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Feasibility of California going 100% Renewable Energy

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The Feasibility of Using Renewable Energy in California to Discard the Demand for

Fossil Fuels


Over the years, the concept of reducing environmental pollution through convenient

energy production has significantly influenced the energy production industry. For this

reason, there are crucial factors governing a global urgency in reducing the influences of

fossil dependency for consumption. Accordingly, the goal of addressing the implications of

fossil fuel production at different stages of production also offers a qualitative role in

effective imports. Today, the world features relative stages of energy production stemming

from fossil fuel sources. Thus, it is not news to diverse nations that the over-reliance on fossil

fuels introduces major challenges that undermine the effective management of gas pollution.

Correspondingly, there has been a significant change in diverse months in reintroducing the

major ideas and concepts crucial for rethinking and re-inventing a new energy production

model. Thus, different approaches are put in place to define a constitutional approach to

promoting safety through attaining a cleaner, safer and better renewable energy source.

One major nation that depicts these strategic changes is California which has

harnessed the overall concept of clean energy. The nation is getting to a point where

renewable energy is understood as not only a way of providing safety but also introduces

qualitative transitions regarding energy consumption and production. Ultimately, it offers a

context for rethinking the overall system to promote efficiency and reliability. Renewable

energy is a major factor that has been in the spotlight for numerous years in the geopolitical

context. Relative to the increasing environmental issues in different contexts of national and

international generations, energy security in California has been a major factor in the

geopolitical inclusions of energy production.


An increasing global appetite is necessary for promoting successive functions to move

fossil fuels from the general wavelength of energy production. These introductions are

defined with a practical wavelength that aids in endorsing a practical scope for discerning the

categorical reasons needed to ensure efficiency in handling the challenges of hydrocarbons.

Thus, California has ignited a new establishment and role that offers an explicit way for

finding a way out of the major challenges affecting the energy production sector. One major

way the nation is characterized by massive levels and stages of renewable energy usage is

based on the increased scope of hydropower and natural gas sources from power plants.

However, the collection and usage of these sources presented time constraints and limitations

that undermined the effective harness of its full potential. Thus, the country focused on

backing down sources with negative influences instead of positive outcomes. Accordingly,

the threshold that focuses on renewable energy is necessary for dealing with the poor advent

of energy definitions.

The country accounts for significant factors based on different research analyses of

California’s role and participation in renewable energy production. For instance, in the model

of CEC (2020a), California's total renewable energy mix is 33.09%, and the intended

transition portfolio into renewables is meant to reach 60% by 2030. The 33.09% of the green

energy is equivalent to 90208GWh, while the remaining 66.11% of the power utilized is from

non-renewable sources. Different energy sources contribute to the total power share. The

percentage shares of the energy produced are categorized into biomass, geothermal, small

hydro, solar, and wind accounting for 2.97%, 5.94%, 1.82%, 15.43%, and 7.18%,

respectively (CEC, 2020b). Therefore, for a 100% transition into green energy, the

production of 33.09% needs to be tripled to account for the difference created by the non-

renewable power sources (Smith, 2019). A bill has initiated the transition strategy into

California's 100% renewable energy sources (Wartsila, 2021). The bill charts the strategy to

facilitate the 100% transition into renewable energy. Summaries from the report reveal that

California must triple the electricity grid's current capacity. The state will need to expand its

capacity to generate clean energy at a high rate within 25 years (Roberts, 2015). The

constructed energy generation capacity will surpass the existing record of 1 GW of utility

solar, and the current 300 megawatts (MW) implemented within the past decade (CEC,

2021). The bill also states that the usage in the public health sectors and other areas should

also transition into implementing green energy that is free from carbon generation.

Accordingly, the increasing scope of sustainable drop in different energy forms is an

alarming factor that denotes the progressive chance of replacing fossil fuel usage. The

feasibility of diverse renewable energy source factors in a collaborative wavelength is crucial

for ensuring effective combustion of engines to address the increasing urgency in California.

The increasing power crises in California since August 2020 paved the way for the

development of major questions governing the reliability of using renewable energy sources

over fossil fuels. However, the state’s grid encompasses a progressive factor that offers a

100% threshold for using clean energy in different operations in diverse fields. The following

report focuses on depicting the efficacy and feasibility governing the usage of clean,

renewable energy in different constitutional elements of biogas, hydrogen and electricity that

focus on different solutions. The integration, as mentioned above, shows that it is strategical

to switch from fossil fuels to endorse the panoply of numerous solutions provided through

renewable energy sources. The booming energy sources in California indicate a qualitative

role needed to integrate a major threshold for increasing power plants to provide alternative

and ever-increasing energy demand.

The following analysis integrates the different demands and aspects governing the

endorsement of renewable energy functions to promote efficiency. The paper demonstrates

the diverse positive implications and barriers associated with renewable energy sources to

establish its feasibility in different formulations. Notably, the general wavelength offers

convenience tailored to meet the major plans of hydropower models needed to make

renewable energy sources. In each construction, it is possible to decipher the instantaneous

factors crucial for improving the general scope of effective discernment of the feasibility of

clean energy.

Literature Review

California features an embodiment of a historic milestone governing the inclusion and

integration of clean energy. The nation harnesses different forms of energy needed to offer a

progressive wavelength that provides convenience and standards of increasing clean energy

acquisition. Ultimately, the collaboration of the varying sources offers a context for

increasing the renewable energy and electricity that accounts for 104% of consumer demand

(Bukhary et al., 2018). The demand outweighs the general record of 99.9% of energy

consumption on a different basis to cater to an effective endorsement of clean energy

production. The different constitutions of energy experts defined a failing record associated

with fossil fuel usage in California relative to the remarkable progress attained using

renewable energy sources (Rinaldi et al., 2021). However, despite the falling record of fossil

fuels, the complete elimination from the picture demands an elaborate scope that ensures

reliability and efficiency to cater to a country’s needs.

The California desert is estimated to extend over a large area, and implementing solar

panels is a more feasible plan. According to Abido et al. (2022), another renewable energy

plan is the desert conservation plan that California can use to provide eleven percent of the

state energy from harvesting solar energy. According to this project, the deserts around and in

California have the highest amounts of sunshine and heat energy; hence harvesting solar

energy from these deserts is expected to provide the highest solar energy. Although the states

have some other micro-plans, such as installing solar panels in residential areas through

collaboration with homeowners, the initiative has not yet picked a phase.

Abido et al. (2022) state resistance from residents who think solar energy is highly

unreliable during winter. Additionally, Abido et al. (2022) state that solar intensity is always

at a minimum during the night, reducing the amount of power expected to be produced from

the solar panel cells. Therefore, electricity connection as it is currently is considered the best

option. Denholm and Margolis (2018) explain that such resistances and challenges will likely

delay progress in the 2050 renewable energy transition. The challenges are considered an

impediment to the project, making it seem not feasible despite it being an ambitious plan.

California has a storage problem with the power it delivers, which impedes its 100%

transition (Colbertaldo et al., 2019). The development of the Reclamation Act of 1902 that

created the federal power act permitted states to build their energy policies plants and

strategize to provide energy to their residents. The numerous strategies offer a constitutional

channel that handles the different aspects of energy production. Since 1994, California has

constructed several dams, including the Shasta dam, to produce more renewable energy for

industrial and domestic use. These constructions demonstrate that the full embrace of these

forms of energy is feasible in the constructional scope. The Pacific Ring of Fire, where

California generates most of its geothermal power, is stated to have the capacity to produce

more, but the state has yet to implement the plan. The creation of more power has resulted in

overproduction with less storage capacity. For instance, in 2017, it produced much solar

energy but sold it to Arizona to purchase fuel it could store due to its lack of storage capacity.

Raugei et al. (2020) state that the renewable energy goals by 2045 for California are

unachievable and need many innovations in storage mechanisms.


Diverse research studies looking at the general construction of California in energy

production portray natural gas production in different association thresholds. Based on XXX

research analysis, California's attainment of a carbon-free world by 2045 is associated with

several decades defined with natural production. The analysis indicates a major construction

that portrays a progressive role for power plan establishment, which can operate under

varying circumstances of energy production.

According to Sinai et al.'s (2020) predictions, southern California's renewable energy

will stabilize by 2055. Although California produces the highest amount of renewable energy

of all US states, the endorsement of major biomass production of its resources to produce

amounts that will fully sustain the states is low, and other alternatives need consideration.

However, the effective implementation and development of clear and practical establishments

can pave the way for improved clean energy production. By 2020, Hess and Lee (2020)

explain that 52.9% of California's renewable energy came from renewable sources. However,

Hopkins et al. (2018) argue that the state seems to stagnate, almost as if it has reached a

saturation level of its resources. The general stagnation is based on the subsequent demand

for fossil fuels as an alternative to counter the influence of environmental pollution. SB350

mandates that 50% of electric utilities should be from renewable energy and 100% of it by

2045. Hydroelectric power in California comes from dams and water reservoirs harvesting

water from rainfalls. Conventional droughts challenge conventional hydroelectric energy that

this state has experienced in the last decade. For example, in 2017, hydroelectric power was

reduced from 21% to 14%, affecting California's projected renewable energy supply. The

reduction signifies an impact on the plan to transition into 100% renewables by 2050.

According to diverse research foundations, California is defined by an underlying

influence of renewable forms of energy. However, numerous authors record that the complete

ditching of fossil fuels is impossible due to the demand for quality time. Notably, the

constitutional wavelength of the different processes of the rampant use of renewable energy

sources is categorized with the states’ engagement in carbon-free electricity inclusion. Long

et al. (2021) cites that the development of California sources of energy work based on

constitutional models that offer huge amounts of energy. According to the analytical basis,

the research context showcases that the high coverage of at least 90 percent of the clean grid

demonstrates the effective engagement with the increased storage constitution. The diverse

energy storage sources are also the threshold through which different constitutions of

California’s attainment of much harder development.

Long et al. (2021) argues that the inclusion of different bases for improving the

nation's energy sources is defined by categorical factors that need new technologies.

However, it can attain clean energy production, which requires a structural scope for making

profound projects crucial for eliminating fossil fuels. The energy storage functions in the

energy production industry require major sources that can fully embrace renewable energy

sources and erase fossil fuels. According to this establishment, it is practical to endorse a

major model of electricity production for different establishments that can offer reliability

and convenience.

However, Martinot (2016) showcases significant policies established to ensure

qualitative methods to move forward with renewable energy consumption. California is

identified as an international leader in the address of greenhouse gas pollution that threatens

the population. Thus, the endorsement of significant aspects of increasing the diverse

electricity factors aid in addressing the major economic and social population categories for

different roles. These definitions offer a constitutional model that depicts effective energy

production and consumption management. Increasing the major aspects governing energy

consumption is attributed to the rapid clean energy integration through renewable energy


Importantly, California's general basis of energy production is defined with a fresh

push urgency associated with state regulations. According to various contexts of California’s

energy production, the development of the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has

provided a major model that focuses on procurement orders needed to achieve clean

resources (Colbertaldo et al., 2019). Developing a new preferred system plans an institutional

basis that works with increasing power systems tailored to deal with environmental pollution.

The prospect of the full embrace of renewable energy sources showcases the development of

general aims of reducing greenhouse gas emissions that can affect the major context or

wavelength of energy development of each constitution. The gas emissions offer a

constructive scope based on power generation in the future generation.

According to different policymakers, the context of using renewable energy sources in

California is defined by the rapid portfolios that secure a future of clean energy production.

Also, the threshold governs a constitutional wavelength needed to handle the resource

portfolios of each threshold. Accordingly, the general scenario of resource portfolios offers a

channel for addressing the key concepts of a clean energy grid. The development of these

scenarios and sensitivities are aligned with reliability features. For instance, Simon (2020)

discerns that reliability works based on a modernized approach and wavelength crucial for

promoting reliability and matching the clean energy features. Accordingly, the illuminative

construction of each model of the energy production scope offers a basis for institutional

constructions defined by qualitative portfolios of energy production and consumption at a low

cost. The low cost is an illumination of the convenience in California for different roles and


According to the research studies magnified by Colbertaldo et al. (2019) California

features a salient factor that provides effective clean energy buildout. The suggestion is a

basis for the effective trailblazing of clean energy production that can achieve the annual goal

of 2030 clean energy production. The development of performance reliability offers a

functional wavelength that describes the different research portfolios under the key stressors

of efficiency. California has undergone a significant regulatory hoop crucial for benefiting

from the general construction and security of renewable energy functions. Economists argue

that California can achieve the general goal of ramping renewable energy within different

unprecedented production rates.

Furthermore, the solar and wind projects portray a crucial segment that works with the

faster acknowledgment of the energy production factor. The diverse elected officials are

defined by institutional roles and functions guaranteeing a state’s clean energy constitution

(Colbertaldo et al., 2019). The nation’s embrace and development of policies highlight the

major models of promoting clean energy deployment and acceleration of the generation

factors of gas availability. Each inclusion's general reliability is relative to its functions in

generation dependence, regional electricity management and coordination that fosters an

effective association with neighboring states.


Based on the findings of the reviewed literature, it is feasible to rely on renewable

energy sources since the major embodiment of the nation’s population prospect by 2030 is

85% within the electricity grid. However, the achievement of this objective is based on the

inclusion of a different mix of renewable energy that can provide a flexible demand, trade

and a suitable platform for the existence of different power plants. Including different signs

of progress of multiple build-out future conditions can offer effective efficiency and

reliability to promote a reliable grid for clean energy usage.


The research methodology incorporated in this study builds on the endorsement of varying

concepts of the operational feasibility of using clean electricity target of 100% in 2030. The

report incorporates varying reports on diverse basis to offer a structural involvement and

study of the major aspects needed to define the general threshold of capacity expansion to

assess the performance of clean electricity. The use of the renewable energy report is

structured based on different portfolios of electricity consumption in diverse threshold across

all weather-years. The report builds on the assessment of the varying performance on clean

electricity to define the cost modelling, stress-testing and multiple operative conditions to

counter differences in different threshold of engagement.

Data Source

The data used to support the research study were obtained from the California Energy

Commission database and operational energy feasibility report. The secondary research

strategy was selected because of the vast data available and the reduced cost incurred (Sherif,

2018). The query parameters, including "California Clean Energy Portfolios" and "Clean

Electricity Generation,” were used to search the database. The findings were then organized

according to the year of the data entered in the tables. The arrangement based on the study

year facilitates filtering data based on the required years. The materials selected contained

data that had been keyed in since 2016. The inclusion criteria involve selecting each

renewable energy based on their production in-state, the importation from out of the state,

and the changes that occurred each year.


The first data type for supporting or disputing the developed hypothesis are those

reporting the impact or state of using the renewable energy source in the worst situations to

discern its feasibility in California.

Figure 1: California Worst Hour Power Analysis


According to the analysis of the reliability of clean energy in California, the Figure illustrates

the diverse cases of how clean energy can perform to determine its feasibility. In figure 1

above, when California decides to rely solely on renewable energy, 85% of clean electricity

can serve the nation under stressful conditions. California has endured recent major threats,

namely power outages, which makes it crucial to prioritize the feasibility of the complete

clean energy transition. Evaluating the future power generation systems under overwhelming

instances is a major factor in discerning the reliability. The figure above indicates that the

nation can move faster while maintaining the energy supply. As illustrated in figure 1, under

all stressors, the nation features a satiable power source that serves the demand, including

worst-hour scenarios within the grid. This demonstration is inclusive of the nation's state

when there is a retirement of the gas capacity of fossil fuels by 2030. When there are limited

or no stressors, the figure illustrates that the availability of 85% clean electricity can serve the

nation throughout the eight historical weather years. However, the other 15% accounts for in-

state gas imports. Therefore, the nation features an adequate renewable power source that can

meet numerous power demands and adequate energy reserves to supplement production at the

lowest levels.

Figure 2: Clean Electricity Reliability



Figure 2 illustrates the feasibility of clean electricity by reviewing the utility-scale solar

capacity. The figure indicates that California stands a chance of hitting a reliable 85% energy

use by 2030. Notably, the increased rate of resource diversity, demand flexibility, and

effective coordination is the foundation for addressing the stressful conditions of energy

supply alongside retiring the fossil fuel capacity by 2030.

Figure 3: Electricity Generation in California


Figure 3 is an illumination of the equitable grid of the future of California through the full

embrace of clean electricity. Clean electricity offers a threshold for the empowerment of the

transition based on the creation of markets. Electricity generation offers a viable, clean

energy model that can help in retiring natural gas. The transition will help in increasing the

community resiliency, economic benefits, and sample crucial factors crucial for increasing

the selection of effective investments.

Table 1

RPS Clean Minimum Gas California Gas Wind and

Electricity Margin (GW) Margin
Solar Events


WECC 75 2 86 2 7.8 7.4 22 20 10

Gas 75 2 86 2 8.0 7.6 20 21 11

Low 75 2 87 2 (1.3) (1.6) 8 12 13
Multiple 75 2 86 2 4.4 1.8 20 22 10
Joint 75 2 88 3 (6.0) (8.4) 22 20 12
Diversity of Renewable Energy Resources

WECC 74 2 87 2 9.2 8.7 22 12 13 7

Gas 74 2 86 2 (0.4) (0.7) 20 20 10 4
Low 78 4 88 4 8.0 7.7 8 17 12 5
Multiple 74 2 86 2 5.0 20 8 10 4
Load 3.1
Joint 76 3 87 3 (5.2) (7.4) 22 22 11 5
Electricity Consumption Portfolio

WECC 76 2 86 2 4.9 4.1 22 21 10 4

Gas 76 2 86 2 (4.0) (4.9) 20 16 10 4
Low 76 2 2 4.1 2.8 8 20 10 4
Multiple 76 2 2 3.0 0.8 20 21 13 7



Joint 76 2 2 (6.6) (9.4) 22 18 12 6




According to the examination of the reliability of embracing fully renewable energy

sources in California, different portfolios empower the procurement process. The key

stressors of the research studies indicate increased reliability and efficiency throughout

diverse regulatory hoops of energy production. The technical study of the figures and tables

above indicates multiple scenarios demonstrating a natural gas capacity retirement of 11.5

gigawatts (GW). Beyond the surface scope of the companion policy of California, there is an

increasing recommendation of retiring gas to offer effective accommodation to disadvantaged

communities by 2030 (Diesendorf & Elliston, 2018). Ultimately, the threshold is an overview

of the effectiveness of reducing the state’s reliance on natural gas or fossil fuels. The

increasing aspects of stalling the efforts of the retirement of gas are based on the poor models

of environmental justice needed to ascertain the reliability of clean electrical energy.

According to the following study, the major finding portrayed is that California can

effectively achieve 85% of clean energy standards by endorsing diverse resource pathways.

Also, the resources are based on the focus on wind and solar energy alongside battery storage

(Moriarty & Honnery, 2020). The overall finding based on the diverse portfolios of

renewable energy sources according to the analysis of the sensitivities is modeled to improve

the clean power system. There is a reliable ability to serve the nation, as demonstrated in

Table 1. According to the presentation in the table, the diverse metrics present the varying

weather yeas that feature reliability. Despite the disparities in the annual attainment and the

effectiveness of renewable energy sources in the threshold, which defines the minimal

models. The metric of the figures in the table indicates that California’s dependence on

renewable energy sources is feasible given the low rate of differences in the margin

(Pursiheimo et al., 2017). The research metric with minimal variation is the natural gas

margin which defines the in-state gas capacity. However, this dependence is associated with

economic imports and is a crucial part of the in-state gas dispatch. Across the different forms

of the sensitivities, the overall minimum gas demand across the table is positive. This result

indicates that California can sustain clean electrical energy even in a negative situation

associated with the gas margin (Narayanan et al., 2019). Ultimately, the positive range

accrues rom the reserve margin, which translates to the potential availability of energy

throughout California’s regions.

Another find portrayed in the table is the aspect of different clean resources stemming

from a range of geothermal, wind, or offshore. These resources indicate that the usage of

renewable energy sources can survive through the reduction of storage demands and

increased solar levels. Achieving these demands contributes to the effective embrace of the

clean electricity goal (Aghahosseini et al., 2019). The report indicates that there will be an

increasingly helpful scope of electrification relative to higher electricity consumption levels.

Ultimately, the nation can benefit from the increased dependence on gas sources from

neighboring states leading to a reduced need for inverter-based needs. Thus, the following

analysis indicates that integrating an 85% to 100% clean energy system can serve California

through increased operation at high storage, solar, and wind power shares (Narayanan et al.,


However, the challenge of resource diversity as an option of integrating clean energy

reduces the increment of the solar build establishment for various requirements. The general

process is defined with a resource mix requiring a general advent for building the solar

transmissions to hit the clean electricity objective. The explicit involvement of diverse clean

energy resources demands a model that aligns with the clean electricity goal of compensating

for the loss of fossil fuel. As a result, instances that have limited resource diversity can

experience instances of poor role in accountability, creating uncertainties on the feasibility of

100% renewable energy sources usage in California. Thus, developing an effective portfolio

and a planning tool that accounts for these differences is crucial to handling the nature of

renewable energy sources' diversity.

Another finding from the review indicates that California can retain a large amount of

gas fleet through the spare generation to sufficiently serve the nation during the full

transition. The nation can target a large framework of existing workers in different states

based on different establishments of sensitive units to serve the overall load (Long et al.,

2021). The retirement of environmental justice can offer a crucial unit for organizing diverse

association units. Accordingly, numerous cases of gas unit removal underserved the nation

through the stress testing sensitivities to discern its reliability. Cross-referencing the units

against renewable energy usage demands the development of retirement alternatives to help

navigate the effective usage of resources (Colbertaldo et al., 2019). Also, the effective plat

utilization demand is an illumination of the proper models of ensuring resource adequacy and

adherence to the various programs for dealing with the increased demands of gas generators.

The following plans indicate that resource adequacy can ensure effective development and

reliable strategic purposes at different thresholds.

Resource diversity in the supply of geothermal, solar, or offshore resources determines

the efficiency attained with fully renewable energy. The full establishment of each process

indicates a process that offers an appropriate wavelength needed to attain crucial insights to

benefit the energy distribution. The technical analysis of the review indicates that clean

energy paves the way for increased instances of complementary profiles needed to effectively

balance the grid. The findings also suggest that power reserves will be availed across

different segments of the nation’s regions relative to the energy needs.

Renewable energy production in California has been happening since 1887 when several

hydro-electrical power plants were constructed. Plans to transition into 100% renewable

energy by 2050 are underway.


Finally, California can go 100% into renewable energy since the nation features a

system that ensures reliability throughout the power generation process despite the retirement

of fossil fuel sources like coal (Clack et al., 2019). In the table above, the median and sparsity

governing gas retirement indicate that the nation can implement the investment by replacing

fossil fuels with clean electricity. The portfolio, however, indicates that there will be a drastic

demand for accessing the economic imports as a crucial source of power in the nation. The

increased climate goals or the worsening economic impacts of fossil fuel products, namely

coal, indicate a clear objective that ensures the nation works towards the achievement of this

objective (Papaefthymiou & Dragoon, 2016). The announcement of the fossil fuel retirement

will also work on this threshold to ensure a crucial providence of clean electricity in

California. Thus, replacing the energy source or fleet with alternative clean energy featuring

solar and storage aspects is a reliable move that will be sufficient throughout the nation’s

operations. The energy portfolio developed indicates a crucial source for establishing the

relevant aspects of clean electricity, making the project of California’s objective of going

100% renewable energy a feasible investment.


As mentioned above, adopting clean energy to go 100% renewable energy in

California is feasible since it can hit 85% of the process without increased risk of outages

within the 100% grid. Based on the diverse state regulations of the nation, the engagement of

elected officials in designing suitable policies and portfolios can give an appropriate

overview of defining the appropriate model of accelerating clean energy deployment.

Accordingly, the nation can rely on renewable energy sources due to the future demand for

clean energy and the elimination of carbon emissions throughout the nation. The progress

achieved by developing these policies is evidenced by the overwhelming dependence on gas

generation, poor electricity trading, poor resource demand, and inappropriate coordination

with the neighboring states. The full employment of clean energy guarantees a successful

business model throughout diverse sectors.

Ultimately, the feasibility of renewable energy sources is defined within the nation

based on the objective of reducing emissions by 2045. The following report indicates that

squeezing out the various forms of emissions from fossil fuels relative to power generation

will offer scope for promoting affordability and reliability through a clean power supply.

Thus, the sole reliance on renewable energy is an ambitious but achievable investment in the

order of the nation’s demand for gas and objective from the fleet cloud. Accordingly, the

process is associated with high rates of improved effectiveness based on reduced transmission

costs and limited demand for land areas. The record of the resilience is defined within the

threshold of reducing infrastructure needs by 2045 to be in line with the clean energy

requirements. Overall, the study indicates that the sole adoption of renewable energy sources

indicates that California can achieve the general objectives in different stages of participation.

Importantly, the nation’s acceleration of clean energy is a platform that constitutes

major opportunities to improve transformations. For instance, the report indicates that the

85% attainment of clean energy production in the industry defines the major standards and

aspects of improving livelihood due to the reliability associated with the energy sources. The

investment is feasible since it provides numerous challenges that ensure the nation’s light is

on to address the issues. These issues concern how to develop new infrastructure, unlock

distributed resources among electricity consumers, and discern the concepts involving new

resources, namely batteries, as power sources. However, despite the sole embrace of

renewable energy sources being feasible, the acceleration of clean energy can present

incredible opportunities only when smarter planning is included. The concept of fighting

climate change, air improvement, and adopting new models of addressing issues affecting

disadvantaged communities offers a threshold for creating different instances of technological


flourish. Therefore, introducing suitable factors that support the effective performance of

clean energy production in California is crucial to ensuring feasibility maintenance.


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