SP23 BCS 061 3 (A)

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Aitzaz Ahmed.
M.Yousaf Mushtaq.
Communication Skills

Q#1: Cover Letter.

Subject: Application for the Position of Senior
Software Engineer
Dear Hiring Manager,
I am writing to express my interest in the Senior
Software Engineer position at Avanza Solutions, as
advertised. I am a BCS degree holder in Computer
Science with over 3 years of experience in JAVA,
and I believe that my strong analytical and
problem-solving skills make me an excellent fit for
this role.
During my previous role at Microsoft, I was
responsible for designing, developing, and
deploying large-scale enterprise applications. My
experience there has equipped me with a
multitude of skills, and I am confident in my ability
to produce high-quality code that not only meets
but exceeds the expectations of your team.
In addition to my technical skills, I possess
excellent written and verbal communication skills,
which I believe are crucial for effective team
collaboration and client interaction. I am excited
about the possibility of bringing these skills to
Avanza Solutions, where I could contribute to your
ongoing expansion plans and work with your team
of professionals.
The opportunity to work with Avanza Solutions is
thrilling, and I would love to contribute to your
team's success while learning and growing in a
professional working environment. The possibility
of international exposure and the competitive
salary and benefits you offer make this
opportunity even more appealing.
I have attached my updated resume for your
review. I look forward to the possibility of
discussing my application with you further. I am
ready for any immediate postings in Karachi,
Lahore, or Dubai.
Thank you for considering my application. I look
forward to the possibility of contributing to Avanza
Best Regards,
Muhammad Aitzaz Ahmed
Q#2: Give Speech on 500 Words.
Topic: Importance of Reading Books.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good afternoon! Today, I would like to talk about a
topic that is near and dear to my heart - the
importance of reading books.
Books have been a source of knowledge, wisdom,
and entertainment for centuries. They have the
power to transport us to different worlds,
introduce us to new ideas, and challenge our
perceptions. Reading is not just a hobby, it's a
journey of discovery, a journey that enriches our
minds and souls.
In this digital age, where information is readily
available at our fingertips, one might question the
relevance of books. However, I firmly believe that
books hold a unique place in our lives that cannot
be replaced by any other medium.
Firstly, reading books improves our cognitive
abilities. It enhances our vocabulary, improves our
comprehension skills, and stimulates our
imagination. When we read, we are not just
passively consuming information, but actively
engaging our minds. We are forced to think, to
question, to analyze, and to reflect. This mental
workout not only sharpens our minds but also
fosters creativity.
Secondly, books are a treasure trove of knowledge.
They provide us with insights into different
cultures, historical events, scientific discoveries,
and philosophical ideologies. Reading broadens
our horizons and deepens our understanding of
the world. It makes us more empathetic as we
learn about different perspectives and
Moreover, books are our best companions in
solitude. They offer comfort, solace, and wisdom in
times of need. They make us laugh, cry, think, and
dream. They inspire us, motivate us, and challenge
us. They are our silent mentors, guiding us through
the complexities of life.
However, the benefits of reading are not just
limited to personal growth. Reading also has a
profound impact on our social interactions. It
fosters empathy, understanding, and tolerance. It
helps us to communicate effectively, to articulate
our thoughts clearly, and to listen attentively. It
makes us better listeners, better speakers, and
better human beings.
In conclusion, reading books is not just an activity,
it's a lifestyle. It's a commitment to lifelong
learning, to personal growth, and to social
harmony. So, let's embrace the joy of reading. Let's
explore new worlds, discover new ideas, and
challenge our perceptions. Let's embark on this
exciting journey of discovery and growth.
Thank you for your attention.
Q#3: The important factors to write a business
Certainly! Writing a business report requires a
structured approach and attention to detail. Here
are the important factors to consider:
*1. Purpose and Objective:*
- Clearly define the *purpose* of the report.
- Identify the *primary objectives* and what
the report should achieve.
*2. Understanding the Audience:*
- Know your *target audience* and tailor the
content to their level of understanding.
- Consider what the audience needs to know
and how they will use the information.
*3. Research and Data Collection:*
- Gather *accurate and relevant data* to
support your findings.
- Use reliable sources and *cite them properly*.
*4. Structure and Organization:*
- Follow a *logical structure* with a clear
introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Use headings and subheadings to organize
content and make it easier to navigate.
*5. Clarity and Language:*
- Use *clear and concise language*.
- Avoid jargon unless it's common knowledge
for the audience.
*6. Analysis and Interpretation:*
- Analyze the data and provide *insightful
- Discuss the implications of the findings.
*7. Recommendations and Action Plans:*
- Provide *practical recommendations* based
on the analysis.
- Suggest an *action plan* with clear steps and
*8. Visual Aids:*
- Include charts, graphs, and tables to *visually
represent data*.
- Ensure that all visual aids are *clearly
labeled* and referenced in the text.
*9. Executive Summary:*
- Write an *executive summary* that provides a
brief overview of the report's contents.
- The summary should be understandable even
without reading the full report.
*10. Review and Edit:*
- *Review* the report for accuracy, clarity, and
- *Edit* for grammar, punctuation, and style
*11. Formatting and Presentation:*
- Follow any specific *formatting guidelines*
- Ensure the report is *professionally
presented* and easy to read.
*12. Appendices and References:*
- Include any *additional material* in the
- Provide a *list of references* for all cited
Remember, a well-written business report can
influence decisions and drive business success.
It's important to invest time in planning, writing,
and reviewing to ensure the report is effective
and professional.
Q#4: Find and correct the errors in the following
Hello Professor Smith,
I'm sorry to inform you that I'm sick and will not
be able to attend class today. I look forward to
seeing you on Wednesday.
Best regards,
Q#5: Passage.
Here are the answers of the passage:

1. The most appropriate title for the passage could

be "*Perceptions of Extravagance and Frugality*".

2. According to the passage, a person who is a

successful businessman and wealthy is expected to
lead a luxurious life and be generous with his
hospitality. If he is not, he is considered mean, and
his reputation in business may even suffer as a

3. The phrase 'lavish with his hospitality' means to

be very generous and extravagant, especially in
terms of entertaining guests or providing for their

4. The word 'paradox' in this context refers to a

situation or statement that appears impossible or
contradictory but is actually true or possible. In the
passage, it refers to the contradiction that if a
wealthy person had not been careful with his
money in the first place, he would never have
achieved his present wealth.

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