty

 Tuyển dụng

 Liên hệ

 Blogs

 Bảo mật
Kết nối với chúng tôi
Tải App miễn phí tại

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